The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, June 18, 1963, Page Page One, Image 1

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    Tuesday, June 18, 1963
Summer Nebraskan
Page Ons
World Affairs Preview
ideate Deponiinnieinit
A briefing team from the
United States Department of
State will visit the University
campus Thursday to present
the background and current
events forming the "U.S. For
eign Policy Today."
Heading the four-man team
from Washington, D.C., will
be U. Alexis Johnson, deputy
under secretary of state for
political affairs and former
ambassador to Czechoslovak
ia and Thailand and U.S.
SEATO Council representa
tive. He has had experience
sitting across the negotiation
table from the Communist
According to Dr. Frank E.
Sorenson, director of the Sum
mer Sessions at the Univer
sity, "The Department
of State was pleased with
what happened here last sum
mer, (the first time a State
Department briefing team had
visited the campus) so they
are sending us a top team
again this year."
"Our design in presenting
this briefing session is to in
clude the state as a whole,"
Sorenson continued. "We have
invited all the state senators
and have also sent invitations
to people in every country who
we felt would be interested
in and would benefit from the
team's presentation," he ex
plained. State Youth
Are Studying
About 365 boys and 325
girls, representing over 300
Nebraska towns, and cities,
are taking part in Girls and
Boys State at the Nebraska
Center and on the city cam
pus this week.
During the annual Ameri
can Legion-sponsored events,
the high school seniors will
take part, in political cam
paigns, elections, tours and
mock law-making sessions.
Today's 'activities will high
light a tour to the Capitol, fol
lowing an explanation on the
organization of Nebraska's
unicameral Legislature by
Hugo Srb, Legislative clerk.
The Boys State officials
were inaugurated last night,
and the Girls State officials
will be sworn in this after
noon. Governor Frank B.
Morrison will address both
groups the girls during their
inauguration ceremonies and
the boys during a Wednesday
evening assembly.
The American Legion spon
sors Cornhusker Boys State
and the Legion Auxiliary the
Girls State.
; V- -t '-r
Folk Singing Team
SING A SONG OF SATIRE Joe and Penny Aronson,
American folk singers, will appear for the second time
on the Nebraska campus tomorrow at 8 p.m. in the Ne
braska Union Ballroom. The Aronsons collection of folk
; songs include early English, pioneer and "modern" folk
songs from Spain, Israel and Russia. In presenting their
program they combine their abilities as actors, panto
mine artists, satirists and musicians. The folk singing
team first appeared on campus in the fall of '62. Gayle
Sherman, Union program manager, describes the Aron
sons as "the most original folk-singing group In the en
tertainment field."
Other members of the brief
ing team, in addition to John
son are:
Chester E. Merrow, spe
cial adviser to the Depart
ment of State on community
relations and long-time mem
ber of the House Foreign Af
fairs Committee. Merrow
has traveled extensively
abroad as a member of Con
gressional Study Missions and
has spoken on foreign affairs
before many types of audi
ences and appeared on ra
dio and television programs
In all parts of the country.
Merrow was a former
congressman from New
Hampshire and served 18
years on the House Foreign
Affairs Commitee and in
1940-43 as a radio and news
commentator and lecturer on
National and international af
fairs. Daniel W. Montenegro, di
rector of the Office of Public
Services of the Department
of State and a specialist on
Berlin and the South Seas.
From 1951 to the end of 1953,
he was responsible for Berlin
political affairs on the Ger
man desk in the Department
of State. From 1954 to 1956,
he was American consul at
Noumea, New Caledonia, a
Nebraska's Beadell Returns
With Completed Symphony
Nebraska's most promising
and productive composer,
Prof. Robert M. Beadell of
the University, has returned
to Nebraska with a completed
Robert M. Beadell
symphony of major propor
tion and a "renewed faith in
the midwest."
The associate professor of
music theory and composition
spent the past school year in
California on a Woods Facu
lty Fellowship writing music
Aft (' 1 AT? ' ' i i
, I I i V . f - 1 I
q w if
M Li uu Jul
U. Alexis Johnson
post which has the largest
consular district in the Amer
ican Foreign Service, cover
ing most of the South Seas.
In 1956 he returned to Berlin
as a political and labor re
porting officer.
Raymond J. Barrett, a
member of the Office of East
ern and South African Affairs
of the Department of State
and a specialist on Keyna.
and studying with the famous
French composer Darius Mil
haud. "With a combination of con
secutive free time to com
pose and expert advice and
criticism, I feel that this or
chestral composition, which I
call 'Symphony No. 1,' is a
true representation of my mu
sical convictions."
When it will be performed
for the first time hasn't been
decided as yet, but there are
indications that it -may be
done by the University Or
chestra next school year. .
Living with his wife and
four children in San Jose,
Calif., the 38-year-old native
Chicagoan commuted each
week to Oakland for a two
hour critique of his work by
Composer Milhaud.
Milhaud, whose urbane and
distinguished music reflects
his craftsmanship, encour
aged Beadell in his search
for a more advanced style.
"He gave me confidence by
complimenting my orchestra
tion technique, which, in a
sense, is experimental in na
ture." Professor Beadell asked for
the leave to give uninterrupt
ed attention to the composing
of a work based on a manip
ulation of abstract musical
ideas, "without restrictions of
a text."
Prior to his present work,
his two major works were
based on a written text
"Elegy for a Dead Soldier,"
text by Poet Karl Shapiro,
and "The Sweetheart Affair,"
text by Bruce Nicoll, both of
the University staff.
"The Elegy" composition
was selected in 1959 as one
of two U.S. radio entries for
the Italia Prize, an interna
tional competition.
Now that he has returned
to Nebraska, Professor Bead
ell isn't hesitant in criticizing
"the unrealistic stigma which
midwesterners place upon
themselves, since they feel
they are far from the cultur
al centers."
"It is true that the larger
cultural centers are on the
two coasts, but this is due to
economics and tradition. My
recent travels have strength
ened my belief that the in
nate music abilities of the
students in the midwest are
as strong, and perhaps fresh
er, than in any other area.
"It disturbs me that many
in the midwest assume an in
feriority complex In the areas
of Fine Arts. We must elim
inate this stigma. Here, fresh,
original, creative work can
be accomplished as well as
anywhere else. It's true that
our backgrounds are not as
strong in the area of music,
or that we are exposed to
the quantity of varied music.
"But if the student applies
himself there is no reason
why he can't succeed. I feel
this isn't happening in many
cases, and the raw material,
the innate talent is being
.Raymond J. Barrett
Barrett joined the For
eign Service in 1949. Since
then he has served in Mexico,
Nicaragua, Egypt, and as act
ing officer in charge of Ken
ya affairs.
The team will speak on
foreign policy at 9:15 a.m. at
the Nebraska Center. Chan
cellor Clifford M. Hardin will
preside and Governor Frank
Hirsch Accepts
Edward J. Hirsch, an as
sistant director of University
of Nebraska public relations
since 1951, will join the staff
of the University of Nebraska
Foundation Sept. 1 to assist
with the Foundation's devel
opment program.
Harry Haynie, who will
become pres- - -Be-'v
Man rtf -th--"
upon the re
tirement of
Perry R.
Branch this
summer, said
Hirsch will
assist with
the strength
ning ofFoun-
eningof Foun
dation alumni
and be responsible for foun
dation publications.
Hirsch, a native of Lincoln,
a University alumnus, and
former newspaper man in
Lincoln and Providence, R. I.,
currently directs the Univer
sity's city campus news ser
vice and is active in liaison
work with several student or
ganizations. George Round, director of
University public relations,
said H i r s c h ' s resignation
from his staff will go before
the Board of Recents at its
next meeting, probably in
July, and that a replacement
will be recommended.
Hall Heads
News Forum
The Nebraska Union is in
itiating a News Forum pro
gram . and the first program
is scheduled today at 3:15
p.m. in 232 Student Union.
The purpose of the program
is to keep students ana iac
ulty abreast with recent news
Dr. William E. Hall, direc
tor of' the School of Journal
ism, will moderate the panel
of four professors. Dr. Hall
will read a capsule report of
the important news events of
the week, and then the panel,
composed of professors in de
partments directly related to
the events, will answer ques
tions from the floor and dis
cuss each event.
This type of program has
been tried on other Big Eight
On Graduation
Students planning to receive
their degrees at the Univer
sity's Aug. 2 commencement
must apply for the degrees
andor certificates by June
Application must be made
at the Registrar's Office, 208
Administration Hall, Monday
through Friday. The office is
closed during the noon hour.
If the application is not
made, the student may not
graduate on Aug. 2.
Chester Earl Merrow
Morrison will give a brief
welcome. Attendance is by
invitation only; however, the
balcony will be open for in
terested University students
and classes.
At the noon luncheon,
Johnson will be the principal
speaker, his topic being "U.S.
Foreign Policy in the Far
The only accredited Ameri
can reporter roaming be
hind the Iron Curtain, Loy
al Gould of the Associated
Press, told 48 All -State
journalists last week that
one of the biggest obstacles
he faces on his job is that
the "powers that be keep
you from making contact
with the man on the
street." ,
Gould, a former state
house reporter for AP in
Lincoln, spoke to the high
school students during the
first day of All - State
Political powers, he said,
force him to stay in hotels
staffed by government
agents and separated from
those for the common man.
He must eat in different
restaurants where he is
again separated from the
man on the street. Com
munication is further
blocked, he said, by tapped
(bugged) rooms and auto
mobiles. Gould, now on vacation,
described his beat as a cir
cle including Bulgaria, Yu
goslavia, Hungary, Czecho
slovakia and East Germany
where he is stripped and
searched at each border.
His car is searched by men
and instruments for any
thing not in their interests,
he said.
However, according to
Gould, suspicion does not
end at the border. He is al
ways followed. "If you stay
in one spot long enough you
recognize your shadow and
it becomes easier to lose
him once in a while."
Listening Devices
Embassies are not free
from listening devices ei
ther, he said. When talking
with an ambassador, a ra
dio is always turned up and
any speaking is always un
der its sound. Important in
formation is written down,
exchanged, and then
burned, he said.
The state of the people
is worse, according to
Gould. In nearly all of
these areas, he said, the
people are subject to con
stant change. The Red
Army is always present to
make sure the people do
not become restless with
the changes and confusion,
he said.
The material want of the
people in these countries is
the most obvious factor of
their existence, he said. In
Bulgaria, where the aver
age monthly income is $80,
everything is rationed. They
have been living on cab
bage for 17 years and its
odor is everywhere, he
The old people are the
most disregarded, Gould
said. They are considered
a problem because they
a;e too old to work but
take up livJng space and
Daniel W. Montenegro
The team also will appear
before a student convocation
at 2 p.m. in the Nebraska
Union ballroom. The public is
invited to attend. John
son will present 25 minutes
of the program, followed by
short presentations by the oth
er three members. Questions
and answers from the stu
dents will then follow.
In Budapest, he said, dur
ing the winter the older cit
izens are taken out into
the streets at any time of
the day or night and made
to shovel snow till the main
streets and sidewalks are
On his first visit to Buda
pest, it took thousands of
elderly people 18 straight
hours of work to clear the
streets, he said.
Turn To Crime
The poverty of these
countries, for the non-party,
non-government man,
turns even the best men
into criminals, Gould said.
Poland, the only country to
publish figures on theft, ad
mits that 17 per cent of the
gross national product is
annually stolen, Gould stat
ed. Block committees have
been set up since de-Stal-inization
on every block of
every city and village, he
said. These committees de
cide every aspect of each
person's life, he explained.
They decide if a person
may work, what kind of
work it will be, if his chil
dren may go to school and
if he gets old age pension.
If a child is seen in a
church, he will get no sec
ondary education, Gould
The young people in these
countries do not go to
church, he said, because it
endangers their future. Cor
respondents cannot compro
mise the nationals, he said.
Institute Attracts Leaders
For Spanish Instruction
Secondary Spanish school
teachers from 20 states are
taking part in the University
of Nebraska's broadened
Summer Spanish Language
Among the 54 teachers who
were accepted for the inten
sive course, there are 13 Ne
braskans. The National Defense Ed
ucation Act-sponsored course
is under the direction of Dr.
Roberto Esquenazi-Mayo, as
sociate professor of romance
According to Esquenazi,
there are only two institute
participants who are over 55
years of age. "We have a
young average age of Insti
tute participants. This means
that the average participant
will have from 20 to 25 years
of teaching ahead of him.
This fact will be invaluable
to our students," Esquenazi
during the eight-week
course, the participants are
living in University sorority
and fraternity houses and
they are to speak Spanish at
all times. Activities are
planned for the entire group
every day so that they will
remain together and gain
Dr. Sorenson commented
that the success of last year's
program, which was headed
by Chester Bowles, made It
imperative that the Univer
sity arrange a similar pro
gram on foreign policy.
"This briefing should be of
interest to all Nebraska citi
zens because of the promin
ence of the briefing team and
the significance of the topics
they have chosen.
Johnson's background la
foreign service, involving
28 years of experience, makes
him a prominent specialist la
foreign policy, Dr. Sorenson,
Before assuming bis pros
ent post In 1961, Jobs
son served as ambassador to
Thailand for three years. Ia
1953, he was appointed by
President Eisenhower as am
bassador to Czechoslovakia,
and in 1955, concurrent with
his ambassadorship, he erved
as U.S. Representative to the
Ambassadorial level talks
with Communist China at Ge
Also an expert on far east
era affairs, he was a mem
ber of General MacArthur's
staff in Japan, and earlier
served in Argentina, the
Philippines, and Korea.
Contact with them will get
them into trouble.
"Nevertheless the people
take many risks to meet
you. They are told that all
outside the bloc is evil, but
the average person, in Bul
garia, for example, likes
the American since he rep
resents the one opposing
power to the Soviet Union,
a force which has subjected
him," Gould said.
In that country the people
hoped that the Cuban crisis
was the outbreak of WWin,
he said. Their plight was
so bad that they desired
war while government offi-
cials and powers there"
feared it would turn into
war, Gould explained.
Satellite Walls
" The Berlin wall is not the
only one, he said. The peo
ple are so subjected that
there are even walls be
hind the satellite nations,
Gould said. The wall be
tween Bulgaria and Yugo
slavia, where communism
is turning into a liberal so
cialism is the toughest, ha
The Communist press, ho
said, villifies the western
er and tries to destroy tho
friendliness for the west,
Gould said. And it is work
ing on some of the younger
people, even though peoplo .
aged 35 or older persist ia
their resistance to commu
nism. American racial inci
dents are especially played
big in the Communist press,
he said.
practice in conversational
Several outstanding speak
ers and native-speaking sec
ond leaders will help Univer
sity professors in the Insti
tute. Among them are:
Jorge Matri, former vice
professor of political theory
at the University of Havana
and now an instructor at
Chadron State Teachers Col
lege. Marta Moasquera, a short
story writer and teacher from
Argentina, who serves as a
representative in Paris of
Latin American newspapers.
Professor Ernesto Mejia
Sanchez, professor of contem
porary Latin American cul
ture who is famous through
out Europe and the Ameri
cas in his field of study. He
was formerly a professor of
Latin American literature at
the National University of
Many other members of the
Spanish Institute are nationally-known
and prominent in
their fields. We will interview
them and include their com
ments in a news feature in a
later edition of the Summer
The Nebraska teachers tak
ing part in the Institute and
their hometowns are t