The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 06, 1963, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Monday, May 6, 1963
The Daily Kebrflsan
Page 3
ii'5 as 4i V
cJ 4 & LJ
Miss Frolik Miss Reno Miss Armour Miss Larsen
!f?-il -X "V "-
Ni ifw i I
i niiiii ii iiiii.xwiii J 1mnmwmnmmhmmJ l-jfejaww'Aj -JL- A
KwmNmmwmm Trw-Ti.ii.iMMi.nfi HimiliDsf
Miss Wahl Miss Howe Miss Johnson Miss Larson
L L ! I J L
Miss Luhe MacKenzie Miss Salter Miss Tenhulzen
tei I i
t cjj !
Miss Thorough Miss Tortora Miss VoIlmerMiss Wheaton
Frolik, 15 Juniors
Tapped For MB's
Maureen Frolik was tapped
by Nancy Miller as the new
president of the
Masque Chapter of
luOriar I
- ,
Boards during the Ivy Day
ceremonies Saturday.
The other officers are Lin
da Reno, vice president; Di
ane Armour, secretary; Lin
da Larson, treasurer; and
Ann Wahl, historian.
Eleven other coeds were
masked as members of t h e
senior women's honorary ac
tivity society. Selection is
made on the basis of leader
ship, scholarship and service
to the University. ; :
The new members all jun
iors, and their college activi
ties are? " '
Miss FrsHs H AH VnrMr JuuA
chairman, member of University Sym
Sn75rchtra. rbUeations Board. ad
president of Union Board of Managers,
and past activities chairman of Kappa Al
pha Theta social sorority.
Miss Reno is in Teachers College, a
past All University Fund chairman, mem
ber of 12 ly Day Court, president of
Builders, and past activities chairman and
scholarship chairman and Present stan
dards chairman for Kappa Kappa Gam
ma social sorority.
Miss Armour is in Teachers College,
member of Associated Women ftudenu
Board, president of Tassels. mr
Dean s Advisory Board of .Teachen .Col
lege, and Pi Beta Phi social sorority.
Miss Larson is in the College Arte
and Sciences, vice president of Tassels,
honied for the highest average of
junior and senior women, a member n
Associated Women Students senior board,
anTsecretary of Chi Omega social soror
ity Miss Wahl is in the College of ArU and
Sciences, recipient of National Elk Lead
STaward. member of venity Sing
ers. holds a Regents I PI1?, r:
ship, recording secretary of Stmdejl
Council, secretary of Builders and ais
tant treasurer of Alpha Omieron Pi social
Marria Howe ii in Teachers College,
di?"cs chafrTnan ol YM-VW Joint Com
S. member of the "L!S
Planning Committee of YWCA. .f'd
of Lmversity W and publicity chau--nao
of Alpha Omieron PI social sorority.
Linda Jskassa it to the College of Phar
macy member ol Young Republicans.
AmericaT "ph.njical Aiauon.
German Club, and member of thel
kV Union Board of Managers, and Alpha
Chi Omega social sorority.
ftallr L.rv- is In TeachersCollege, past
Red Cross chairman, member of Madrj
tZ. University Singers. ounglmo
"au. 1962 Comhusher BeaiOueen. ,
ea Studenu. and president of Delta lam
ma social sorority
Jads Uaa is in Teachers College, mem
ber" Young RepuMicaris. innber of
SKI Ivy Day Court. President; M Horn
en Athletic jt-jns,iK
Cross and second vice Piwden' -p-pa
Kappa Gamma social soronty.a,
Mary Jae MaeKeasle U In Arts and
Sc"?. and Teacbon .College. Mst pre
denl of Panhellenic. editor ISM Corn
husker. and president of Alpha Pni social
sorority. ..
fieaaa Salter is in Teachers College,
member of 1 Ivy Day Court, Uaio.
51 Porsche. New Paint. Make me an
offer over ttSO- 46d-U. .
Hlllman. 4 dr.. rebuilt engine. 2.
IU1 "A" evenings.
191 TR-J. OiitsUfidbig rnechanical con
duion, overdrive. Best offer. 434t.
evenings and sreekends.
Mav Stereo: will n GJE Porta
ble. Eacellent condition. Best offer.
After p m. 432-0221. ,
65 CORVETTE. - 4P Ptrrti.
250 h p., 13.M0 mi- xas O0- GuT
Camp Uiitiwiar wi"-i -oV
older. Water-front director. 21 year,
or older. YMCA Camp KitaM, or U
weeks emptoymenL 489027-
Z . . ..a4t t
Registered nurse. YMCA Camp Kltakl.
July 7-Anfuat 17. One week or weeks,
If too like Bridge, yon will like Duplicate
Student Union Mondays. 7:14 P m. and
Sundays. 2: 13 p.m. Eentry I JO. Free
cokes and coffee. Come alone or bring
a partner. Kibitzers welcome.
p,S.B,f? ta the Coltege ArU
Kv 1QK9 Kv nv rVni.r. vim ruvciilunl
nf Aasm-latMl Wnman fitmlents. asam-i-
ltk fjt (he igst r.nrnhuskr and
standards chairman of Kappa Alpha Theta
social sororiiy.
Jeanne Thorough is in the College of
Arts and Sciences. Varsity Cheerleader,
1962 Ivy Day Court, 1962 Ideal Nebraska
Coed, president of All University Fund,
and past rush chairman and present
pledge trainer of Delta Gamma social so
rority. Carta Tortora Is In the College of Art
and Sciences, vice president of Women's
Athletic Association, vice president of All
University Fund and vice president of
Chi Omega social sorority.
- Kathrya VsUmer is in the College of
Arts and Sciences. 1963 Outstanding Inde
pendent, 1962 Ivy Day Court, Homecom
ing Queen attendant, and member of
Woman's Residence Association.
Virginia Wkeatoa is in TeachersCollege,
member of Women's Athletic Association
Woman's Residence Association
Virginia Wkeatoa is in Teachei
member of Women's Athletic Association
hnarri. I'niversitv of Nebraska Student Ed-
ucatinn Association, president Of Dean's I
Advisory dwioi uu wwiwwuwua
Ury of Kappa Kappa Gamma social so-
Advisory Boara, ano correaponains secre-
orouy. ( : i
Also honored at Ivy Day
festivities were:
Mrs. Howard Richardson
(Norma Hoffman), a gradu
ate of Hope College, Holland,
Mich., and a member of AI-
cor, 1952, now a national Mor
tar Board chapter.
Mrs. Charles S. Gove,
(Mary Lou Lue-Reay), a grad
uate of Arizona State Univer
sity, Tempe, Ariz., and a
member of Fliades,
which recently became a na
tional Mortar Board chapter.
L lltac mu wviuc;u nui w
r i . . ;M:4:Aj ; n n tfA
These two women will be
iuiineii uiiuaicu uiu iviui-t
tar Board by the 1962-63 Mor-
tor PrtarH hantfOr at tho TTril.
VAJ. i.'WUl .ilUIJWl , I1W Vau I
Read Daily
May . 6 Through May 12 (
Dr. Bud speaks on
Peruvian Art and Textile
: , Love Library Aud. 8:00 p.m.
Dr. D. A. Lentz speaks on
Javanese & Balanese Music
2:00 Rm. 232
Ag. Documentary Film
12:00 Noon Ag. Union
Take 53:30 Lounge
Student Art Sale
9:00 to 5:30 Pan American Room
Art Lending Library Return
900 to 4:00 Auditorium
Ted Szulc speaks on
Latin America and the U.S.A.
3:00 Love Library Auditorium
Art Lending Library Return
9:00 to 4:00 Auditorium,
Jazy & Java '
4:00 S. Street Patio ;
Ag. Carribean Cruise Dance
8:30 Ag. Union Ballroom
New Method
Helps Doctors
Save Eyesight
Somewhere in Nebraska
someone is going to see again
because of a new, safe and
simplified way to preserve
corneas, instituted last week
at the Eye Clinic of the Uni
versity's College of Medicine
in Omaha.
While fresh corneas are
much better for transplanta
tion, a preserved cornea can
be extremely useful in saving
eyes which otherwise would
be lost waiting for fresh ma
terial, explained Mrs. Lucy
Lipp, secretary and ' techni
cian of the Eye Bank. '
Until recently, dehydration
of the cornea was prohibitive
ly expensive for most eye
clinics due to the costly equip
ment involved.
Now a method has been de
vised in which all that is
needed is 95 per cent Glycer
ine solution, 10 grams of mo
lecular sive, $ bottle and the
This is an immeasurable
boon to the eye surgeon who
must m e e t the crucial dead
lines of the operating room.
He prefers fresh corneas, the
transparent . window of the
eye, but he knows that they
are scarce and available sole
ly on a first-come, first,serve
basis, she said.
Furthermore, fresh corneas
can be kept for only a short
time, less than 48 hours.
Dehydrated corneas can be
kept for much longer periods,
however. They can be flown
anywhere in. the world and
arrive in good shape for an
eye operation . the following
Not all eye defects respond
to the use of dehydrated cor
neas. In fact, the individual
with a most serious eye con
dition often cannot be helped
by corneal transplantation.
Therapeutically, dehydrated
corneas may be used to ar
rest disease process. In these
and many other instances,
the dehydrated cornea is suf
ficient and further grafting of
fresh tissue is not called for.
Uvtir rnomr noonlo tVl i c natv
"V r"!""
nr0ceSS tOUCheS Will depend
r r-
r , i .
CTeaUV on the amOUHt Of G0-
't. : 1 : A .4. 4UA
glCatlJT Ull tllC CUUUIUlk & WU-
nor material received at the
Hascall Memorial Eye Bank,
which is located at tne u o i
lege of Medicine Eye Clinic.
1 .
Two University juniors, Del
Rae Beerman and Larry
Axthelm were awarded 250
Pfizer 4-H Scholarships. -
The awards were presented
at the annual National Ex
tension Training Conference,
: t o
I ui DCSoiUU cti, luUUioldlia Ovale
Iiti i ir i l t
umversuy, uy neiuen l.
Schaller, Agricultural Divi-
letAn rl.ail4e PfWor 3b fn
mn u&mmn stoideot (gQGDweniL
Bill Buckley was tackled by
John Nolon as the new presi
dent of Innocents Society, sen
ior men s honorary at t h e
Ivy Day activities Saturday.
Other new
officers are
Tom Kotouc,
vice presi
dent; Dennis
Christie, sec
retary; Dick
Weill, treas
reas- sW y
and Is X
eilin- i I
u r e r;
John Zeiiin- y" 1
ger, sergeant- f
at-arms. mum m
The thirteen Buckley
new Innocents, all juniors,
were chosen on the basis of
leadership, scholarship and
service to the University
Buckley is president of In
terfraternity Council, and, Sig
ma Nu social fraternity; a
member of Young. Repub
licans, and former member
of Student Council. A mem
ber of the College of Arts
and Sciences, Buckley, is; the
holder of a regular scholar
ship from Navy ROTC.
The other new members
and their college activities
are: , ......
Kotouc is enrolled in College of Arts
and Sciences. He is alumni chairman of
Phi Kappa Pa! social fraternity, corres
ponding secretary of Student Council, Out
standing Collegiate N an, Rhodes Scholar
ship, Intel-fraternity Council and Inno
cents Memorial Scholarships.
. 1 .
Pub Board Picks
Yearbook Editors
Section editors for the1 1964
Cornhusker were chosen by
Publications Board last week.
The new section editors and
their positions include:' .
Sharon Morrissey, adminis
tration: Jean Moffmaster and
Tranda Schultz, activities; Bill
Fidler, agriculture; Jean Bar
ber, business administration,
teachers and pharmacy; Susie
Leonard, arts and sciences,
journalism and law; Dwaine
Francis, engineering.
Sunny Durham, graduate
college and research; tCheryl
Navin, fine arts; Murry(Shaef
fer and Cheryl Soukopfrater
nities; Jim Rambo, vmen's
houses and halls; Clayton
Reuse, military; Barbara
Beckman and , Marilyn .Mas
ters, sororities; Jim Cadajand
Linda Sides, sports; Eleanor
Riggs and Dick Levinie, stu
dent scenes. r I
iCarolea Adams, medical,
nursing and denistry; Greta
Woodward, students govern,
ment? -Linda High, women's
htuises and halls. Gia Hemp-
hill, Judy Tanner, Gerry Ann'
Krieflers, panel assistants.
. , , .
TODAY - 1)'
p.m., Student Union, tr :
UNICORNS, meeting, 7
p.m., 334 Student Union.
AG-Y, meeting, 7:15 p.m.,
Ag Union.
"The Lonely Night," noon and
4 p.m., Ag Union Lounge.
for a New Mother . Wife
Daughter Sister
Aunt Grandmother
M our complete "election.
215 North 14
f& M 0130
Tackled As President
Christie is enrolled in College of Arts
and Sciences. He is a member of Student
Council, pledge trainer of Phi Delta Theta
social fraternity, scholrashlp chairman of
Interfraternity Council, and recipient of
a Regents Scholarship.
Weill Is enrolled In College of Busi
ness Administration. He is treasurer of
Student Council, activities chairman of
Sigma Alpha Mu social fraternity, and a
recipient of a Regents scholarship.
Zelltnger is enrolled In College of
Arts and Sciences. He is .president of
Kosmet Klub and Kappa Sigma social
fraternity, business manager of Daily
Nebraskan, and is a recipient of a Re
gents' scholarship.
William Ahlschwede is enrolled In
College of Agriculture. He is vice presi
dent of FarmHousc social fraternity,
holds the Ak-Sai Ben, Beechbyer, and Re
gents scholarships.
William Gunllcks is enrolled in Col
lege of Business Administration. He is
president of Phi Kappa Psi social frater
nity, member of N Club, Student Council,
Kosmet Klub, and Daily Nebraskan bus
iness staff.
James Hansen is enrolled in College
of Engineering and Architecture. He is
a member of Student Council, Interfra
ternity Council, Kosmet Klub, and presi
dent of Delta Tau Delta social fraternity.
Gary Pokorny is enrolled in College
of Arts and Sciences. He is president of
Residence Association of Men Council, As
sociate director of Fine Arts Festival,
and recipient of Regents scholarship.
David Smith is enrolled in College
of Arts and Sciences. He is vice President
of Interfraternity Council, pledge trainer
of Beta Theta Pi social fraternity, mem
ber of Student Council and recipient of
Regents scholarship.
David Zimmer is enrolled In College
of Agriculture. He Is secretary of Beta
Theta Pi social fraternity, and member
of Student Council and Newman Club.
Pete Sommerhauser is enrolled in
College of Arts and Sciences. He is vice
president of Sigma Alpha Mu social fra
ternity. IFC treasurer, and a member of
Student Council.
Robert Seidell Is enrolled in College
of Engineering and Architecture. He is
Sigma Chi pledge trainer, IFC Public
Relations chairman, and member of Stu
dent Council. :
In addition, four honorary
members were named. They
Gov. Frank Morrison,
"for his help with the work
of the Society and for his per
sonal concern for numerous
individual students at the Uni
versity." Dr. Gorman Carlson, a
Lincoln dentist, "'for his tre
mendous dedication to the
cause of higher education."
Dr. Fay Smith, an Imper
ial physician, "for his unself
ish dedication to his Universi
ty and to his profession."
Dr. Joseph Soshnik, vice
chancellor of the University,
"for his outstanding service
to the University."
c 1 ! .
Senators Program
Everything about the Rambler American
440 Convertible puts you one up. For in
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Rambler '63 is class. Clean, sporty lines.
Rich, spacious interiors. A power plant
with plenty Of punch. Upkeep costs way,
way down. Gasoline economy way up. And
-swailT isissiu HH m sawrfactursf iiiinritill srkslsr towW mm.
just $51.22 per mouth srjzr::
Can't swing a new car? See our fine Se&ct Used Cs
&u LifJ La 1 0 Biij
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Shifty little rascal
Rambler is more service-free. See your
local dealer for some straight talk such
as why Rambler won Motor Trend Maga
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WiiMtr af Meter Trail KfilSHiaRl:
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