Page Two Summer Nebraskan Tuesday, July 2, 1963 New Scholarships Awarded to Four Four entering freshmen at the University of Nebraska who ranked among the top 100 of Nebraska's 1963 grad uatlng high school seniors were announced today as the first recipients of the new. ,ly established Hawksworth Scholarships. . ' Tied to the four-year Re gents Scholarships, the awards will give these under graduate students more than $4,000 for their four years of study in the College of Engi neering and Architecture: David Hood of Ch&dron, a member of the second team of the 1963 Regents' All-State Team. James C. Johnson of Omaha, a 1963 graduate of Westside High School. Robert E. Kapustka of Elyria, a graduate of Ord High School. Frank T. Surber of Oma ha, a 1963 graduate of Creigh ton Prep, he is a first-team member of the Regents' All State Team. , The Scholarships are sup ported from the income of a $380,000 fund, bequeathed to the University of Nebraska Foundation by the estate of David W. Hawksworth of Birmingham, Mich. A 1897 alumnus of the electrical en gineering department. Mr. Hawksworth was a native of Burlington, la., and a former resident of Plattsmouth. His will stipulated that the interest from the fund be used to support scholarships for the "benefit of deserving students" in the College of Engineering and Architec ture. According to Prof. James Blackman, assistant dean of the College, the four fresh man Hawksworth Scholars will each receive $500 the first year, $750 the second year, and $1,000 daring both their junior and senior years. In addition, they will re ceive $204 per year as Re gents Scholars. JULY 4th SPECIAL ((11 week Use I GRILLED HAM STEAK wHh H puis rim, whipped xMatoei, fresh I I (anua ana Mt mn I .150 NEW . , Vt Mock mt fl- J LHf INN I FAST DEPENDABLE ONE DAY Laundry and Cleaning LAUNDRY AND CLEANERS 10 CASH & CARRY 239 N. 14th HE 25262 RELIABLE SEWING STORE GIVEAWAY CONTEST GRAND PRIZE RICCAR-DELUXE Sewing Machine Complete with Cabinet PLUS R1CCAR SEWING MACHINES To Selected Participant! Choice of Models 192 or 292 Cabinet not Included Selected participant will be required to purchase in Inex pensive cabinet to contain their machine. Pill In the ragtitrarlon slip and mail to our office. tiiiiiimiinnu , Reliable Sowing Start i 230 Nor 10i J Li neon, tfcbaska J Gentlemen: J I would like to win the Rlccar-Deluxe tewing- J , machine. I do ( ) do not ( ) own tewing machine. i Name Addresi f Cltr JULY SPECIAL ... For NU Students with ID. Sowing Machine Rental Per Month J-School To Host Journalism Meet The first national conven - tion of the nation's leading journalistm educators ever held in Nebraska has been scheduled at the University of Nebrasua Aug. 25th through the 29th. Dr. William E. Hall, direct or of the University of Ne braska School of Journalism and official host, said today more than 225 of the leading educational policy makers, their families and 50 nation ally known professional jour nalist guests will assemble at the Nebraska Center for Con tinuing Education. Dr. Hall said it will be the occasion for the maiden speech of Lee Loevinger, the newest Kennedy appointee to the Federal Communications Commission. Loevinger is the first man with professional experience in the broadcast field ever to be appointed to the Commis sion. His speech on August 26 is expected to make clear the position he will take in FCC policy, unaer neavy broadcast media attack for several years. Dr. Hall said the accept ance of Nebraska for the as sembly by the Association for Education in Journalism (AEJ) is an "out and out coup" for the state. "These men are opinion makers and moulders, through their students, of the first or der," he said. "The profes sional guests are some of the most influential men in news Studies in Progress For NU Expansion Many studies for the Uni versity's physical expansion are going on all the time, said C. A. Donaldson, Uni versity Business manager. A planning committee, Clark and Ennerson, has been hired by the University. They have already drawn up an ex pansion plan for the Ag cam pus, Donalson said, and are working on one for the city campus. However, he explained, the plans are not made with spec ific buildings in mind. The buildings are put up as they are needed. There are no rig id plans because building needs change. When asked about the de sign of future buildings, Don aldson replied, "Designs fol low peoples needs. The Uni versity should have some of each style to show the Uni versity's growth." tssm Phone No. publishing and broadcasting." A number of new ideas and progress in journalism lead the assembly's agenda, including a thorough examin ation of the depth-reporting program which was respon sible in large measure for the two successive national first place Hearst awards present ed to the University of Ne braska School of Journalism Other important business includes : Examination of the cur riculum undergirding schools of communications in contrast with schools of journalism; panel led by William Porter, professor of journalism, uni versity of Michigan; Analysis of strengths and weaknesses of accreditation programs in all Schools of Journalism; panel led by Dr. I. W. Cole, dean of te School of Journalism, Northwestern University; A series of talks on South America by returning Ful bright scholars; panel led by James Markham, professor of journalism, State University of Iowa; A discussion and examin ation of educator-professional practitioner relation ships; panel led by Dr. Carl Hamilton, chairman, depart ment of journalism, State University of Iowa; Discussion of problems with new managements in all news media; panel led by Dr. Edward Barrett, dean of the Columbia Graduate School of Journalism. The ideal arrangement would be to keep all buildings of related subjects in the same general area, he said. He cited as examples the new Sheldon Art building, the speech building and the music building all being in one area as the cultural group. The logical locations for new buildings would be to the east and northeast of the present campus and in spaces within the campus, he ex plained. The University is hampered by the fact that the campus is flanked on three sides by the business district and the two railroads. However, it has been sug gested that a study be made of the possibility of putting new sororities and new fra ternities east along Hol drege Street. But, he said, the sororities and fraterni ties which are already estab lished probably won't move at all. In an earlier interview, Donaldson said that another dorm, similar in size to the Cather and Pound dormitor ies, will be built on campus next fall. The site being ex plored is across the street from Nebraska Hall's park ing lot. Because of an expected en rollment of 20,000 in the 1970's, there will be a need for about seven more such dormitories. The ideal meth od of arrangement, he said, would be to place them so they would encircle the campus. sJt 3 ,' 2 5 -. -""' NO. W X t ' V The gift of King to the Queen of llearti at a price everyone can afford. Ynll $99.95 -A 1200 "O" STRBET UtOlfcTtHtO JEWllEtll AUtniCAN (.tM OCIiTV Fraternities, Dinosaurs, EDITORS NOTE: The following story, nolhcr product' of (ho University ' depth reporting olass, deals In a col ere subject that haa treat deal of off-campus and non-studmt Interest. . The subject: fraternities and their sur vival In the are of academic empha sis. Donald Ferruson, a June grad uate of tho School of Journalism, col lected much of the Information for this story when he attended the Na tional lnterfraternlty Conference at Pittsburgh, Pa. Ferruson wan trvtnr to And out if tho recent publicity that fraternities . are ralslflf ' fhelr scholastic standards and Jnrnlnr to the traditions of their eatttcr days is true, or just so much Hp service for campus organisations which many claim are only social. By DONALD L. FERGUSON The college fraternity could be compared with the dinosaur. The dinosaur had "history, tradition, and strength, but failed to adapt to the changing environ ment. The fraternity, too, has its history, tradition and strength. But many edu tors have asked, will it be able to adapt for survival, or will it, too, become a historical footnote What type of adaptation will be necessary? Can, or is, the fraternity system taking steps to in sure its survival and live up to its principles? Or, is the fraternity a dy ing institution? Positive Influence Frank M. Hallgren, Dean of Men at the University of Nebraska, stated that, "If the fraternity system is to survive it will need to dem onstrate that it is a posi tive educational influence in the college community." Hallgren noted that to re move the problems of poor scholarship and poor citi zenship "is not enough." This, he said, only indicates that the fraternity is not a negative influence. "To demonstrate a posi tive contribution, the fra ternity system must be come a leader in the solu tion of social problems and not a defender of the stat us quo; a leader in cultur al and intellectual develop ment and not a debunker of the creative and imagina tive intellect." "I think the days of keg, combo, and collection of couples approach to social life of the fraternity is largely g o n e," indicated Earl W. Clifford, Dean of Men at Syracuse Unlvefsl-" ty, "and that in a very significant way, a prime characteristic, a principle dimension of fraternity ex perience that has evolved is not modern at all, but a return to the literary-xho-lastic origin of those organ izations." Clifford, when inter viewed at the November meeting of the National In terfraternity Conference (NIC) in Pittsburgh, noted that the first college frater nity was Phi Beta Kappa, now a scholastic honorary. Hallgren stated that while brotherhood" means a sincere feeling of friend ship, a closeness and con cern for the other person's character and social devel opment, it should also mean a concern for the intellec tual enrichment of the rest of the fraternity member ship. Intellectual Development Environment . . . Nearly all of the national college fraternities were founded, at least in part, to supplement and contribute to the intellectual develop ment of the individual. One fraternity, in its ear ly years, required regular participation in chapter room debates over current political, social and cultural topics. Phi Gamma Delta, in its national history books, in dicates that the members debated such topics as "Should a man be convicted of murder in the first degree on circumstantial evidence? and, "Is the present war with Mexico as just war on the part of the United States?" Another national fratern ity, Chi Phi, was originally patterned after a literary society. "At early meetings ( 1854 1900) members were called upon to prepare and deliv er papers, essays, poetry, and review," noted Carl Gladfelter, Chi Phi execu tive secretary. Another large national fraternity, Sigma Alpha Ep silon, according to execu tive secretary Rex Smith, had as one of its constitu tional requirements that "each member of the fra ternity chose a subject on which he had to write es says throughout his college course, for the literary meetings of the chapter." Syracuse Program Indictive of this return to scholastic and cultural stimulation and develop ment is a program cited by Dean Clifford. The residence halls at Syracuse were encouraged to bring lecturers, one-act plays, recitals, and other forms of cultural programs into the residence halls each week. This, he noted, was to supplement the original purpose of care, feeding and supervision (along with a small recreation pro gram), making the resi dence haljs into "residence educational centers." "This is the type of pro gram," noted Hallgren, "that more college fraterni ties should incorporate to live up to their principles." He added that too many chapters look upon com munity service projects as a freshman activity held once or twice each year with little or no concern for incorporating this phase of fraternity . itno a year around program. Chapters also invite fac ulty members to speak to them but often force mem bers to listen or have as their only purpose "good public relations," said Hal-gren. SUMMER SESSIONS WORSHIP SUNDAY, 9:30 A.M. University Lutheran Chapel (Lutheiuz Church-Missouri Synod) liSth & Q A. J. Norden, Campus Pastor SPECIAL STUDENT AND FACULTY DISCOUNTS BETTER QUALITY DIAMONDS WATCHES CHARGE ACCOUNTS WiLCOMI EXPERT WATCH KAUTf.WJ 1332 "O" ST. I QUALITY GREETING CARDS ; for Every Occasion ) GOLDENROD STATIONERY STORE 215 North 14th "1 ""l I 1 J "a 1"- IT- f- -H jf- llsll sa-fc mm , ,, Jit ate Is Success airy Many Inter fraternity Councils (IFC) across the country are taking steps to help their member fraterni ties to incorporate these ac tivities into their program. At the University of Ten nessee, according to the . Advsier to Fraternities, Jo seph A. Cecil, the IFC took voluntary action to correct their scholastic record. Through legislation, the IFC levied a penalty on any fraternity failing to make a ,2.0 or C average. For the first quarter of failure, the chapter will lose social priv ileges. If there is a repeat the second quarter, they add the loss of intramurals. If the deficiency continues for a third quarter, the chapter is placed on full activities probation and is suspended from the campus if the record is not im proved by the next quarter. - Initiation averages have also been raised on many campuses. In addition, IFC's have legislated re quirements on pledging. At the University of Nebraska, the IFC recently voted that no man may be pledged or participate in rush the first semester unless he was graduated in the upper half of his high school class. Many campuses such as Syracuse, have also gone to a program of "Deferred Rush". Under this type of system, no fraternity may take a pledge class of new members until after the first semester. Most cam puses have their pledging period or "rush week" just before the school year starts. Under the Syracuse program, only those stu dents who have proved scholasucally capable the first semester may be pledged. There are still the "gim mick" approaches to raise scholarship in individ ual chapters and national fra ternities national trophies, bean and steak dinners, rec ognition certificates, reduced initiation rates, and many other all in an effort to give more than lip service to the need for good scholarship. But the term "Scholarship", in the original sense, is much more than good grades, as noted by our knowledge of the early fraternity meetings. Is there, then, a new trend to comply not only with aid ing and encouraging better classroom scholarship, but to give the student these extra benefits? Forums For Ideas On many campuses, accord ing to Alpha Tau Omega na tional executive secretary Stewart Daniels, it already appears that "our chapter houses are becoming more of a forum for an exchange of ideas." "Libraries are being up graded, grants are being made from national frater nity foundations to increase library facilities all (with the purpose of) looking to ward making the fraternity a more adjunct of the in stitution." Many chapters are start ing to adopt parts of the Syracuse plan and are in corporating the idea of mak ing the fraternity a second classroom. In addition, to an astute awareness to the purpose for being In college educa tion the fraternity should never lose track of its other obligations to the Individ-, ual," said John Nolon, for mer IFC president at the University of Nebraska. What are these other obli gations? According to one national fraternity's pledge manual, the fraternity should aid in the development of good man ners; teach the democratic JEWELRY REPAIRS JEWELERS OPEN MON. THURS. NITES CONGRESS INN CANTON EESE RESTAURANT WE SPECIALIZE IN CHINESE AND AMERICAN FOODS process, instilling an under standing of the majority rule concept. Can't Avoid Work "We can teach you," stated the manual, "how to study, how to organize study; how to get maximum benfits from your professors; how to broaden your education. Do not think we can teach you how to avoid work; we can't open your head and pour it in." A fraternity, the manal ex plained, is a business which is operated by the members. One chapter cited in the man ual handles more than $75,000 yearly, operates $200,000 worth of property, buys food, supplies and furniture, has a housemother and a staff. In addition, the manual states, the fraternity should teach you to get along with people, how to dress cleanly, neatly and presentably, and how to be a gracious winner and a good loser. Many fraternity leaders, administrators, and under graduate IFC officers Indicat ed at the NIC meeting that the college fraternity can do these things for the individ ual. They also seemed to be of the general opinion that the fraternity is not a dying insti tution. If fraternities are dying, they are the healthiest corps es you ever saw," stated Joel Reynolds, a leader in the NIC. To back up his statement, he referred to the recent NIC expansion committea report which indicated that there is an immediate( need for 500 more chapters on campuses across the coun try. V Membership Rises The report also indicates that undergraduate mem bership in fraternities over the past five years has in creased from 1,578,870 to over 2,500,000. "The question of survival is still a relevant one, how ever," according to Nebras ka's Hallgren. "Many chap ters have not yet grasped the changing role of frater nity; many lack mature leadership, many lack a purpose." Richard Fletcher, execu tive secretary of Sigma Nu Fraternity, commented that fraternities will survive, the same as any human Institu tion, if it is "useful, pur poseful and alert." Fletcher continued, "We started as Fraternities, took on hotel and cafe functions, went into the club business in a big way, and are still in the club business prima rily . . . with only casual concern for hotel and cafe and little or no emphasis upon fraternity, our origi nal business." "Now the institutions are doing the h o t e 1, cafe and club business for the masses better than we can, leaving us only the fraterni ty business, a field in which happily we have no competition." "We'll survive," he con cluded, "if we're useful; we'll flourish if we're pur poseful; and will insure our future if we're alert. Our future in the sixties, as at any other time, will depend on whether or not we are in fact what we say we are." Niemano's Pizzas Steak Spaghetti Where dining it a pleasure 620 No. 48 thidrlve lnwlththatrchet JHL MCDONALD'S MENU 100 Pur Beef Hamburgers Tempting Cheesburgers Old-Fashioned Shakes Crisp Golden French Fries Thirst-Quenching Coke Delightful Root Beer Coffee As You Like It Full-Flavored Orange Drink Refreshing Cold Milk 5305 0 St. 865 No. 27 Mil H?SS 1901 West "O" St. 477-8367 i