The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 02, 1963, Image 1

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Student Council
HI e news Support
For Ticket Hike
Student Council yesterday
defeated 20-8 a motion which
would have killed last week's
endorsement of an increase
of $3 in the student football
Introduced by Bill Dunklau,
the resolution said that "stu
dent opinion seems generally
opposed to such an increase,"
and that "such an increase is
not in the best interests of
the student body."
In his argument for the res
olution, Dunklau said that the
Increase is unwarranted and
totally out of line. He said
that the extra $22,000 to be
received from the ticket price
increase will hardly make a
dent in the $710 thousand
budget of the Athletic Depart
ment. Dunklau also said that the
$3 increase in the student
rates would not bring as
mucn revenue as a si in
crease in the public rates.
The 30,000 seats sold to the
public would bring in an add
ed $30,000 with this price in
He also believes that this
price increase discourages
school spirit.
Steve Christensen agreed
with Dunklau saying that he
would like to see the price in
crease, if coupled with recom
mendations for other changes.
He questioned where thel
lution is the only way that
the Council can adequately
provide that in the future
communication will reach all
interested persons. He also
said that it was a way of co
ordinating the Yell Squad and
ine spirit organizations.
In other business, the Coun
cil elected new student mem
bers of the Publications
Board. They are Virginia
"Cuz" Gunzel, sophomore
representative; Karen Gun-
licks, junior representative:
j n ...
ana Maureen fToiilt, senior
Elections for Student Coun
cil representatives
and amendments will be Mon
day at the city Union from
8 a.m. to 7 p.m., and at the
Ag Union from 8 a.m. to 5
Class schedules are now
available in the Administra
tion building and worksheets
will be accepted after May
20. No class space will be as
signed until the $25 deposit
is submitted. This may be
done until July 31.
Oriental Music
Session Set
Javanese and Balinese mu
sic will be discussed by Dr.
Donald Lentz, director of
Bands at the University, on
May 8 at 2 p.m. in 232 Stu
dent Union.
Dr. Lentz received a Woods
grant to study music in the
IFC h Given
Rush Report
By Committee
The Interfraternity Council
(IFC) was presented with a
report last night, compiled by
its rush committee, on the
possibilities of setting up a de
fered rush system at the
Defered rush, which is a
method by which fraternities
wait to pledge men until lift
er me men nave naa a
chance to prove themselves
scholastically .on their cam
pus, is presently carried on
by many fraternity systems
throughout the country.
"The only reason," read
part of the committee report,
"we should ever propose to
adopt deferred rush is to
strengthen the Greek System
at Nebraska, and at the pres
ent time, the effect of de
ferred rush measures would
be just the opposite."
In its report, the rush com
mittee set up the criteria for
a general rush program, re
leased the opinions of other I
schools, who have deferred!
rush programs effective in
their Greek Systems, and fi-!
nally, set up a hypothetical j
case of deferred rush at thei
"For a rush method to be
successful," read the report,
"it must be: 1. Financially
feasible; 2. Acceptable to
the individual fraternities; 3.
Compatible with nniversitity
bousing facilities; and 4. Cap
able of producing the largest
number of potential active
fraternity men."
v x
DISTANCE THROW, BUT WHAT?-"It's called Women's distance throw but what do I throw?" queries Sherril Geist
linger, as she practices throwing everything from locomotives to telephones. Sherrill is practicing for the Spring Day
games tomorrow on Ag campus. All afternoon classes have been dismissed for the big event
Vol. 76, No. 96
The Daily Nebraska:-
Thursday, May 2, 1963
burden of the price increase j Far East and traveled to
could best be borne, and said i India and Southeast Asia last
that the student was on the
weakest financial ground of
the student, faculty, and gen
eral public areas.
Steve Honey indicated that,
from the business point of
view, the recommended in
crease could be most easily
obtained from the students
since there was no rule say
ing now many seats must be
set aside for the students.
Susie Merwick said that
student opinion had not been
measured and that nothing
against the increase bad ap
peared in the Daily Nebras
kan. She also pointed out that
it Is a student activity and
the students should help sup
port it.
Dunklau, chairman of the ;
activities committee, intro
duced a motion recommend-1
ing that the Yell Squad file
with Student Affairs as a stu
dent organization under Stu
dent Council jurisdiction, and
Council passed it.
The resolution said that the
Council is the governing body
of student organizations of
general University interest,
and that the Yell Squad is
such an organization since it
is representative of the entire
student body. It was also not
ed that the positions are open
to all University students.
Dunklau said that this reso-
year. uunng his travels he
attended festivals and cere- J from those whieh
monies and made recordings (experience with
of Oriental music and mov
ies of Oriental dances. Dr.
Lentz also visited universi
ties and factories in which
musical instruments are
Students and faculty are in
vited to attend Dr. Lentz
lecture and see his movies
and recordings of Oriental
Council Ends
Of Book Pool
An investigation into the
possibilities of a successful
book exchange pool has been
completed, said Bill Gunlicks,
chairman of the Council book
exchange committee.
The committee worked in
conjunction with Alpha Phi
s - : r i :.
sent to colleges throughout V"
the United States, requesting j whlf hs book
lntormation concerning their I ,.
rush urograms. Of the letters i Students sell used books at
sent nineteen were returned 60 10 62 P61 cent of their orig
inal cost and buy them at 64
to 66 per cent of this cost.
Students can save between
10 and 12 per cent in the pur
Ninety-four letters
Will Be Mingled!
Fr 'H3 Qvy si
Six finalists have been cho
sen for the University Varsity
Dairy Club Princess contest.
They are Joan Skinner, Al
pha Chi Omega; Priscilla Pat
terson, Nebraska Center;
Judy Nelson, Delta Delta Del
ta; Rosella Lange, Women's
Residence Hall; Kathy Soren
son, Kappa Alpha Theta; and
Jeanne Langford, Alpha Omi
cron PL
These candidates will be
voted upon at a dance May 10
at the Ag Union. The Dairy
Princess will be announced at
the Dairy Royal Show May 11,
said Don Ehlers, Dairy Club
had had
rushing. Among those reply
ing to the IFC's letter were
Michigan State University, chase of their books. This
Duke University and Wiscon-1 would make it possible for the
isn State University. ! student body to save as much
! as $24,000 a semester by pur
The replying universities j chasing books through a book
were placed into ''three cate- j exchange, Gunlicks said.
gunes, mose wno aeierrea
rushing until the middle of
the first semester, those who
waited until the end of the
first semester, and those who
waited until after the second
semester had begun.
The comments received
from the other universities
varied from strongly in favor
of the program, to rabid op
position to it. The Dean of
Students at Northeastern
State College in Oklahoma,
for instance, said; "We like
the delayed rush. It has
worked so well that the soro
rities also have decided on
the delayed system."
In contrast to these favor
able opinions on the system,
James Mauory, Dean of Men
at East Carolina College, said
that the program '"proved
very unsatisfactory."
The rush committee's re
port will be discussed at the
next IFC meeting, according
to IFC president William
This year's Ivy Day sing
will feature several innova-
Students sen used books at ! tionsove! ' acco?
ing uj yninia noimquisi,
Morter Board.
This year, in order to add
some variety, men and wom
en groups will alternate. In
addition, the awards present
ed during the day will be in
terspersed between the songs'.
The schedule of groups is:
12:20 Sigma Kappa, "Sing,
We Now of Sigma;" song
leader, Claire Roehrkasse.
12:25 Sigma Nu, "Navv
Hymn:" song leader, Joseph
12:30 Towne Club, "I Whis
tle A Happy Tune;" song
leader, Rosalee Pleiss.
Attention Chains!
Members of the Daisy and
Ivy Chain will rehearse to
night at 5 p.m. in the Stu
dent Union Ballroom, accord
ing to Cynthia Holmquist,
Mortar Board.
Regents Accept Resignations
Of 23 NU Faculty Members
Resignations of twenty-three
staff members, including two
full professors, were accepted
by the University Board of
Those resigning are:
Leon Lishner, professor
of voice, who has accepted a
similar position at Oberlin
College in Ohio. A faculty
member since 1956, Prof.
Lishner has appeared each
Christmas with NBC-TV opera
in Menotti's "Amahl and the
Night Visators," and recently
aracier .oons
In Thermostatic
A physicist in home economics?
Prof. Arnold Barager stands beside one of the many
stoves in the home economics department and cooks his
''artificial potatoes" made of mineral wool and water in
a baby food jar, as part of a research project on thermo
static controls on stoves.
His project includes determining the efficiency of
thermostatically controlled cooking tops in the critical
cooking processes those of waterless cooking and deep
fat frying, which require the toe of controlled tempera
tures. "We received numerous complaints from housewives
that these cooking units didn't work," said Barager. "We
thought maybe it was the type of utensils in terms of
material used. We tried several different materials, but
we had variation because of the differences in the foods
we were cooking. We were using potatoes but then de
veloped some artificial potatoes of our own."
"We found that by careful watching and a few
added improvements, waterless cooking, cooking with one
half cup or less water, was possible on these stoves,"
said the professor. "We took temperature readings every
15 seconds to discover the exact points at which the con
trol shut off the heat."
Prof. Barager's research projects have been written
up in the Journal of Home Economics several times,
where they are available to extension agents, homemak
ers and to the companies developing the stoves. One
of his articles will appear in the June edition of the
Prof. Barager teaches a course in elementary and
advanced household equipment to home economics stu
dents. His 6tudent6 hear most often, considering the
selection of equipment to be used in the household, "What
do you want it to do?"
icist Chef?
Pot at
There are many different types of equipment on the
market and a lot of them do not answer the needs of
the average housewife but they are acceptable for the
particular job for which they are designed, said Barager.
Housewives must figure out what they want the utensils
to do before they purchase something for which they
have no use.
Before his project on stoves, Barager did a research
project on vacuum cleaners. The results of this re
search were also printed in the Journal.
Barager originally started out as a physicist, receiv
ing hi6 Bachelors and Master's degrees from the Uni
versity of Michigan. He came to Nebraska to teach
physics but after two years, started doing research in the
field of home economics. He did purely research work
for several years and then started teaching the home
economics courses in 1947. He has been at the Universi
ty for 33 years.
He is on the National Conference of Housing planning
committee and was one of the original founders of the
organization. Eight schools send representatives to the
conference to exchange ideas and coordinate their re
search projects.
He was on the University Convocation for several
years but resigned three years ago when he was placed
on the University Building Committee. He is on the Stu
dent Loan committee and the Graduation with Distinction
Barager is a member of the American Home Econ
omics Association, the American Institute of Physics,
the American Association of University Professors and
the American Association for Advancement of Science. He
is also a member of Sigma Xi, an honorary scientific
sung in the nationally tele
cast performance of Menot
ti's "The Labyrinth."
Saul T. Epstein, profes
sor of physics, who will accept
a similar position at the Uni
versity of Wisconsin, effective
Aug. 31. A member of the
Nebraska faculty since 1954,
he is a general theoretics
Philipp P. Fehl, associ
ate professor of art, who will
join the faculty at the Uni
versity of North Carolina, ef
fective Aug. 31. During the
second semester, he is on
leave teaching at the Uni
versity of California, Ber
John Winkelman, asso
ciate professor of Germanic
Languages and Literatures,
who will join the faculty at
I'niversity of Waterloo, Cana
da, effective Aug. 31.
John L. Skinner, associ-1
ate professor of poultry hus
bandry in agricultural exten
sion, who will join the Uni
versity of Wisconsin staff in
a similar position, effective
June 12.
Margaret Cannell, assis
tant professor of home eco
nomics, who plans to move
Aug. 31 to Menlo Park, Calif.,
to be near other members of
her family.
Louis H. Leiter, assistant
professor of English, who
has accepted a position with
University of the Pacific in
California, effective Aug. 2L
He has been at Nebraska
since 1959.
13:35 Beta Sigma Psi,
"Brother Sing On;" song lead
er, Roger Quadhammer.
12:40 Zeta Tau Alpha, "Bid
in' My Time;" song leader,
Betty Bauer.
12:45 Sigma Chi, "Seeing
Nellie Home;" song leader,
Rich Revis.
12:50 Pi Beta Phi, "A Girl
Of The Pi Beta Phi;" song
leader, Gail Galloway.
12:55 Love Memorial Hall
"There Are Such Things;"
song leader, Jand Fauquet.
1: 05 Alpha Xi Delia, "Love
Look Away;" song leader, Su
san Mall.
1:19 Alpha Tan Omega,
"Vive L' Amour;" song lead
er, Douglas BusskohL
1:15 Alpha Chi Omega, "Bit
Of Logic;" song leader, Kar
en Yager.
1:20 Theta Xi, "Like The
Mighty Eagle;" song lead
er, Troy Cleveland.
Carl R. Lindenmeyer, as
sistant professor of mechani
cal engineering, who has ac
cepted a position with an in
dustrial firm, effective Aug.
31. He has been at the Uni
versity since 1961.
William C. Sweet, Jr.,
manager of the food and hous
ing facilities at the Nebraska
Center for Continuing Educa
tion since its opening in 1961.
He has accepted a position as
executive assistant manager
of the Brown Palace Hotel
at Denver, Colo. t
1:25 Kappa Delta, "When
You Choose The Pin You'll
Wear;)) song leader, Susie
1:30 Canfield House, -"Where
Or 'When;" song leader, Jerry
1:35 Kappa Alpha Theta,
"The Little Worm;" song
leader, Judy Tenhulzen.
1:45 Terrace HalL "Terrace
Sweetheart Song;" song lead
er, Becky Stehl.
1:50 Kappa Sigma, "Down
By The Sally Gardens;" song
leader, Bob Rose.
1:55 Fedde Hall, "Without
A Song;" song leader, L y 1 e
2:00 Capitol I and II, "Blow
High, Blow Low;" song lead
er, Willard Marquardt.
2:05 Alpha Offlicron Pi,
Sapphric Ode;" song leader,
Ixirraine Morris.
2:10 Sigma Phi Epsilon,
"Then Here's To Thee;" song
leader, Lyly Rolofson.
2:15 Delta Gamma, "Hoi-1
iday For Strings;" song lead
er, Polly Brown. '
2:20 Gustavson Hall, "I Feel
Pretty:" song leader, Kath
leen Gates.
2:35 Alpha Phi, -"Lullaby
Of Birdland;" song leader.
Carole Kramer.
2:40 Phi Delta Theta, "De
Animals A Comur "song
leader Doug Thom.
pa Girl;" song leader, Vir
ginia Wheaton.
3:15 Delta Delta Delta,
"Put On A Happy Face;'
song leader, Pat Gett.
3:20 Phi Gamma Delta,
"Shenendoah;" song leader,
Stuart Wiley.
3:25 Gamma Phi Beta, "Eli
jah Rock;" song leader, Nan
cy Mercer.
3:30 FarmHouse, "Old King
Cole;" song leader, Ron
Alpha Delta Pi, "Go in
Home;" song leader, Judy
3:40 Beta T h e t a Pi, "Ma
ria;" song leader, Gordon
3:45 Residence Halls For
Women, "How High the
Moon;" song leader, Sara
3:50 Sigma Alpha Epsilon,
"Night And Day;" song lead
er, Paul Comastro.
The Ivy Day sing is spon
sored by the Associated Wom
en s Students AWS) and Kos
met Klub.
2:45 University Hospit
al Nurses, -"Clap Yo' Hands;"
song leader, Karen Neilsen.
2:50 Delta Sigma Pi, "There
Is Nothing Like A Dame;"
song leader, Clark Marshall.
2:55 Chi Omega, "Climbin'
Up The Mountain;" song lead
er, (jail Hunt.
3:00 Delta Tau Delta, "To
bacco;" song leader, Steve
3:05 Kappa Kappa Gamma,
"Give Your Heart To a Kap-
Mclnnis Gets
The Rev. Jerry Mclnnis has
been appointed associate nin-ister-director
of the Methodist
Wesley Foundation, effective
June 1, according to Bishop
Kenneth Copeland, bishop of
Nebraska Conference of Meth
odist churches.
Mclnnis will fill the va
cancy left when the Rev.
Duane Hutchinson was moved
from that position to that of
director of the Wesley Foun
dation. "We work as a team," said
Hutchinson. Dick Morris, lay
leader is the third member
of our team."
Mclnnis comes to the Uni
versity campus from Repub
lican City, where he served
churches in Republican City,
Huntley, Ragan and Wilcox,
He has been McCook Dis
trict Director of Youth work
and wiB be director of the
McCook District camp this
summer for the third time.
He is on the Nebraska Con
ference Board of Ministerial
Mclnnis received his first
year of education at the Uni
versity of Nebraska. After
serving some time in the
Army, he finished work on
his A.B. degree at Nebraska
Wesleyan. He attended semi
nary at Emory in Atlanta, Ga.
YD's Will Show
Controversial Film
The controversial state
chamber of commerce film on .
the Unicameral's budget com
mittee will be shown at the
Young Democrats meeting to
night at 7 p.m.,, according
to Gary Thompsen, president
Election of officers will also
be held. The meeting will
be held In the south party
room in the Student Union,
Figure It Out
Have Fun Trying