The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 14, 1963, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Thursday, March 14, 1963
The Daily Nebraskan
Page 3
lOymol liocks
As M
Nebraskan Staff Writer
The Student Council yester
day discussed three suggest
ed plans for the 1964-65 school
year calendar and decided
overwhelmingly in favor of
Plan C which leaves the fi
nal exam period exactly as it
is now.
Academic Vcar 1964-198J
First Semester
Sept. 21, Moo Classes Begin
Nov. 14. Fit ....Last Day to File Drops
Jan. 23. Sat. .. Last Day of Classes
Jan. 26-Feb. 3, Tues.-Wed. Examinations
Feb. 6, Sat Commencement
Second Semester
Feb. 8. Mod Classes Begin
April 2. Fri Last Day to File Drops
May 29, Sat Last Day of Classes
May 30, Sun Memorial Day
(legal holiday)
June 1-9. Tues.-Wed. Examinations
June 12, Sat Commencement
The other two plans were
Plan A which would have
five days of exams. The
exams would be two hours
each, with four exam periods
per day. This was the Coun
cil's second choice.
Under Plan B students
would go to school during fi
nal week according to their
regular class schedules and
the professors could give up
to three one hour final ex
aminations in each class.
The Student Council voted
this plan as their third
Academic Vear 1K4-196S
First Semester
Kept. 21. Moa. . Classes Befhl
.. 14. Fri. ... Last Day to File Dim
Jaa. ZS. Ties. Last Day ef Classes
Jan. 2-Fek. J. Thnn.-wtd. Examinations
Feb. C Sal. Cmmeaeement
Strand Semester
Feb. t. Una Classes Begin
May 29. Sat. .... Last Day af Classes
Mar 30. San.
Memnrinl Day (legal kotiaar)
Jane 1. Toe. . Last Day nf Classes
Over 65,000 May Attend
State Basketball Tourney
Continued From Page 1
get their expenses paid and
divide what's left, he said.
There is a definite schedule
of division followed and the
host school is allowed an
added share to pay the rent
"We take enough money
from the districts to pay for
the trophies, and after all
expenses are paid, we share
in the bonus. We drew about
$10,000 from the 64 districts
and 16 play-offs last year,"
explained the man charged
with the responsibility of di
recting the prep tourney
Last y ear the NSAA
cleared $10,000 from the dis
trict and regional tourneys
and about $40,000 from the
state meet. Therefore, the
XSAA netted approximately
$50,000 from these three
weeks of post-season high
school basketball contests.
. Where does this money
go? The money goes to pay
the XSAA't operational ex
penses and also finances the
organization's other athlet
ics and activities. In addi
tion to these uses, the re
maining money is put into
a building fund, Thompson
"A few years ago we de
cided to attempt to build
up a 'nest egg' so that we
could operate at least one
year without a cent of in
come," he commented-
Today, the NSAA's origi
nal $40,000 goal has been
topped and its "nest egg"
fund now stands at $70,000.
SINA's Prout Uncovered
As Television Gag Writer
Continued From Page 1
plot may cause lessened enthusiasm in
SINA. But for its followers Prout
(Kenry-Zuckerman) provided hope say
ing that be plans to "look into" the Las
sie problem, and to find out why Pluto
is naked while Mickey Mouse is clothed.
"The least we can do," be said, "is
use camera shots which aren't reveal
ing." Another indication of tte possible
continued existance of SINA was given
by Spencer. He was quoted as saying,
"The grave danger of the immediate
problem is people seeking vicarious
thrills by looldng at nude animals. Auto
mobile drivers are constantly getting in
to wrecks because they find themselves
diverted by the sight of a naked cow or
bull grazing right beside the highway.
"For that reason we have declared
the New Jersey Turnpike a moral dis
aster area. We feel that people should
no more take children to a zoo than to
a burlesque show."
And the SLNA press organs continue
operate. Yesterday G. Clifford Prout
tsued a strong warning to all SQfiM
Tjemberi of SINA that they would be
immediately dismissed with dishonor if
Lbej were found la possession of a cer
June J-9. Thurs.-Wed. ... Examinations
June 12. Sat Commencement
These plans, in order of
preference, will go to a facul
ty subcommittee, then to the
faculty committee in charge
of the school claendar. The
following suggested changes
will go with each of the
plans. , (
The only motion made to
change Plan C was to rec
ommend two-hour examina
tions instead of three hour
finals. This was defeated be
cause the Council felt the
students should be able to
have three hours in which to
write the test, and the profes
sor should be able to decide
what weight to give the test.
The Council also suggested
changing the maximum num
ber of exams to be given
during the week to two per
class rather than the three.
Linda Lueking explained
that these plans follow the
regulations set up by the
University for the school
All three ' plans have the
required total time of ' 39
weeks from the first day of
General Registration to com
mencement. They include a two-week
Christmas vacation, three
and a half day Thanksgiving
vacation, one week Spring
vacaiton and two half days
for Spring Day and Ivy Day
'This year we're actual
ly trying not to take as
much," Thompson said. He
explained that it was a good
idea for the N'SAA to show a
loss doe to the abundance
of adverse criticism the
group receives for making
too much money.
"But, it's not spent fool
ishly," he cautioned.
Actually, the prep cage
tourneys are the only
money -makers for the
NSAA, an organization
which oversees interschool
competition in all athletics
and practically all other
With the exception of foot
ball, the NSAA operates
state championships in
baseball, golf, gymnastics,
swimming, tennis, . wrestl
ing, cross-country, track
and basketball.
The biggest loser, speak
ing dollar and cents terms,
is the district and state
track tourneys, which cost
the NSAA $10,000 to operate
in 1962.
There is no profit derived
from any of the sports be
sides basketball, so the in
come from the cage sport
pays for the rest of the
competitive events. The
NSAA must also pay for its
overhead, salaries, office
expenses and supplies to
schools from the basketball
funds, Thompson said.
A sidelight feature which
also illustrates the big
business of the tournaments
is the concessions. The
tain recording that distorts and humili
ates SINA.
He said the record adds insult to
injury by showing a candid photograph
of his horse in boxer shorts on the cov
er. "This is not my horse but must
belong to my neighbor; a devoted mem
ber of SINA, who sometimes roams on
my land near St. Louis. My mar e,
"Wings of Destiny," always wears Ber
muda shorts," be said.
Another feature of recent SINA mail
was a public letter sent to Miss Judi
Lynch, president of SINA; at the Uni
versity of California, who has had diffi
culty getting the organization officially
recognized there.'
She was verbally reminded of her
constitutional rights to buck all unfair
suppression. She was reminded that at
SINA college chapters throughout the
nation have loads of fun singing the
SLNA marching song, reciting the SLNA
poem, reading the latest SLNA newslet
ter and debating SINA issues.
University students will know tomor
row whether they will be able to par
take of this joy when RAM officially
announces what it plans for Prout at
(these latter two applying
only to undergraduates.)
Fifteen weeks of classroom
instruction in each semester
exclusive of final exams are
also included in the plans.
By action of the Senate,
April 10, 1956, final exam per
iods are to be eight days in
length, starting on Monday
and ending on Tuesday of the
following week. This was par
tially rescinded by action of
the Senate on May 12, 1959
which provided for a free
reading day on the Monday
preceding the final exam per
iod, although the length was
to remain the same.
In the proposed calendars
Commencement accords to
the Senate action of April 10,
1956, that it shall not be held
earlier than the second day
following the end of exam
The plans also move the
deadline for dropping courses
to the end of the eighth week
instead of the end of the
twelfth week.
Concerning the whole school
schedule, the Student Council
moved "that Easter vacation
run from the Saturday noon
before Easter Sunday to 8
a.m. on the second Monday
following Easter.
The . Council also passed a
motion that the whole calen
dar should start one week
schools handle their own
concessions at the district
and play-off tourneys and
the concession rights in the
state tournament go to the
four respective playing
Everything from aspirin
to crackerjacks is sold at
the Coliseum sessions by
University athletes, who
earned a total of $1,839.08
for selling 75.000 items last
year, according to L. F.
(Pop) Klein, NU conces
sions director.
The rest of the sale com
mission $11,575.85 in 1962
went toward H u s k e r
grant-in-aid funds, Klein
Last year's state tourney
was the biggest concession
sales in the Coliseum. It
also showed the largest
gate receipts total and
greatest profit to the NSAA.
The post season prep
tournaments as a whole
had bigger total gate re
ceipts, were seen by more
people, and earned a great
er income than ever before.
This represents a busi
ness which is on the up
swingit's attracting more
people and making a bigger
profit yearly. Thompson
anticipates just as big, if
not a bigger, tournament
showing this year, indicat
ing that the three weeks of
cage carnivals are a b i g
business with a rosy out
look for its stockholders
Nebraska's high schools,
which are the members of
the NSAA.
"" ay. "" i-lil' l- i
.IK.P 'btoF ST-!'
New Physics Lab Planned
sketch shows the proposed $1,250,000 Behlen Laboratory
for Research, which will be constructed on the Univer
sity's City Campus. The building will be financed by a
gift from the Behlen family of Columbus, plus a $600,000
grant from the National Science Foundation and $250,000
from the University's share of the state building levy.
The call for bids has been tentatively set for June 4, ac
cording to Business Manager Carl Donaldson. The three
story structure plus basement and underground labora
tory space will be built at 10th and S Streets and will per
mit the University to do highly specialized research in
atomic and nuclear physics.
Three Seniors Chosen
For Wilson Fellowships
Three University students
were announced today as
Woodrow Wilson Fellows for
1963-64, and three other Uni
v e r s i t y students received
honorable mention in the na
tional competition.
Richard Carter Jr., Ellen
Nore, and Sidney Saunders
are winners of the Fellow
ships. Each fellowship awarded
covers a full year's tuition
and fees at a graduate school
of the Fellow's choice and a
living allowance of $1,500.
Carter is an anthropology
major. He has chosen ' the
University of Arizona for his
graduate study.
Mice Mnrp is a nnlitiral sto- I
ence major and plans to at
tend the University of Cali
fornia, Berkeley.
Saunders is a Phi Beta Kap
pa student and is majoring in
Greek with minors in Latin
and History. He will attend
the University of Minnesota.!
The three students receiv
ing honorable mention are
Stanley Baldwin, English,
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Ronald Gephart, history and
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The Woodrow Wilson Fel
lowship Foundation grants
the coveted awards to en
courage college graduates to
enter careers in teaching.
Although the fellowships
cover only the first year of
graduate study, the founda
tion helps graduate schools
in their support of students
after one year by granting
additional funds to each
school where a Fellow is en
rolled. The names of the honora
ble mention students are
made known to other agen
cies awarding fellowships so
that many of them may re
ceive alternate awards for
graduate study.
Poppy Declines
John Poppy, senior editor
of LOOK magazine, and au
thor of the recent article,
"Will Fraternities Survive,"
has declined an invitation by
the Interfraternity Council to
attend its Greek Week March
31 to April 6.
Poppy will be unable to at
tend due to a tight news
! ems f "S 'ueA!iOs,b uaajnem
;joid ozeMitue Suiaii jsapio s.uedef
jo aiueu 84J si mtA :N0llS3f)d 3 HI
10'JDTO! Ba2Na
iUOiHuiutejM 0 -fl 'rtfSuiinSias 'J Muu)l
;mOid deaip e ui pui) o pod
xa noX pinow jeyM :N0liS3fl& 3 Hi
m -J V...,, - J
JPndurt cf
Kitty Climbs Pole
in Dog, Cat Spat
Yesterday Morn
Near 8 a.m. yesterday
morning, Major, a big browu
boxer dog, chased a little
black kitty up a telephone
The cat didn't have the
sense to stop when it was
out of Major's reach, but in
stead, climbed to the very
top of the 45 foot pole.
One of the many students
who saw the dog-cat stand
off during the day decided
to try to coax the cat down
from his perch.
He acquired a ladder and
during his efforts, only suc
ceeded in getting Major about
twelve feet closer to the ob
ject of his attentions.
An unidentified student, on
seeing this apparent two-against-one
contest was
aroused to indignation, and
called the humane society.
The time was now about
1:30 p.m., and the cat had
spent a five and one-half hour
sojourn forty-five feet in the
On the scene rushes the
Consumer public power com
pany with a truck and, oh
no!, the ladder is only 24 feet
But the lineman was un
daunted, he still had his pole
climbing boots. At the advent
of his ascent, the dorm moth
ers all assumed an attitude
of prayer, whether for the
man, who is adept at climb
ing poles, or for the fright
ened cat, is not known.
Contact was made with the
feeble and frozen feline at
1:35 p.m. This contact did not
last very long, however, and
it was a good thing that the
lineman had put on protec
tive sleeves.
The cat was averse to be
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ployees of The American Tobacco Company.. its advertising agencies and
Reuben H. Donnelley, and relatives of the said employees. Winners wiH be
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v irjr
,S !.... il i Jn
J&dmutm 3&ucco&yiaty -"&a is our middle mam
ing picked up and sent any
where in & dirty old cagvas
The cat's valiant efforts to
ward social reform in trans
portation resulted in a per
sonal escort down the pole.
The cat was Immediately
caged, he had received a few
cuts and bruises due to his
rough perch, and placed in
the truck with his earlier tor
mentor. This questionable action did
not result in any outbreak of
profanity by either animal,
but the two were immediate
ly glaring helplessly at each
The bail for Major has been
set at $5.
sociates, room 322 Student
Union, 7 p.m.
MUSIC Symposium, Student
Union, 8 .-p.m.
LECTURE on Germany by
Dr. William Pfeiler, Love
Library auditorium, 7:30 p.m.
ion, Challengers' Combo.
COUNSELORS Conference,
Nebraska Center.
Rag Sports Anderson
lh hilarious book "Tfct Question Wan.")
n n nn
jnftsiW to -fl 'uvoj H 1 wruuoM
fsaoS uetuoM
ajaqM suoddeij jei :NOllS2fld 3H1
'fl sie;s eiueniXsuusd 'uncrj-Aieg
icueueq e jo uowsoduoo
am s.jeqM :NOUS3ftd 3H1
it '.' i