The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 02, 1963, Image 1
UNIVERSITY C LIBRAkr Vol.. 76, No.ggf The Daily Nebraskan Wednesday, April 3, 1963 EW C tfffeirs Tesidheirs u EDITOR'S NOTE: Thi Is the third In series of eight background ar ticles outlining the permanent state wiue Educational Television Network now being proposed for Nebraska. Hardly anyone turns down help. Nebraska's teachers are no exception. At least, not those fortunate enough to be located in the state's 34 school systems now served by the Nebraska Council for Ed ucational Television (NCET). To them, the signal for help comes from Educational Tel evision. Their doorstep, the classroom. Keeping up to date with new techniques has never been a small task tn any pro fession. For teachers, today's fast moving trends are ex ploding in all directions: the "new" math, the "new" bi ology and so on. In Nebraska, a once-a-year convention often provides the only chance many of these teachers have to keep up with these changing trends. The teachers are the ones losing ground. But their stu dents also lose ground. And when both teachers and stu dents begin to fall behind, the state falls behind with them. Thanks to ETV, an end to this modern-day wasteland is now in sight. For in addition to the instructional help it can offer students, ETV of fers a companion program for the training of teachers that works in the same way. With help for the Universi ty Teachers College, the NCET has been providing its 34 member schools with an expanding teacher-training in structional program for near ly three years. Conducted by top flight ETV instructors, all special ists in various fields, once-a-month instructional telecasts now reach those schools' teachers of primary science . . . fifth and sixth grade . . . third, fourth and fifth grade arithmetic . . . pri mary literature . . . and eighth grade social studies. In addition, teacher instruc tion courses in French I are being beamed on alternate Tuesdays, with the latest in French II teaching methods arriving on each Monday morning. Dr. Walter Beggs, Dean of the University's Teachers College, calls ETV the "quickest, best and most ef ficient way to refresh and up date teachers in the state with new and improved meth ods-of instructions." The value of ETV as a teacher-training device is not limited to instructors already active in the state's class rooms. At Kearney State Teachers College, for example, NCET Director Charles Klasek points out, it's already in use at the laboratory school to help in the training of stu dent teachers. At Concordia College in Seward, ETV teacher telecasts are also re quired watching. As the state's school enroll ment grows by leaps and bounds, teachers are spend ing more and more time in a familiar place, the classroom. Travelling to far-off points for meetings and seminars is frequently an all-day luxury they cannot afford. With ETV, the flick of a switch could provide an in stant teaching help at a con venient time either before or after school. On this basis, enthusiasm for the training telecasts is no mystery. Unfortunately, ETV itself remains an unseen mystery to many of Nebraska's teach ers. To them, the signal for help could come only from a permanent, statewide Educa tional Television Network. Such a network is now be ing considered by the legisla ture. Its signal would carry three messages to Nebras kans throughout the state: better instruction, better stu dents and better citizens. Hot Wire Creates Hazard A "hot" wire outside the Zeta Tau Alpha house at 5:30 a.m. yesterday morning caused considerable excite ment and inconvenience to the residents of the house, but lit tle damage. A piece of plas tic blown from the Twin Towers caught in a tree and in turn severed the wire. ' Sparks flew around tie area as the wire anH nioet;,- burned. There was no dam age according to Wentink on the Service Desk of Consu mers Public Power Com pany. The elertriritv t a o turned off in neighboring buildings for about an hour 1 If au a nan. "It was certainly a differ ent Wav to start tha r!o said Jo Rowdin, Zeta Ta u Alpha. "The only damage it caused was that the alarms didn't go off and we forgot to wake people for their eight o'clock classes and we couldn't move our cars." Fire Is Lit At Student Union As 1963 Greek Week Begins Greek Week 1963 opened Saturday, as the Greek Week Fire was lit by Tom Brews ter, the last of the twenty seven marathon runners from Crete. The marathon began at 1 p.m., in Crete, when Mayor Ray Renner lit the torch for the first runner, and ended some 147 minutes and forty seconds later at the north en trance of the Student Union. The runners, and their res pective times for the race are as follows: Lyle Sittler, 6:00; Dick Clay, 5:50; Keith Carl son, 6:00; Jim Gylnn, 6:00; Doug Tucker, 5:45; Gordon Almquist, 5:50; Ron Ruff, 5:38; Sam Samuelson, 5:56; Ron Hilgenfeld, 6:11; Wally Weeks, 5:18; Mick Jensen, 5:15, Ray Stevens, 4:36; Larry Tomlinson, 5:38; Nick Von drack, 5:29; Don Copas, 5:13; Dave Theisen, 5:4fi; Bob Mc Kee, 6:50; Gary Edgar, 5:06; Richard Newman, 5:20; Rod Maggart 5:54; Willie Grum mert, 5:32; Don Schewe, 6:32; Larry Dodson, 5:19; Ed Black, 6:15; Bill Kenny, 4:36; Russ Daub, 5:22; and Tom Brew ster, 5:09. The top three male and fe male senior Greek scholars will be honored by the Inter fraternity and Panllellenic council. Tom Kort was awarded the IFC's sophomore scholarship, and John Nolon and Roger Application Forms Available For Coed Dorm Counselors Coeds interested in being dorm counselors in the Wom en's Residence Hall, Pound Hall (south Twin Tower dor mitory) or Burr Hall East may obtain applications from the Student Affairs office, Mrs. Wenke, resident direc tor of the Women's Residence Hall, and Burr Hall East. Pound Hall will house most ly upperclass women and the following positions are open: two graduate assistants, twelve counselors (one on each floor), and a resident director. Piper Hall, one of the four halls In the Women' Resi dence Ilall, will now house freshmen women. Positions open in this area are four resident assistants and thir teen counselors. At Burr East Hall, there are positions open for three counselors and a resident as sistant. The general qualifications for women counselors are good scholarship, knowledge of campus life, background or interest in counseling, and willingness to spend time at the dorm. Financial assistance is giv en to all counselors. For those in the Women's Residence Hall, they receive one half of their room and board. Resi dent assistants will receive full room and board. In Pound Hall, counselors will receive all of their room and board because there will be just one counselor on each floor, explained Karen Sass, counselor. Because of these additional twelve counseling positions, there is a greater need for counselors and a greater op portunity for those interested in it, said Miss Sass. It is a service to the Uni versity by helping freshmen adjust to college living ai well as an educational experi ence for future teachers and those interested, she said. Helen Snyder, dean of wom en, said she thinks that the counseling programs is one of the best programs we have in our housing. It is highly beneficial for freshmen as well as the up perclassmen in the imple menting and carrying out of the program, she said. In the next week, present dorm counselors will visit liv ing units explaining the coun seling program. Applications April 23. are due Masquers Attend Yale Drama Meet A group of eight "members of the Nebraska Masquers, the University Theater Dra matic Fraternity, participated in the Yale1 Drama Festival, March 23 through 25, at New Haven, Conn. Nebraska was the only school located west of the Mississippi River which was represented at the festival. Myers were awarded certifi cates of recognition for their outstanding contributions to the Greek System at the IFC PanHellenic recognition ban quet. This year the IFC initiated the John Melvin Abrahamzon Memorial trophy. The annual award is to be presented to the male greek who most ex emplifies the ideals of John Abrahamzon, who died last year, while representing the University at the Big Eight IFC Conference. Chip Kuklin received the award this year. Tonight at 7 p.m., Joyce Ayres, Lincoln businessman and National public relations chairman for Alpha Tau Omega fraternity, will speak before an all-greek convoca tion in the ballroom of the Student Union. Staff Positions Are Available On Yearbook Applications for 1964 CORN- HUSKER positions are now available. Interviews for paid staff positions will be held April 24, at 4 p.m. Applica tions may be picked up in the School of Journalism of fice, 306 Burnett. They must be returned to that office no later than noon on Friday, April 12. Positions to be interviewed for and their respective monthly salaries are: Editor, $85; Associate Editor (copy), $50; Associate Editor (Pho tography), $50; Managing Ed itor (5), $40; Panel Editor, $40; Business Manager, $85; Assistant Business Manager (2), $40. Applicants will be checked for scholastic eligibility and must appear before the inter viewing board. The Sub-committee on Student Publica tions will select the staff. Anyone who is interested and has sufficient time to de vote is encouraged to apply. Applicants need not have pre vious experience on the CORNHUSKER, p r o v i d ing they are familiar with writing, editing and photog raphy procedures. Students desiring additional information may contact the senior staff members of the 1963 CORNHUSKER in room 51A of the Student Union basement. r Mv U I , . . 'i ll "" i f jl 'l - 1 '"' !. " Ri'l ' v-.'i lp Mfyjiu I I'll S" f ',,1 V t y t4 i fair r--'--r-r--r nrrr wiin,-y"niiiMiifiDiiaMiiiiiMminiiiiiiw limn iwmiaiw -v-mr-5" " ii.-inmT- tt rMtiiiMniiiMJI SALES UP Seat belt ticket sales on the campus are over the hundred marie as Roger Myers, member of Innocents Society, installs belts Sunday in front of the Student Union. Members of the Junior Interfraternity Council also helped with installation. Innocents Continue Safety Campaign; Jr. IK Helps Install 107 Seat Belts A few years ago, two University pro fessors were on a business trip in the western part of the state. During their trip, they were engulfed in a blinding dust storm which reduced driving visibili ty to zero. They slowed their state car to a crawling pace and moved ahead. Suddenly they bumped into a car which had stopped to wait out the storm. Before they could get out of their car and check the damage, another car rammed them going at full speed. The seats of the state car were completely sheared off and had it not been for the fact that the men were held by safety belts, they probably would have been sheared off too. Safety belts eliminate many injuries and deaths, according to research statis tics by universities, automotive compa nies and government agencies. More than 5,000 deaths, 33,000 severe injuries and countless minor injuries could be pre vented, if seat belts were used in all cars, say the reports. Last Sunday, the Innocents and the Jr. Interfraternity Council (IFC) installed 107 seat belts in ca;npus cars. There are now 107 more safety-minded people around the University campus. Fastened seat belts remind drivers that accidents can happen anywhere, anytime. Seat belts help to keep the driver in side the car during an accident. Chances of death are several times more likely if a driver is thrown out of his car. Seat belts reduce the force of the impact of those in the car against the car's interior. These impacts, against such things as windshields, and steering wheels, cause 83 per cent of the total dangerous-to-fatal injuries. Often little accidents are not big ac cidents because safety belts are used. If a driver can stay in his seat, he can keep control of the steering wheel and brake even after a collision. One of the big worries of people con sidering purchasing seat belts, is that if they are involved in a fire, or a submer sion accident, then seat belts will be a hindrance instead of a help. There is a 50 per cent better chance of remaining conscious and being able to save yourself, if you are wearing a seat belt. Fire and submersion accidents hap pen in less than 1 per cent of all injury producing accidents, and even if the im probable did happen, a seat belt can be released in an instant, with one hand. For convertible owners, roll-overs oc cur in only about one out of five acci dents, so seat belts are an advantage four out of five times. In addition, the greatest danger in convertibles, is being thrown out of the top of the car. Seat belts prevent this. The Innocents will continue to sell seat belt tickets on campus for the next two weeks. The Jr. IFC will aid in their installation this Friday and on April 11. April 11. ";'Sf , J ! ! - t ,y-M v I t S . """" df I t xh7 1??. NEW SORORITY GETS CHARTER ALPHA EPSILON chapter of Alpha Delta Pi sorority received their charter Saturday, bringing the number of sororities on campus to 16. The chapter was colonized May 27. Miss Madeline Girard, Panhellenic Representative, said "This is a dream come true for the University campus." Above are Miss Maxine Blake, Grand National President of Alpha Delta Pi; Miss Donna McFarlin, president of Alpha Epsilon chapter and Miss Sherry Foster, past president and original colonizer of the chapter on this campus. Breckenridge Kicks Off AUF 7963 Spring Drive Dean of Faculty, Adam Ereckenridge, kicked off the annual All University Fund (AUF) Spring Drive last Thursday evening. He is hon orary chairman of the 1963 drive. After his speech a film en titled "A Light Along the Way" from the National World University Service (WUS) was shown. It de scribed how contributions will be used in several under-developed areas. The sum proposed to be raised in the U.S. is $300,000 and $1 million is the goal throughout the world in order to begin the 85 planned proj ects for the new year, iwen-ty-seven countries are now be ing served with a new phase of WUS being developed in Latin American. In the 85 new projects as well as in the old ones, WUS funds are helping people meet situations and barriers hardly known to exist. Three thou sand students at Calcutta Uni versity are homeless, study ing under street lamps and sleeping on the sidewalks. Twenty-three thousand oth er students at India's largest university live in various ex tremes of such poverty. Be tween 3,000 and 5,000 Japan ese students require immedi ate hospitalization for active tuberculosis. The first TB san atoria in both India and Ja pan were WUS projects. In addition to offering aid in the areas of student housing, student health, and educa tional equipment, such as dorms, book stores, mimeo graph machines, health cen ters, libraries, drug supplies, scholarships and recreational centers, a large part of the Us budget is devoted to in dividual emergency student relief. At the present, the film stressed, there is an intensive emphasis on refugees every where. These refugees, espe cially in Hong Kong, possess neither home nor country, but they aspire to possess an ed ucation some day. They want knowledge as badly as they want food and they are willing to work equally hard for it. The AUF and the WUS are striving to gain the help of U.S. students and professors in an effort to relieve these situations. "The success of the pro gram of AUF will come from only full staff support. I feel, as I hope each member of the faculty does, that AUF is deserving of our wholehearted interest and participation. I hope every faculty member will participate in this giving so that others may benefit from your thoughtfulness," Breckenridge said.