Page 2 EDITORIAL Wednesday, April 24, I963 Hardin Comments " Successful Inaugural Indicated MEMBERS OF the student body who designed the University's first Master's pro gram this week showed through their sincerity of purpose an attempt to acquire for you, their fellow students, a program which would stimulate thought and challenge your interest The response from all quarters indicates a successful inaugural for the mffiTHER the Master's program becomes an annual event will depend upon the interest it has generated among the student body. This interest is important also rrom the standpoint of the Old Masters. These returning alumni must feel that they too nave had some challenge with the minds of the young men and women of this I nix-ersity. They must be satisfied that thev, as tutors who have taken time and effort from their own busy lives, have contributed to a greater effort in the educational endeavors of the University. WE FEEL that these mutual exchanges, such as we have experienced this week, reward both the students and the participating alumns. It assists in furthering the goals f education. But the future of the program rests primarily with the stu dent community. CLIFFORD M. 11ARD1X Bay, THE FINAL preparations for Ivy Day, J 963, are being made and it seems that this year's event will be one of the most soccessMly staged en the University cam pus. The Mortar Boards have revised the schedule of events, made provisions for a new throne far the queen and her court, and they nave changed the organization of the mens' and womens' sings. IX THE organizational phrase, these changes look good. When talking with the Mortar Boards, we can tell that they want to make this traditional event a little more This ts the time of the year that w all begin looking forward to the big smiversity weekend. And, we're glad to know that this year's Ivy Day promises to be ""bigger n better" than ever. iQut That's A Once upon a lime, not so long ago as you might think, in a dirty decaying hamlet known as Falls City there livr4 a charm ing, handsome, witty, ur bane young man. This young man w as known far and wide throughout the land as Prince S. Tudlf . And he was too. However, our story is not about this fine young man but rather about his neighbor to the South, Jody the halfwit Jody was not really a half-wit, but let's be gen erous. Jody's only enter tainment was reading the telephone book. He read it day and night drunk or , sober, forward or b a c k wards, prone or supine. After fifteen years of dili gent practice Jody be came quite proficient at reading the telephone book. He could read it over his shoulder with the help of a mirror, he could read it while hanging from the nearest baltus trade by his femur, he could read it while balanc- Different Story! ing on his sternum atop a rapier. Once he read it while eating a cumquat Jody had a great imagin ation. Finally Jody felt he was good enough to give a re cital. The entire town was invited and they came in their best bib and tucker. As it happened there was only one bib and tucker In the whole town, a sire tt, and the seams were slightly torn after a few' hoars but It was a small town and everyone was well acquainted so there. Little Reavis Maeomber was sqaasned tnrt he wasn't very popular any way. Jody came out on the stage, smiled demurely, scratched his cau wito his index toe and waited calmly for Little Reavis Macomber's groans to subside. Little Reavis ,was soundly throttled and cast from among them and Jody began. Jody twisted himself into the second Lotus position, pierced his earlobe with a curtain hook and hung from the rafters. "A Hilltop Court," he read, "104 S. 40 ; . . 4SS-2500". The audience was enthralled. "A Jack Beers Arch 724 Lincoln Bldg . . . 432-M26," he continued in his melliflu ous tones, spittle and spu tum dripping rhythmical ly from his chin. Snddenly a voice rang set from Use back ? the hall. "Yea quarter-wit," It rang, revealing the awful truth at last "that's not eur phone book." Oh, that vindictive little Reavis Macomber. Hell hath m fury like a small man squashed and throttled. Well of course Jody was crushed. Fifteen years of dedication spent on the wrong phone book! Oh! Jody left town to catcalls and flying stones. The aw ful ridicule of it all. But all is not lost Jody has found the right town to go with his phone book, He is there now, prepare Ing for his come back. So is Prince S, Tudly but that is a different story. It's About That Time! It happens every spring! It is nothing official, planned for in advance. No one ever says much about it, or even thinks about it It just happens, like birds migrating and beavers building lodges. It always happens at precisely the same time every spring. About the same things happen each time. Although the same individuals rarely attend two in succession, the crowd each year is just like the crowd the year before, and the year be fore, and the vear before that It happens every year for the same reason people get nervous. It is a peculiar type of nervousness. It is called The Jitters. Not everyone can have The Jitters. There are certain aca demic and extra-curricular requirements that must be met before one can qualify. The symptoms are made most apparent by the attempts made to cov er them up. Everyone knows who is afflicted, and why, but it is not ethical to come right ot and ask. It is also customary to decline the symptoms, es pecially if one is especial ly stricken. The symptoms are var ied, but usually follow general traits. There is a certain wQd look to the eyes, brought about by being suddenly confront ed with certain individu als. This is either fol lowed by nervous stam mering, a nervously fa miliar greeting or uncon sciousness. Nausea seldom resetts, although the victim may feel like it The symptoms, and the affliction, always come to an abrupt end, however, on a particular spring day. The best cure, ac cording to the experts, is either sadden darkness or a brisk roll on the grass. Thus, from all this, comes this yearly noc turnal, event when those most afflicted with The Jitters sometines called The May Madness) steal away to a forgotten glen and try to cure them selves "by drowning. It is about that time of the year. F.T.D., 195$ (D ?03i (0ff' TRIPLE LINKS "A NICE PLACE FOft MICE PEOPLE" IN 64624 Cpetoo H miifwgl 229 M. 43 X m tmi'mi0m' W 4. ' " -'i V ' TT"i 1 t""ii i, i f -rr t 1 i . r."'! V X KNOU WHO fcWXD 8 0KN8tf &i0O5H TO sit m men TV 1 if ' II IN AN OVERSEAS CAREEK? MIL mGE CKKXSON EmcvNvt Vke President Thvrtdcy. April 25, 1963. from 9.-C0 cm. to 5:00 pan. MTCTOwAnQNAl. TRADE mnt OCMENNMGNT SERVtCH The American Institute For Foreign Trada foflnfftTliiJ"'-'7:.'.- sis J UafiliQ ' 4 - V' " rr 1 . J 6EHTiY,HD 0 HEll CM OUR NCKS MMn. Daily Mebraskan SETNTY-SECOXD YEAR OF PUBLICATION Telephone 477-8711, ext. 2588, 2589, 25S0 14th & R Member Associated CoBeglate Press, International Press Representative, Na tional Advertising Service, Incorporated. Pi&Mehed at: Piootn L Student Union, Umcoln S, Nebraska. Mt Wne to ijlikfwlB, VlMrintafy awni Vrttttt Atirtn( 4np vntoMri wiTi finnni tar(M V9tinm nd mum wrMhi n4 nne urlnv Aopmi, t ISM mi n 1 (WWHWtwWft MB 1 r o rt t nr rrwww wte Mke CTlvnilktT Tne rwwmHn3 fw Ifcey y. r r -mmm c vrtoMwi. phn)nnMB YMfffVttCT SIB Skftn tM. M Tnr t,tr AHioTim nnH CiHtcr Cow EUNm (xw t. . .. mrior Witff Wrttera .. ?fti ptor SoarMr FDJTOKIAL m rT Vfim Qmvmrwm mrtr Hotter, Ittr1 IMttw GnfT7, Result: The experimental Ford fJtast&ng. lively 2-seater Seaded with sisnificsnt enslneering features Just under 13 feet long weight, 1544 pounds, 400 to 700 pounds less than comparable models of popular imported sports jobs the Mustang is representative of the Interesting design chal lenges at ford Motor Company. 'Unique ways of reducing weight without sacrificing strength, to improve performance and economy, may stem from Its design. For example, seats are an integral part of the Mustang's body, adding structural rigidity. Brake, clutch and accelerator are mounted on a movable cluster which can be adjusted fore and aft .as can the steering wheel) to suit varying sires of drivers. Other important features: low-drag, aerodynamic shape proven in the wind tunnel; independent front and rear suspension; disc front brakes; roll bar built as an integral part of the bodyframe structure; hot V-4 engine mounted forward of the rear axle in unit with a 4-speed manual transmission. The Mustang is another example of how challenging assign ments met by our engineers and stylists help ford Motor Company maintain engineering leadership and provide new ideas for the American Road. The Amariean ftmd.DMitom, Michigan w vou caret