The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 11, 1963, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Thursday, April , 19631
If s (Future?
IT SEEMS that the Daily Nebraskan
"Jumped the gun" in commending a few
Individuals connected with the RAM
Newsgram and the University Party for
Progress (UPP).' We said that the News
gram had finally formulated an editorial
policy which was sound and dignified.
True, the editorial comments which
they made in the Newsgram were not
?-esented as the views of the University
arty for Progress. But, it seems strange
that the editor of the Newsgram should,
the next day, do an about face and, as a
representative of the UPP, issue a chal
lenge to the Interfraternity Council presi
dent, and that organization's slated coun
cil representatives, for a debate on the
merits of the UPP's principles.
WE DO not feel that the "'principles"
mbodied in the party's platform are
sound. We dont feel that the party has,
as yet, proposed any actions which will
bring about the betterment of the Uni
versity. And, we notice that the two rep
presentatives of the Party pushed
through" their challenge in a hurried
manner. Could it be that they had
planned a "bomb attack on the IFC slate
members ... hit 'em hard, hit 'em late
and color them disorganized so that we
can really wipe 'em out?
Posters announcing the debate were
placed around campus before the IFC
President had answered or commented
on the challenge. Could it be that the
two UPP representatives are trying to
give the IFC a black eye when they say
"no" to the debate after the publicity
has been distributed? Let's hope that the
party is not resorting to petty, political
pranks already.
THE IFC is not a political party.
Why then would the IFC, as an organiza
tion, care to debate the policies of an
infant, political faction on campus? What
would the IFC have to gain?
We respect the Party's right to exist
on campus. We hope that in the future
they will adopt some constructive pur
poses and will disregard the insignificant,
publicity-seeking tactics. If they dont,
how long will the organization exist
how long will the organization's leaders
have any devoted followers?
WE ARE interested in the organiza
tion's future . . . will our first organized
political party go on file as a four-week
stand of students interested in radical
Party for PrQress ChulkngB
EDITOR NOTE: The Mlawfa h Ok ehallann iaaaad Bill ockkT, lalarfrateralrr Council arwWrnl,
ar Plana Ximaall aa Mt Caeray, npraunUttTm af the Uahrcratty Party lor Pnnta,
We the undersigned Student Council candidates of the University Party for Pro
gress, do hereby challenge any two of the members of the Interfraternity Council
slated Student Council candidates to a debate, the topic of which shall be:
RESOLVED: that the principles embodied in the platform of the University Party
for Progress should be enacted by the Student Council.
The debate shall take place at 7:15, April 11, 1963, in the Student Union, Toom 234.
The constructive speeches shall last eight minutes, followed by three minutes of
cross-examination. The rebuttal speeches shall last four minutes.
The undersigned representatives of the University Party for Progress shall uphold
the affirmative.
George Kimball
Robert Cherny
Bmhkfs Answer loUPP
EDWOKJI NOTE: KIH Vaektey. amMmtf af htarfrataratty Cwmcll,
Caerar aaf Ctaama Kimball fallawlnc tank- eaaltoadc for a bate
aad taa CaaaeM eaadtdatel hacked by Has Party far Pragma. A
ttir fallmrfat fetter la Robert
IFC Madeai Council candMau-a
af (a aropaaed debate
Dear Sirs:
Thank you very much for your communique of April 9, 1963. I apologize for not
being at the house when you first came over. I realize that your time most be very
I have read your letter a number of times, and I must confess I am a little con
fused. I am not personally running for Student Council, although I was privileged to
serve one term from Arts and Sciences last year when Steve Gage was president.
I believe you are laboring under a misconception. The Interfraternity Council is not
a political party. To the best of my knowledge, the UPP is the only student oriented
political party on campus. Although I am not very familiar with your organization (ex
cept for some of the printed material which you enclosed in your letter) I wish you
Let me clarify one thing, however. The list that the IFC announces is merely a
service that it performs for its member fraterntiies and for the students here at the
University. The IFC interviews freshman and sophomores who are prospective Student
Council candidates.
What the IFC "'Slate" is then (I put "Slate" in quotations because actually it
it a misnomer) is simply a list of people whom the Special Nominations Committee of
the IFC think have outstanding qualities and could possibly make outstanding Student
Council members if elected. The gentlemen on the list are independent candidates,
who run on their own platform and run their own campaigns; they are in no way
obligated to the IFC. We offer them assistance in the campaign if they so desire.
I might suggest that if you are interested in contacting the other candidates
for Student Council, it would definitely behoove you to contact them personally. I,
myself, have no official connection whatsoever with them. I am sure that they would
be very interested in discussing the Student Council, its functions, problems, pros
pects, etc., with you. This, I think, is a fine idea.
Wishing you the best of luck, I am
Bill Buckley, President
Interfraternity Council
What's Done Is Done
IN YESTERDAY'S Student Council
meeting, the publicity of cheerleading
tryouts and the selection of cheerleaders
was questioned via a motion which was
presented and referred to a committee
for further study.
This motion, if passed by the Council
after vacation, would provide for the in
validation of the cheerleader selections
which were made last night.
IT IS fine for Council members to
question the fairness and policies of
campus selection committee, but it hard
ly seems right for Council to begin their
consideration tfter selections have been
made. Is it fair for them to try to invali
date a decision and call for another try
out? We suggest that the Council consider
this problem in retrospect. Perhaps the
problems could be ironed out so that
the selections next year will measure up
to Council's standards.
BUT, FOR now, let's let what's been
done stand as it is.
Doily Nebraskan
Boy, if that isn't
a bunch of garp. The Uni
versity Party for Prog
ress has really done what
the Pink Rag and some
other columnists have re
ferred to as "prostituted"
its purpose.
The kiddies form a po
litical party, say it is for
the purpose of develop
ing a strong, united, uni
versity community, pot
forth a good number of
statements of policy, and
then base the whole pot
on the Interfraternity
This proves one pur
pose, at least that the
UPP was obviusly started
by a few petty individ
uals who for some reason
have a grudge against the
Greek system. It does not
prove that they have any
intention of building a
strong University How
could they when they are
promoting openly a split
in the student body? How
could they when they are
no longer basing their
program ' on issues and
good leadership, but rath
er on false personal prej
udices? And to put the finishing
touches on this ridiculous
chain of events, the UPP
has challenged the IFC
to a debate. This would
be well and good if IFC
functioned as a political
party. The UPP members
should check the past
couple elections and they
would see that the IFC
dropped its forced slate
provisions, its forced vot
ing provisions and has
gotten out of that particu
lar position. Now, they
perform a service for
their member fraternities;
one which we might add
by don ferguson
was asked for by those
member houses. It is
now merely one way of
seeing that the best avail
able men run and carry
on a good campaign in
the interests of the Uni
versity. Individuals who
don't agree don't have to
hold back, but can still
run this is currently
being done. If individuals
don't want to vote for
them, they don't have to.
And speaking of the de
bate proposal, the mighty
railroaded minority of the
UPP issued the challenge
one night, put forth pub
licity the next morning,
and planned the de
bate for the next. Real
good logic. Plenty of not
ification. Suppose the
UPP'ers were prepared a
week ago and thought this
would be a really neat
way of doing a job en
their feared opponents.
1 am glad indeed to
see that Mr. Buckley has
replied as positively as he
did to the challenge. And
I hope the UPP leader
ship will drop its stupid
attitude of anti-Greek and
start working for a better
NU. The last move has
completely lowered their
membership to some pret
ty grungy tactics and
I feel certain that the
sincere students with an
interest in their Univer
sity will give this serious
Student Council elec
tions are important.
There is a lot it has done
and can do. I certainly
hope the student body will
weigh issues when they
make their choice, and
not be swayed by tactics
unbecoming the UPP or
anyone else who would
use them.
1 1 WjC'M&PifX,
Education and Religion
Telephone 477-8711, ext. tSSS, 2589, 2238
14 t R
Member Associated Collegiate Press.
International Press Representative, Na
tional Advertising Service, Incorporated.
Published at: Room it, Student Union,
Lincoln S. Nebraska.
buhnhs nun
watt, at aaa
Entered aa aaeaaaj aaeai anattee. ajaataaa
eat ami la Maeaea. waaraeaa
Cfee Dally Nearaakaa fa aaaHaaad Meaaay. wadaaadaa,
Vaamday ad Prtaey dtartat Ike eaaaal year, aaaaat dariaa
.eeatteaa and run aerteea. aad aaaa
darts Aaaaat, ha
ataaeata af the TJaeraraaty a Nebraaka aader ike aelaailaa 2
ataa af Iba OnuMtWr aa Madeat Affair, at aa axareaataa
af aaadiiat aatntoa. PaMleattoa aader fan iaHadtatlaa at
aa eebnamiuHtee aa fMedawt Pablleatteae abaO aa fraa E
real adltartal eaaaarana aa aaa aart at fac SaamiawHiaa s
er ea Ifc- aart af aay aama eatatde ate tlarrantta. The S
af aaa bally W ibraatea atatf are aeraaually E
Joha ZelUnaar s
ekraarr i. Iffee.
fetor Lam
Jay Oraf
CtreejKwiie nUiiMw3r ......-(..............m............-..... ... ....... . aft
VJttlMeHwtiaa Maaadar . L-. ......-...... SOI aaaadkaa. Baa) Onaalaajaaam.
dhaatstead Baataaaa MafMama.....OTMM... ......... .
jr-ajavajaav . a rr a- . r r t i , .a. m iijaet a 4fff aa a a e . . avaaaaaaaBl arvaaPPPaaT
WfaMMVfalBY S4Mlaaf eeTdi lex - re a rr- -rftrt 0 t 9m
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?mr Ittfiff Wetter
Inm Oev-wt-u, Wtmttot, Wat? Mmmmn
8m Bavlfk. .ftn Mom, flMtm mltklvgfir s
Jflfca UbboiM. IhMtc fteffrtct, Gary Milter S
I I agree with those opin-
I ions in last week's GAP
I Vine which state that ev-
ery student should try to
I answer the question of re-
I But, in order to do so,
I he must have a clear
i path. That is, he should
I be able to consider many
I areas of thought concern-
ing religion; he should
I not have any one theory
or doctrine dominate his
I thought so much that he
I is unable to consider oth-
er areas of thought.
I Therefore, one particu-
1 a r religious institu-
tion does not answer all
the questions concerning
I religion, because it offers
1 only one explanation. It
i may help find something
to believe in, but in it-
I self it does not offer a
I way of getting educated.
I A student can go to oth-
er religious institutions
1 and can find reading mat-
ter on r e 1 i g i 0 n if he
5 searches for t h e m. He
can think, feel, and exper-
ience other religions of
I life a little. This he can
I continue to do all his life
I when a citizen of the
I United States.
1 By the time a person
I it a student, or of that
1 age, he probably has the
I ability to think maturely,
that is, reason without oe
ing guided by emotion.
Then he will probably ar
rive at some sort of con
clusion about religion aft
er he supposedly studies
new ideas and those which
he was subjected to as a
child. In the process, he
will become partially educated,-
but he must con
tinue the approach he has
in order to be really suc
cessful in being educated.
Therefore, I think a stu
dent is successful in re
ligious matters if be is
able to use this definite
approach to the religion
question and possibly
reach a tentative conclu
sion, which he will live
by as long as his reasons
are valid. A statement by
Bertrand Russell brings
out this approach:
"'If you think that your
belief is based upon rea
son, you wrfll support it
by argument, rather than
by persecution, and will
abandon it if the argu
ment goes against you."
The author of this arti
cle in the Daily Nebras
kan also stated that the
"demand for positivistic
proof that God exists
ultimately leads to
completely throwing away
the virtue of 'faith' and
substituting in its place
the "positivistic proof'."
I think that the scientif
ic course. uch as biology
should have this method
of "positivistic proof."
Faith is a belief which
must be supported by ar
gument if it is to be rea
sonable. In scientific
courses, facts and theor
ies are presented. Facts
are acquired by actual ob
servations and then theor
ies are presented to ex
plain those observations.
This method of "'positi
vistic proof" has yielded
the best results in t h e
past and is therefore the
most reasonable argu
ment. In icientif ic
thought, then, the belief
acquired by this method
is most commonly held,
and in a course such as
biology which is a scien
tific course which employs
scientific methods, this
m e t h 0 d of "positivistic
proof" is a natural part
of the subject.
Therefore, 1 think that
the present conditions in
our University offer a
very good chance of get
ting "educated" and that
any changes in supplying
a religious education
should be approached with
extreme caution.
'(Avtiutr oflWota. Teen-age Dwarf Y'The Many
Lovet oj uotnc inuut, eic.)
It is a scientific Fact that girls Teach emotional maturity earlier
than boys. For this reason freshman girls are reluctant to maka
romantic alliances with freshman boys, but instead choose men
from the upper classes.
Thus the freshman boys are left dateless, and many is the
night the entire freshman dorm obs itself to sleep. An equally
moist situation exists among upper-class girls. With upper-clasB
men being snapped up by freshmaH girls, the poor ladies of the
upper class are reduced to dreary, manless evenings of Monop
oly and home permanents.
It pleasures me to report there is a solution for this morbid
situation indeed, a very simple solution. Why don't the two
great have-not groups the freshman boys and the upper-class
girls find solace with each other?
True, there is something of an age differential, but that need
not matter. Take, for example, the case of Albert Payson
igafooB and Eustacia Vye.
Albert Payson, a freshman in sand and gravel at Vanderbilt
University, was walking across the campus one day, weeping
softly in big loneliness. Blinded by tears, he stumbled upon
X : "'ill y 1 v- -i.-
ami wm&
the supine form of Eustacia Vye, a senior in wicker and raffia,
who was collapsed in a wretched heap on the turf.
"Why don 't you watch where you're going, you minor youth?
aid Eustacia peevishly.
"I'm sorry, lady," said Albert Payson and started to mova
on. But suddenly he stopped, struck by an inspiration. "Lady,"
he said, tugging his forelock, "don't think me forward, but I
know why you're miserable. It's because you can't get a date.
Well, neither can I. So why don't we date each other?"
"Hurely you jest!" cried Eustacia, looking with scorn upon
his tiny head and body.
"Oh, I know I'm younger tlian you are," said Albert Payson,
"but that doesn't mean we can't find lots of fun things to do
a "Like what?" she asked.
"Well," said Albert Payson, "we could build a Snowman."
"Bah!" said Eustacia, grinding her teeth.
"AD right then," said Albert Payson, "we could go down to
the pond and catch some frogs."
"Ugh!" said Eustacia, shuddering her entire length.
How about some Run-Sheep-Run?" suggested Albert Payson.
"You are callow, green, ana immature," said Eustacia, "and
1 will thank you to remove your underaged presence from
mine eyes."
Sighing, Albert Payson lighted a cigarette and started away.
"'Stay!" cried Eustacia.
He stayed.
"Was that a Marlboro Cigarette you just lighted?" she asked.
"What else?" said Albert Payson.
"Then you are not immature!" she exclaimed, clasping liim
to her clavicle. "For to smoke Marlboro is the very essence
of wisdom, the height of American know-how, the incontro
vertible proof that you can tell gold from dross, right from
wrong, fine aged tobaccos from pale, pathetic substitutes. Albert
Payson, if you will still have me, I am yours!"
I will," he said, and did, and today they are married and
run the second biggest wicker and lama estabhahmcnt m
Daluth, Minnesota.
fnmhman, tophomore, junior, menioratt clone, age$, typea,
mmd condition wili en jog mild, rich, tilt tr-tip Marlboro
mcallablt i pack or box to ever one of our ttttg ttatta.
o On- O I
rifiri n
YOUR money to y y G u
will better educational facilities in-
t '
Hong Kong
Vict Nam
South America
3 - nnnn n"
1? y UUli!Jc3 AUF Spring Drive Ends April 13