The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 14, 1963, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Page 2
Thursday, March 14, 1963
ft irfrS-Kcfl-
Cronkite ... On Fraternities
Pub Board Member
iCommenfs on Attitude
The NubRASkAN has printed an
abundance of material on the fraternity
system. Sometimes we have taken the
positive approach, and, other times,
the negative. The voices of the Greeks
have been heard; and likewise, the In
dependents have submitted their 'views.
The .reactions to the fraternity ar
ticles have been varied. Some feel we
have adequately defended the system
. . . others feel that some of the materi
al has been detrimental, especially in
the impact certain articles have had
on pledges. Still others, especially inde
pendents, feel th?t there has been no
need for the coverage we have given
the fraternity system.
WE REALIZE that we cannot please
our entire readership. However, because
of an article which was submitted to the
Nebraskan, we are again giving play to
the fraternity system.
Sigma Nu's national executive secre
tary issued, early in March, chapter bul
letin to all Sigma Nu collegiate chapters.
The subject of the bulletin was: "Walt
er Cronkite on Fraternities."
IN VIEW of the numerous anti fra
ternity articles printed during the past
few years for national magazines and
newspapers, it is enlightening to see that
a nationally-known commentator still
has faith in the fraternity system.
So, once again the Nebraskan pre
sents an example of the positive ap
proach to fraternities. The following are
excerpts from a speech given by Walter
"... I am not entirely a conformist
in the popular current view that the
emphasis in fraternity life must be fo
cused on individual and group better
ment I don't happen to believe that, to
justify its existence, a social fraternity
needs to cloak itself in petticoats of vir
tue. From whence came the idea that a
social fraternity must combine the schol
arly and service functions of Rotary,
Kiwanis, Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Delta
Chi, the Student Union and the New
man Club? In what context must we be
lieve today that there is no room in the
undergraduate's life for purely social
championship with his fellow students?
Certainly there is need today for a new
devotion, a rededication to the pursuit
of learning, that this nation may contin
ue its deserved leadership and that we
may be better prepared to meet the in
creasingly serious threat from alien ide
ologies. "But this great task need not be un
leavened with a sense of humor. "Fun"
has almost become a dirty word as if it
were something in which the polite
(read 'dedicated') would dare not in
dulge. "Let the college fraternities under
take good works. Frequently the harder
the common labor the greater the bond
which is forged among the laborers. But
let us not, through some sense of false
embarrassment, permit this to become
the college fraternity's principal reason
for being.
"In World War II three war corres
pondents, long time friends through
many battles, gathered at the cot of one
of them in an Ardennes schoolroom
press camp. On the cot, .out of that
day's precious mail, laid a copy of the
Chi Phi Chakett. For the first time, the
three of us learned we were fraternity
"There in the cold of that Christmas
Eve during the Battle of the Bulge, we
found a gay and a happy warmth. It
blazed from memories of gay and happy
times at our separate chapters and not
from memories of loading Thanksgiving
baskets for the poor or helping a strick
en college president raise funds. I do
believe fraternities can have a fine pur
pose of cementing bonds of lifelong
friendship. That to me is goal enough."
"The fraternity system is in robust
shape and its main problem today is
not to outgrow a decent wardrobe. Col
lege administrators answered a 1962
questionnaire by the National Interfra
ternity Conference, with 79 colleges say
ing they need more fraternities now;
104 that they need more in the next five
years and 70 saying they had enough
for the present."
"Fraternities have outlived a dozen
set of pallbearers appointed by gloomy
predicters of doom over the past 187
year 1900, more fraternities have been
established than in the 124 years previ
ous." "We contend that fraternities build
character; certainly anti-fraternity peo
ple have failed to refute this. Since 1825,
every president except two was a fra
ternity man. One hundred members of
the Cabinet in the last 60 years were
fraternity men. Since the Civil War, 40
justices of the U.S. Supreme Court were
fraternity men. You don't have to belong
to a fraternity to be great, but history
shows it helps."
"Fraternity chapters are small
democracies where students practice
what our constitution teaches. There are
16,000 fraternity chapters in college to
day where 140,000 undergraduates are
learning democracy by actual experi
ence every day."
The mature and profes-
1 sional standards which
1 the entire staff of the
Daily Nebraskan have
employed in handling the
events which have devel-
i oped recently are worthy
of praise from the entire
1 student body.
I All associated with the
I University can only say
that the student news-
paper has more than
I justified their confidence
1 in it The attitude ex-
1 pressed both by column-
ists and staff members is
indicative in itself of su-
I perior journalistic endeav-
I As senior representa-
tive to the Subcommittee
on Student Publications,
I heartily congratulate, in
addition to the Daily Ne-
1 braskan staff, the entire
I student body for their re-
1 cent actions. I urge all
to continue to utilize the
I rights of free expression,
i which are available to
i NU students, in the same .
I professional manner they
I have in the past.
Yours truly,
Arnie G arson
1 Typical Boy Doesn't
Wont a Mother Hen
1 The typical "big, red-
blooded American boy"
does not want to be tied
1 down to mother hen. If
I the over-anxious mother
I hen was not so concerned
about getting her MRS
degree, she would realize
that the sky is not fall-
ing on nor today.
1 I shudder to realize the
depths to which a coed
has sunk when she puts
more value in a fraterni-
i ty pin than aesthetic
pleasures from the suave
I collegiate man on cam-
I pus. It is shameful for
XU coeds to hold this
-f -Maty - symbol so high.
Ttiis materialistic attitude
I means it has become a
"must" for a girl to be
accepted, even by her
I own group.
i Are we men on campus
at fault for this? I think
1 not If our position seems
s to caution us, it is only
the fault of the girl drool-
ing whenever she sees a
I fraternity pin.
This article is not to
be misconstrued as a
criticism of the copy edi-
tor. It is of my opinion
1 the poor girl appears to
be the product of her
statu slimbing environ-
I ment The fault cannot lie
I entirely in Miss S.R., for
I she was conditioned to
this attitude by the praise
and blame of her coherts
I and fellow pin-grabbers.
1 I often wonder if the
1 f e e 1 i n g of attainment
comes to the girl after
she has received a pin
I or an engagement ring?
V0J DONlT 03 AfftTHNfi, DO tJi7?
Doily Nebraskan
Telephone 4774711, est 25S&, 2589, 2538
Member Associated Collegiate Prest,
luteraatioEjJ Press Repreeeiitattre, Na
tional Advertising Service, Incorporated.
Published at: Room SI, Student Union,
iincsb) fc, Nebraska.
lfch & R
Enteral a wi daa MtM.
aort of r-lie im unrMn, Nelniu.
Tar Daft IHwnraakaa to (matina! Maaiav. Woaaawflajr,
J1. 11 ltd f'rtAuv Aarlnl tat ananat rar anp taring
Bnti(MM mat nam oirMNi ant 4urtnf mm, at
tuaaal at the nlrnnilty of WbrMk anon the autwtn
)a l fee CmnltWr Staaeat ARalra a am mimn
at ataatwt minhm. Pnhliivtlm tnutnr ttr Jurbia'tntlaa at
tar suhroimnriuae aa Mnf4 nlHr.aitmn fc.H a tret
tram editorial eaaaaraala aa Mac mari W sat Snannnunttm
rt ml ainr amnma aatatar mr OnHwnritv. Tar
Mmhfln at cap ftnllr N4fraafcaa Mad arc aommialrr
remaaMBie fur wan (nar mf- at mm, at aaaac m a arama.
a. lu.
Amhum Maoris Editor
Molar suii WtJara
nnMr Ahii? Wrmen
Garr loeer
urua Owrai'M. Hawr Iwrttrir. wendr
. mm Uavla. Jna Manra. Hum
iofaa tMaaalat, Bute Can-tat. 6arr Mllln-
Dianr Oartua.
faa Sank
BaUanr ,
Jaaac iattna Manaaar
Ml CHmttfUn, Kok Cannlinaaw. tvtar Un
tar Ctrata
. AMD iJfii-5IED
Maybe everyone around
the U n i v e r s i t y is ap
proaching the budget in
the wrong manner. The
' soft sell approach is all
well- and good, and has
been tried before, but will
it accomplish its purpose?
One senator recently re
marked that he appreci
ated the two tickets to
each Nebraska football
game especially since
fiie team was a winner.
The Senator's program is
great and would be bet
ter if students attending
knew something about
what's been going on in
the Unicameral.
Maybe we should stop
the soft sell and really
take the issue to the peo
ple of Nebraska. Maybe it
is time that we, instead of
having lunch with a sen
ator, took him for a short
Jaunt around campus
some morning. Show him
the music building (if it
is still standing). Let him
try and get into Burnett
Hall and Soc. Take him
into the general lecture
halls with up to 200 stu
dents crammed into the
class each getting his
share of personal atten
tion and help.
Then walk over to Soc
113 1 p.m. MWF
Students have to pack
themselves in like sar
dines added inspiration
to both student and
Maybe we should do as
. . . Which
Means . . .
(Tka raltrwtac 4afMtlaaa arc takaa i
oar rMrHaaair af W.
natural instinct of the hu
man mind; when A sees
B in distress, his con
science always urges him
to entreat C to help him.
Those who commence on
Do Belter
Than That!
EDfTOftS VOTE: The faflawanr ri
xU arc treat aaaHratiaa faran
mat Im m rtJi narm mi Vilin in
aVMsi wMc tinaMtccn fMclvt1
tac rcaaa Oaraa Pliiawm af ictec
la what capacity have
yon knows her: "First as
an annoyance, later as a
"Although he shakes a
little, I feel he is very
emotionally stable."
"I have seen her react
favorably when her hand
was mashed in a car
"Even police patrolmen
that have arrested him in
past years stated they
like him."
"I have some reserva
tions about the Peace
Corps, none about the
Area preference: "Eur
ope Rome, Germany,
London, Hawaii. I would
prefer these countries be
cause of their higher cul
tures and more scenic
travel areas."
What do yo hope to ac
complish: "I need, want,
and must have a job."
"Socially, she can mix
with the masses as well
as the classes."
"Hasn't been arrested
as yet"
What do yon bone to
accomplish by serving in
in the Peace Corps:
"There are only two
ways to do things, her
way and the wrong way."
Primary skills: "Jack of
all trades I wish I
could be the master of
"These are the people
whom I feel know me
best If yoa would like
another list of people who
do not know me as well,
but are ia mere import
ant positions, please let
me know."
"Applicant appears to
be making good strides
developing from a shy,
self-conscious girl into a
perseverin g, self - confi
dent lad."
one senator suggested
get all of the students in
one place at one time and
bring down all of the sen
ators. Have them take a
long look, then ask them
What will you do with
twice that many in ten
years when you have dif
ficulty taking care of that
many today?
Maybe we should ask
Why spend thousands
of coins on the Glenny re
port and then ignore it?
It is too bad that an in
stitution of higher learn
ing must resort to tactics
to get enough money to
operate adequately. But
maybe it's the last resort.
It is too bad that people
ignore the most vital ele
ment of American Socie
ty, education, if it means
a few more mills on their
tax bill.
And the crisis could be
just ahead this spring,
next or the next. Quality
professors will be leaving.
And, as was stated last
year, it's nice that we
have men of quality
sought after so highly.
Yes, isn't it. But it is also
too bad that they don't
stay here. Many of them
would rather not take np
their roots and replant
themselves into another
community but yon
can't argue with progress
and better teaching con
ditions and salaries.
The Board of Regents
were elected by Nebras
kans. We assume the
by don ferguson
state's people had confi
dence in them and their
ability to assess the fi
nancial needs of their in
stitution. It is only too
bad that the state Legis
lature doesn't agree. If
electorial strength back
home had any thing to do
with it, the regents, each
representing a larger
number of people, would
carry sufficient weight to
get every penny needed.
Students and activities
should consider directing
their collective and sin
gular efforts on the home
front. Send your parents
a letter and ask them if
they care what happens
to your education within
the next couple of months.
Ask them if they care
whether you are taught
by top professors and
w'hether you are given in
dividual attention and get
full benefits from your
Ask them to look
around at the little chil
dren in the family and
among friends. They may
not even have a chance
for higher education.
Ask them to assess the
American heritage and
freedoms. If the battles
of the cold war are to be
on the campus, we must
see that our "troops" are
well prepared.
But along with democ
racy goes responsibility.
So, Nebraskans, maybe
now is the time to start
the hard sell for Educa
tion, America's most vital
(AulkerofI WuaT
1 ten-age uwarf,
dfDobit&UU", tie.)
Dwarf, "Tkt Many
Today let us examine that much maligned, widely misunder
stood, grossly overworked, wholly dedicated campus figure
the dean.
The dean (from the Latin Demtrtio expel) is not, as many
think, primarily a disciplinary officer. He is a counselor and
guide, a haven and refuge for the troubled student The dean
(from the Greek Deanot to skewer) is characterized chiefly by
sympathy, wisdom, patience, forbearance, and a fondness for
homely pleasures like community singing, farina, spelldowns,
and Marlboro Cigarettes. The dean (from the German Deange
marhita poop a party) is fond of Marlboros for the sama
reason that all men of good will are fond of Marlboros because
Marlboro is an honeM cigarette. Tbor good Marlboro tobaccos
are honestly good, honestly aged to the peak of perfection, hon
estly blended for the bert of all possible flavors. Marlboro
honestly comes in two different containers a soft pack which
is honestly soft and a Flip-Top box which honestly flips. Ym
too will flip when next you by aa honert Marlboro, which, on
honestly hopes, will be soon.
But I digress. We were learning bow a dean belj poor,
fcmbled undergraduates. To illustrate, let us take a tvpiral
csme from the files of Dean B of the University of Y
(Oh, why be so mysterious? The dean's name v Sigafoos and '
the Unh-ersity is Yutah.)
Wise, kindly Desa iptfoos wag nsied oat day by a fresh
man named Walter Aguincourt who came to atk permisHon to
marry one Emma Blenheim, his dormitory laundre. To the
dean the marriage seemed ill-advised, for Walter was only 18
years old and Emma was 91. Walter agreed with the dean, but
said be felt obligated to go through with it because Emma had
invented her life savings in a transparent rakihood to protect
ber from the mirt at Niagara Fall-, where they planned to spend
their bonej-moon. If Walter called off the wedding, what use
would the poor woman possibly have for a rainbood in YutahT
The wise, kindly dean pondered briefly and came up with a
brilliant answer: let Walter punch boles b the back of Emma's
steam iron. With steam billowing back at the old lady. b
would find a rainbood very useful -powttv even eunHaL
Whmpermg with gratitude, Walter kissed the dean's Phi
Beta Kappa key and hastened away to follow his advice -and
tt results, I am pleased to report, were madly successful!
Today Emma m a happy woman-Hriging lustily, wearing
ber Manhood, eating aoftenter eliocolates, and ironing clot-
-twjee as happy, to be candid, than if she had married Walter
..And what of Walter? He is happy too. Freed from his un
wanted Laaon with Emma, be marrwd a girl much nearer Lis
own age-Agnes Yucca, 72. Walter k oow the proud fatber
aather, to be perfertfy accurate- three fine, healthy
twyg from Agnes', fo marriage-Everett, 38; WMjdin,
and Irving, 55 -and when Walter puts the bovs on a lead and
takes them for a st.H in the park on Sunday afternoon, you
may be sure there is not a dry eve in Yutab
And I Dean SaJow? He too is happy-happy to spend lor
tormg hours in his LttJe office, givmg counsel wthoauLnt d
vrtfcori t eaopUmt, doing hi, bit to set the your, uncertain
fat of his charges on the path to a brighter tomorrow
An t , Marlboro U the dei, of filler ci,aretU,. but
cifamiM mrt told tit mU Utj, Hmtem of the