The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 20, 1963, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Wednesday, Morch 20, 19631
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Page 2
KLmm H' i IHaL
A fit.rl.mftf'c Qnrwtrttfnify
To Speak for Equality
rnrTOICS NOTE: The fsaawtac rtrlal caamraa Vet
Mulfl BiH JaM wktrk will mm aefare far Ll u
PaMIr Wetfara Camailttrc far ral lata aKrraaaa.
Mr. B. E. Gtlaort, xutMaal rfenr af rarinlral ratv
arertac. It la dure af aacakrn tor law ferariac. He ia
an Catveratti ataaVat, Aaarrtraa ar farrifa. la raa-
lad an at Ualvrnttr cilraaiaa nil If
aa hehaN af the hw aanac nut aneraaaai
MRS. ILZEL Brannon Smith, a Mis
sissippi newspaper editor, told a Univer
sity audience Saturday night that pres
sure was once directed against only the
Negro supporters of integration because
Mississippi's Citizens Councils never
dreamed that some white Mississippians
didn't go along with the Councils' purpose.
This is a purpose of instilling a fear in
the Negroes' hearts in order to keep
them in their places.
While talking with Mrs. Smith fol
lowing her speech. Daily Nebraskan staff
members learned of the problems which
occur in the Southern states which are
fighting integration. Many of the practices
and procedures of southern groups seem
to be un-American . . . many border on
the fringes of mob rule, dictatorships, and
anti-Constitution movements. We sympa
thized with her because of the many pres
sures exerted upon her as a result of her
crusading, pro-integration stand.
DURING THE discussion, each of us
mentioned many times, "How fortunate
we are to be in an area where no prob
lems exist" But, when analyzing our
area more thoroughly, we are able to
see that racial equality problems do exist
in Nebraska, in Lincoln, at the downtown
cafe or hotel.
During the last session of the Nebras
ka State Legislature, LB120 was referred
to the Committee on Labor and Public
Welfare. The intent of Lfa?20 was to
amend a section of the Nebraska Stat
utes to read as follows:
"ALL PERSONS within this state
shall be entitled to a full and equal en
joyment of the accommodations, advan
tages, facilities and privileges of inns,
restaurants, motels, trailer courts, tav
erns, public conveyances, barber shops,
theaters and other places of amusement,
subject only to the conditions and limita
tions established by law and applicable
alike to every person.'"
The bin also made a provision in the
penalty section of more severe penalties
for those who denied to any person the
fun enjoyment of any of the accommoda
tions, advantages, facilities, or privileges
enumerated in the section.
JACK ROMANS, at that time a state
senator and chairman of the committee,
"Surely the intent of the legislators
back in the 1880' s was that an citizens of
the state should be able to enter and be
served at any public licensed place. This
question has even had international re-
Can We Say
THE END is near ... or so it seems.
Val Peterson's motion to appoint a
committee t weigh the gfaaPfinges made
by Ray Simmons against the Daily Ne
braskan failed to receive a second in the
Board of Regents meeting yesterday.
PERHAPS THE fact that the Regents
did not feel that an investigation is neces
sary win indicate to Nebraska citizens
that their elected representatives have
faith in the ability of selected staff
members to publish their newspaper in
a responsible manner.
Perhaps the Regents' action shows
that the University of Nebraska students
weren't being continuaDy subjected to
liberally-slanted material.
PERHAPS THEIR action shows that
a newspaper should not have to go to
trial to defend its editorial policies and
Mr. Peterson, commenting on his mo
Telephone C7-E711,
est SO, 25SB, 2559
Member Associated Col
legiate Press, Internation
al Press Representative,
Natioaal Advertising
S e r v 1 e e, Incorporated.
Published at: Room SI,
Student Union, IJncoln t,
aa Carina Aacaat I
f bbb (iatoeraiir M Manuka aaaar
aha annwrlaallaa af Mm Ceaiaitttee
a maut aflatr aa aa aaaiaaalaa
af aloaaat aatariea. ruMtoaHoa mm
alar the JariatUailea af be autrana
mlttae aa (Mutant Pubhoaltaa. hU
a fiaa tram atltarlal aenaaraltt
mm 4he earn mi 4ha aauaammiUae r
Maaaaar . Joba BaDlnmr
Aealitaat natnaa Wanaiiara . . am
JomU. Jwa flmitii-ham. Peiar
4;iroaMtea Whuuum far Oreta
ubamlUaa tumuunr Mike MaoLeaa
March 23
Waataae mJS, iSTSm JSmSt
I Willi tnMMaaaa
The Sail WafcTaakaa 1a saMMM
Weaaa. iani nila. Hmraaar anal
rwar ahriac fce aaairi awn, aa
at eaoeJioae an ua wha,
eua) aaa aartaa Ansae ar HaauuM
aa an van m mm araaa aawlde
tae Uorreraitr. Ttta aiaiiiteaia af 4aa
1 a, IM ajff ara mwm
mUr raaawailBiM far wkai thvr ar
ar aa, ar eaoae aa ailairf
percussions in our state recently when
foreign students from Africa were denied
services at places in Lincoln. Making this
law more enforceable and more up-to-date
not only serves the colored constitu
ents but is a patriotic act for the United
WE AGREE with Mr. Romans' state
ment of purpose.
However, the members of his com
mittee did not, as LB120 was indefinitely
postponed by the committee.
DURING THE public hearing on the
bill, there was no spoken opposition to
the- biU. On the other hand, eleven in
dividuals spoke in favor of the biU.
One of the speakers read an affidavit
concerning a colored man attempting to
enter a tavern with his wife but was
turned down for no particular reason al
though this man had never had a crim
inal record of anv kind.
ed that his organization had conducted a
survey in 1958 and contacted about sixty
restaurants and about twenty did not
serve negroes.
These are examples of pro-segregation
tendencies in Nebraska. If we would
contact many of our University students,
we would discover that many of our for
eign and American students have trouble
finding living accommodations in Lincoln.
We would find that many of our students
have bean refused service in local eating
establishments. We would find that, even
though we pretend no racial problems
exist in our part of the country, there is
strong evidence to refute this belief.
HOWEVER, OTHER state senators
share our support of a biU to extend ra
cial equality rights. During the present
legislative session, LB364 was introduced
and again referred to the Committee on
Labor and Public Welfare. The biU pro
vides for the same revisions which were
included in LB120 before it was killed in
This bill win be open to a public hear
ing this afternoon at 2:00.
PERHAPS, DURING this session, the
committee members win choose a differ
ent course. Maybe, in time, the Nebraska
Statutes wfll include provisions for total
equality for an Nebraska citizens.
We, as interested students of democ
racy, could do a great deal for the pas
sage of this biU, and our first contribu
tion could be to aid in the passage of
the bill out of the committee so that a
final affirmative vote would be more pos
sible. WE, AS Nebraska citizens, have the
opportunity to speak for LB364 this after
noon ... we have the opportunity to
he tarn la aarak
speak for equality.
End Is Wear?
tion, indicated that his proposal did not
present a question of freedom of speech
or press, but that he felt that the Re
gents, being sensitive to this criticism,
must try to do something about it He
added that if the charge is valid, some
thing should be done about it If not, an
apology is in order.
IN ANSWER to this statement, we
say that we don't feel that the charge
is valid. However, if it were, we would
the first to admit the validity of the
evidence, as it would be in front of us in
black and white.
As for an apology . . . what's been
said has been said. We haven't spent too
much time defending ourselves, as the
charges weren't of the type which merit
ed detailed, editorial comment.
THE ONLY form of apology we would
welcome . - .
Sorry, it won't happen again.
A WOf&OF WUZNlNfi THl m-MP (OU'Ce 1
JXlNfir ifWCZ9 HMeL.r "Ott&Xttm OFH'D?&XOFr. I
u II I
Available On
1 The Bare Facts
iYou Can Fool All of the People
1 Some of the Time
There once was. a
named Prout
i Who nearly caused a rout.
I He said:
"Put bikinis on sows
I And bermudas on cows."
But it failed
i Prout
11 About Letters 1
a aa
Hs lra af atrwaalnL latter aaaat fee
airnaa. raotaia a aertfiaMr mi-
- arr. and ar free mi Kbrlaai ana
n4 wfU
E:s5 ai'lllra naaaat.
nm aaladllv
aW akaara af aakHoatiaa. Lancta
: ram an fer 4Hr4 ar aaaiua
fcaafaltttaf "A4Nle '"HI ff B"TaJ"r!arf S
A Cause
I Clothe AH Animals
Join SIN A
1 Society for Indecency
to Naked Animals
Protect Our Children
I from the Sight of
Naked Horses, Cows,
Dogs and Cats.
I Iecency Today ; Means
1 Morality Tomorrow.
. . . Which
I Means...
IV MkMrinc atettaUlma arr takaa fram
iar tnoaaaarr af wit.
BLOCK The -distance
between some people's
BLOTTER A porous
substance you spend your
time looking for while the
ink is drying.
BLUSH Modesty's
first impulse and sophisti
cation's afterthought.
BOASTER First cous
in to a liar.
of those things that grow
4n you.
BORE A person who
spends so much time
talking about himself that
you cant talk about your
self. BOTTOMSLT - A toast
you never make to the
crew in a boat race.
A space so small the
architect could find no
practical see for it
BRIDE A woman with
a fine prospect of happi
ness behind her .
who thought he would be
come a ruler because he
had once been Prance
The ability t smile
when yon learn that the
tea doUars yea lent your
roommate is taking your
girl te the theater.
aOINT) A handy little
device that permits your
wife to beat you to the
Campus or
It has been said recent
ly frequently that it is
too bad about that man
that wanted to put the
clothes to the animals.
Exposed as a hoaxae,
It is only right that we
mention a few of the
things that people thought
admirable about this pro
gram to dress up the an
imals somewhat. This is
not to say, of course,
that the ram lost its
pants in the affair.
First of all, several
persons have proposed
that the whole scheme,
as far as college circles
were concerned, was only
an antithesis to several
recent projects, success-,
ful and unsuccessful, led
by university animals, to
unclothe people.
An this, of course, is
not to suppose that the
idea to protect animal in
decency did not have its
merits. The value of the
project, as expressed in
its song, is not to be de
nied. OHH Cover them
horses, cover them
Give'em clothes and
give'em rules,
Put the pants where
they belong,
Cows and chickens,
sing this song,
OHHH Who's afraid
of the old grey mare,
A&LVL&Jk& -ion) pig VX'A -;
MJMr?7Afc7Ht r
IlWW IN THE .lt0RLl IS TfW?j
UITHDfi All) TOM fTA , Tt4
1200 "O" STREET
At the Door
I : I ' 1
i . -
Jf y Mr
When she's aU dressed
up in a pair,
Dragons, leopards,
mice and leech,
Give them feUows hand
kerchiefs. OHH Weasels, beagals,
cats and flies,
Shirts and pants and
shoes and ties,
Fit their feet and fit
their claws,
Drive your dairy in for
Grass that hopper, boll
the weevil,
Stop them bugs from
being evil.
Fish and reptile of all
Give 'em multi-colored
OHHH Foundation
garments, hats and
Put them on the bushy
And if material's left,
of course,
Put overalls on the
President's horse.
Reminiscent of the
beautiful message of the
organization's song is the
weU-known "Ode to the
Faculty in Spring," com
posed in 1933 by past
chanceUor Arnold Ode,
and reprinted here at the
splendor cf the approach
ing season of daisies,
vine, and roses.
This poem was origi-
ally delivered to the
university on the 12th an
niversary of the first
When the ag-camp
barns were filled with
And the hairy silos run
nethed over.
And our cups were
brimmed with nec
tars fond.
The time for fining con
tracts dawned.
So master, teacher,
gather near,
.listen up, set dowa
your beer.
Blow the foam from off
that glass,
Come kneel by me sit
on the grass.
Doctors, proctors, fac
ulty, I love you an, I love
but thee.
I know you're worn, I
know you're tired,
But I wanted you to
know you're fired.
Hey diddle diddle buy
books 1
And so, it all goes to
cay, us matter what the
obstacle, yea can best
.432-3616 "
fma t SDtlflf
by lerov adams
move forward with that
same fortitude character
ized in "Hammer" Gav
el'i famous march,
ER," or "Darling I'm
Hashin' While the Com
mittee's in Session." This
March, LB1066, is strictly
reserved for opening day
ceremonies at the Uni
cameral, when salmons
participate in the tradi
tional "Chicken and
Egg" ceremony In front
of Bryan's statute.
OHHH (drums) Give
me some men,
Who are stout,
Give me ten,
And I'U soon give you
thirty-three MOORE!
Give me men,
Who will shout,
(Bugles) Give me some
Who win fight in the
tights that they WOORE!
OHHH Start me with
Make them thin,
Make them grin, (tam
berines) Make their anklets the
color of SXOOW!
OHHH Give them
some ties.
Make them loud,
Make them dyes, (si
rens) Make them orange,
make them prints, make
them BOWS!
OHHH Let's have
Then add three,
Fat ones more,
Plus a clerk, one pro
tein, and a SOOWER:
OHHH Give them
some doves, flutes
Up above, tiguns
But by Jove,
Keep the chair, burn
his hair, through his
ohh we're a one
horuse leddgge!
catch us if you
CAXN ... BahBahBah
Boop! Remember the words
of Harold Downslip,
emited from school in
1953 for kicking in the '
glass on the Dean of
women's ant colony,
-'Throughout aU my life,
throughout aU of my
schooling, during all
these years, I have never
met a man whom I par
ticularly cared for."
And you dont know which way
to turn? When it seems like yom
anuEt go in opposite directions
spending money today and
saving money for tomorrow
it is a good time to learn mor
about CML's cash value life iiW
sura nee.
We will design a CML plan to
tneet your specific needs, allow
ing you to protect your family
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Sect use ethers are depend
tng on you. call or write. . s
Suite 707
Lincoln Building
Mutual life