Ms "hum b?red Ipwii i$& . ji- sws Y ifpP illll Pt8flHK iiilif paiHii mmss-iW--m UNIVERSITY ARCHITECTURE STUDENTS MARCH ON CITY HALL Students In Favor Of Trees "It's terrible," said Bob, Boehner. "We object to the destruction of a" heritage of the city of Lincoln," added Gary Harley. These comments were made by two University stu dents participating yesterday in a protest demonstration in front of city hall. According to the marchers, the city council has voted to rip out the lawn and trees on the 10th and "0" street cor ner of the City Hall in order to permit the construction of 14 pafting places on that spot. "All the people of Lincoln can enjoy frees," said one of the students (most of whom were architecture students AWOL from lab), "but it's not fair when only 14 individuals gain from something like this." "It's interesting to note," added Harley," that people spend so much money on con crete pots and plastic flowers in their subconscious desire to return to nature. This corner is one of the few natural green spots left in the city." "It's a crime to make a concrete jungle out of Lin coin," commented Dick Neu man. "We are surprised to see that several of the Lincoln businessmen in this area haven't voiced their opposition to this atrocity. Men like Nathan Gold who own prop erty around here ought to be interested in seeing something like this lawn kept here," said Harley. The students marched around the area shouting slo gans and waving their signs until the rush hour of 5 p.m. so that many 'people would know the activities of their city council. "We're going to plant all these signs before we leave," stated Larry Er vine. Teachers College to Honor Seniors With Coffee Hour The annual Teachers Col lege senior coffee hour will be held Sunday from 2 to 4 p.m. in the Indian Suite of the Student Union. The new Dean's Board for teachers college will be hon ored as well as all graduating seniors in the college. The new board members are Sandra Ahlman, Nancy Anderson, Judy Brumm, Den nis Cox, Martha Dubas and William Pfeiff. Returning board members are Diane Armour, Nancy Erickson, Virginia Wheaton and ' Judy Woodward. The Dean's Board repre sents student opinion asyto the need of the teachers col lege program and considers suggestions made to improve the program. ' Pre-Easter Fest Set For Sunday The Ag YWCA-YMCA will hold its annual Pre-Easter breakfast on Sunday, at 7 a.m. in the Warren Methodist Church at 45th and Holdredge. The Rev. Keith Shepard of Warren Methodist will give the address. . is o j i rasp w jjJiuxjuMj Vol. 76, No. 84 By SUE HOVIK Nebraskan Staff Writer Graduate students will re ceive Student Council repre sentation if the proposed amendment Council passed yesterday is approved by the students in the spring elec tion. The amendment, plan one, reads as follows: To strike the Law, Dentis try and Pharmacy colleges as separate categories receiv ing representation and insert Graduate Colleges (including the three mentioned colleges and all graduate students). The quota of graduate rep resentatives may be filled by any of those colleges in that category. The number of Graduate College representatives will be one for every 500 students. Steve Christensen, Law Col lege representative, argued that this amendment would BBC Commentator m TSOl By JOHN MORRIS News Editor Great Britain's job in con nection with the Common Market is to see which way history is going and .get around in front of it, ac cording to Colin Jackson. Jackson spoke to an au dience of University stu dents at Love Library yes terday. The English barris ter and BBC commentator expressed his views on why Britain should be a member of the Common Market. For both economic and political reasons the com mon market affects "the United Kingdom, United States, Russia and Red Chi na," he said. "I believe England should join the Common Market. The sooner the better," he said, "even though Presi dent De Gaulle of France has temporarily frustrated' these hopes." Jackson listed two eco nomic and two political rea sons why Britain should be a part of the European trade group. i "England must trade to live," he said. It is the big gest importer of food and it must, then, also export. And with England as a part of the Common Market, QUADS COULD RECEIVE VODCE M MU STUDENT GOVERNMENT COiO flOl ) U)7 'y destroy the "grass roots" po sition that these college rep resentatives now occupy. He said that it would des troy the quality of constitu ent contact that has been achieved In these colleges be tween the students and the representatives. Susie Christensen said that graduate students were not in terested in student govern ment and they were not a close group. Dennis Christie pointed out that the Council would never know if graduate students wanted representation unless they were given a chance. He also said that anew graduate organization has been formed that meets week ly and there Is contact among them. Steve Honey said that if there was a larger group Declares ntain Europe would become a real world power, he said. Secondly, in order to suc ceed there must be n e w inventions, new ideas, mod ern techniques and larger resource supplies and re search teams, Jackson ex plained. England has been good in Inventions, but poor in their follow through, he contin ued. With England in t h e Common Market there would be a larger home base for contribution, he said. Further, there are those . who want to make the or ganization a block against East Europe. If Britain joins it would be possible to later bring in countries such as Switzerland and Sweden, which are neutral, and bridge the gap 'between the East and West, he said. The Common Market should make peace, he added. Instead, the Inner Six might use its forces for the accentuation of the Cold War rather than its diminu ation, he said. The political reason which might be the most important in the end, ac cording to Jackson, is the danger of the Inner Six be coming a wealthy, inner- looking part of the world. Right now, he said, the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. The Daily Nebraskan more competition might be present. Only . one stu dent from Pharmacy and one from Dental College have picked up applications for fil ing in the spring election. Married students might al so be interested in serving on the Council to discuss their problems, he said. The Council discussed and defeated three other repre sentation plans. Plan four included the fol lowing changes: Graduate, Dental, Law and Pharmacy Colleges voting as one unit; organizational representatives not having a vote; and em ploying the Hare, or single transferable vote, system of porportional representation within each college and the Droop quota in voting for representatives. Plan three included plan one as stated above, elimin "Britain's association (in the Common Market) would turn Europe outwards," he said. It could alleviate the disparity between the haves and have-nots of the globe, he continued. "We are terribly small in the Universe, but on earth are extremely .far from each other, Jackson ex plained. Great Britain has the ability to stop this trend, he continued. The Inner Six has a bad record with their colonies. There is today a growing economic imperialism re placing imperialistic imper ialism, Great Britain could halt the world's fear of the Inner Six, he said. Referring to President De Gaulle, who early this year blocked Great Britain's at tempt to join the Common Market, Jackson said, "He has ability and conceit." He explained De Gaulle's action with reasons several of which he said he could understand if he were a Frenchman, but s t r i c 1 1 y condemned the delay in the announcement from the summer of 1961 to January of this year. "He resents the Washington-London link," said Jack son. He doesn't like Prime Should ated organizational represent atives, and increased the num ber of college representatives by having one representative for every 300 students instead of every 500 students. In other business, the Coun cil acted on several proposed amendments to the constitu tion. It defeated an amend ment proposed by Bill Dunk lau to allow juniors to run for Council positions. Another amendment pro posed by Dunklau allow ing representatives other thap seniors to hold offices and having the election by the newly elected Council was al so defeated. An amendment proposed by Dunklau stating that balloting should be secret and provid ing for a recall petition signed by 35 per cent of the cur rent enrollment of a college was passed. off? Lomnfion Minister MacMillan making White House visits or a spe cial telephone between the leaders of the two nations, he said. In effect Be Gaulle says "If you want your club you can have it, but keep out of ours," explained J a c k son. Part of this stems from the fact that he was a refu gee in Great Britain during 1940-41 and was probably reminded of it at the time, Jackson said. De Gaulle seems to be anti-British and anti-American, he added. Other reasons that De Gaulle has for blocking Britain's entry is that he does not want the Common wealth to be included and that if Britain joined De Gaulle is afraid she would team with Germany and leave France in the numbe'r three power spot, Jackson said. Jackson also discounted De Gaulle's proposition that Great Britain wanted in the Common Market only for the economic benefits it would gain. De Gaulle sees Europe ex tending from the Atlantic to the Urals. He wants a new Congress of Vienna without Britain, Jackson said. The whole issue has a Ayres Says fft SlBFViVCsB Depends On PH "The Greeks have two words for it," according to Joyce Ayres, "Pi Rho." Pi Rho, in Ayres' terminol ogy, is public relations. Ayres, a graduate of the University, and public rela tions chairman .for the Na tional Interfraternity coun cil, spoke last night at the Greek Week convocation. "A chain is only as strong as its weakest link," said Ayres, "and we must strengthen the weakest link in the Greek chain. Public relations, under the broader heading of human relations, can help to strengthen that link." The Greek system, in Ayres mind, can be compared to a naval task force. Each of the four columns in the force are lead by a different quality which the Greek system is trying to promote among its members. The four qualities are leadership, fellowship, cit izenship and scholarship. The system today has pow erful enemies, but it also has 1 Thursday, April 4, 1963 A motion by Christie pro posing adding All University Fund to the list of organiza tional representatives was tabled. A motion bv Steve Christen sen requesting that a com mittee be appointed to con fer with the Lincoln Cham ber of Commerce, Lincoln businessmen, service groups or clubs to ascertain the feas ibility of allowing discounts to students in the areas of entertainment, clothing and books was passed by the Council. Spring Day interviews for workers will be held Sunday in 348 Student Union. Steve Honey, chairman of the elections committee, an nounced that all students run ning for college representa tive position in the spring election will meet tonight at 7 p.m. in the Union. Despite France's De Gaulle "familiar family ring to it," he said, "but with De Gaulle it has a particular poison to it." Jackson contended that De Gaulle would never achieve a united Germany and a United States of Eur ope. But, with Britain as a member of the Common Market an agreement with the United States could be attained and Soviet Pre mier Khrushchev would have to withdraw his state ment that he would "bury us." Russia itself would have to join then, Jackson said. He expressed his opinion that De Gaulle's single op position would not keep Britain out. There will soon be a new leader in Ger many, replacing Adenauer, and both aspirants favor Britain's entry, he said. De Gaulle would be isolated without Adenauer's extreme devotion to the ideal of a cooperative France and Germany. "De Gaulle should realize that what the United States says is not anti-French, but is pro-West," Jackson add ed. Then, with Great Brit ain as a member of the Common Market and coop eration on both sides of the Atlantic, we could leave the Soviet Union and Red China to fight between themselves, he said. powerful friends, "over half of the 36 presidents of the United States were fraternity men," he said. One often hears that fraternities are not wanted on college campuses, but according to the chancel lor at the University of Kan sas, "residence halls can never take the place of fra ternity houses." Ayres outlined the creed of the college fraternity as follows: 1. We believe wholehearted ly that the dignity of the in dividual is enhanced and strengthened by the appropri ate behavior of the group with which he is associated. Likewise, we believe that only through the acts of the in dividual can the group be mo tivated to achievement. 2. We believe civilization's progress is made primarily by the concerted efforts of small groups working togeth er for a common cause with in the broad framework of a larger body. Thus we relata the American fraternity to the academic community to which it is attached. 3. We believe completely that responsibility is para mount to all our obligations. Responsibility, in its several phases to one's self, to one's family, to one's asso ciates, to one's organization, to one's institution, to one's nation, to one's God is the keynote in the building of our group's life. 4. We believe in the funda mental freedoms, but that the primary freedom is that of individual choice without which all other freedoms lose their meaning, 5. We believe that positive, sound leadership based on the principle of selfless service is not only our greatest objec tive but also our most impor tant product. 6. We believe in the total es sential of a deep and abiding faith in the all-embracing power of a supreme deity giving our moral life and tem poral existence continuous meaning, purposeful direction and spiritual attainment. Admiral Speaks Of Future Navy Rear Admiral F. E. Nues sle, USN, spoke yesterday at Love Library on the "Ef fects of Technology and New Developments on the Navy of the Future." His speech included re marks in particular about Na val aviation. Admiral Nuessle is now Commander in Chief, Pacific Representative to the Joint Strategic Planning Staff, at Offutt Air Force Base. Grit v V r PHOTO BY GARY LACEY LISTS REASONS Colin Jackson, a BBC commen tator, told Nebraskans yesterday that England should join the Common Market for trading and importing purposes. r