o Page 2 We've Figured You Out Pink Shaft YES, STUDENTS, there is a water shortage on campus. Our solution to this problem you don't HAVE to flush after every use. WE SUGGEST that the University living units fol low this schedule in order that the problem can be eliminated. R Street Fraternity Row 3:45-3:49 a.m. (the al loted time could be extended on weekend nights be cause of the over-use of the facilities following wood sies, etc.) 16TH STREET Fraternities and Sororities 7:45 -9:43 (women); 11:15-12:08 (men.) Diferentiation be tween men and women is made for obvious reasons. (Also, we must realize that the women get up for You Listen to Me! And Nylon prepared himself an ark. Then he let the animals enter two-by-two. There were no mix matches, no duplications. Each was of his own kind. And then the night fell. The nasty Theta Xi's, then entered into the ark and placed a cork in the only drain in the ark that Nylon built. Then, with a special Stewart made Nylon Hose, the Theta Xis be gan to flood the ark. And the ark sunk a few more inches into the earth. But then the animals, being sore afraid, took all of the extra provisions (garbage) and rendered it forth unto the Theta Xi warriors. And the Doves of peace came riding np in cars with an olive summons in their teeth. tsk, tsk, tsk. Miss E-Week is a real conductor this year. The Engineers got a real charge out of her. The strong arm of the law may be governing rush week one of t h e s e fine days. By executive decree somebody is go ing to tell the card pull ers and preference filers how to run their business. Perhaps then IFC will understand the problems that Panhel has been fac ing for the past 300 presi dential rotations. No more fun for the frat rats . . . now the pot can call the kettle black, because dis crimination will be a thing of the past. On Inner Needs DEAR CHARLOTTE, I have been subject to ' splitting headaches, nau sea in the morning and a general discomfort all the time. My mother is ex t r e m e 1 y straight-laced and my father is a dea con inthe Methodist church. I felt that since I couldn't go to either of them with my problem maybe you could help me. I am afraid I am in trouble, serious trouble. As of late, I have been attending some parties of a strange but exciting na ture. We never do much at these parties, but it is somehow satisfying to my inner needs. Charlotte, I feel as though I'm near the end of my rope. I think I shall be forced to take drastic measures unless ysa can help me. Here is my problem. I want to join the Ray Simmons' Club but am afraid that if I do I will be kicked METTWTTdnSCOVD TXAE OP rTaUCATOW Tcapphon 4774711, ext. 25. 15. IMt Jnrt Aanriatad Catkmaia Pre. IaUraaUonal Praaa Biataawdallve: JUtttrUmfHt Mvue, lananwrawoi t'ubUtlKd at: Oil Jl Student t'lrioa Uneotn. I Nebraeta. 14th ft ft. Tt Ft'; Jt M feaerallr pablihed aa April lat darlm it armot r, except iorrsi timm whea April Ut fall durtiur aeattoa, ar when the Diruton 4 gOxVnt Ammi- canparm Uw nmM, r tfttnudi ctvU defrwn teat. The Fink Shaft la Pub- liberator tern ire Editor ta M Nrwa IMUar ... Onpt tjtaars .... fwm aaa 6aa Xaltor AMktfaad Vaa and Gaaa aWr DtH CMcam .. Immt Paet IMcdwra .. aWvfcar JSrliacr Kr.rl IrOuv Li THE PINK SHIFT YOU ALL have great faults, and you're all mixed up. We suggest that you all do something about it, flush Schedule Proposed I'm the Boogie Man People with theatrical ambitions are being re warded these days. The local Theatre Guild has proven that a distinct ad vantage for a good show CONFESSION: Dm to all af the 1n auirira aa to Ike Menlitr ef the BM, aare 4eelded to renal mrirlf. I am raw Leader. I have wyi all around. I have to. hecauae I don't have anr time to communicate to r with m. i rtdom let mr views about the Calversltv he addrrrd to yon. I doa't have time. I'd rather let Mike aa It. Bat I dccldrd to be rear one true Bootfe to let yoo know me better. Seadt roar aurrestiona ler the eataina to me. rare af th Kac afflee. anr time. I nerd laa mail far the Badxrt. Piff is a decent party after wards. Too bad the work ers have to start early and rain the scene chang ing. Us the season of inac tivity . . . The ground is getting warm . . . The troops are rallying x fLj ft fZ ' ' i innri-"" ,r"""-t-uM.rrrlntii My Dear Charlotte . out of the house. Please help me. Desperately, PATTY PINKY Dear Patty, See Windy Linsen. Tickle Giggle DEAR CHARLOTTE, I have a unique prob lem. Every boy I go out with tickles me. Not liter a 1 1 1 y, of course, but I mean every time a boy tries to kiss me I giggle. At times it is most em barrassing, especial ly when it's somebody I really like. Like the other night I was out with this really cool stud and we went to the pillars and parked. Well, Charlotte, he went to kiss me and all of a sadden, I started to gig gle. I really felt dumb. What am I going to do, Charlotte? I really need an answer to my prob lem. 1 would appreciate an answer in your col umn. Maybe this guy will EOITOKiAl BCSIXEM an li"U Takes Stand their morning classes; thus, their right to the flush hour. The only reason the men get up is to make it down to the Grill on time perhaps they can use the Grill's facilities, thus aiding the elimination of the Uni versity's problem.) Selleck Quad You fellas work it out on your own. We're afraid that we'd be included in your BitchBoard if we didn't propose a time which was suit able for all of vou. LINCOLN STUDENTS - You will use the Union's facilities. They will be in operation during the coffee hours, 9:00-10:00 a.m. and 2:00-3:00 p.m. (The union is upset with us already they feel that EVERY hour is the coffee hour.) We wish you and our program success! -T. F. around the Buffalo at pio neer . . . The Alphonse Bennett Hall hasn't done nothin this year ... but give the shaft to some really deserving people . . . The DG's are shafting the Thetas . . . The Theta 's shafted the DG's . . . Just as well bring back the Red Dots ... Or maybe they are still there and the cause of the same shaft . . . Oh, well, anything for a mystic mask . . . The parliamentary pro cedure boys should get out their manuals and sheets of goodies. There are about 50 trillion mea sures to change the rep resentation, to chpge the organization, to change the purpose, to change the programs, to change the attitude, to change the conservative elements, to change presidents from Capons to Toads, to change the election day, to change Greek Week, to change the rules on who approves constitutions, to change the twin towers into split-level-ranch-style one-man-one-girl-houses. With all those changes Diaper service and John powder. Gad look at the baby burp. It's a fact that the Children's Zoo would probably fall through if it weren't for Fraterni ties . . . maybe some of the UPGPP would like to volunteer for the cages. This could be the year of the Council, 1963 AC (After Gage). It appears read it and understand and be more understand ing. TICKLED BUT SAD DEAR TICKLED, Suggest Gillette Super Blue Blades to your dates. They give a clean er shave and less tickle. Second to Animals DEAR CHARLOTTE, I am a University stu dent and decided to write to you, as a friend of mine suggested my com ing to you with my prob lem. My girlfriend and I (we had been going steady for three years be fore we got married) got married at Christmas time. For a month we got along just fine. Then about two months ago her mother moved in. That was just fine be cause I like her mother but she brought her cat, dog, canary, mouse, and her pet goat. I don't mind the cat, dog, canary, and moose, Hahed br atodento a the Unlverartr af Nabnufca under the aoalM aulnoriutioa 1 the Commute on Student Publication a aa expreeeiaa at etuoent oMrionJuat at ail tli pubUaketf editorial cpr cantafned herein I a pcke?Ur InrtaSina meal of Uw adrtini copy. Member, of the aUH of the Piak Shift are iaturaifcr at raspotnibl vrbal titer Mr. do. or ease to be printed, April 1 1M Anr reaemManec t actual athufioM or pcophi la thu) kteua la purely a Butter of Interpmatton Our one: COO par amlar caca WIKIT Blair ' STAFF Monday, April 1, 1963 Now . . . Shape Up! That's Why! brought about by the Anti-Greek movement of the University Party for the Gross Prostitution of Pur pose. But, as Don Butt stated earlier, "W hat, ME worry?" But then again, the Greeks are having too much fun tearing the hell out of each other to wor ry about unity to defeat the UPGPP. Seems kind of a shame too. I was a Greek once, still am I guess. But after hearing them all tear each other to bits behind each oth er's back and then the cool move behind the Pigi and Alpha Hairy chested hut, the battle of the Phi and Psi, the smut of the Delts I start to wonder whether their doom isn't around the corner. Well, they someday will wake up and get rid of their immaturity. It would help if a few of them would look to Fanny Farmer as an example in stead of a scapegoat for what they claim they don't want to be. This little Greek light of mine I'm gonna let it shine All the time, all the time, all the time. Put it under a bushel, NO! I'm gonna let it shine AU the time, all t h e time, all the time. Bill Buckley loves this, this I know, for John Lonnquist tells me so . . . Watch out, now ... I might get YOU! but I am allergic to goats. If I weren't, I wouldn't mind at all as I am a pretty liberal fel low. But since she moved in, I have had to sleep outside the house. Von see, the goat is house-broken and very susceptible to the cold. I hate to say anything to her as she is my favorite mother in-law, but Charlotte, I most do something! I have been In the hospital five times with pneumo nia this year. Sincerely, SAM SPINELESS DEAR SAM, That was just fine be completely. I married a man (once) who had a particular a I f 1 n i t y for horses. (You can imagine THOSE in the house!) I gave my husband an ul timatumeither the horse or me. Address any future let ters to Miss Charlotte Chastise, Box 1, Haig, Nebraska. Wladr Lnaaea . lry Gaser (Heliptar Una I Linda ftanja, p,a FrVndlr, fj, ftt, Hnklr theCerker ilamkllaa apart Fallea gpart "'O WO". Farmlr HmMManner Moait ttiveraiat, Aialraat Kkariaaiat l?d that Jack Vawa Ltagenein Wirt PkMaacker, BUb fcgabacaa, FkanUm Late IHaaH OrawUl - Mr. Cleaa ut. Our Oats! EDITOR'S NOTE: The Slate Ledla lature recently pawed an emergency meaaur, effective immediately, in creasing the penalty for minora in possession to $250 or 60 days in Jail, and Increasing the penalty lor adult buying liquor for a minor up to S00 and IS days. The new law provides slightly lower penalties for Infractions not involving false IDs. These are times that try men's souls. In the course of our state's history, the people of Nebraska have rallied bravely when the right to drink has been threatened. Now, a new crisis has arisen. The Senate, better known as the "43 Gover nors," has legislated mor ality in the form of a stringent liquor law. Citi zens and minors of Ne braska, this could happen to you. Let me tell you the story of a freshman named Freddy. On that tragic and fateful day, he gave five to his room mate for a bottle of Haig and Haig. Will they ever get wet? No they'll never get wet, not until they vote. They may wander forever through the bars of Lin coln, but that's not where they'll sow their oats. Roomie handed in t h e five at the house of bot tles, when a voice said, "You're under arrest." A tear for old roomie He was in a 500 dollar mess! Fifteen long nights he paced the station cryin', "What will become of me? Who'll feed the juke box at Casey's or sup port the DB & G?" Will they ever get wet? No they'll never get wet, not until they vote. They may wander forever through the bars of Lin coln, but thet's not where they'll sow their oats. Each day Freddie came for visiting hours right on the dot of two. And he asked his roomie, "Where's my booze, where's my booze?" Citizens of Nebraska, if you think it's a scandal how these boys have to pay and pay, fight the fine increase, vote for age 18 adulthood, get our kids off the water dray. Will they ever get wet? No they'll never get wet, not until they vote. They may wander forever through the bars of Lin coln, but that's not where they'll sow their oats. Climbing Mole This is MY life. Maybe some of you don't know me, but I'm Moel Lundack. I are a member of Innocents and naturally an activity jock. But, I are going to be getting married soon. The other day, I tried to escape down the fire escape and down un railroad tracks, but was caught in the act. My sentence has been: "Chain him to the cash register in Alphonse Ben nett Hall. Make him take the money from all the collegiates, and let him prepare for his Future." So, like any grown man, I are now working my way through the pay ments for the ring. But I are really happy, cause I get to steal my coffee and save more moneys. I are a rah, rah boy. in! Mole HI IH1 1H1S The time has come, the old guard said, to talk of many things, and most of all of Kings Ballroom. Yes, campus, there is a Kings Ballroom. It's the result of a democrat ic coup de tat and it was fini. Yes, campus, we will miss the great orgies that we used to have there. However, it has been decided that the ATO-FI-JI parking lot will suffice until something better comes along. There will not be as many acci dents. Yes, campus, there is an IFC. It has not been too well organized since 1 left the helm, but suc cessive Blights will always have to fight with mutiny on the bounty. Campus Forlorn Who, Me? TO THE LIBERAL LIBERATOR: What do you mean I am THE April Fool? STICK LUCKEY Grand Old Grant TO THE LIBERAL LIB- ery step? Once inside the ERATOR: I have recently heard of the move to tear down grand old Grant Memori al. Knowing, as I do, the work that went into the construction of the build ing, I would urge all to take another look at the structure. It is a credit to. the art industry. Notice, if you will, the gloriously sloping steps leading up to it. Once in s i d e, the superstructure of it overwhelms one. The steps leading up to the gym are unique. They have a character of their own. For where else can you find stairs that creak on a different note at ev- I'm TO THE LIBERAL LIBER ATOR! I realize that the Daily Nebraskan is not under the same regime as it was when last year's Pink Rag was published, but perhaps you can pass on my comments to Guard less, There's Really Noth ing - a - Matter-With-Me Wordason. My name is Frank Cos tello. I am your dean of men. I was featured in last year's Pink Rag. Yon ran my picture. The picture was an old one. oin OUR COUNCIL CANDIDATES ARE 1 HARRY HORSEFEATHERS Artificial Insemination Club, Active in Block and Bridle, hag had Hoof end Mouth disease IS times. A real son of the sod, Harry is i real hairy candidate who don't believe in nothing. VOTE IF YOU Nam Address Male Female Check below the committee on which you would Letislattve Railroad Gerrymandering Ballot Stuffing Nepotism I am not, never have been, or ever will be a member of Gamma Delta Iota or will I rec ognize their existance as a Grecian yearn, purge! Signed , , , , Guarder of the Yes, campus, there is a Panhel. It is one my most extremeley favorite organization, be cause, had it not been for their existance during the past 4,000 years of my , interim at the University, I would not able to do too much for the campus. The main problem is that they refuse to gird their loins for the fray, and they have a basic prob lem with the foundation of their activities. , Yes, campus the whole world is against me. I know that there are those that consider my martyr dom a person insult, but I personally consider it one of my most sterling qualities. Yes, campus there is a Student Council. Contrary to popular opinion, it is gym, one is immediate ly aware of the stupen dous quality of the floor. It glistens with the radi ance of 1000 oranges (not at all). On into the other room further back. There is a peculiar bal cony overhanging and dominating the whole room. It looks like the remnants of the Victori an period wherein Julius Caesar may have been performed with great gusto. In view of all these, how can anyone condemn this beautiful and horren dous building? I plead for the cause of preserva tion. AN ADMIRER OF ART Ticked Yes, I was a cute little cuss, but I'm really more distinguished looking now. Wordason was try ing to make fun of me. He made people laugh AT me. I'm ticked off. I want an apology. If he doesn't say he's sorry, then I won't invite him to any of my tea parties. If Wordason can be an old man, I can be one too. So there! Poutinglv vours, FRANK COSTELLO Dean of Men PfP ID) jl hjt TRANDA TANK Active in Kiddie Lit 302, Snip and Paste Honorary and the Society for the con tinuation of low grade nosepicks. She promises: "Oh, oh. Look, Look. Look and See me run, run, run." MUST-BUT YOU Rank Affiliation Other Hat Young not merely a figment of campus imagination. In stead it is a severe hal lucination, resultant from delerium tremens in the mind of Don Burt. Yes, campus, there is a Dean Ross. He is striving mightily to help improve fraternity rela tions, when what the cam pus is more interested in is imporving fraternity sorority relations. Yes, campus, there is a campus. It Is hidden under the multitude of busy "vork of the drones in the hive of Builders, AUF, Student Council, Panhellenic and every fraternity but the Fijis. Yes, campus, there is a Don Furguson. Yes, campus, we have been wondering why too! YouVe Got a Problem! By Pi Math Epsilon When I was going to St. Ives, I met a man with seven wives, each wife had seven sacks, each sack had seven cats, and each cat had seven kits. Kits, cats, s a c k s and wifes, how many were going to St. Ives? Take the number that you arrive at for the an swer to this problem, di vide by the distance in miles to the Delt Woods, subtract the number of girls who have appealed to AWS and had their appeals okayed. To t h i s add the number of rumors about who is the real power in administration and divide by the differ ential of the logrhythm of e-mc2. Send answers to room 6666 Burnett. Winners will be announced in next week's Pink Shaft. Correct answer to last week's problem, lxl-, was Monty Diffin. Tom Co touk only missed the an swer by 1-16. ID) SLEWFOOT SAM Active in Assets Anonymous and captain of the U of N Monopoly team and past grand master of the Athletic Slush fun J. Sam is probably best known on campus as the vodka orange varmit MUST VOTE Serial Number Size most like to serves ! y .Kocowski Fan Club .Hone for the Abolition of Greeks .Handshake and Ritual .Whereas eteMtajaara t'w Mr some.