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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1963)
fM rfW iff Vol. 76, No. 88;v, The Daily Nebroskan Wednesday, March 27, 1963 CH id A k :"' .""X ; n If " ViiiiiI nil IIIIIIMI fe' . fc ' dfcttmirWIirMllinMIBW VOTE FOR FIORELLO! Buzz" Brashear, Jean Gro teluehen (left) and Peggy Bryans pause during practice for Kosmet Klub's Spring Show, FioreIlo!", The Broad may musical, the story of New York City's Mayor Fiorel lo LaGuardia, will be presented Saturday night at 8 in Pershing Auritorium. Brashear is Living Life Of LaGuardia Nineteen - year - old Kermit "Buzz" Brashear admits he's pot so much Fiorello La Guardia on the brain that he may go into politics one day himself. If you see a wide-grinning, irons-in-t h e-f ire freshman walking around the campus with a white silk shirt, black suit, tie and fedora, it's prob ably Buzz. But dont promise to vote for -bkn. The fact is he has earned the lead part in the Kosmet Klub's annual musical, 'Fiorello!" which will be staged Saturday, and has de cided to "live the part." Brashear has read five book -about LaGuardia, the independent-Republican and political enigma that busted Tammany Hall in New York. He's spent hours listening to recordings of the original play and Fiorello himself. The show originally opened on Broadway in 1959 and was Police Chief Says Officers Justified 55T think that the court wmund the officers were justified in the actions they took in this case," said Lin coln Police Chief Joe Carroll concerning the law suit by Dennis Winkle, University law student. Winkle has filed a $48,000 suit in U.S. District Court al leging his constitutional rights priv&ges and immunities wew violated by Lincoln poliCE. officers when he was taken to the police station Feb. 17. Carroll declined further comment because the case is 1 still in litigation. I The charges came as the l result of a demand for Win- f i kle's identification by Officer s Bfuuer. When he refused to Two Who Visited Japan Will Give 'Varying' Views Two University professors who have recently visited Ja pan will present their ad m i 1 1 e d "somewhat varying views" on the island nation at 8 p.m. Monday at the Stu dent Union. Dr. Robert Sakai, associ ate professor of history, and Gail Butt, associate professor of art, will present their views at the monthly faculty roundtable. )r.- Sakai will discuss atti tUEtSCTin Japanese-American relations and how they have varied between the extremes the hit of the season. It was adopted from the book by Jer ome Weidman and George Abbot. "Fiorlk!" deals with the beginning of LaGuardia's po litical career and bis defeat of Tammany Hall, a political machine which controlled New York in the late 1920's. LaGuardia is a young law yer in a poorer section of town who serves people with out pay. This association lat er proves an important fac tor in his election as a U.S. Congressman. The play spans about 15 years until LaGuardia's de feat by James Walker. Fiorello's secretary, Marie, will be played by Peggy Bry ans. In the play Marie loves Fiorello, but the mayor is un aware of her devotion. Musical numbers such as "Politics and Poker." "Little Tin Box," and "Gentleman Jimmy" complement the show. produce identification. Winkle alleges he was ordered to ac company Bruder to the police station. Winkle said Bruder would not make any state ment about the reason he was being stopped. At the police station, Winkle alleges he was told to sit down and "shut yp" by Of ficer Evans though he asked to be informed of the charges against him or to be permitted to leave or make a telephone call. Winkle said be was held in custody for two hours but was never booked on any charge and was not afforded an op portunity to have probable cause of his detention deter mined by a magistrate though one was accessible. of uncritical admiration to hostile rejection. Dr. Sakai beHeves one rea son for this pendulum-like pattern is a lack of under standing of the basic cultural values of each people. Butt will discuss what he calls "the aesthetic Tationli zation of poverty, the experi ence of the non-existent ob ject, image and effect." He will speak on what he calls the Japanese genius for ab breviation, the profound, eternal loneliness and animis tic distrust. Students To Lead Croups Walburn, Hix Named To Regional Offices Suzie Walburn was elected president of Big Eight Pan- hellenic and Jim Hix vice president of Big Eight Inter fraternity Council (IFC) Sat urday at a convention in Nor man, Okla. Miss Walburn is also Nebraska Panhellenic president The Panhellenic meeting, Oklahoma State, consisted of four forums on Judiciary Boards, Pledge Guidance, Panhellenic-IFC Relations and Greek Ideals. The Judiciary Board Forum stressed the importance of preventive measures dealing with rush infractions. It rec ommended having panels dur ing the year on rules and in forming rushees of the rules instead of dealing with infrac tions later. The Pledge Guidance For um discussed pledge pro grams and mutual problems. The importance of stressing scholarship to the pledges was pointed out. Scholarship Incentives sug gested were having individual conferences with pledges to set up a grade goal and study schedule, having mother daughter grade contests and pledge contests, offering Pan hellenic scholarships, present ing a Panhellenic scholarship trophy for highest house av erage and for improvement. The poor public relations be tween Panhellenic and IFC were defined as being a lack trf understanding -of the indi vidual set-ups in the Panhellenic-IFC Relations Forum. The common goals of Pan hellenic and IFC were defined as promoting University life, helping community life, build ing the future's leaders and adults and providing better housing. The group on Greek Ideals found the topic an intangible subject but laid down the ba sic ideal as being mature re sponsible persons doing the best to represent the Greek system. In the Nebraska Panhellen ic Council other officers in stalled were Jean Probasco as vice-president and Barbara Bosse as secretary. Shugrue To Talk At YD's Meeting The dangers to American democracy from the John Birch Society and other far right organizations will be the topic of a speech by Richard Shugrue at the Thursday meeting of the Young Demo crats. Shugrue, a Lincoln attor ney, is a graduate of the Uni versity Law School and is now employed by a Lincoln advertising agency. He is the treasurer of the Lancaster County Democratic organiza tion. The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. in 234 Student Union. Domesticated Robin Is Lincoln Student's Pet HEY BIRD! The dncoln residence of a domesticated robin named 'TBird" is the same as that of Linda Hillyer, a junior, of 1801 Kings Highway. The chubby little robin rates his own home within the Hillyer residence, but now that he's grown up, the canary-size cage is just too small. If he behaves, Bird" is sometimes allowed ran of the house. "Bird" was fed with an eye dropper every hour for several days when he first fell from his nest Now he prefers indoors to outdoors, and Imman company to his feathered friends. By SUE HOYTK Nebraskan Staff Writer Basic intelligence, demon strated scholastic ability, and an interest in college teach ing are the qualities students ; should haw in order to p&r- jticipate in the special scho lastic program designed for future college professors, said Dr. Michael Shugrue, direc tor of the program. Sponsored by the Fund for Advancement of Education, a subsidiary of the Ford Foun dation, the program is de signed to encourage interest in college teaching as a ca reer and to permit the ac complishment of a master's degree in minimum time, continued Dr. Shugrue. He said that between 60 and 70 students will be en rolled in the program next fall. These win be mostly first semester juniors although there will be a few first se mester seniors because the program is just being ini tiated. Pming that year we hope to bring them together in order to honor and identi fy them as members of this program, said Dr. Shugrue. "The idea is to recruit peo ple interested in the profes sion of college teaching and give them careful advice, and, in some cases, special courses which will haw the following three effects: "They will have their mas ter's degrees at the end of the fifth year. "They w ill have completed both language requirements for the Ph D. One f the great barriers t this degree h the inadequate knowledge of language the requirement IFC, P For G reerc By JOHN LONNQUIST Nebraskan Staff Writer Greek Week at the University is not unique. But the scope of Greek Week here, the number and variety of events which it incorporates, is of recent conception. Spokesmen for the Interfraternlty Council and the Panhellenic Council note that the Greek System is re sponsible for a positive contribution to the primary func tions of the University, and that they encourage the most complete personal development of their members in the fields of intellectual, physical and social growth. The IFC and Panhell have set up these standards for the Greek System: 1. That the objectives and activities of the fraternity and sorority should be in entire accord with the aims and purposes of the institutions of which it is a part 2. That the primary loyalty and responsibility of a student in his relations with the institution are to the institution, and that the association of any group of stu dents as a chapter of a fraternity or sorority involves the definite responsibility of the group for the conduct of the individual. 3. That the fraternity and sorority should create an atmosphere which will stimulate substantial intellectual progress and superior intellectual achievement. 4. That the fraternity and sorority should promote -conduct consistent with good morals and good taste. 5. That the fraternity and sorority should maintain ...FOR FUTURE COLLEGE is reading knowledge of two languages. "They will have some lim ited teaching experience run a lab section, give some lectures, and act as quiz in structors on a limited basis." Dr. Shugrue pointed out that the classroom experience will give the students some experience in the mechanics of teaching and will gener ate an excitement for teach ing. "The student who begins in this program will not be tied to it, but he should be genu inely interested in it before he begins,'" he said. As it happens frequently, students interested in profes sional areas know early in their education what they have to do in ordet to be ad equately prepared, according to the program's director. The person who is going to be a college teacher does not know this early in his educa tion about the requirements. Only after his freshman year can he become involved enough to know that he could become dedicated to a sub ject and teach it, said Dr. Shugrue. He noted the following ma jor advantages to participat ing students: It permits speedy entry into graduate work, clearing the way for receipt of a mas ter's degree in the first year following receipt of the bac calaureate and prompt at tainment of the PbJX Stu dents will begin graduate work in their senior year. It gives the students more I Set Standards annQ m n nr n m a week itmpiv SHUGRUE . . . "Master's in five years." than usual opportunity for individual studies and re search. It provides opportunity for pre-career experience in col lege teaching. Some departments have honors programs and some are in the process of plan ning such programs. We hope the exposure to top teachers and swift moving classes will give students a chance to move more quickly with the result that more of the good ones will become interested in college teaching, explained Dr. Shugrue. He said it is expected that many of the student partici pants will come from the ranks of those already en rolled in the honors pro grams. He said that the depart sanitary, safe and wholesome conditions in the chapter house. 6. That the fraternity and sorority should inculcate principles of sound business practice both ia chapter fi nances and in the business relations of its members. According to the 1961 Report of the Nebraska Inter fraternity Council, the purpose of Greek Week is to re assess the responsibilities of the greeks to the ideals of their system, and to re-dedicate themselves to these ideals. By his participation in the events held during Greek Week, the individual greek can become better acquainted both with his system and with its members. Each of the events scheduled for Greek Week, 1963, has a particular purpose which aids the ultimate purpose of the week. Specifically, the open houses on Sunday, give every one the chance to view life within other chapters. The alumni dinners aid both the fraternity system and the University by maintaining contact with its graduates. The seminars give the system a chance to air and possibly solve some of the problems which face it. The greek games are aimed at promoting a spirit of competition between the houses. The Multiple Sclerosis Drive provides an opportunity for the greek system to demonstrate tha good that an organized group can accomplish. While Greek Week is for the Te-orientation of greeks, it offers a chance for everyone to see what the greek system really is and what its purposes are, said IFC and Panhellenic representatives. V ..... ,...$sjfex. V PROFESSORS ments are handling the pro grams in each case. Each department plans their own programs and these programs are then coordinated and fi nanced by myself as direc tor, explained Dr. Shugrue, Department chairmen and deans have worked out ad visors, suggested CTrriculums, curriculum changes, and op eration of the program. Dr. Shugrue said that proposals from Teachers College, ro mance and Germanic lan guage departments, philoso phy department and physics department have been con sidered. He added that proposals from the following depart ments are expected: English, history, political science, an thropology, geology, chemis try, mathematics, education al psychology and others that wish to join. Departments have already suggested students who might be interested he said. The following devices will be used to help select these students, said Dr. Shugrue: departments will select stu dents and recommend good sophomores, the office will use the list of the 100 top sophomores in scholarship, the deans offices will supply the names of students they think will be interested in the program, and interested stu dents will be able to talk to their advisors for more in formation. The program, established with a $297,500 grant from the Ford Foundation, is set to run through 1957. Between 60-70 students win be selected each year. Faculty Drive Is Topic Of Address By Breckenridge Adam Breckenridge, v i c e chancellor and dean of fac ulties, will speak to an .as sembly of All University Fund and faculty members, tomorrow night at 7, in the Student Union small auditor ium. Vic ehancelloT Brecken ridge will speak on the AUF Faculty Drive, which begins on Friday. This year's faculty drive will be solely concerned with soliciting funds for World Uni versity Service .(WUS). In past years the AUF drive has channeled its donations into several worthy charities. WUS uses its funds to help needy universities and stu dents in other parts of t h e world. Its funds are allocated on need and on the ability of the people helped to become self-sufficient with the funds. f ; . I t -- I i.