The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 29, 1963, Image 1

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IS reek
Ma m
sophomore, was named the
Campus Queen of Sport Mag
azine. Miss Schadeke was
one of five finalists for the
honor. Selection was made by
post card vote in the national
contest. Prizes of a diamond
ring, wrist watch and a wall
clock were awarded to her
DENTS left Wednesday for
the Midwest Model United
Nations convention which is
being held in St. Louis, Mo.
The four students represent
ing the University are: Gary
Radii, Jeff Pokorny, Susan
Segrist and JoAnn Strateman.
the University is initiating a
program to equip al campus
cars with seat belts. Statis
tics prove that deaths result
ing from traffic accidents can
be cut one-third by the use
of seat belts.
NEW PROGRAM, financed
by a grat from the Ford
Foundation, which would en
able students interested in
college teaching as a career
to complete their masters de
gree in five years, will be
initiated on campus next
year. The Ford grant of
$297,500 will run through 1967.
COMPANY of Lincoln was
low bidder on the construc
tion of the 4,000 foot runway
at the Lincoln Municipal Air
port. The runway is the larg
est single project in the 4.6
million dollar airport expan
sion program. Funds for the
project are being financed
50-50 with Federal airport aid
and authority funds.
uty assistant secretary of
state for international organ
izational affairs, spoke before
the Great Plains Assembly on
Outer Space. Garnder stated
that "aH ol our space activi
ties will continue to be for
peaceful-defensive and beneficial-purposes."
at a Pleasant Dale grocery
store was foiled by police Sat
urday. The men were appre
hended in Timme's Grocery
by a state patrol sergeant
and two Lancaster County
sheriff's deputies.
JANING, head of the Omaha
police vice detail, was re
lieved of his job Saturday.
Janing had been the center
of controversies in Omaha
between the Mayor James
Dworak, and city attorney
Herbert Fitle.
HOSSACK said Tuesday, that
during the next biennium,
19G3-l!Mi5, some 51 million
dollars will be allocated in
contracts on the federal-aid
primary, secondary and ur
ban Mghways. The 55 mile
stretch of interstate highway
between Grand Island and
Elm Creek should be open
this year, according to Hos-
SIDERING a bill which
would increase license fees
for automobiles, and use the
money to help finance more
driver training programs in
the state's high schools.
killed and seven other per
sons were injured in an ex
plosion which ripped the Nel
son Auto Rebuilding Shop in
Central City. The explosion
was caused by a faulty re
lease valve on an air com
pressor. NATION . . .
foreign aid spending, which
is headed by General Lucius
Clay, recommended to Presi
dent Kennedy that he cut his
foreign aid budget by one
half billion dollars. The com
mittee, of which Chancellor
Hardin Is a member, en
dorsed the continuing sub
stantial assistance under
tighter controls.
ANNOUNCED that an esti
mated 3,000 Russian troops
have been pulled out of Cuba.
The Soviets had promised in
mid-February that "several
thousand" of its troops would
be withdrawn from Cuba by
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TORCH-BEARING RUNNERS Busker Track Coach Frank Sevigne scratches bis head in disbelief as he looks over
two would-be milers Lyle Sittler (right) and Tom Brewster. The two students, both members of Sigma CM, will be
among the 25 fraternity men who will each run a mile from Crete to Lincoln, carrying a lighted torch. The arrival
of the torch at the Nebraska Union will symbolize the opening of Greek Week on the campus.
Vol. 76, No. 90
The University Party for
Progress UPP) adopted a
platform, chose its Central
Council and selected candi
dates for Student Council
which it will support. The
party held its first Annual
Convention last night with
about 50 members and guests
The party imanimously vot
ed to support affiliation with
National Student Association
(NSA) and to urge their can
didates to support such affili
ation. "The NSA is doing many
things now that we would
like to see done here on this
campus," said Sid Saunders,
who proposed the resolution.
Yes, NSA is controversial
but UPP is also controversial
and should get more contro
versial. TMs is nothing
against the organizations as
A resolution, drawn up by
H. Roger Dodson, concerning
racial segregation was ac
cepted. The resolution is as
0 AT PAit
Untermeyer Gives
Definition Of Poet
"A professional poet is a
common, average man, a lit
tle more highly sensitive, in
tensified, using consciously
in language what the aver
age man uses unconsciously,
said Louis Untermeyer, poet,
critic, editor and anthologist,
in a public lecture yesterday.
Answering the question
"What Makes Modern Poet
ry Modern," Untermeyer
said that everybody uses po
etic devices such as meta
phors, similes, alliterations
and cliches everyday in ev
ery business.
These devices actually
show a great deal of accura
cy, observation, imagination
and Jhumor that poets use in
their art, he said.
Modern poetry is what is
produced when you"re living,
said Untermeyer. Obscurity
or difficulties of modern po
etry do not make the dis
tinction between that and
classical because classical
poetry has a certain amount
of these two elements also,
he said.
All serious poetry is diffi
cult because it deals with
what is imaginative or un
known and this presents a
difficulty, he timtinued.
"We live in a complex
world and modern poets do
what all poets try to do
hold a mirror up to nature,
he said.
There are two thirds nota
follows :
"WHEREAS : It is one of
the principles of this nation
that all men are created
equal; and "
"WHEREAS: It is a major
function of an educational in
stitution to uphold these vir
tures of equality and break
down the barriers of misun
derstanding and prejudice;
'WHEREAS: It has been
widely circulated that Univer
sity students both on and off
campus have been discrim
inated against because of
their race;
"THEREFORE; Be it re
solved that a standing com
mittee of three be established
to investigate the extent of
racial discrimination both on
and off campus."
Bud Kimball, newly-elected
member of the Central Coun
cil, said that the committee
would find how serious and
where racial discrimination
was located on campus and
make recommendations as to
ble about modern poetry,
said Untermeyer. The line
between serious poetry and
light verse has thinned con
siderably and the line be
tween prose and verse has
also thinned, he said.
"Poets of today reflect Ms
world its horror, boredom
and glory," said the poet. It
is the glorification or use of
the commonplace that makes
modern poetry more reada
ble and exciting.
There is no way of meas
uring modern poetry except
through personal taste, he
said. My taste is not intel
lectualism nor extreme popu
larism; 1 like novelty, clarity
and things that startle or an
noy me, Untermeyer ex
plained. "A work of art requires
some shape and 6ome form,"
said the anthologist. Beatnik
poetry has no form; it is an
outflowing of ideas which are
fine material for art, but it
isn't art, he explained.
"The Runaway," by the
late Robert Frost was read
by Untermeyer partly as a
tribute and partly because he
was implicated in it
"Robert Frost, my oldest,
dearest inend, is one of the
three greatest poets in the
United States," said Unter
meyer. America has never
had a poet so profound and
playful and yet one that ha
enjoyed such great populari
ty, he said.
The Daily Nebraskon
what can be done about it.
Bill Dunklau moved that
the party support "Dunklau's
Resolution to Student Coun
cil," a resolution concerning
the reorganization of repre
sentation of Student Council
The number of representa
tives from each district
would depend upon the num
ber of students voting out of
the potential number of vot-
ers in tne district, ine Dig
ger the district, the more po
t e n t i a 1 representatives it
would have.
A resolution by George Lem
ke was passed -unanimously.
The resolution asked that
(1) -"the Central Council be
instructed to send cards and
folders to off-campus students
so they would become famil
iar with whom was running
for Student Council offices;
(2) the elections be publicized
and party candidates given;
(3) the party personally con
tact students to urge them
to vote; ;(4) the party offer
Library Staff
Helps House
Select Books
The Love library staff is
ready to aid any house or
group who approaches them
for assistance in setting up a
beginning library, according
to Susie Pierce, chairman of
Student Council library com
mittee in a report to Student
Council Wednesday.
The committee recommend
ed that the individual houses
select library committees to
approach the University Li
brary stalf,' and get assist
ance on the kind of library
they want to set up.
"It must be understood that
this project is entirely inde
pendent from any University
regulation and that no group
will try to dictate as to what
should be put in these li
braries," said Miss Pierce.
Houses are urged to begin
a library even if it is a very
small one as it can be added
to each year, said Miss
Pierce in her report. The con
tent .of these libraries may
be in the nature of what the
house is basicaDy inter
ested in.
"The Student Council li
brary committee will be hap
py to prepare a suggestion
sheet to be sent to all organ
ized houses and dorms to
help get this project mov
Lug," said ivlife Firi.
"We will also set up a time
and place when organizations
may send representatives to
meet with Mr. Lundy, or any
of his 6taff, and this commit
tee to discuss this matter
further," she added.
transportation to students
who could not otherwise
reach the polls; (5) that the
party talk to the faculty con
cerning announcing the elec
tion in classes on election
Candidates selected to be
supported by the party are:
Arts and Sciences Bud Kim
ball, Bob Cberny, George
Lemke, Tim Barns and Dave
Kittims; Teachers Elaine
Lienert and Engineering and
ArcMtecture Bert Aerni,
Doug Herman and William
Those chosen on the Cen
tral Council are: Karen West,
woman representative from
city; Bud Kimball, male rep
resentative from city; Ron
Rogowski, Bob Cherny, Tim
Barnes, Rich Douglass, and
Jim Lindsey, representatives
at large. Yet to be chosen
are the male and female rep
resentatives from Ag cam
pus. The next meeting of the
party will be April 1L
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MISS E WEEK Donna Jean McFarlin was an
nounced yesterday as 19C3 Miss E Week Vy Luu Lam
berty, E Week co-chairman. She will reign over Engi
neers Week activities at the University, April Z5-2C. An
elementary education major, the 21 year-old Junior was
selected from 22 coeds on the basis of personality, poise
and appearance. Last semester she earned a 7.9 average.
Combo, Press, Radio
Will Greet Last Miler
Greek Week, 1963, will officially begin tomorrow af
ternoon with the end of the Greek Marathon. Twenty
seven runners, at least one from each of the twenty
four fraternities on campus, will run one mile each in
the marathon which covers the distance from Crete to
the University campus.
The marathon will begin in Crete at about 1 p.m.
with the lighting of the Greek Week Torch by Crete's
The last runner should reach the campus at about
3:30 p.m. He will use the torch to light the greek fire,
which will burn in front of the Student Union through
out the entire week.
The opening ceremony will be covered by the Lincoln
press, along with the Lincoln radio and television stations.
A speaker will greet the runner and officially open
the week. A representative of the Lincoln Shriners will
be present to accept a donation of $240 dollars for the
Crippled Children's Hospital which they operate. The
money was donated by the individual fraternities in the
form of an entrance fee for the marathon.
The Beta Sigma Psi combo will be playing at the
and "S" street entrance to the union prior to the arrival
of the final runner.
Each of the events scheduled for this year's Greek
Week has a particular purpose, according to John Lom
quist Greek Week chairman.
The open houses are designed to provide a chance to
view life within other chapters. Contact with the Uni- .
versity's graduates is maintained by the alumni dinners.
Semianrs give an opportunity to solve some of the prob
lems facing the Greek system and the Greek games are
held to promote a healthy spirit of competition, he said.
The Greek Week schedule is:
Saturday, March 30, Greek Marathon
Sunday, March 31, Church Move and Open Houses.
Monday, April 1, Alumni Dinners. Tuesday, April 2,
Recognition Dinner and Class parties. Wednesday, April 3,
Seminars, Exchange Dinners and Convocation. Thursday,
April 4, Housemother's Tea. Friday, April 5, Greek Games.
Saturday, April 6, Multiple Sclerosis and Greek Week BalL
Friday, March 29, 1963
KK Spring Show
Of Hit 'Fioreilo!'
Is Saturday Night
Kosmet K 1 u b's Spring
Show, "Fioreilo!" opens at 8
p.m. Saturday at Pershing
Memorial Auditorium.
University freshman Buzz
Brashear is cast in the lead
role of the musical which de
picts 15 years of the life of
Fioreilo LaGuardia, New
York mayor who broke Tam
many HaU in the late 1920's.
The show originally opened
on Broadway in 1959 and was
the hit of the season. It was
adopted from a book by Je
rome Weidman and George
Fiorello's secretary, Marie,
is played by Peggy Bryans
who, in the play, loves Fio
reilo, but the mayor is un
aware of her devotion.
LaGuardia is a young law
yer in a poorer section of
town who serves people with
out pay. This association
later proves to be an impor
tant factor in his election as
a VS. Congressman.
Are You
Seat Belts Protect
NU Students Lives
The time is 11:35 p.m. You
are driving alone on a hot,
balmy summer night As
sleep overpowers yon, the
car heads into the left-hand
lane. You slowly leave the
highway, just missing the
concrete abutment of a
bridge by a few feet
By this time sleep has you
in its clutches. You drop into
a 6-foot ditch, hitting cul
vert post directing the; car
toward a plowed field. -
Approaching the field you
awake to shear off a tele
phone pole and 4 fence posts.
After 573 feet of destruction,
you stop 20 yard short of a
cement silo. You awoke just
in time for 300 feet of the
You feel a stomach pain as
you climb out of the car. Your
seat-belt saved your life.
This happened to a Nebras
ka student.
Each year, according to
the National Safety Council,
thousands are killed because
they are either thrown
against the windshield or
thrown from the car. Your
chances of surviving an acci
dent are five times greater if
you are held in your car by
a seat belt.
Seat belts are a kind of ad
ditional insurance. Normal in
surance protects your bank
account, but seat belts pro
tect your life, and those of.
your famfly and friends.
The Innocents, with the aid
of the Junior Interfraternity
Council, will install seat
belts, at cost, on March 3L
April 5, and April 1L The
installations will be done at
the north entrance to the Stu
dent Union.
The Junior IFC has been
the "back bone" of the com
plete project according to
John Nolon, Innocents pres
The purpose of the project
is to provide as many people
with seat belts as want them,
and as cheaply as possible.
There will be four stands
where the cars will be out
fitted. Any color .of belt may
be chosen by the student
Teachers' Society
Will Give Award
Mu Epsilon Jtfu, men's
Teacher College honorary
fraternity, will present the
Henzlik Award to Nebraska's
outstanding high school teach
er at its annual banquet Sun
day evening at the Nebraska
The organization's annual
scholarship will also be
swarded at that time. Alter
initiation of new members.
Dr. Robert Manley will play
the guitar and sing part of
the history of Nebraska. Man
ley ieaches at the University.
Gov. Frank Morrison Is the
guest speaker for the banquet