The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, June 25, 1963, Page Page One, Image 1
n J7 0 ,i J (B (SI EH A 4-member State Depart ment team Was in Lincoln last week to explain the Ken nedy administration's foreign policy aims. TVia tam Vmlst) V.. TT inc Leant, ucaucu uv KJ . Alexis Johnson, deputy under secretary or state, appeared at a press conference Wednes day evening, and Thursday spoke to a selected group of Nebraskans during a morn ing discussion session and a noon luncheon. Summer stu dents at the University heard from the team at an after noon convocation. Other member of the brief ing team were: Daniel Mont enegro, director of the depart ment's office of public serv ices; Raymond Barett, mem ber of the Off'ce of Eastern and South African affairs; and Chester Merrow, special adviser to the Department on community relations. Summer Nebraskan report ers scheduled special inter views with the four members of the team. During the in terviews, the reporters asked the men questions relating to their specialized fields in the Department of State. U. Alexis Johnson Johnson, who as U.S. SEATO Council representa tive, has had experience sit ting across the negotiatoin ta ble from the Communist Chi nese, stated: "None can deny that Com munist China is a formidable and dark shadow. However, at the risk of over-simplification, let me say that it no longer appears as formidable or even as black as it did a few years ago. He explained that when he returned to Southeast Asia in 1958, Communist China had just announced its "Great Leap Forward." He men tioned that fear went through that area that Communist China would accomplish the Professors Comment The large number of Afri can students in this country could have an important bear ing on future relations be tween the United States and Africa, according to F. W. Houn, associate professor of political science. Houn, who specializes in the field of international relations agreed with Raymond J. Bar rett of the U.S. State Depart ment on the importance of the impressions which the stu dents, many of whom are expected to become future leaders of their countries, re ceive while studying here. In commenting on Barrett's prediction of an attempted economic boycott against the Union of South Africa, Houn pointed out that "if the trade volume between this country and South Africa is substant ial enough, difficulties will be encountered from business in terests who would oppose such a boycott." Pressures against England in regard to a boycott might not be as strong today as they would have been prior to South A f r i c a's withdrawal from the British Common wealth in 1961, Houn said. He added that economic ties could possibly cause the Eng lish to abstain from any Unit ed Nations vote on a boycott. Houn agreed with Barrett that the principle of aid to Africa is a eood one. "We can't be alone in this world, he said. irniTORS NOTE: The Mlowlnc lory l another f thm woduei for the llnlvfrllty' dfpth report ing flam in the School o J ou nul lum. Followlnf IlBeolB' iwroTl ol the roU time nwyor Bropoeal. hint Jemen, enior In the Schnol of Jour nallim, trie to And Ml who )' the deehiloBi In elcht Nebrmkn elUee. The eltiee etndle were rhwien rl marily beeamw tlwr renreeenled dillerent forme "T wemment. r modifications within on form. Thli atonr li brlns reprinted beeauen we felt that manr Nebraaka'a ao rlil stndlea teaebera mlfbt be inter ested In the fliMUncn whleh resnlted from estensle rewareh f Nebraska eltr (erernments. By LINDA JENSEN Who makes the decisions in Nebraska city govern ments? Is it the Chamber of Com merce? Is it the newspaper? Is it a political party? Is it the voter? The may or? The city council? As Lincoln voters ap proved, in November, the change to a full-time may or, it seemed appropriate In the wake of election-time chargers and counter-charges to find out, if possible, who really makes the de cisions in Nebraska cities. Seven cities, besides Lin coln, were chosen for ex amination because of their geographic locations and their types of city govern ment. A political science probe was applied to the opinions of leading citizens in Columbus, Grand Island, Hastings, Lincoln, Nebras ka City, North Platte, Oma ha nnd Scottsbluff. I- H-L l ! in ivcuiuau . . . i tj u u u vs. ml W u ibmi mm w mW miracles of economic con struction that it set as its goal, and thus, by examj iple and influence alone, over whelm those seeking to pur sure the free way. However, according to Johnson, Communist China did not accomplish those mir acles. Per canita food nroduc tion has been falling in main land China, as compared een erally with its rise in the free countries of Asia. Johnson further explained that indus' trial production lagged rath er than "leapine forward" and the rates compare very uniavoraory witn tne larger free countries such as Japan, and India, and even with some of the smaller countries. Johnson also commented that "the picture of the two stalwart eiants the Soviet Union and Communist China marching shoulder to shoul der to conquer all that lay before them also has been fading fast. Not that both of them are not still Commu nist, but they no longer pre sent that picture of shoulder- to-shoulder unity in carrying out their objectives. Their auarrels have broken into the open and are indeed deep. He added that an soviet economic, and apparent most, if not all. military as sistance to China has been stopped. Raymond Barrett The real objective of this country's foreign policy in Africia is to help the people obtain the educational train ing which they so badly need, according to Raymond J. Bar rett. Barrett said that there are over 5,000 Atncan students attending American colleges and universities. The schools themselves, church groups, and foundation have a large Dart in bnneing the students to the United States. Now the aid program is ad ministered determines its success, Houn said. He added that not being an expert on Africa specifically, he was not prepared to comment on the effectiveness of the pro gram. Nebraskans became more conscious of their direct rela tionship to foreign affairs by attending the sessions con ducted by the U.S. State De partment briefing team, ac cording to Dr. James C. Ol son, chairman of the history department. Although Nebraskans tradi tionally are looked upon as isolationists, an awareness of their direct involvement in foreign affairs has been grow ing throughout the state, Dr. Olson observed. "Nebraskans, particularly through the University, have many opportunities to inform themsleves. More people should take advantage of those opportunities," Dr. Ol son said. Constant study and expos ure to the problems of for eign affairs increase aware ness. "There's no substitute for education," he said. "We need to devote more attention to foreign languages and histories of countries oth er than the United States. The University has taken the lead ership in this area. The ex change program with El Co legio de Mexico is an im portant step," Dr. Olson con cluded While none of them rep a majority, some of the contradictory, start ling answers were: "The Chamber ,! Com merce tells our mayor and council what to do." "Nobody tells our mayor and council want to do." "Our mayor and council read the newspapers before they decide." "Our mayor and council do just the opposite of what the newspapers tell them to do." Those were minority opin ions, however. If it was possible to find any one majority opinion, it was that the voters make the deci sions through their elected mayors and council mem bers. But, there are decisions and there are decisions. The major divisions, how ever, are legislative and administrative de cisions. Legislative deci sions establish policy and make law. Administrative decisions govern the com munity under the law. The Rev. Ward Conklin, one of the leaders questioned in Scottsbluff, divides the de cisions into "what to do di rectives" (legislative) and "how to do directives" (ad ministrative). At the state and national level of government it is eluded. 1 I "Most of them go home with reasonably good impres sions of this country," Bar rett said. The Africians are fairly mature about U.S. race problems, he added, but often repeat to us our own phrase, hv the nrnlf snri for the i i i - - people," as a reminder of our difficulties. Barrett, who has been with the Foreign Service since 1949, said that our aid pro gram, administered by the Aeencv for International De velopment. Drovides African universities with scholarships. ine oig prooiem is snortage of money for cost of tuition, since the eovernments do not have funds to furnish free schooling. In Africia, a tremendous amount of histnrv that took the West 100 to 150 years to pass tnrougn, nas oeen tele scoped into less than ten vears. Barrett said. This could have been extremely dangerous had not the major ity of countries chosen to back peaceful progress. He pointed out. "If Africa was denied to us. even if not controlled bv the Communists, great prob lems would be posed tor tne free world," Barrett said. During- the Cuban crisis, he added, no African leaders lined up with Russia. Many sided witn the u.s. and wouid not permit Soviet planes to fly over their territory. In some cases, this prevented the Russians from flying mis siles directly to Cuba, Bar rett added if 1-jiv f ... I 6 not too difficult to under stand who makes which kind of decision. Legisla tive bodies make law, and elected executives, such as governors and presidents, administer them. At the county level there is sometimes confusion be cause the county board members or commissioners seem to be a legislative body. However, they are primarily administrat ive since they make no law. They must operate under the law already established by the state legislature. But at the city level it is not nearly so simple. Here, the "whoJto-do" and the "how-to-do" duties seem to merge. And here it be comes a popular pastime to theorize that anyone from the city hall janitor to the richest man in town really makes the decisions. And while this may be a good cold-weather sport, students of govern ment quickly emphasized the importance of local govern ment. They explain that there the citizen is closest to his government. If he breaks a speed law, he is arrested by a city police man he sees every day. If he gets stuck In the mud in front of liis house, it may t..j-.. k io Summer Nebraskan " Page One Barrett warned that oaHbig gest chance for losing Africa to the Communists stems fr the racial problems in U southern African countries. He predicts that the African nations will push for an arms embargo through the United Nations this fall, aimed at th Union of South Africa. To date, the U.S. has op posed economic boycotts of South Africa, Barrett said, but the other African coun tries are now asking us, "All right, you oppose apartheid. What are you going w about it?" Peaceful d e m o n s t r a Knnc imvA been tried, but don't always work, Barrett said. He pointed out that this country's position is compli- cated oy American uuoiuo there and trade with aoum Africa. Rarrptt aid that the Afri cans or trvinp to help them selves in setting up new ed ucational facilities, un June 28, the new University of East Africa will be formally dedi cated. Uganda, Kenya, ana Tanganyika have joined to gether to torm tne new school, and each of the three countries will have a campus,- Barrett said. The U.S. consulates and em bassies in these countries at tempt to get Africans, wno are apparently going to be fu ture leaders, to come to this country for education, Bar- . . .1 1 J 4.1. U rett said, ne aaaea umi u is "hard for many Africans tn understand our federal sys tem of government because '4 be because the city councu has not decided to pave. "Local government," Dr. A. B. Winter, University of Nebraska political scien tist, explains, "reconciles political, social, and eco nomic conflicts in the local arena in much the same way as state legislatures and the national Congress reconcile conflicts on the state and national levels." The kind of government you have in your town may help " decide who arrests you when you drive too fast or whether your street is paved. Of the eight cities involved in this survey, six of them have mayor-council systems. However, in these cities Columbus, Grand Island, Hastings, Lincoln, North Platte, and Omaha there is consider able difference in who makes what decision. (Since the research for this story was done, Grand Island vot ers have approved a city manager government.) Government Differences For example, Omaha and Lincoln (after May, 1963) are the only towns with full-time mayors. And only in Columbus are the city officials elected on a party basis. In the , remaining two cities, Scottsbluff has a mayor and council plus a fi I. a k..AfinPi tAftm rrrxte uncoer Trt inp i npr 'uuiili ica. I TfTn nr pnverrimeiii. ucvum " h -'v w - v" v- " . ilium m -. H ' '. m L 1 MKSSSWrrST- " "M ii M f06r4i'8!K!5 1 it JAM "mm .a III iiJmilMMi.niiiiiii.iiaiiro J j BRIEFING TEAM-Barrett (from left), Merrow, they haven't had any exper ience witn sucn a tning. Chester Merrow Americans are interested in foreign relations but they should be "more interested to get the true picture of for eign policy," said Chest er Merrow. Merrow feels the Depart ment is doing its best to in form the American people of foreign policy. However, more should be done, he said. Other Methods Besides the briefing team the Deapartment uses back ground meetings for he press in Washington, speakers and regional conferences in order to instruct the public on our foreign policy. The briefing team cets "closest to the fit city manager, and Nebras ka City has the commission system under which three officials conduct the city's business. With that background, let's see who makes the de cisions. . To dc it, let's talk in each community to the mayor, the superintendent of schools, an officer of the Chamber of Commerce, a representative of-the cler gy, the police chief, and the city attorney. Let's see if we can really find out who is boss in these Nebraska cities. First: Who," at least on the surface, is empowered to make the decisions? City Councils Generally, the city coun cils make the decisions in Nebraska city governments. In the case of Nebraska City, the commissioners do it. All of the 41 people inter viewed said that the mayor council combinations have the final say in city affairs. However, seven of them gave some decision-making credit to the mayor because he is supposed to be better acquainted with the execu tive affairs of the city. The mayor, in all of the towns under consideration, (continued on page Z) . . . M-wmfCTis? nsi , 1 f .J :.v..-: . i i " - f ''' jf J:. .J 1 1 Is r- 2 UL ll i i ; uoipjnnnts In the civil rights paraae sei uui un mc . grass roots," Merrow said. News media could do much better in explaining the "rea son why" of foreign policy, Merrow said. "The full facts ought to be reported," he said. "Impressions can be misleading." Daniel Montenegro "There is a growing realiza tion of interdependence among the peoples of Far Eastern countries," stated Daniel Montenegro. A specialist on Europe and the Pacific Area, he feels the time may well come when a mutual aid pact among free Asian people will be formed similar in philosophy and aims to those of NATO mem ber countries. 5 ft 'J x i: vxm I lilisiilP ill ii llilt W ml ISSS reedom Staged in Over two hundred civil rights demonstrators, mostly white, gathered in front of the Historical Society on the University Campus at 2:00 Friday afternoon and after hearing a prayer by Kev. Everett Reynolds in the memory of NAACr olliciai Medgar Evers marched sol emnly down 14th street to the State Capitol. Thev were met at the Cap itol bv Omaha Senator Ed ward Danner, who standing beneath the statue of "The Great Emancipator" Abra ham Lincoln for whom tne city was named, gave a pre pared talk on civil rights ef forts here in Nebraska. Senator Danner's talk cen tered on economic equality and the two recently Kuieu legislative proposals LB347, Fair Employment Law and LB596 the Fair Housing Law. Senator Danner raised such icsiiPR as the "heritage of freedom" and just what-is "the American Way of Lite?" "Freedom without equality is an illusion." said Senator Dan ner, and the "dignity of the individual person is at stake in this struggle for freedom with law. Senator Danner described numerous incidences of dis crimination against the negro Johnson and Montenegro. "With political maturation and the growing threat of Chinese communism, Free Asia is increasingly aware of the nearness of the Chinese war machine being assemb led. The old picture of an agrarian, un-coordinated Chi na is fast disappearing," he explained. Montenegro, who served in the mid-1950's as American consul in New Caldeonia, says, "Much must still be a matter of conjecture, but alarms have sounded all ov er the sprawling Far East, helped in large part by Chi na's assault on India, to warn 'uncommitted' countiresin the area that a concert of deter mination of common dangers and mutual aid is advisable." March Lincoln in employment opportunities and -housing opportunities by the "unwritten law" of prej udice, bringing up such points as "how can we raise our children to become good citizens if we are denied the means by which to ac complish this end?" An estimated three hundred persons followed the march ers and stood attentively with the demonstrators as Senator Danner poke. The demonstra tion proceeded without inci dent; however, as the Lin coln City Police cleared the way and watched over the group. The demonstration, accord ing to Jerry Behringer, one nf the leaders, was a com munity inspired one with the NAACP cancelling a previous ly scheduled aemonsxrauon for Sunday and joining his group on Friday. Manv of the students inter viewed were friends of peo- s 1 - J . M pie wno mey oeuevea naa been discriminaetd against and were taking part to protest for them. The greater majority of the marchers were students although there were teachers, businessmen and a few children included in the group.