Friday, Apri I 5, 1963 The Daily Nebraskan Page 3 um.mmmmnmm-.. z ... i ju ,. !,,,l,,i.u,,,Ml.,,., ... ,,. iiiiif wiyvN liiiiilllf Aii i ISM Kilfi jfW "rZZ ill .;."f EASTER SEAL DRIVE TOMORROW EASTER SEAL DRIVE The annual Easter Seal drive will be held tomorrow, with the sale of paper Easter Lilys for the Nebraska Crippled Childrens Society. Twelve ' Greek and Independent living groups are paticipating in the drive. Sales are scheduled from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mrs. Gayle Sherman and Gloris Houser of the Program Office are co-chairmen of the drive. Participating will be: Diane Austin, Marlyn Justice, Mary Lou Adams, Sandy Anderson, Lolly Linneman, Judy Reeder, Don Saiser, Gloria Houser, Sharon Harris, Molly Dow, and Lois Shimerda. Med College Will Sponsor Special Pediatrics Course Physicians from the Great Plains area will gather in Omaha, April 15th and 16th for a special course in dis eases of children to be of fered at the University Col lege of Medicine. Dr. Gordon Gibbs, chair man of the department of pe diatrics at the College, said that the major portion of the course will be devoted to the most common disorders of children seen by physicians. "Upper respiratory d i s eases, including the so-called common cold, make up from 65 per cent to 80 per cent of the pediatric medical prac tice at this time of the year," said Dr. Gibbs. One of the speakers, Dr. Robert Parrott, director of Children's Hospital and Re search Foundation at George town University and George Washington University tn Washington, DC, has be concerned with identifying the various types of "colds" and with placing them in their proper category. He has also been trying to find vac cimes to prevent the infec tions. Included in the respiratory diseases are several types of influenza Asian flu and at least 20 different virus infec tions, s. In the past, the majority of these have been labeled un der the classification of "common cold." The discov-i erv that there are several different kinds of infection, has brought the problem of finding effective vaccines for them since each organism responds to a different vac cine. It is therefore highly im probable that at this time a general vaccine against the "common cold" will be suc c e s s f u 1, commented Dr. Gibbs. . Guest faculty speaker Dr. Jonathan Lanman, professor and chairman of the depart ment of pediatrics at the State University of New York's downstate Medical Center in Brooklyn, has been engaged In research to deter mine the advisability of using certain hormone therapy with children suffering from res piratory diseases. Although such therapy has been used for some time, there is a question concern ing the function of the adren al glands m recovery from these diseases. In some cases it has been shown that certain treatments impair adrenal function and result in extensive bleeding and an imbalance in the, en docrine system. WANT ADS FOR SALE One set each of Air Force and Amur Officer Uniforms file 38 lona. Good condition. Cheap. Call 466-0963 tiler 5 00 p.m. 1950 Ford. Excel lent condition. 477-M34. 54 P.m. Call 1950 Chevrolet motor, just overhauled. Call after 8:00. HE 2-M53, Tcrral Witt-low. MUST SELL I860 Ford. (. Straight stick. Clean. Good condition. IV S-701, call after . BRIDGE If you like Bridie, yoe will like Dupli cate. Student Union, Mondays 7:1$ p.m. and Sundays 2:15 p.m. Eiitrr .5u. Free cokes and coffee. Come alone: or brine a partner. KiCiUers welcome. FOR RENT Rent now and have neat 2 bedroom apartment for fall. Lovely view of Lincoln. Near University 43M222. ' FOUND Watch In Burnett Hall, Mar. 23. Inquire 23t Burnett. HELP WANTED MALE Councelors lor Boys Ranch near New York City In New Jersey. Ace 19. sbie to ride horses, work wit bays 7-16. For more information call John Olson, 4M-TO9. Interviews is Lincoln. Sat, Apr. . Camp Councelor and wrangler, 1 years or older. Water-front director, 21 years or elder. YMCA Camp KltaM 9 or 12 weeks employment. 4a$-327I. HELP WANTED WOMEN Registered nurse. YMCA Camp Kiuki, July 7-August 17. One week or i weeks. 489-3271. Dr. Gibbs said that once the normal gland- has been upset in a child, it is often Impossible to attain a normal function again. Dr. Harold Goldman, in structor of pediatric radiolo gy at Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center in New York, will also participate in the program as guest faculty lecturer Greek Ball Is Reason For Rest Greek Week has taken its toll on social events within the various houses this week as preparations for Greek games this afternoon and the Greek Week Ball tomorrow nigty. FRIDAY ALPHA PHI-Avery House record hop, 8-12 p.m. DELTA GAMMA Formal, 9-12 p.m. TERRACE HALL A Men picnic, 5:30-7 p.m. DELTA SIGMA PI playboy house party, 8-12 p.m. PHI DELTA THETA casi no house party, 9-12 p.m. CORNHUSKER COOP spring formal, 7-11:30 p.m. UNICORNS hayrack ride, 7:30-10:30. SATURDAY RAM record hop, 8-12 p.m. INTERVARSITY CHRIS TIAN FELLOWSHIP Luau, 6:3010 p.m. PERSHING RIFLES dance, 9-12 p.m. SUNDAY KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA- Sigma Alpha. Mu steak fry, 5-7 p.m. SIGMA KAPPA - Pi Kap pa Phi pledge class dinner, j 5-7 p.m. Campus Calendar TODAY YELL SQUAD, practice, 5 p.m., Coliseum. iKfwt XTr lav A "PV Challengers," 5 p.m., Student Union Crib. COUNCIL applications deadline, 5 p.m. FILM, "The Great Im poster," 7 and 9 p.m., Student Union Small Auditorium. TOMORROW SKY SHOW, "Fireworks on the Sun," 2:45, p.m:, Ralph Mueller Planetarium. SUNDAY FILM, "The Great Im- poster," 7 p.m., Student Union Small Auditorium. DUPLICATE BRIDGE, 2:15 p.m., Student Union. CONCERT, University Sym phony Orchestra, senior solo ists, 4 p.m., Student Union Ballroom. DISPLAYr Leonardo D a Vinci 2 to 5 p.m., Morrill Hall. Read Nebraskan Want Ads MONTERREY CAFE MO No. 48 Ph. 434-S778 MEXICAN FOOD IS OUR SPECIALTY Dining Room Service . Also Take Oat Orders Open Daily 4 P.M. to 11 P.M. Sat. & Sun. 4 P.M. Mldnite CLOSED MONDAYS St. Paul Methodist v Church M 12 & M AND DWELT AMONG US" 5 The Road Dr. Forsberg Preaching 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE . . . Here is an offering of prop erty with rare rights and privi leges for sale on the open market to select clientele. Full title to property passes to the purchaser on the first installment payment. Property becomes fully paid for automat ically if the purchaser dies. Diw idends are paid annually. Prop erty is managed by financial ex perts at no extra charge to tn owner. Phone or write for our leaflet telling more about life to tr ance as property. RICHARD McCASKLAND Suite 707 Lincoln Building 432-3289 Gnnecacut Mutual Life INSURANCE COMPACT JOYOUS RUST CRAFT (ier CARDS SUNDAY, APRIL 14 GOLDENROD STATIONERY STORE 215 No. 14th " , " 4 - "Ay, i ( t , -. t k See Tropic Star only at these. Authorized ArtcanredJewetert Bloir Berte's Jewelry Shop Broken Bow Diffmer'i Jewelry Chadron Wetxel Jewelry Crawford- Williams Jewelers . Is Tropic Star for you? College girU seem to know what they want. We jet a lot of ideas about ring styling from American campuses. If there is such a thing as a consensus, it would sound like this: conserva tive styling, with a difference. That's what we've designed into Tropic Star. ..the newest of the beautiful Artcarved diamond engagement rings. Like all Artcarved rings, ifs styled for lasting beauty.. .guaranteed in writing for permanent value. Is Artcarved's beautiful new Tropic Star for you? See for yourself. twcsw r t: c arve d Creighro Bernard H. Wunderlich Fairbury- Shipman. JeweUrs Falls City ' Franks Jewelry Grand Island August Meyer . & Son Hastings Crisman Jewelry Lincoln Fred T. Witt Nebraska City Webering Jewelers Norfolk Wetzel & Truex North Platte Hoovers Inc. Omaha C. B. Brown Co. Inc. O'Neill Marvin L Johnson Ord i John Jewelry Store' Scottsbluff Bleyle'i Jewelry Seward ' Wirthells Jewelry Sidney Lockwood'a Jewelry The Church ... For A Fuller Life ... For You CALENDAR OF CHURCH SERVICES IM UNITED CAMPUS CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP (Pmbyttrim, Untied Chared of Chrht, tvsnlwl UnrM Snrhraa t Discilcs f Christ) Alon J. Pickering, Ralph Hays, Dennis W. Patterson, Pastors 30 a.m. Crossroods Seminar 10:45 .m. Corporate Worship S:30 pjn. Fellowship Forum 6:30 p.m. Forum Discussion ST. MARKS ON-THE-CAMPUS (EPISCOPAL) M. Cesnje H. Peek. Vicar 8:30 a.m. Hyol Communion 10:30 a.m. Holy Communion ' 10:30 a.m. Nursery i Church School SUN.-FRI. 3:00 p.m. EVENING PRAYER 8:00 a.m. Tues. Holy Communion 10:00 o.nvThurs. " 7:00 p.m. Thurs. " UMVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL (The LvtWrsm XtMrrch Mitseeri Synod) k- r : -' . - - A. t. elseSM, Peseer A. .TVascmcelHM, Vicar :30 o.rrt Worship - , 1 1 a.m. Worship 1 5:30 p.m. Gamma Delta ST. THOMAS AQUINAS CHURCH (Catholic Student Confer) Itrh t "0 Its. Robert F. Sheeky, J. Rowley Meyers. Thomas M. Puclik, Chaplains Masses: 8:00 a.m., 9:30 p.m., 11:00 a.m., 12:15 p m. Saturday Confessions; 4:30-5:30 p.m. 7:30-8:30 p.m. ' ADYTIST FELLOWSHIP Or. Centner Paulien, Adviser Nny Creen Chanlein Meets at Noon First Monday, Monthly Friday 7:30 p.m. Youth Meeting Saturday: :30 Sabbath School Saturday: 11:00 Worship CeJIeae View Church, 401S S. t Sc. Pisdnieat Park Chwrch, 401 A St. Nerth Side Ckerch. 7121 Usdntton BAPTIST STUDENT FELLOWSHIP Arthnr L. Sleikev, Pastor H. M. Samer, Olrecter of Stedent Work 9:30 a m. Bible Study 10:45 a m. Mornina Worship 6:00 p.m. Fellowship Hour 7:00 pm. Evening Worship 8:00 p.m. After-Church Fellowship Groups Meeting First Baptist Church 14th & K Sts. WESLEY FOUNDATION ' (Methodist) 40 No. Ith St. Oaane Hutchinson, Msshmw C. Rtehenl Merits, Lor Associate 9:00 o m. Holy Communion 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship, followed by discussion 11:00 a m. Morning Worship 5:00 pm. Fellowship Supper 5:45 P M. General Forum -7:00 P.M. Vespers t Students Groups 'g.QQ p.m. "Seminars " LUTHERAN STUDENT FOUNDATION (National Lvrhenra CatmcH) III He. Ifth Atria Petersen, Paster Owe iecshsen, Asfishset. 10:30 a.m. Worship 11:30 a.m. Discussion 5:30 p.m. Lutheran Student Association MIDWEEK WED., 7:00 p.m. - . . CHRISTIAN SCIENCE - ORGANIZATION THOMAS FAIRCL0U6H Tuesoays at 12:13 Chtpri of Cottier CoIIere of Eelicloii , 1137 R Street THE EVANS LAUKDERERS -CLEANERS 333 No. 12 Seilcck Quad. Swedes Coffee Shop lunches Snocks "JTher Cmmpm Friend MeeT NEXT TO NEBJL BOOKSTORE it '' ',', ' e , : I,. Patronize Doily Nebraskan Advertisers EDKOLM AND BLOMGREN Portraito Placement Photos HE2-66B6 31 SmrtU 12tfi rm Pive nays The Palrtir? and the Cross were but five days apart! : , , On Sunday, down a road strewn with palms, ' 'Christ rode triumphantly into Jerusalem . . . and men hailed Him as their King. ' On Friday He climbed the rugged glope of Calvary . . . and they nailed Him to a Cross. How suddenly good turns to evil! How Quickly .we sometimes lose our vision of God! .The paradox of those five days is history's striking lesson in the importance of a constant faith. The faltering, hot and cold sort of reli- , gion made possible the Crucifixion! Palm Sunday you'll be going to Church. In quiet jnoment in the sanctuary remember . those five days . . . resolve to worship EVERY Sunday, and to live your faith EVERY day. . Cotyrifat 1963, KeiMsr A4wrtlD Service, Inc., Stnjburj, Vs. It ues THf CHURCH FOR All... All FOR THE CHURCH The Church is the ereatest fac tor oo earth for the building of rharaeter end eooii citizenship. a storehouse or rpintual val Without a etronf Church. ilnuocncv n-jt eir:!:za tion can survive. There are four sound reasons why every person should attend services rafuferiy and support the Church. They ifl) For bis own sake. (Z) childreD'svake. (3T-For ke of hie oomraunitv and nation. (4) For the sake of the Church itself, which seeds hie moral and material support. Plan to f o to church refularly and read your Bible daily. are For h the PATRONIZE DAILY NEBRASKA!! ADVERTISERS I Sunday. ; klarlc '. : ! 7:1-18 i' . Monday j Tuesday I Vendar Thunday Friday Saturday , ; Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark Mark 7-14-23 ; 8:27-38 9:1-8 9:38-60 10:35-45 11:1-10 ROMANO'S J!ZZA 225 No. 10 DEirvzxxB ren not it) au mum Uta ON tuBMABirtt uwsmem Hi 2-5961