The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 13, 1963, Image 1

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    MAY 131SG3
Vol. 76, No. 102
The Daily Nebraskan
Monday, May 13 1 963
Benting Is Chosen
In Second Balloting
The judiciary committee of
t A -l 1 .1 . , --. ! 1 A 1
me aiuaent uouncu iasi ween
invalidat-d the election of Jim
Moore as Builders repre ,enta
tiv. to the 1963-64 Council.
The action came after an of'
ficial protest was filed by Ann
Wahl and Linda Reno. Those
two and other Builders mem
bers felt that the election did
nor represent opinions ex
pressed before the voting took
place, Miss Reno said.
Several Builders members
counted at least seven people
who had voted for Karen Bent
ing, according to Ick Weill,
next year's chairman of the
judiciary committee.
In the official election re
suits printed in the Daily Ne
braskan of May 8, Moore was
credited with 10 of fourteen
votes and Miss Benting three
In the second voting of
Builders members last week,
Miss Benting was elected as
the new Council representa
tive for the organization.
Tiavp Rphnh.. nresent chair
man of the judiciary commit
tee, said that he based his de
cision to invalidate the elec
tion on at least two factors.
One was that the ballots were
left in the council office in the
Student Union anywhere from
three days to a week before
elections committee chairman
Steve Hon'-y picker them up.
There was time for foul
play, but' whether the ballots
were actually tampered with
while in the office is not
known, Scholz said.
In addition the Builders ex
ecutive committee admitted
opening and counting the bal
lots before placing them in
the Council's office, he said.
Apparently, the ballots were
counted, but not tabulated.
Honey confirmed Scholz'
statement that some time had
elapsed between the time the
ballots were placed in the of
fice, in a sealed envelop, and
the time he picked them up.
There was no Student Coun
cil proctor at the first voting
of Builders members, Scholz
said. Generally, elections com
mittee members have not
proctored organization e 1 e c
tions, he said.
Nebraskan Positions
Applications for Daily Ne
braskan staff positions are
available in Burnett, Room
309. Prior experience is not
necessary for filling the posi
tions. Interviews for the positions
will be May 25.
Angel Interviews
Set For Tuesday
Interviews will be held in
the Student Union tomorrow
for Angel Flight. The times
and room numbers are as fol
lows. Room 232 Union
Vlkl Webr 4:00
Janet Eno 4:04
Linda Beaird 4:08
Joan Beerlin 4:12
Cathy Haarber 4:16
Sally Davenport 4:t0
Vickl Wlnalow 4:24
Jo Bauklher 4:28
Judy Tanner 4:32
Pam Matya 4:36
Judy Mae McCartney 4:40
Linda Kay Hutchena 4:44
Sharon Schmeeckle 4:46
Susan Charron ' 4:52
Pam Hauachlda 4:96
Room 338-341 Union
CecUle Smith
Lela Beaird :04
Kay Huifaker S:
Babe Keller :12
Cay Leitachuck 6:16
Linda Booth 5:20
Barb Clifford 5:24
Carol Carr :M
Dtanne Michel
June Catea M6
Roaella Lanfe 5:40
Suaan MoClymont a:44
Sandra Block :
Carol Hall :
Antonla Pouloa ;:M
Pam Hamer '0O
Jo Brown :M
Lynn Gloor .....:08
Bev Schulti :12
Roberta Klnyoun JiJJ
Robbie Irwin
Marilyn Peterson J:J4
Judy Larson ?8
Julie Berner
Jane Hobba M
JoAnn Reinrniller
Pat Devaney f:44
Maraha Lester :4
Jeannle Lanfford J:52
bherrt Stryker
Room 340
Jaciuelyn Alber
Judy Bucklln 04
Harriet Houaen J:J
Jeene Anderson i;J?
Jodeen Mueller 7:1
Nan Blnaer ; 7:
Room 348
Sally Jones
babbl Voorhees .... '04
'M- i- -v J,
i 1 : -A J It
f I
R&iH? a?- j
rehearsing for the new show "Much Ado About Nothing,"
which will make its debut on May 15. The actors are: Mari
lyn Longo, Frank Vybiral, Jim Hamsa, and Jim Baffico.
Much Ado' Opens
At Howell Theatre
"Much Ado About Nothing," a comedy of wit and
manners by William Shakespeare opens Wednesday at
the University Howell Memorial Theater. The play will
continue through Saturday evening.
"Much Ado About Nothing" is a double romance
drama involving two soldiers home from the war; Cladio,
quickly falls in love with Hero, a local heiress, and Bene
dict, infinitely sophisticated, protests his disregard for
womankind while he becomes quietly enmeshed with the
heiress' cousin Beatrice.
As the play progresses, the young warrior gains
knowledge of a nasty story dealing with the chastity of
his intended. As a result, he renounces his fiancee pub
licly in church. She faints, he stalks out and the word
is passed that she actually died of remorse.
This leads to no end of trouble. The elder soldier
challenges his young friend to a duel, old loyalties are
dissolved but at the crucial moment the bumbling con
stable, Dogberry, comes up with the crook.
The play is noted for humor which seems always
contemporary, a universal laugh-getter which would have
likely made Shakespeare famous on broadway today.
Student cast members include: Beatrice, played by
Maurenn Frazier; Benedict, played by Fred Gaines; Jim
Baffico, Leo Caito, Vaclav Hamsa, Frank Vybiral, Lee
Nelson, Elijah Powell, Raymond Stanek, Friedemann
Bender, John Turner, Delvyn Epp, Don Cruise, J. Ed
ward Welch, Sharon Binfield, Jody Reeder, Helen Glenn,
Marilyn Longo and Curtiss Greene.
Kathy Armstrong 9:0
Judy Pearce 8:12
Kim Lindgren :16
Lynne Irish :20
Karen Hoppe (:24
Carol Klein t:2B
Diane Steffenseo :32
Lettie Clark 1:36
Donna Eschliman :40
Harriett Hunker :44
Carolyn Perkins :48
LUa Hartunf .9:52
Beth Droakin 9:56
Gail Bucholz 10:00
Ann Koaman 10:04
Donna McFarlin 10:06
Georsean Young 10:12
Clare Dewitz 10:16
Carol Jean Pressler 10:20
Tryouts Open
For 'Brigadoon'
Tryouts for the Pinewood
Bowl summer opera produc
tion of "Brigadoon" will be
held Thursday and . Friday
evenings at 7:30 in the Cham
ber of Commerce building at
11th and P streets. , ' ,
There are many good adult
singing parts, according ' to
Miss Fern Casford, opera
chairman. She expects a good
turnout from the colleges and
high schools in the Lincoln
Professor Oscar Bennett
will direct "Brigadoon." Fla
via Waters Champe will ar
range the ballet. The opera
will be given four consecutive
evenings, July 12th through
15th,' in the Pinewood Bowl at
Pioneers Park.
H Xt
The four people above are
Dr. Meierhenry
Gets Recognition
From Europeans
Dr. Wesley Meierhenry,
University professor of his
tory and principles of educa
tion, has been notified that
one of his contributions to
audio-visual communications
has been translated and pub
lished in Milan.
The special issue on new
techniques in education,
edited by Meierheny, is re
garded as a milestone in
learning theory and its rela
tionship to the use of audio
aids in instruction.
The reprinted Audio-Visual
Communication Review noted
that Meie-henry headed the
committee directing the spe
cial grant that the Teaching
Film Custodians made to the
Research Committee.
As a result of Meierhenry's
work, thousands of European
educators, in addition to all
professors dealing with audio
visual instruction in the Unit
ed States, can bring them
selves up to date on the latest
Meierhenry has been work
ing for the past 10 years on
developing better theoretical
analysis of how people learn
from pictures and words.
Letter Cites
John Nolan
John Nolon, past president
of the Innocents Society, has
been nominated for Outstand
ing Nebraskan.
According to the letter, it
would be easy to recount the
number of offices that he has
held, the number of activities
in which he has served or his
academic record.
"There is one characteris
tic, however, which places
John above the calibre of. the
ordinary student possessing a
comparable academic and ac
tivities record. The spirit with
which John participates in ac
tivities, making them more
than work accomplished, po
sitions earned or honors re
ceived, mark him as a Uni
versity leader of exceptional
Probably the best example
of his dedication is the man
ner in which he conducted
himself as president of the
Innocents Society.
He brought renewed dignity
to the Society, and under his
leadership one of the most
outstanding projects at the
University this year the seat
belt and safety promotion
campaign was a recognized
His attitude, the manner in
which he works with others,
his dedication to high ideals
and the University communi
ty, make John Nolon an indi
vidual who is more than de
serving of the title, Outstand
ing Nebraskan.
Nolon's activities have in
cluded: president of Interfrat
ernity Council, member of
Student Council, vie e-presi-dent
of Big Eight Student
Government Association, as
sistant business manager of
Cornhusker, seer e t a r y and
president of Phi Delta Theta
and 1961-62 Outstanding Col
legiate Man.
Nominations for Outstand
ing Nebraskan, chosen either
from the student body or the
faculty, should be turned into
the Daily Nebraskan Office.
All letters must be signed but
the name of the persons mak
ing nominations will not be
used in publication.
Szuis States
Worif Of S
Iff PfQSQiit
Nebraskan Staff Writer
The position of the United
States is concluded to this
. . . we do not want another
repetition of Cuba with the
H a i t i-Dominican situation,
were the opening words of
Tad Szulc, diplomatic corres
pondent of the New York
Times in the Washington,
D. C, Latin-American Bu
reau,, at his Friday press con
ference. The press conference was at
the Nebraska Center before
addressing the University in
Love Library Auditorium.
At the conference, Szulc
answered eight topic ques
tions as follows:
Is Communism in the
minican Republlca at present?
It is not prevalent as far as
visually seeing it in its func
tional operations. The people
are divided by a confused rad
ical left-wing group of eco
nomic elete, political minded
militant, and free-lancing agi
tators. According to Szulc,
there is no clear cut evidence
that communistic subversive
activities are being conduct
ed. Are Communists in govern
ment offices?
Szulc said, "Some groups
feel that many of the gov
ernmental officials are near
the communistic line or close
to it. But Haiti is very primi
tive, with 95 per cent of the
people having no clear con
ceptions of any form of gov
ernment. There are several
active minority labor unions
which are known to be com
munist." Are there anti-American
feelings in Haiti?
T He
1 Pea on
There will not be a Union
Board of Managers next year,
according to G. Robert Ross,
dean of the Division of Stu
dent Affairs. There is to be
a group, said Ross, which will
perform almost the same
functions as the present
Board, but it will operate un
der a different name. "I like
to think of it as renaming an
existing organization," stated
Last summer, said Ross, the
Chancellor placed the opera
tion of the Union under the
direction of the division of
Student Affairs. This organi
zational change has now lead
to the proposed abolition of
the Board of Managers.
At present, the Union Board
consists of 12 students, 6 fac
ulty members, and three
alumni, with the students
holding the controlling vote in
all matters of business. Un
der, the proposed reorganiza
tion plan, the Board, or what
federal Probation Officers To Meet
for Criminal Problems Discussion
An attempt at solving some
of the increasingly complex
problems of criminal proba
tion will be made at the Uni
versity beginning Wednesday
at a conference of officers
from the entire mid-United
Harry Dedering, coordinator
of programs at the Nebraska
Center, said more than 100
probation officers from as far
south as Texas, Mississippi,
and Tennessee and north into
the Great Lakes region will
The 3-day conference of fed
eral probation officers will
be attended by several author
ities in the field of sociology,
f. Y'
SZULC . . . Duvalier Under
The feelings are mixed, ac
cording to Szulc. He felt that
the only anti-American feel
ing was with the radical left
wingers. They have many in
ternal problems concerning
segregation between negroes
and mulattos. The agitators
capitalize on American imper
ialism and our segregational
What are the chances of
Duvalier falling from power?
Szulc did not make a pre
diction, but he said, "Duval
ier is under great pressure.
Is the Organization of
American States (OAS) in a
position to act in settling the
dispute between Haiti and the
Dominican Republic?
Szulc said, "The OAS does
things by the book, so to speak.
Sometimes it is effective and
sometimes it is not.
What was the reason for
I 1 I
' if" " f
W ' if
If M
ever its new name turns out
to be, will be composed of a
larger percentage of students,
if that is what the present
board decides it would pre
fer. The actual size and function
of next year's group has not
been yet decided, according
to Ross, much of the group's
structure will be decided by
the existing board. "I hope
before the end of this school
year," added Ross.
The Union Board of Man
agers, according to Maureen
Frolik, member, now has
charge of the Union -in the
areas of finance, expenditures,
personnel, and overall policy.
They also decide when and
where prices are raised, and
remodeling is performed. As
Miss Frolik understands, the
proposed change will mean
that the Board will become
nothing but an advisory
crime prevention and reha
bilitation. The Wednesday speakers in
clude: Louis Sharp, Chief of
Probation, U.S. Courts, will
open the conference at 9 a.m.
Richard Robinson, Chief
Judge, U.S. District Court,
Omaha, will speak at 10 a.m.
on "Probation as a Judge
Sees it."
Monsignor N. H. Wegner,
will speak at 10:30 a.m. on
"A Clergyman Looks at De
linquency." A panel discussion at
1:30 p.m. "What Is Crime and
Who Are the Criminals," will
Olff (L tBSBS
stopping Foreign Aid to Haiti?
The money that the US
was spending was not being
used for the betterment of the
country, according to Szulc.
Was there a resistance or
ganized to fight Duvalier?
"Yes, there was," exclaimed
Szulc. "It was very well or
ganized at one point, but Du
valier destroyed it about a
week and a half ago." He al
so said that the leader of the
opposition force was just as
much of a tyrant as Duvalier.
One would have been just as
bad as the other.
Could the people of Hlspan
olia handle a democratic sys
tem? Szulc felt that an effort
should be made sometime in
the future, but not now.
Their economic, social, and
cultural position has deterior
ated, rather than progressed
due to the population explo
sion. They are receding and
are at no more than a stand
still at the very best.
Szulc said, "Before a dem
ocratic form of government
could be effective, I feel that
we should base our whole ex
ercise on building twentieth
century thinking. They have
regression in their living stan
dards." He felt they are requiring
effort today needlessly, and
wasting energy of regression
of yesterday. He also said that
democracy would be a prag
matic idea . . . hard to get
across. They are outside of
the context of realms of the
Western Hemisphere and nin
teenth and twentieth century
living. Their progress of re
gression is the reason that a
democratic form of govern-mer-t
would not work.
Big r
The relations between the
Union's Board of Managers
and the University Adminis
tration, has, in the past, been
direct. The Union's manager
has consulted with, and ad
vised, the Board on all mat
ters. Although the two have
generally agreed on policy,
the Board has always had the
final say. It has been the
grbup responsible to the Chan
cellor and the Board of Re
gents. Next year this will be
changed, according to Ross.
Next year, the board, and
the Union's manager, will re
port to the Dean of Student
Affairs, who will then be the
person responsible to the
Chancellor and the Regents.
"Some persons have been
concerned that the students
responsibility is taken away
by this move," said Ross,
"but I hope that they will
have more."
be led by Glen Petty, Assis
tant Chief of Probation, U.S.
Courts; Edward Hunvald Jr.,
associate professor of law,
University of Missouri; and
Dale Hardman, assistant pro
fessor of social work, Univer
sity of Missouri.
Thursday speakers:
Panel discussion at
9 a.m. on "Treatment of Fe
male Offenders," by Mr. Pet
ty; Bertha Payak, U.S. Pro
bation Officer, Toledo, Ohio;
and Gloria Cunningham, U.S.
Probation Officer, Chicago,
Ronald Beattie, Chief of
Division, U.S. Courts, will
speak on "Statistics and Pro
bation" at 10:45 a.m.
Dr. Pace To Get
Honorary Degree
At Susquehanna
Dr. Donald Pace, University
professor of physiology and
Director of the Institute for
Cellular Research, will re
ceive an honorary doctor of
science degree June 2 from
his alma mater, Susquehannn
University, Selinsgrove, Pa.
Susquehanna is honoring Dr.
Pace as one of the leading
cell physiologists of the na
tion. A native of Wilkes-Barre,
Pa., Dr. Pace completed his
undergraduate work at Sus
quehanna and received his
master's and Ph.D. degrees
from Johns Hopkins Univer
sity where he taught several
years before joining the Uni
versity staff in 1942.
On the basis of his research
in cell growth at the Univer
sity, Dr. Pace has given in
vitational papers at numerous
American and international
science meetings. Last sum
mer he was an American del
egate to the International Can
cer Congress in Moscow.
He is the author of more
than 70 scientific articles, two
college textbooks and a labo
ratory manual. In 1961 Sus
quehanna's Alumni Associa
tion presented him its distin
guished service medal for
professional achievement,
Two NU Groups
To Hold Smokers
Corn Cobs, the University
men's pep organization, will
hold a smoker tomorrow at
7:30 p.m. for all interested
freshmen men. Questions as
to the purpose and activities
of Corn Cobs will be answered
at this time.
Kosmet Klub will also have
a smoker tomorrow for all
freshmen men who would be
interested in becoming work
ers next year. The smoker
will be held at 7:30 p.m. in
235 Student Union.
I It
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