The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 15, 1963, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    oUilr II illu
Friday, March 15, 1963
Page 2
t . RAM
Who Says So?
Keep fighting the seem
ingly losing battle, RAM
Council, for, perhaps, one
of these first days, Prout
will finish his cross-country,
half - way-across-country
train ride.
We'll be willing to wait
a while longer for
Prout's appearance on
the University campus,
and we're sure that Ne
braska's naked animals
will not suffer any addi
tional complexes before
his arrival.
And, the delay in
Prout's appearance will
provide more time for
the organization of the
Nebraska chapter of the
Society for Indecency to
Naked Animals (SINA).
Didn't we hear that d.f.
and v.c, president and
vice president respec
tively, were promoting
the local organization?
As yet, The Daily Ne
braskan staff has not de
cided whether it will be
pro or con Prout's soci
ety. Their editorial stand
stand on this issue will,
no doubt, be published in
the Pink Rag.
However, SINA has al
ready been infiltrated in
to the ranks of the Daily
Nebraskan's editorial
staff two card-carrying
members have been ex
posed. (Anyone interest
ed in official member
ships may consult the
editor or news editor.)
Even if the Crib Rats
will not extend their
welcome to the troops
which have invaded their
favorite booths, we wel
c 0 m e the high school
basketball fans to the
M. S. once wrote:
"From all over the
state they come with
their little pompoms and
leather jackets, and they
pour into the Union like
a tributary of the Mis
sissippi River. They are
all so excited about be
ing here at "THE UNI
VERSITY" where every
thing is cool and exciting
and they just love, love,
love to take over the
Crib and stand in the
halls and give three
fflfi4t$ tV 9 l"nV
l - mm
ti ji jh. iiatiu jn hi iinsnir nijiwii ati wriiar-saTii sifTr - imn
7l9A Daamia ?J3am
cheers ' for, ;. Bexatahotta
High." v 'i :- H 1
Now really, M. S. Why
Not? Wasn't there ever a
time when you were
gung-ho something?
We've heard that v t h e
Phi Psi piano smashing
event gave others food
for creativity. There's a
rumor around campus
that sometime this
spring, crowds will gath
er to witness the unstuff
ing of Simmons' mat
tresses. The sponsoring
group, however, is NOT
the Daily Nebraskan
We notice there is
trouble with the Frater
nity Managers Associa
tion and that the trouble
is Housemothers. The
problem is probably two
way, however. The IFC
m i g h t ask itself have
all FMA procedures and
contract provisions been
explained carefully with
housemothers? Do they
realize they are bound
by contracts and cannot
pull out, legally, without
notification to proper
This one unit, FMA,
could save fraternities
thousands of dollars each
year But it probably
will take more coopera
tion from the housemoth
ers, and more communi
cation from the IFC
FMA. Fraternities have been
a bit 'ticked" over the
LOOK article. Some have
felt the writer didn't
know the full story, or if
he did, that he failed to
present it completely.
It is interesting to note
that he had been invited
to Greek Week and
turned down the offer.
Maybe those houses
with "constructive" help-hell-or
would come to de
fense with complete ar
ticles about how con
structive they really are.
They could be examples
to the rest of the sys
tem, and maybe even
1 11
rr -ffTri- Trrr,iirir,-i-- "-rr rmrimmMr0mwjin9iymnttmiiiici fnr f- - -
That's Who! I
force them to work out
the kinks. How about it,
Fijis, Betas, Sig Nus,
And then there are all
of the sorority sweeties
who will be sporting
their new shiny pins this
weekend. Informally they
will be playing games
which would probably
even make Dean Helen
" Oh, well, what's wrong
with one weekend of
c 0 m p lete, unadulterated
smut. Helps eliminate nai
vete and AWS.
We asked the Daily
Nebraskan staff why the
J-walking problem on
14th Street hasn't been
treated editorially. The
staff members agreed
that a problem does
exist, but they didn't feel
that they could 'preach
from the pulpit of edito
rialization' after they as
signed their photograph
er to take pictures while
standing in the middle of
the street in question.
They added' that g. 1., as
usual, was oblivious of
any problem; hence, he
refused to vote on edito
rial coverage.
Have you seen the i
RAM - GRAM v"B itch- j
board," comparable with j
LJ's Campus Forum? We j
see that the men in Sel-
lect are contemplating a j
revolt because music
was too fast at the last i
Selleck Dance. Maybe j
dancing is cyclical and !
we are returning to the I
two-step and Charleston. I
Indications are that the ;
State will pass the stif- I
fened Liquor laws could I
put a bind into some of
the woodsies and week-
ends. Maybe a few social j
Activities will have to be I
reoriented or made of
age. Pickets, anyone?
' j
Look high, look low,
but watch what you do .
... or the Boogie Men
may write about you ... I
l" V'.K;
To Chicken Little . .
Dear Chicken Little,
I This "over-a n x i 0 u s
mother hen" is not so
concerned about getting
her MRS. degree as you
may think. Nor does she
believe the sky is falling
on her.
I ask you to show me
the "aesthetic pleasures
of the suave collegiate
man on campus" which
you obviously consider
yourself to be pleasures
which, no doubt, include
weekend beer blasts and
, all-night poker games.
V Is it not true that being
"fancy free and foot
loose" has become a stat
us symbol among your
Is it not true that to be
a big man you date as
many girls as possible?
Is it not true that you
would rather go through
another fraternity hell
week than admit you had
succumbed to the cunning
charms of a "Pin-Grabber?"
Are you afraid that you
might loose some of your
masculine virility by be
ing tied down to a mother
hen? Are you afraid that
this bond might hamper
your extra-curricular ac
tivities at the Grill?
Are you afraid that you
might be tricked into
something you don't want?
Are you afraid of NU
Telephone 477-8711,
ext. 2588, 2589, 2590
Member Associated Col
legiate Press, Internation
al Press Representative,
National Advertising
Service, Incorporated.
Published at: Room 51,
Student Union, Lincoln 8,
Entered aa secant elan mailer,
mlarr at tba oat afflce la
Unroln. Nebraaka.
The ail Nebraskan la published
Mondaai Wednesday. Thursday and
Friday during th school year, ti
er Dt .vacations and exam periods,
and oaea during Aaiust by student
of the University of. Nebraska under
the authorisation el tbe Committee
en Student Affaire as an exvreaalon
ef student opinion. Publication an
der the Jurisdiction ef the subcom
mittee en Student Publications shall
be free from editorial censorship
on the part of tbe subcommittee or
en the part ef any person outside
tbe University. Tbe members of the
Dally Nebraskan staff are person
ally responsible lor what they aay
mr do er cause to be printed
And it was written that
once in the land of NU
the people were in a state
of confusion and disorder.
This sorry condition was
created as a result of a
great struggle - between
two factions which prayed
to the god Learning. And
this condition resulted
thusly :
Now it seems that many
years after the creation,
some of the people of NU
became dissatisfied with
the way that the god
Learning was worshipped.
They realized he was a
jealous god and extreme
ly demanding but thought
his. character was one
which desired sacrifices
on other altars besides
those at the temple of
Academics. So these peo
ple erected the temples
of Socials and Activities.
Socials was a beautiful
temple. It was made
of destroyed Frustrations,
tempered Nerves, and
burned Tensions, with
doors of painted Week
ends and surrounded by
p i 1 1 a r s of Relaxations.
The people of NU were
immediately impressed by
this handsome structure
and most of them felt .
that Learning would be
similarly impressed and
would want the people to
pray at this temple some
times. The other temple, Ac
tivities, was built of Lead4
ership stone. .Now this .
temple was designed with
three wings; one called
Governmentius, and the
last called Commoninter
estus. Within each of
these wings were many
altars at which the peo
ple, could make their sac
rifices. Examples of such
altars were: Studentcoun
c i 1 u s, Kosmttklubus,
Blockbridlus Pixius, and
And the people saw this
temple Activities and
were impressed. Many
began to worship at this
Soon the people became
dissatisfied with this
temple because there
were not enough altars at
which to pray. Some peo
ple even wanted to pray
at more than one of those
And so came the period
of construction.
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tions. Interviews will be held on Tuesday.
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A few people met and
decided to build an addi
tion to the Honorarius
wing within which to con
struct an additional altar.
And other people saw this
work going on and de
cided they too should
build an addition. And
people saw these, people
and began to build. Even
tually, there were new ad
ditions being built at ev
ery part of the temple
and even additions to the
additions and even addi
tions to the additions to
the additions, ad infini
tum. And it came to pass
that the original wings
could not be discerned
for all the i new construc
tion. And Activities became
such a maze of halls and
walls and doors and floors
that it took on a new role
in the eyes of Learning.
And some people would
enter looking for a self
satisfying altar and would
get lost on their search.
And some people prayed
at so many altars that
they could not conduct a
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full service at any of the
And some people just
came to the altars and
let other people do all the
And some people would
volunteer to read part of
the service and then for-(
get the words.
And some people would
enter this maze and not
be able to find their way
And some people spent
so much time at Activi
ties that they would for
get to pray at Academics
and Socials.
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