I Page 4 THE PINK SHAFT Monday, April 1, 1963 f ! I i I i ! f IHlysicie'C By SPORTS SOMETHING Athletic director Lippy Phi contemplating his former sal ary of $50 per year plus tips, announced today that Ne braska Is dropping all inter collegiate athletics because of the extreme liberality of the practice. Professor Seymour S. Siga foos was misquoted as say ing, "We all know of the thou sands of dollars and hours the communists have spent on sports, and we certainly don't want to be like them." Sigafoos mentioned the Uni versity of Mississippi Rebels, undoubtedly a devationistic aggregation somewhat less than 100 red-blooded Ameri can, the Cincinnati Reds, the Corning, Iowa, Red Raiders, the Chinese Bandits of Loui siana State, and other such suspicious sounding athletic teams. Curling coach Hal Ogen, who is also an associate pro fessor of chemistry, made the following remarks: "Recently I drove east on Vine Street from 12th to 14th Sts, north on 14th to Avery Avenue, west on Avery to 10th Street, and south on 10th past the sta dium. The Coliseum, men's physical education building, and stadium were all on the left side of the street. Think of the effect on our helpless youth." It is rumored (We say this when we are making some thing up and want it to sound pseudo-authentic ) that the state cocK-tignung lobby in tends to purchase Memorial Stadium to use as a cock fighting arena if legislation permitting cock-fighting is ever passed, which is unlike ly. The football practice field, Coliseum, men's physical edu cation building, and the Ag College gymnasium and athlet ic fields will besold to local, Diffen Leads Truck Assault Organizes Revolt At MU By QUERY ANDTHENSOME In the early predawn light, a group of footballers, led by Huckster Monty Diffen, charged a Robert's Diary truck as it lay unsuspecting in its Nothing Street lot The truck was captured success fully and led away and con ducted on a guided tour of the city, escorted by city of- ticials. la a statement later Diffen stated that it was all a part of a new football honorary based on principles similiar to those of the DiPhis. The club meets once a week to debate the merits of inebria tion. After considerable pros and cons (mostly pros as the club is highly biased), the club devles into other areas of endeavors in which the group excels. Tha attack on the unarmed diary truck was the result of a night of heavy activity in which the discourse of intoxi HUSKSTER LEADS AS SAULT Huckster tackle Diffen organized a charge on the recent assault of a Robert's Diary truck as it tat unsuspecting in its Noth ing street lot. p &f jFf 4& &tW ill - S - n, ;" i I - : I .. i 1 liS IS With Liberal Practices realtors, to be used as housing developments, trampoline centers, birch tree acreages, etc., according to Mr. Harry Aghho. The Cornhuckster coaches, who all have winning ree ords and who have all an nexed at least four Big Eight championships in the past five years, were extremely disappointed by the decision. Jed Throttlebottom, still as lean and trim as during nis cness and Scrabble careei at Moan College, has offered 300 like-net table tennis balls for sale cheap. The limit is one to a customer unless you want more than that, and you must be accompanied by a parent unless you are over four. New water polo coach Sob VanDeigny, who last fall pi loted the Hucksters to nine wins and only two drowned players, expressed his ex treme regret at such a de cision. As he is a highly sought after coach, he will probably be offered a lob by the California Institute of Oceanography at La J o 1 a, which has one of the largest water-polo practice fields in the world. Jake Jock, 587-pound foot ball center from Gillett, Wy oming (He s a real pal, a true gem, very chic, and no little shaver), had the following remarks to make: "This is my biggest shock since I found out that the week be fore classes is known as Rush Week instead of Lush Week. I guess I'll just have to go to IOU, which pays room, board, tuition, and $500 a month for books whether you read or not." All other athletes will re sign from the University en masse and enroll at the Iowa Institute of Misogyny. The coaches are undecided about their future plans. Bony Harp, Hank Beguine, and Fos Fates may work for Professor Sledd. He needs some runners. cation was particularly long and involved. The club soon died out due to the lack of administration support but Diffen passed the format on to friends in Columbia, Mis souri. There at the University of Missouri, the information was given to Bonnie Bowlin, star halfback of the Fitful Figers. They at once recognized the merits of the f o r m a t and formed their own club and based it on the principles of midnight auto supply. Coach Ran Revine, in a statement after the club's efforts had been exposed, hoped that the ! froup would get back into the fitful fold soon. DON'T READ NEBRASKAN WANT ADS! -- i If T ( ; T I- "5 j m.. t 'L Swl iff- . "Sp 4;. ,. . t I .. I -is ri A .-.. i I ;- ' I I 7 if t t -if H I ? y 'J mm Wm k eqioie spoors. ' - " : ' 'V- . V 1 , "-;; Nfcxr : faj&V' i $ ft L ivJL! i M jL , s, , , inr,i u FANS AND BANDS New Huckster fans turnsports and subsequent announcement of the out for the first annual Memorial Stadium purchase of the stadium by the state cock cock fights after Lippy Phi's announcement fighting lobby, of the cessation of Huckster intercollegiate Sportswrifers C hail en ornhuckst osf o The Rag sportswriters have challenged the Cornhuckster varsity to a basketball game, with all proceeds, if any, go ing to the John Birch Society. Naturally there will be a handicap system in effect. Sports editor Query Andthen some will not use his hands. Assistant Sick Lewd will be blindfolded and will not be notified of the game time or site. Fabulous forward (former ly center) Blury Bashman is expected to be the star of the game as usual and should easily score 150 points even though he won't be allowed to pass, dribble, or shoot. The same restrictions hold true for Dip Fakin and Fan Lack, the remaining two pencilpushers who have not yet been relieved of duty on the Rag. The varsity will be allowed ten fouls per man per quar tor with the stinulation that a technical foul be called whenever a sportswriter is -jOSOf? killed or severely maimed. As yet there have been no charges of gambling, fixing, or point-shaving, but next year's Pink Rag will be quick to libel any suspects we can come up with if we haven't forgotten the incident entire ly. Many will remember that the Raggers have won the grudge match for the past 32 years by forfeit. Last year referee, Pin Stripe, disallowed the varsity's protest as usual. When the Cornhucksters showed up at the YWCA at 3 a.m. (Raggers had been al lowed to select the time and n One rmnnirwiMi aMMMu,. wish ixy zr- COULD i if' AFFORD YkC ANEW M;'"p CAR! 'H'f iff 1 HERE'S HOW YOU CAN HAVE THAT NEW CAR YOU WANT: You Name It And We Will STEAL It. Call JOHNNY WOLAND Auto & Tire, Co. Columbia, Missouri in place), a police officer ar rested them for violating a University curfew. The curses were far from few. The varsity's probable line up is: Dead Pannen Often Grabby Peril Putsch Barley Bones 111 Intent Fan ("Boom-Boom") Lack will play center for the Rag gers and will undoubtedly be the center of attraction. In the likely event that Bashman scores all of the points as us ual, his four teammates will form a private cheering sec tion. The improbable lineup: Blury Bashman, 5'10", For ward. Sick Lewd, 4'8", Even more forward. j Fan Lack, 4'6", Center. I Query Andthensome, 3'9", Guard. Ick Fakin, 4'4", Guard. ! The Raggers have an aver average IQ of 55. When asked if they thought they would win, they chorused in unison, "What me worry?" Denied Liberalify World Herald Writer Criticizes Sports Page BY SIC LEWD Be denied, prominent World- Herald sports writer, charged Friday that the Pink Shaft's sport page contain too much liberalism. Denied distributed a 32 page pamphlet at a recent meeting of the Nebraska Press Association that at tacked the Pink Shaft Sports Eidtor Query Anthensome with suppression of conserva tive' sports coverage. Denied pointed out that the Shaft did not support the recent successful Nebraska basketball season. In addi tion, the pamphlet claimed that basketball players of this year's team were underated in the Pink Shaft columns. Denied wrote a local Ne braska sports writer, Dried Sweet, that he would entertain a motion to the Nebraska Re gents to conduct a compre hensive survey of the Shaft sports staff. A personal survey by denied has revealed that a picture of Abraham Lincoln hung on the wall of the Shaft Sports Editors office. Denied pointed out that the picture probably promoted undue liberal in fluence. Yo-Yo Champ Competes Arabella Airedale, yo-yo champion of the women's "phy sical education department, has challenged any University male to a match this spring. "Women have been consid ered insignificant long enough," she said. "I aim to prove that men can easily be out-yo-yoed. After minutes of practice, I have perfected my style and am confident that I can beat any mere male." Yo-yo competition has been neglected in the University sports schedule, Miss Aire dale feels. "I hope that Lippy Phi, athletic director will recognize the merits of yo-yo competition and add it to the schedule." she said. "Hey Joe, I think damn thing black '9, ,"" to ' ' , S? , y - 4 ' ' ' jf is - -- ' " ' Hit X ' Blury Bashman Grabs H If f f CjI aaIian Aff-ufifversiiy jcicuiuu Four Others Fill All IM Cagers Freshman Blury Bashman disdaining all fraternities, liv ing units, organizations, and such collections of lesser mortals, is a unanimous se lection to the Pink Shaft All University intramural basket ball team. , Reportedly offered from $300,000 to $500,000 by the oth er seven Big Eight schools to come play varsity basketball, Bashman has refused because of his dislike of their crass ness. Nebraska's ex-coach Lush resigned, despite the fervent pleas of Athletic Director Sic to stay, because he could not interest Bashman in varsity basketball. The brilliant Bashman, who stands only 5'10" tall and weighs 145 pounds, scored ev ery single point for the Uni corns, a minor team he gra ciously consented to use his multitudinous talents for. Averaging 156 points per game, with a high of 204 points, Bashman also grabbed every single defensive and of- f e n s i v e rebound in every game in which he played. . Coach George Ireland of Loyola University of Chicago, this year's NCAA national champions, has admitted that Bashman is being groomed at Nebraska to succeed him as head basketball coach at Loy ola, unless the University of Cincinnati should top L o y ola's opulent offer. A straight "9" student car rying his usual 36 semester hours, Bashman has a re markable 388 IQ. He holds the all-time record scores on the Scholastic Aptitude Test and all Achievement Tests, the Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test, the American College Tests, the N a t i o n al Merit Scholarship Tests and the Nebraska Regents Scholarship test. Bashman is anxiously await ing the baseball season, since he has pitched 344 no-hitters and a one-hitter ("my worst game ever") and hits .895. we're going to have to now!" A J is i-J . i r ' ' ' ' -11- ' .. I l ' - 's torn' " y- i V ft an Bashmen, Unanimous se lection Blury Bashman, versitile NU freshman was selected to the All-Univer-" sity IM cage squad despite wide-spread portests of di rector Red Roundbottom who said that the Rag was partial to the city slickers. Bashman may switch to golf this year instead though ,-v occasionally shoots as high es 70 and is lucky to make one hole-in-one per week. Four other guys complete the team, but they aren't real ly very important. paint the whole