The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 26, 1963, Image 1

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    ' I T T t I -
Slaskion &
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CAMPUS . . .
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stated this year, was termed
a success by students, admin
istration and participants. It
will probably be expanded to
about ten masters in the fu
ture, said Dean G. Robert
Ross, student affairs. J. L e e
Itankin, Percy Spencer, Chris
Christensen, Elmer Dohr
mann and Leslie Welch were
the five masters who returned
for the first Masters Program.
68th annual, held its open
house yesterday. Nearly 10,
000 people are expected to at
tend the displays created by
students in engineering and
architecture. A convocation,
field day at Pioneer Park and
a banquet and dance today
highlight the program.
; CITY . . .
SOCIATION, an 1,150 mem
ber organization representing
virtually all city public school
teachers, has asked the Board
of Education to adopt an in
dex salary schedule, one
which would bring proportion
ately greater financial awards
to tenure teachers, and to
hire physically qualified and
professionally competent
teachers who have passed the
65 year mandatory retirement
age. No action has yet been
taken on either request.
a $775,000 new grade school,
to be used jointly by the Lin
coln school system and the
University Teachers College,
have been approved by the
Board of Education. Now it
is up to the University Board
of Regents to agree to pick
up about $270,000 of the cost.
DES predicted the income tax
bill, with some amendments,
will be passed this session of
the legislature. He listed these
two factors as instrumental to
the bill's success: 1) Nebras
kans do not want to mortgage
the future of the state in or
der to pay present-day costs
of government as they are
doing with the property tax
and 2.) the basic sense of
fair play is coming into prom
inence in this matter of tax
ation and the state is realiz
ing that it is not fair to have
one part of it carry another
on its back.
- I
COUNTRY AIR Blue work denim goes to the
office, as illustrated by this smartly tailored sports
jacket with matching pants. Remove the tie and change
the shirt and the combo becomes ideal for a casual
weekend in the country. Jacket and pants are lined
with cotton flannel. See page five.
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ACCENT ON EYES A fashion minded coed applys eyeliner to accent eyes and eyelashes. See page seven for de
tailed instructions.
Vol. 76, No. 93
The Daily Nebraskan
Friday, April 26, 1963
ING appealing to Federal
Courts to protect its citizens
against expropriation of pri
vate property transferred
from Nebraska to Iowa un
der the two states' 1943 boun
dary compact. Attorney Gen
eral Clarence Meyer said he
is studying legal ramifcatlons
and wiU obtain facts in the
cases at the request of the
governor and legislators In or
der to decide whether to in-tervene.
Nebraskans rose to record
heights last year, most cur
rent statistical data indicate.
Best estimate places the fig
. ure around $2,200-plus in 1962.
That compares with $2,113 in
1960 and $2,168 in 1961. Those
two figures placed Nebraska
23rd among the United States
in per capita income rating.
NATION . . .
MENT has called for the with
drawal of pro-communist for
ces in Laos from the territory
which they have 'overrun' in
recent attacks against neu
tralist forces. Press Officer
Lincoln White said the U.S.
position was "that any effec
tive ceasefire should contain
previsions that the areas
which have been overrun
that they ' should withdraw
from those areas and the neu
trals returned to those
areas." ' ' 1
proved a new policy recogniz
ing global status for one U.S.
airline Pan American
and proposing to restrict oth
er U.S. airline activities
abroad to specific world areas.
The policy calls for greater
U.S. authority over interna
tional air fare violations and
for a sterner attitude toward
fare agreements with the air
lines of other nations. ,
ETV Offers Adults
Formal Learning,
Cultural Programs
Helping students and teachers during the day, Educa
tional Television (ETV) also offers Nebraska adults a
nighttime variety bonus in living-room learning.
ETV offers adults an entirely new chance for added
formal learning. From their living rooms, adults can re
ceive credit or non-credit courses in high school or col
lege subjects.
Cultural development is another new ETV dimension
that is offered with adult education.
Although now viewed in a limited basis in Nebraska,
the ETV areas of adult education and cultural develop
ment have been receiving top attention at the Univer
sity KUON-TV for nine years.
Through ETV, the University could broaden its edu
cational responsibility to all parts of the state on an en
tirely new and regular basis. Nebraska's other colleges
colud be seen as ettov.
Possible events and places that could be covered by
ETV include: the 1967 state centennial celebration, tours
of museums, state parks, art galleries and points of his
torical interest. Future legislative sessions, and issues
faring the state could also be brought to Nebraskans by
These cultural opportunities for adults would not
have to be limited to Nebraska's border. As an affiliated
member of the National Educational Television Network
(NET), KUON-TV is presently providing variety of pro
grams to selected Nebraska families on an exclusive bas
is. All tastes are allowed for in KUON-TV's weekly
schedule with the programs ranging from systematic,
formal instruction to informality in entertainment, in
formation and culture.
To Play
F oustus
Dr. Peter Arnott, interna
tionally known dramatist, will
present "Dr. Faustus" by
Christopher Marlowe in the
Marienette Theatre, Tuesday
at 7:30 p.m. in the Love Li
brary Auditorium.
Dr. Arnott's method of pre
senting classical drama for
modern audiences through
the medium of marionettes
is believed to be unique in
the English-speaking world.
A visiting professor of class
ics and dramatic art from
the University of Iowa, he
has given performances on
his marionette stage in Greek,
Roman, English and French.
"Dr. Faustus," translated
from German, will be pre
sented in English.
Arnott, an actor, director
and writer has published sev
eral translations and articles
of Greek and Roman drama,
history, dramUc and liter
ary criticism. He is the author
of An Introduction to the
Greek Theatre, Three Greek
PIqvs inr tho TtiAatra snH tha
pnzewinning piay, ine uevu
My Brother."
The public is invited to at
tend free of charge. Children
under fourteen will not be
permitted entrance.
P 20s' Abolishing!!?
Most fraternity and sorority
men and women at Iowa State
University are supporting the
decision of the Interfraternity
Council Court to abolish the
Pi Xi's and the "Pixie Press,"
according to an informal sur
vey taken by the Iowa State
Very few people were op
posed to the decision and a
few were indifferent, but the
majority said they thought the
court did the right thing in
deciding to abolish the whole
group instead of suspending a
few individuals, the paper
Pi Xi, a national sub rosa
fraternity, was officially dis
banded last week at Iowa
State after a series of meet
ings of the IFC Court and the
Office of Student Affairs. One
Pi Xi was on trial for publi
cation of the "Pixie Press"
Council Amendments
The following amendments
to the constitution of the Stu
dent Council will be voted
on in the spring election on
May 8.
Article 4, Section 1, Subsection A. Part
1 be amended to strike Law, Dentistry,
and Pharmacy colleges as separate cate
gories receiving representation and in
sert, "d. Graduate colleges (which shall
Include Law, Dentistry, Pharmacy, and
Graduate College)".
Article 4, Section L. Subsection A, Part
2, by striking the words, "each college
herein represented shall be entitled to a
minimum of one representative," and in
sert the words "The quota of graduate
representatives may be filled by any of
those colleges in that category."
Article 4. Section 1, Subsection B, Part
2 to read, "These representatives shall be
elected in the spring of the year by secret
ballot," and include, "and must serve
a term parallel to that of college repre
sentatives." Article 4, Section 1, Subsection A, Part
4 to strike out "this replacement must be
of the same sex ..." and insert "this
replacement must meet all regular col
lege requirements and may be of either
sex unless it violates the regulations for
representation in those colleges which re
quire at least one male and female rep
resentative." Article 3. Section 3, Subsection E be
deleted: "E. The organization represen
tative shall not have had previous service
on the council."
Article 8, Section 2, Subsection C to
read as follows: "C. To arrange for poll
ing places and to supervise the balloting,"
and add, "which shall always be by se
cret ballot."
Article 8. Section 2, to add Subsection
G. "G. To declare vacant the post(s) of
any college representative(s) upon receipt
of a recall petitition signed by members
of that college equal to 35 of its cur
rent enrollment. These signatures are to
be validated by the office of the Regis
trar. New elections, following the proce
dures of the spring general election, are
to be held within two weeks of the valida
tion of the petition.
which is a gossip sheet whose
subject matter is critical of
the Greek System, it con
tinued. Seventeen members of the
group voluntarily submitted
formal resignations and hand
ed over fraternity materials.
The Court and Office of Stu
dent Affairs accepted the
resignations instead of sus
pending the individual who
was caught.
Several people said that
they liked the "Pixie Press"
but most of them agreed with
the decision of the Court. "I
liked the publication, but may
be it is better the group is
broken up," said one student.
Also, several people were
indifferent to the decision.
They said they thought the
Court handled the case very
well but were indifferent to
the outcome,
"The general opinion of the
people in the house is that
as long as the Pi Xi's are
abolished, that is good enough
punishment," one individual
said in summing up his view
of the Iowa State University
Pi Xi situation.
Smothers Brothers
fee Will Heserve y
Class Assignments
fifOfi Sponsors folk Sloers
A refinement in registra
tion, assuring undergraduate
students of first-come first
serve in class assignments,
was announced today by Reg-
itrar Floyd Hoover.
Hoover said no class spaces
will be assigned for next fall
until the reservation fee of
$25 is paid by the pre-regis-tering
The Registrar's Office will
be set up to accept the de
posits when the students turn
in their worksheets starting
May 20.
This is a change from last
year's procedure, when stu
dents were given until July
31 to make their deposit but
in the meantime their class
cards were pulled. As a re
sult, some students were able
o obtain select classes by
aiting to register until the
all, when a few spaces werej
re-opened because of non-returning
Class schedules for the fall
semester may be picked up
at the Registrar's Office dur
ing the first week in May.
Students may then set up
their programs with their ad
visers. Hoover urged students to
pay the deposit at the time
they submit their worksheets.
If they later decide not to at
tend the University next fall,
they will receive a refund if
Office by July 31.
All early registrants who
fail to make the $23 deposit
by July 31 will be required
to repeat the complete regis
tration process and no guar
antee of space in courses can
be made after July 31, he ex
plained. No deposits are required
for summer-sessions registra
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SMOTHERS BROTHERS This pair of 'commercialized folk song dismantJers' will
play a two-show performance at the Student Union, May 15, at 7 and 9 p.m. Tickets for
the show will be $1.75 for general admission and $2 for reserved seats and will go on
sale one week before the show date.
The Smothers Brothers,
gleeful dismantlers of com
mercialized folk music, will
play a two show performance
at 7 and 9 p.m. at the Stu
dent Union, May 15.
In addition to their musical
antics the Smothers Brothers
will sing seriously those songs
in which they believe.
They are being sponsored
by the Union Special Events
Committee. Tickets for the
show will be $1.75 for gen
eral admission and $2 for re
served seats and will go on
sale one week before the show
They began their upward
climb in show business in
1961 when they first appeared
on nationwide television on
the Jack Paar Show.
Since then they have made
several TV appearances and
contracted many . night Jubs
includ i n g Chicago's Mr.
Kelly's, New York's Blue An
gel, Ihe Purple Onion in San
Francisco and the Exodus in
The Smothers Brothers
have displayed their artistic
ability on such television pro
grams as the Danny Thomas
Show, the new Jack Paar
Show, the Merv Griffin Show
and Bing Crosby's specials.