The Snide Sisterhood Page 2 EDITORIAL The Reflecting Mirror of Football season tickets will cost $3 more for stu dents next fall if the Stu dent Council endorsement of the increase is put in to effect ... and if stu dents buy tickets. In a race to catch up with five other Big Eight Conference schools in money available for the athletic department, thus bigger and better football players, students might have to pay $10 instead of 7, for their 1963 tick ets. The argument for the Increase seems to cen ter around the fact that Nebraska is one of three schools that is not subsidized in some way, is addition to the fact that Nebraskans do not have to pay taxes that go to the University Ath letic Department. The subsidies mentioned are reported to be in the form of waivers of fees, tuition and mandatory buying of tickets. As high as $150,000 a year is re ceived at some schools by these methods. Athletic Director Tippy Dye established a rela tionship between grants-in-aid and scholarships and ranking in the con ference in a talk before the Student Council sev eral weeks ago. It seems that higher paid players make better football play ers. Dye said that if Ne braska is going to remain competitive in the confer ence it win have to keep grants-in-aid in the same bracket as the top two or three schools. Tfcat is, we will have to pay as well as the top tw r three to turn oat football players of similar quality. And who is pay ing hi the end, student body? If . J!mm-" IV EEVOT-EC0ND TEAS OF ,,3 " TZl PI i:i Ji:S71!!TI TsicrlaJZie 477-fTlL, ext. CSS, 2581, 2599 ItSh k B llember Associated CoBeglate Press. IsterBstJstsal Prew flrpreenUtive, Na dunsl AiverHiiiig Servke, iBcajrporated. rsIJieJ at: Boom it, Student I'nlWa. lines! S, Nebrasu. lfaaeai (Mwhl fca rawer . . ...... ..........--...- warts 4aa ' AMMteat Moris Edtor at Hows riaor . . (.or .4iora to i -war titan ftrHers And the student will continue to pay, whether tickets go whether' intelligence is of fered the same benefits physical ability is and whether all those football rank-raisers are hidden parts of an increased tu ition that the student at school for school must pay. Of those who return to a University prestige and honor through profession al excellence, football players are in the great minority. Yet of those who get free training in order to attain profession al excellence, football players . are in the ma jority. It has yet to be proven that funds from athletic activities benefit a Uni versity enongh to make non-athletic students pay that price. But there are many other things to consider: For instance, what ev er happened to the idea of a balanced athletic program? It would be much better for studets. athletes and the school if the athletic program were well-rounded. Basketball players need a place to play and the baseball field needs a scoreboard. With appro priations to the so-called minor sports, Nebraska could be a valid leader er in collegiate athletics. But the rounding out of the athletic program must wait Bntil more seats are added to the stadium and those are paid for and the football team makes so much money that it can not possibly spend it all on itself. That seems like the long way around. Why not pep up the Univer- boo' Doily Nebraskan s T PMf mensn aokn of e iiiaoMalaat tor oasl rearaorr . tWe. ; eTaJT EDrrrnuAL siaff Thursday, May 2, 1963 by john morris sity's sports publicity? Send out a little info on . baseball, basketball, ten- Ft nis, golf, wrestling, swim- 1 ming, etc. Why not up- grade ' the whole system and boast of a real good athletic department rath er than concentrate on collegiate glamour, on the gridiron? Look it up any where, athlete is not defined as a football player and a coach is not defined as a football teacher. Why not pay for only top grade football talent and transfer some funds to other sports, if we are going to pay athletes? That, in addition to bet ter promotional work, would interest people in sports other than foot ball at the University and make it worth while for athletes, other than foot ball players to compete. For instance, why not make the Nebraska foot ball fan, the "super loyal nut," pay for what he gets to see. It seems odd that students most pay more than before and get, on the whole, not as good a view of action, as the other half, the pub lic. If students must start paying more they should start demanding more. Why not ask for 10,000 30-yard line seats, a per fect season and an Orange Bowl contract, plus enough influence to pressure hiring and fir ing of coaches in the fu ture. And, if the student body does not get what it wants then it should throw a mass tantrum and point to Big Ten Gi ants, to the Southeastern Conference Giants and wail out the injustice, and this time be heard by alL 'J ''r--4lriA.',-?r'J,.. ' i a peMnteed saeaaap. sjedesdeP" aariie Ske inn rear. eea ana eurtiisa aad eatv dertaa aaraat. sw easeeaM mt She Imwili reraka eatii Car aaifcTtae- of sreluss ' rawlirn mmtn mr h'it af - (he akMNUt m ! r fmUtma,.. ke rae anas esMertat ml an Par mrt of OV HO i niastflio - or oa as- earl of aoy aerrvo eunwise ct Vm jiozp Tar aaar " (feoy say. or do. or trt fin reaer Lse an : or vik. lMaa htMtrrtrw r a. aoafet arcrtot. Oorr MiOn Itiaar CIT. mm Oaaaliws. Bob jTasaiarkaai Sw I Lore ' ' Jeao emits .""""..' .' terra aaiiriiio so kn iJ-. rwoarao. aosle Boater, woods Boeors HORSE Claim Jumper Smiling Pirate Nosey Judge Palooka's Pal Farmer's Daughter .... Band-Aid Talking Mule Old Yeller Sandy Pita Summer Correspondent Gob's Choice Cracked Lips Da x wood Sandwich .... Independent Lady T.B. Horny Builder Cross Queen Chinese Dog V-Less Presley Fulter's Partner Whit. Burned Babe Hair pin Little Flyer STABLE ..Ritzy Dwelling .... ..Water Front . . White House ..Kati's Korner ..White House ..Water Front . . Ritzy Dwelling ..Banana Barrel ..Firm Foundation ... ..Wet Barn ..Heartbreak Hotel .. ..Turkey Farm ..Wet Barn ....... ..Barbed Corral .... ..Heartbreak Hotel .. ..Water Front ..Wet Barn ..Gods Mouthpiece .. ..Kati's Korner ..Banana Barrel ..Firm Foundation .. ..God's Mouthpiece .. ..La Hacienda ...... ..Ritsy Dwelling Goody, Goody HORSE 5 Secluded Valley .. Erector Docgee STABLE .Aviary . Manure Hall .BrowneU Palace .... Mogul ..Goldea . . Manure Ball ..CHsomiBe ... ..Gobble Land ..Cheese Box .. ..Cliff's Club .. ..Manure Hall - S Piety Beaked Ass Jerke Eversharp Frenzied RabMe Rouser ..... Alto Lindy TNE Taboo Kaoeniammer Kid Spence Corn Job Freddy Bear Money Maker ..... S Sen be Watty , Bard ss Prophet pater Patter , Toad ..Paratroopers .. Goldea Screw ..Turkey Terrace ..Hay Seed Swan .... ..? ..Manure Palace ...Golden Screw ..Freddy Bear's Tavern .. ..Freddy Bear's Tavern ..Puritan's Penthon e .. ..Turkey Terrace ..Cheese Boa ..Gotdea Screw ..Turkey Terrace ..Manure Palace ........ ..Kla Kin Klaa (P Til fl lf o) G 6)LS troon QUALIFICATIONS: 1. SCHOLARSHIPS It makes a dif ference for the Mortar Boards.) 2. ACTIVITIES (Never so few!) 3. LEADERSHIP (That the blind may lead the blind.) m 4. SERVICE (Do a job!) INTERVIEWS TRAINER ..Court Marshal ..No Trainer ..Innocent Lady ..No Trainer ..Cora Door ..No Trainer ..Liver Pill , .No Trainer ..Sweet thing ..Wet Cave . .Evening Star ..No Trainer .Super Sister ..Watch Her ..Evening Star . No Trainer ,.Wet Cave ..Dollar Daze .No Trainer No Trainer .Sweet Thing .Sporty Sort ..Definitely Needs One ..Liver PIU evil R. Henkle .Porky Wetaer .Cob Haa Jock ... Screw ,.See abosv ......... ..Breslow , .None ........... . Fungus ..Sleeper ..See above ..None ..None ..None ..Johnny Apple worm ... ilihid -. .Many ..None None ..None .See Asa -None ..None Ibid SATURDAY ODD8 TIP f 1-1 Has been in all the ray S-l So strong she may hurt stable males. . S-l Careful handling by trainers has brought her right along. 3- 1 Has shown good form all the way to the wile. 4-3 Late starter came on at a rush. 4- 1 To continue winning tradition of former. 5-4 Stable Mate. 1-1 Much stuff. 6- 5 Stables Best. t! ISStmX 5 A look like . M Ana. 10-1 , Steady plodder. , 14- S Consistent, but may need help from trainer. 15- 1 Solid pick. 20-1 Off to fast start, but fading. 25-1 Forced to run w 'he outside all am way. 30-1 Could be iust another runner. 40-1 ' Good training but has faultered on the last curve. 50-1 Steady but not spectacular. 60-1 Could linish in the money. the running. 70-1 Classy stabiemate may put this one out of we running. 80-1 Long shot ' 84-1 anon in me nracn. 90-1 Lost Interest In running, ? n nj- j O as aj Li O And, More s tWissipiQS ODDS . 4-1 334-29.4 9.0-1 9-U 1154 55-4 1454 4L321-S 15-1 454 34-2 9-1 45-3 145-1 1-1 15-1 4 90-3 20-1 350W-.9 1 for 34 344-22 300O-1 4500-1 34569-T 3 2-000O0 TIPS life's ambition achieved. . Tillers of the soil reed something for compensaUoo. His smile is the most significant thing about mm. ana makes me sick. . Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary, the Devi walketh about. Hope to the end. Keep praying. . Intra -resess ion. but anything can happen. ,ck .. Choked with ambition and of the meaner iSOrt (Shakespeare). To remember that Tammany cooks spoiled the broth. Three things in life are inevitable: death, taxes and three Manure Hall Spooks. They have to get 13 Al Smith had his problems. a could too. Would make a hetier Mortar Board No hay seeds this year. Once a decade is enough. Fertilizers only get 3. He and Eversharp will dad. Four time loser. poabtful Watch him. be may drop. Grounded. Probably win strike out. . Utacoukl tamp like he can jug. bed win Too many ia front, may win Nobel Prize thoago. Nitty painters never make good pobtkuas. too dura many farmers. Pursed. '(AnAar cflWmu Urn 1 HOW TO SEE EUROPE FOR ONLY $300 A DAY: NO. 1 Sannner vacation k jnst arotmd the eorDer, mi trntanfty al of you are going to Europe. Perhaps I can offer a handy tip or two. (I most confess that I myself bae never been to Europe, bat I do have a French poodle and a German ithepherd, so I am not entirely unqualified-) Kn let me asy that no trip to Europe complete without Yist to England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, France, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Lichtenrtein, Holland, Belgium, Lnem bourg, Switzerland, Denmaik, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Po land, Ciechoslovakia, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Rosria, Greece, Yugoelavia, Albania, Crete, Sardinia, Sicily, Hongary, Enraauia, Bulgaria, Lapland, and Andorra. Let m take vp these oontries order. Fkst, England. iierfj omftt threw The capital of England is London or lira pout, m ft KimetirrM eaued. There are many mteresting things to see ia London chiefly the changing of the guards. The gmrds an changed daily. The old ones are thrown away. Another "must" while in London is a visit to the palace of Uje Duke of Mnritxrough. Marlborough n xpefied .MairtMajA, but pronrfunced Marlboro. EnglMh spdHng is very cpaaint, bat terriMy diiiorgaiiixed. The late George Bernard 8hw, author of Liiik Women, fougtit all his life to simplify English spelling. They tell a story about Shaw once adring a friend, fTWhaidoea g-h-o-t speUf The friend pondered a bit and replied, .Goatee." Shaw mimeied. "Pahaw," said Shaw. ?G-b-o-t4 dbes wA spell goatee. It spells JUL" "How is thatr said the fmnd. Shaw answered, "Gk as in tmougk, as in 9mmm, af aw fat wvium. Iut them ail toireiher, yoa get Juk." This was very clever of Shaw wheat yon eoogkbr tiaat 1st VW a vegetarian. And a good thing be was. As Dasnefi ooos B nuied to Guy Fawkes, "If Shaw were lot a vegetarian, M lamb cli'p in IAdon would be safe. But I digram. We were speaking of the palace of tfk Ddkecf J!arlUrridi or Marlboro, as jt is called in the United Etatea. It ' caJUd MarlUro by every smoker who enjoys s fine, nA breed of UA&tctm, who appreciates a pure white filter, who Ckea a rAt pack that is really ttoft, a Flip-Top box that reaSy Cps. Be sure you are well supjilied with Marflxxos when yam. mkt your trip timud. Mia a long, tiring day of sghtseeing there is nothing so welcome as a good flavorful Marlboro and foot bath with hot Epoom salts. Epsom salt can be obtained ia England at Epsom Dnm. Kenmngton halts can be obtained at Kenniiigtoo Gardens, Alljert slt can be obtained at Albert HHt Hyde salts eaa be obtained at Hyde Park, aad the crown jewels can be obtained at the Tower of London. The guards at the Tower of London are called Beef otters because they are always beefing about what they get to eat This is aluo known a "cricket'' or "petrol." Well, I guow that about coveni England. In next week's column we will visit the Land of the Midnight Sun- France. CIM Mas aaolauaa wlM-rever ra mar roast ia Eorose and ia al ftftr states f Vniun, yaaU find Maribore errr-prreal sad erer-piraoaat (Utf, daror, arft or boa. . . . . . , but has been good In past 1 To Come Too m 0km e Teae-ap DTt "Tit ikmm of Debit Iriiia", ete-J rnta,; TT-,i ,. , r -- ao eoca -A