UNIVERSITY OF HE3R; ' LJBRARV MAR 28 1963 J. fn ? 1 Vol. 76, No. 89 The Daily Nebraskan Thursday, March 28, 1963 1 1 1 1 I Four NU Students To Attend MMUN Today In Missouri Four University students left Lincoln yesterday morn ing to attend the Midwest Model United Nations (MMUN) conference at St. Louis, Mo. Gary Radii, Susan Segrist, JoAnn Strateman and Jef frey Pokorny will represent the University at the confer ence. This year's MMUN will be held at the Chase-Park Plaza Hotel in St. Louis, Wednesday through Saturday. The Student Council budget is paying all the expenses ' of the students except their meals. Gary Radii's committee, economics and finance, will study the improvement of world market conditions and the present United Nations bond issue. Pokorny will attend the conference with the trustee ship committee as his prime interest. JoAnn Strateman and her social, humanitarian and cultural committee will discuss race conflicts in South Africa, refugees in the Near East, and the controversy over refugee rights to asylum. Miss Segrist, attending the meetings of the special political committee, will help determine the levels of radiation to which man is currently exposed and the effects of radiation on individuals and their descendants. The students are expected to return early Sunday morning. On their return, they will give a complete re port of the conferences to the Student Council. They will also speak to any interested service organizations in the city who request it. According to Dennis Christie, these students will at tempt to reorganize the Collegiate Council on the United Nations (CCUN), which was first set up last year, but which was inactive. The purpose of the CCUN is to inform students on foreign affairs, said Christie. The -CCUN could hold dis cussion groups in order to make the University's stu dents aware of world problems, he said. Builders Present Skit To University Alumni jLBuilderB representatives Ttraveled to Minden last week X end to participate in the Tri , County University Alumni As sociation dinner, according to Margie Enright, Builders ? publicity chairman. Between 75 and 100 alumni of the University and 25 Re " gents Scholarship winners ? from the surrounding area at 1 tended the dinner, she said. Honeylou McDonald, Carol Reno, Jeanne Thorough, Doug Thorn and sponsor Dr. Mlch eal Shugrue presented a pro gram similar to that given on the Builders four-day Christmas tour through the Western part of the state. A sketch of University life, outstanding University depart m e n t s and professors and i n t tYm Q 1 1 All CllfH Aft I requirements, finances, curri culum, new Duiiaings, ana curriculum changes were dis cussed. The participants also dis cussed Lincoln as a city, the University's scholastic pres- tige, sports and activities. Copies of the Daily Nebras kan and Builders First Glance were distributed and a question and answer period PTP Schedules 'Sports Evenings' Starting Saturday People to People will hold "Sports Evenings" beginning this Saturday as an encour agement to President Ken nedy's proposal on physical fitness and international un derstanding. Arrangements have been made to introduce American and foreign eamcs such as Kho Kho, Tennis, Table-tennis, Volleyball each week. Cricket will be played this Saturday, according to Vinod Kotecha. The first game will begin at 3 p.m. at Pioneer'; Park. Anyone interested is re quested to meet at the North entrance to the Student Union at 2:45 p.m. Saturday, he said. Transportation will be provided. Former President E i s e n hower has said, "A meaning ful contribution to better un derstanding among people of all nations can be achieved through People to People," and it is hoped that informal get togethers on the sports fields will help in furthering this cause, Kotecha said. was held, according to Miss Enright. Builders was fortunate to be able to try to sell the Uni versity to these students from the Western part of the state and to bring the alumni from that area up to date on the programs at the University, she said. National Sorority Will Give Award The national chairman for Delta Theta Chi, national phi lanthropic and cultural soror ity, is now accepting applica tions for the 1963-64 scholar ship award. The scholarship is present ed each year to,, an outstand ing woman majoring in one of the fine arts. Miss Bessie Glenn, 4152 Somerset Drive, Los Angeles, Calif., is now accepting the applications. They may be se cured from her or from Mrs. Marvin Mutch, 1312 Iroquois Rd., Wichita Kan., a mem ber of the scholarship com mittee. All applications m u s t be completed by April 15, so the award can be presented at the national Convention of the group in Oklahoma City, June 14 through 16. Ag Science Meet Begins Tomorrow More than 300 Nebraska high school students have reg istered for the sixth annual Science in Agricultural Con ference to be held on the Ag campus tomorrow. Men having 11 o'clock classes on Ag campus tomor row will be excused from them in order to hear a lec ture by Dr. Louis Thompson at the conference. Dr. Thompson is the asso ciate dean of agriculture at Iowa State University. His topic will be: "Weather or Technology, the Cause of Ag Surpluses." Orchesis Presents Or c h e s i s, the University modern dance club, will pre sent' its annual show tomor row night at 8. The theme is "Focus on Dance." A 75 cent admission charge will be made. The first part of the sliow will be the "American Suite," consisting of several parts in cluding "Sagebrush Saga," a western, "Hoedown in Cali Admini Relations Fortunate Hix, Brewster Report On Big 8 Conference "We are very fortunate at the University, to have satis factory relations with our ad minis tr a tion," commented Jim Hix, Rush Chairman of the Interfraternity Council (IFC) after his return from the Big 8 IFC Conference last weekend. Hix and Tom Brewster were the two IFC delegates to the conference, which was held at Norman, Oklahoma. At the conference, Hix was elected vice president of the Big 8 IFC. In a report on the confer ence which the two delegates presented to the IFC last night, they reported that the most common complaint voiced by other delegates to the conference was that of extremely poor relations with the administration. "Missouri said that they could not get a pro-greek ar ticle in the paper, and that the administration had open ly stated that it was not in terested in students wants, desires or opinions but that the administration would con tinue with a dictatorial con trol. At Oklahoma University all freshman are now forced to live in university housing," reported Brewster. Brewster and Hix were very pleased with the discus sions at the conference. They found that in discussing the problems faced by other Big 8 IFC's, the IFC at the Uni versity had already solved the same problems. Hix and Brewster stat ed that "we here at the Uni versity of Nebraska have one of the most effective Interfra ternity Councils in the United States, and we definitely ex cel over all of the other Big 8 schools." A motion introduced by the Rush committee, which would set up a Spring Rush Week end to be commenced in the Spring of 1964, was passed unanimously. The reasons given for the additional rush period were that it would al low those men who had not had interest in the fraternity system at the beginning of the year a chance to pledge. Al so it would enable those who had been prohibited from pledging due to the IFC's new scholarship criteria, but who had received a satisfac tory University grade aver age, to pledge. The committee also point ed out that there is usually a lack of interest in rushing during the second semester, and that a program such as this would stimulate frater nity interest. The finalists for the IFC's sophomore scholarship are: Tom Kort, Beta Sigma Psi; Glenn Korff, Sigma Phi Epsi 1 o n; and John Lonnquist, Beta Theta PL The final schedule for 1963 Greek Week was pre sented by the Affairs com mittee. The featured speaker at the convocation on April 3, will be Dr. Michael Shugrue, assistant to the chancellor. Shugrue, who will speak on "Survival in the Sixties," is a "tremendous speaker," ac cording to Bill Buckley, pres ident of the IFC. During the meeting, Mrs. Norma Stoehr, of the Multi ple Sclerosis Society, com mended the Greeks on their cooperation in the MS Drive last year, and explained this year's program to the IFC members. The entire Greek System will canvass the city of Lincoln on April 6, solicit ing funds to aid the MS Drive of 1963. Last year, the Greeks raised a total of $7,300 in their campaign. 'Focus On Dance' co," a hoedown, "Sombrero Southwest," a Spanish num ber and "Smoke Signals," an Indian dance. Types of dancing will vary ffftm Twonloccio in nrlrritiv kt VOl t VVtHWH " j- - - V to spiritual to modern jazz. The choreography for the program was done by mem bers of Orchesis. Pre-orchesis and advanced modern dance classes will also participate. eve iiGOircicn dd Dveoi For HepreseoDtetioin) Five plans for the reorgan ization of the representation of Student Council members were submitted to the Council last night. Mike Barton, chairman of the representation committee, brought the following four plans to the Countil meeting: Plan 1. No changes Plan 2. Article IV., section 1. the existing structure shall be retained, excepting that the Law, Dentistry, Phar macy and Graduate Colleges shall be combined on the Stu dent Council and be allowed a total of five representatives, elected under the category of Graduate Representatives. No stipulation is made concern ing the number elected from any particular college. Plan 3. The graduate repre sentative provision of Plan 2, and Article IV., section lb The representative from Students Irrelevant By SUSAN SMITHBERGER Nebraskan Staff Writer The recently organized Uni versity Party for Progress, a group designed to end irrele vance in campus politics, has called its first annual conven tion for tonight at 7 in the Student Union Small Auditori um. Party candidates to run in Student Council elections will be elected from the floor at the convention. One of the endorsers of the party has refused to have his name affiliated with the or ganization. In a recent inter view, he said the organization was interested in changing the representative system in Student Council. If ul 1 L i'-WA NX- r. Sthmadehe Is Selected Sport Magazine Queen Pat Schmadeke, a University sophomore, has been named Sport Magazine's Campus Queen. The 18-year-old dental hygiene major was one of five finalists for the title. Miss Schmadeke was presented a diamond ring mounted in 14-carat white gold by Joe Kaufman, a local jeweler. The ring is valued at $750. Dean G. Robert Ross awarded a wrist watch and battery-operated wall clock to the queen. , Announcement of the Campus Queen contest winner was made in the May issue of Sport, which reached the newstands today. The photographs of Miss Schmadeke also appear in the magazine. She was nominated for the title by the University last year and was selected as one of the five candidates by edi tors of the magazine. An article about her and her picture appeared in the magazine in December. Photographs of all contest finalists ran in the magazine's "February issue, when readers were requested to mail in post cards naming their choice for Campus Queen. Miss Schmadeke is ruch chairman for her sorority, Delta Gamma, and a finalist for Miss E-Week. She has been Delta Sigma Pi Rose Queen, one of six 1962 Cornhusker Beauty Queens, a Miss Wheatheart finalist and finalist for 1962 Jun ior Interfraternity Council (JIFC) Queen. T Sfiisdeinit Connimcoll the University Council on Re ligion be eliminated. Plan 4. The Graduate Rep resentative provision of Plan 2, and Article IV., section lb All organizational represen tatives shall be eliminated, whereby the Student Council shall be made up entirely of college representatives. Their number on the council shall be increased by dividing the total in each college by three hundred. Barton explained that the committee faced a difficult problem because it deals with the philosophy of student gov ernment. He said the committee had tried to be as objective as possible and that the prob lem was not a matter of per sonalities. The committee sought to reach a more equit able plan of representation, he said. Under Plan 2, Barton ex Organize Campus "They are disgusted with the fact that the majority of the campus population, name ly the independents, are not being represented on Student Council," said the anonymous interviewee. "I don't understand his sud den change of heart," said Karen West, a member of the Central Council of the party. "This has nothing to do with any kind of Greek-Independent split, if such a thing exists." .The Central Council of the party includes Richard Doug lass, H. Roger Dodson, James Lindsay, Ron Rogow ski, Sid Saunders and Karen West. The party was formed last r? . decke doitd plained that Law, Dentistry and Pharmacy Colleges com bined have less then 500 stu dents. Council representation now stands at one representative for every 500 students. There are over 1,500 grad uate students who are not represented at the present time on the Council. The graduate students, in cluding Dentistry, Law and Pharmacy students will have a flexible number of 5 so that representation can in crease with increased enroll ment. Barton also said that the committee considered a plan to have two houses, a lower house and an upper house, but felt that this was too big of a jump for the Council to take in one year. He said that he would move To Stop Politics spring and its constitution was adopted in October. Its letter of intent was submit ted to Student Council and accepted. The constitution still has to be reviewed by the Student Council Judiciary committee, according to Dave Scholz, chairman of the Judi ciary committee. A leaflet distributed by the Central Council states the following policies: "WE CALL for an end to irrelevance in campus poli tics. "WE CALL for immediate action within the framework of student government, if pos sible, or outside that frame work if necessary to end con ditions that can no longer be tolerated. WE CALL for the abolition of compulsory ROTC. It would be trite to say that the program is a waste of time and money. No program which attempts to install a phony patriotism and an un thinking obedience could be anything else. "WE CALL for an end to racial segregation in all stu dent living areas. "WE CALL for changes in University rules. Many of the University regulations that go beyond state law are neither necessary nor desirable. The women's rules in particular are definitely outdated. "WE CALL for something more difficult: The end of an attitude of fear student fear of the administration, fear of the "Gree k-Independent split" (whatever that is), fac ulty and administration, fear of the State Senate, the Oma ha World Herald and every loud-mouthed reactionary in the state." The Progressive Papers continue: "IF WE WANT these reforms, we ourselves must work together for them. We must wring them out of those in power, "THE PLACE to work for changes, we are told, is the student government. But stu dent government at the Uni versity of Nebraska is better suited for inane paper-shuffling than for representing the students." "WE CALL for democratic reforms in student gov ernment to make that govern ment able to speak and work for the students. "WE CALL a convention of all members of the University Party for Progress and of all who want to join it to nomi nate candidates for Student Council, to choose party offi cers, and to write a platform that is politically relevant." ifioods Sefap for the adoption by Council of one of these four plans next week. Plan 5 was introduced by Bill Dunklau and consisted of five main changes in the Stu dent Council constitution: Under the present system, the college representatives are not able to directly re port to their constituents, so the plan proposes district representation. The plan would end the present system of organiza tional representatives by not allowing them voting privil eges. This, he said, would eliminate duplication of rep resentation. The plan would end the in ternally elected holdover memberships which allow Council members to have po sitions of power, but not con stituents. Council electiontime would be set at mid-year instead of the present spring balloting. The plan would provide for recall. Dunklau explained the dis trict representatives as com ing from five areas. They are as follows: a. One district to include the Ag campus, which campus shall be defined as all Uni-versity-o w n e d property east of 27th street. b. One district for each separate residence hall oper ated by the Board of Regents of the University located west of 27th street. c. One district to include all University - owned property not included in the two pre viously mentioned districts.' d. One district to include all previously unmentioned University - approved housing west of 27th street. e. One district to include all previously unmentioned University-approved housing east of 27th street. Dunklau explained that the elections of representatives within each district shall be according to the preferential, or transferable vote system of voting. The number of representa tives from each district would depend upon the number of students voting out of the po tential number of voters m the district. The bigger the district, the more potential representatives it would have. In other business Student Council tabled the motion of last week to recommend the passage of the Legislative Bill putting the four teachers colleges and the University under one board of education until Sen. Richard Marvel or Sen. Marvin Stromer c o u ? d explain the bill to the Coun cil. Susie Pierce announced that summer school worksheets will be due one week before finals. Students will be re quired to secure registration appointment cards in order to register. Cards will be avail able in the Administration building at least one week be fore finals. Registration for summer school is June 10 in the Men's PE building. , Gass schedules for fall reg istration will be available the first week of May and will be due at the Administration building one week before fi nals. Miss Pierce said that tenta tively, the Registrar's Office is planning to offer students the opportunity to pay the $25 deposit at the time they turn in their worksheets. Under this arrangement It would be possible to pay the $25 any time between the time a student hands in his worksheet and July 31. A stu dent may pay the $25 without a worksheet simply as a downpayment on tuition.