fi Page 2 EDITORIAL Thursday, February 28, 1963 Students Lose I'Pen Pal' Wanted Council Defeats Mot's si EDITOR'S NOTE: The following Irttcr was liven to the Dally Ne braakan by Harry L. Weaver. Unl vrrflty Foreign Student Office. 1 DEAR SIRS: OKAY, KIDDIES, now you've done it! For the p.t year and tt half you've yelled about having to stand outside of Burnett and Social Science buildings in sub-zero weather while waiting to get in to class. SO YOU'VE done what any young citizen in a democracy would do you talked to your representatives on Stu dent Council and asked them to do some thing about the situation. . Then, because of the general opinion of the student body that something should be done, Student Council appointed a committee to study the situation and pre sent possible solutions. BILL DUNKLAU and .his committee tried "trial runs" of three different solu tions for regulating student traffic in Burnett. At first these solutions worked, but each time University students FOR GOT, and down the "up" stairs they went. Yesterday, Council defeated a motion by Dunklau that Council establish a one way system in Burnett Hall to save each student a few minutes between classes. If s Everybody's Problem . . . Yours Too! . by tony rodriquez I just received a letter from the Cuban Student Directorate which I consider to be of general interest, and I have decided to make it public. This letter is addressed especially to those people who think that Cubans turn their I backs and rely on the actions of the U.S. government instead of facing their own prob- lems. Cubans DO face the situation and ARE fighting for their freedom in their every- day life, and I can assure you that the fight will never be given up. . One more brief comment: There is a photographic exposition being shown around the country. It shows the Cuba of today and what Communism has made of it. The ex- position will soon be in Lincoln and everybody will be invited and urged to view it. I Also, if you wish to know more about the fight against Communism in Cuba, car- lied out by the Cuban Student Directorate, please write to P.O.-Box 3985, Bethany Sta- tion, Lincoln, 5. ' s Following is the letter which is addressed to YOU Mr. American Citizen: i "As soon as you receive this personal letter you will wonder why it is we write to you, when per haps, you think you don't know us and, further more, that our problem is not your problem. You see, Communism has made our problem every body's problem, and so, it is your problem too. "Although we have been neighbors for several cen turies now, and Ameri can troops landed in Cuba in 1898 to help us win our Freedom, you had probably forgotten us un til Mr. Kennedy informed you last October 22, about the offensive military bases the Russians were building in our Country. "Our Country is barely 43,400 square miles and the population is a little over six million inhabi tants. Nevertheless, in that tiny spot, just 90 miles off your southeast ern shores, international Communism still has a powerful military base with over 18,000 first class Russian troops, mis siles and launching sites, submarine installations' and a center of espionage and political agitation. "It is a fact that after .the October crisis the Russians shipped out of Cuba around 42 missiles and the IL-28 atomic bombers, but it is also a fact, that they still have missiles and underground launching pads, subma rines and troops, plus the 300,000 strong local mili tia, and Castro's MIG fighter, tanks, artillery and heavy armament. "During the past years we have suffered a great deal. Many of our men Dave been executed by the Communist regime, over 93,485 crowd the Castro dungeons, and over 500,000 have fled the Island to avoid arrest, imprisonment or death. "Our prosperous econo my of previous years that made as one of the lead ing countries of Latin America and a fantastic market for American cars, television sets, ra dios, refrigerators and many other products has been completely de stroyed. The only prod nets being imported to day are Soviet-made or produced by some Rus sian satellite. Io exchange for that they have taken all the American-owned industries and properties and ail our private enter prises too. But, most for tunately, they have tak en away our Freedom. "Our children have been taken away from cur homes and are sub i mitted to constant Marx ist indoctrination. Chil dren being raised without God, without the knowl edge of their rights and without the practice of a political Democracy. Ev eryday that goes by is one more day for them of life under Commu nism, and we ask our selves: How will we re gain those juvenile minds which actually are being brainwashed? "Our family has been divided because our sons and daughters have been sent far from home to re ceive lessons on Commu nism and our wives have been sent to work in the fields, in the factories and to attend indoctrina tion classes and incorpo rate themselves to the Militia. "Our men have been, and still are, under a great strain and suffer ing. They have to work in state-owned companies and enterprises. They have to live under the constant surveillance of the feared "G-2", Castro's political police. They have to worry about the terri ble conditions under which their families have to live: starvation, pov erty, misery and ideologic and political tyranny. "And that is our situa tion. But we have not sur rendered and we shall not surrender! Our peo ple are strong and they have undertaken the task of our Liberation, and our youth, organized through the Cuban Stu dent Directorate, are the spearhead of our struggle. "They have fought the Communist regime open ly since 1959 and 1960, and, when the Russians took direct control of our Country, the Cuban Stu dent Directorate was born in the underground. "From that day on, the young men and women of the Directorate have de voted themselves to fight for our Freedom. Many have been executed and many are Imprisoned in the Communist jails. Sev eral groups have gone to the hills in different sec tions of Cuba, and are actually giving the Red Militia a hard time fight ing in small bands, trained in guerrilla warfare. Oth ers belong to the hard hitting cells of the under ground in the cities, in which they print propa ganda, gather intelligence reports and perform sab otages. "The Cuban Student Di rectorate was the first or ganization to supply in-' formation about the So viet build-up in Cuba and to inform the American i, WHY WAS it defeated Simply be cause the students are too lazy or don't want to rollow simple directions written in a clear understandable language? To rationalize their disregard of the proposed system students will ask each other why Council doesn't enlarge the doors. DUNKLAU HAS already looked into this solution and reported that the north door of Social Science can't be enlarged due to the structure of the building. The east and west doors of Burnett can be enlarged if the air conditioning is taken out as the air conditioning ducts run to one side of the doors. Students scream, "Why doesn't coun cil do something? COUNCIL DOES something that nec essitates ONLY the- students' ability to read and think, but the students can't follow directions. The act of student government has to be a reciprocal process. Council can't take students by the hand and lead them up the right stairs! b.i. public with details of the missiles, the location of the sites, the number of planes and the subma- I rine bases. "The Cuban Student Di- I rectorate Special Services Group was the one that shelled Havana last Au- gust, sailing from an un- disclosed base, not in the U.S.A. 1 "The Cuban Student Di- rectorate is supplying to- s day more information about the Soviet military offensive weapons still stored in our Country, the soldiers, and the subma- rines. "And, the Cuban Stu- dent Directorate is t h e i one, that today, in this letter, on behalf of us, I the Enslaved People of , to you. "We make this plea to I you because you have proven to be generous , and understanding in the past. Your capacity to help people in need has been proven again and again in your history. Your Country, the pow- erful leader of the Free Nations of the World to- day, was built by refugees who came from Europe looking for liberty, free- enterprise and freedom and justice for all. "The American Govern- ment has given us refuge and their political and moral support, but the complex international sit- uation has made it im- possible for them, as the USA government, to sup- port us materially with money, equipment or I American troops, and that Is why we appeal to you. "You are an American citizen, an individual, a I person who makes this Country what it is, a member of a Democrat- ic society. And you de- fend the rights conse- crated in your Declara- I tion of Independence f-nd your Constitution and we know we can depend on I you. You are sympathetic with our cause, you un- 1 derstand our suffering, you despise oppression and tyranny, and you are well aware that today, just 90 miles off y o u r shores, the Kremlin has built an offensive base I which can strike you in a the back at any time and so your cities and towns are targets, for the first I time in your history, for I the most destructive I weapons mankind has ever built. Please don't forget us. Don't permit a Russian I military and political base 90 miles away. Don't let us live forever under Communism. Protect America: Help us Free s Cuba!" I I am a far away Brazil ian student and I would be very gratetul if you would introduce me to some students in the U.S.A. by publishing this letter at your University. I am very much in terested in securing cor respondents in the U.S.A. and I am also interested in the exchange of ideas which might in any way promote better feelings between our respective countries. I am studying English, hoping to be able to do justice to this beautiful language. I have a great love for the English tongue which I speak and write to a certain degree. I should like to know more about American people's activities, as it would help all of us to have a better understand ing of each other's cus toms, legends, and so forth. I hope this will be the starting point in strength ening our heartfelt friend ship. Thanking you in ad vance for your very kind ' consideration, I remain, VERA MOOR MARQUES Caixa Postal, 362 Porto Alegre Rio Grande do Sul Brasil From the CAP I Hark! Hark! What this campus truly needs is more honor for its coeds in the field of beauty queens, other roy alty and "Misses." After all, at the present time, there is such a lim ited number. We only have the May Queen, Homecoming Queen, Activities Queen, Rodeo Queen, Pork Queen, Independnet Queen, Junior IFC Queen, Ivy Day Queen, Cornhus ker Beauty Queens and Dairy Queen. And let's not forget the Honorary Commandant, Miss Navy, Miss Air Force, Miss Army, Miss Derby Day, Miss E-Week, Miss Sadie Hawkins, Miss Quarterback, Miss Wheat Heart, Miss Wool, Miss Cherry Blossom, Nebraska Sweetheart, Ideal Coed, Best Dressed Coed . . . This "partial" listing is by no means exhaustable, only limited by the time in which this writer had to do research on the ti tles. Please, ladies, no of fense to those left out. Really, though, this campus hasn't begun to think of new titles for its clammering - to - be - rec ognized, corn-fed beauties. To set the imagination working, here are some possible new titles, the candidates qualifications, and the organization most qualified to sponsor such "Miss" contests: 1) "MISS -CARRIAGE sponsored by the Student Council traffic flow committee for coeds who can't read or follow directions and whose pri mary reason for getting a higher education is to "get a man." 2) "MISS-S TAKE" Sponsored by the admin istration for those most fortunate girls who are al lowed to drop a course be cause they are "forced to labor or are suffering from a heart ailment." 3) "MISS-FIT" - spon sored by The Daily Ne braskan for the calm, cool, clever, cutie coed who can write a more ab surd headline than "The Frantic Females Fumble in Fretful, Fervent Form at Friday's Coed Follies." (Ugh, no comment need ed). 4) "MISS- CONCEP TION" sponsored by the IFC for the Panhell rep resentative who can best tell the IFC who leads Panhell, how much legis lative control the girls have and if the girls of Panhell are afraid of pres sure groups if they try to change. 5) "M I S S-FIRE" -sponsored by the basket ball team in commemor rlf i-wk wMm-? VINE by george a. peterson ation of Coach Bush. She is to be a nine-year senior and must have a perfect losing record no dates during her days of higher education. 6) "M I S S-TRUST" -sponsored by AWS for the top ten girls who have the most campuses for getting late minutes. However, the beauty contest I would like most to see started and that I would support with great vigor would be the "Non Beauty Queen of 1963." The only qualification the coed would need is that never before in her col lege days had she been named as a q-een or "Miss." There is a problem with this one lonely qualifica tion ... on this campus it would be hard to find any qualified candidates. This in no way dampens my enthusiasm for such a beauty contest, for I am certain that somewhere on this campus there must be at least one girl who would qualify. If there is only one candidate, then fine. She wins. At any rate, she should be recog nized for her unique dis tinction. In closing let me make this observation. There are those critics of this column who feel this writer (and J quote) "should be well-versed in his subject before he at tempts to write about it" and that if one doesn't be long to the "system", he shouldn't criticize it. So, dear, readers, I warn you. I really am not q u a 1 i f i e d to write about beauty queens. I've never been one, that's why. Daily Nehraskan SEVENTY -SECOND YEAR OF PUBLICATION Telephone 477-8711, ext. 2583, 2589, 2590 Member Associated Col legiate Press, Internation al Press Representative, National Advertising Service, Incorporated. Published at: Room 51, Student Union, Lincoln 8, Nebraska. Entered a eeeetMl elan matter, aeatafe paid, at Ike anal afflea Lincoln. Nakraaka. Tke Dally Nebraekan ta pnbllabed Monday. Wednesday. Thursday and Friday during tke ackoal rear, ex cept racatlone ana' exam period, and enre daring Auguat by etodente ef tke University ef Nebraska under the autbortvatlnn af tke Committee n Student Affaire aa an expreaaioo af gttidenl aptnloa. Fablleatloo an der tke Jurladlctloa af tke eobeorn Bilttee an Stndent Publication shall be free from editorial eenaorablp on the part nl the aubeommlttee or an the part at an? peraoa antaide tke llnlveretly Tbe membera f tke Dally Nebraakan ataff are peraoa. ally reaponalbilo lar rrkal laey aay ar do, ar cania ta ba printed. I kAOR VlGAHj fLErS. (.Author of "I THE CURSE OF THE CAMPUS: NO. 2 As was pointed out last week, one would think that with all the progress we have made in the education game, something might have been done by now about roommates. But no. The roommate picture has not brightened one bit since Ethan Goodpimple founded the first American college. (Contrary to popular belief, Harvard was not the first. Mr. Goodpimple started his institution some 75 years earlier. And quite an institution it was, let me tell you! Mr. Goodpimple built schools of liberal arts, fine arts, dentistry, and tanning. He built a lacrosse stadium that seated 102,000. Everywhere on campus was emblazoned the stirring Latin motto CAVE MUSSI "Watch out for moose." The student union contained a bowling alley, a clock, and a 16-chair barber shop. 1 mw (It was this last feature the barber shop that, alas, brought Mr. Goodpimpld's college to an early end. The student body, being drawn from the nearby countryside, was composed chiefly of Pequots r-nd Iroquois who, alas, had no need of a barber shop. They braid their hair instead of cutting it, and aa for shaving, they don't. The barter, Tremblatt Follicle by name, grew so depressed staring all the time at 16 empty chairs that one day his mind finally gave way. Seizing his vibrator, he ran outside and shook the entire campus till it crumbled to dust. This later became known as Pickett's Charge.) . But I digress. We were discussing ways for you and your roommate to stop hating each other. This is admittedly diffi cult but not impossible if you will both bend a bit, give a little. I remember, for example, my own college days (Berlitz, '08). My roommate was, I think you will allow, even less agreeable than, most. He was a Tibetan named Ringading whose native customs, while indisputably colorful, were not entirely endear ing. Murk you, I didn't mind so much the gong he struck on the hour or the string of firecrackers he set off on the half-hour. I didn't even mind his singeing chicken feathers every dusk and daybreak. What I did mind was that he singed them in my hat To be fair, he was not totally taken with some of my habite either-esjiecially my hobby of collecting water. I had no jare at the time and just had to stack the water any-old-where. Well siis things grew steadily cooler between Ringading and nie, and they might have gotten actually ugly had weiiot each happened to receive a package from home one day. Rmgadinj opened his package, paused, smiled shyly at me, and offered me a gift. "Thank you," I said. "What is it?" "Yak butter," he said. "You put it in your hair. In Tibetan we call it gree tee kidstuff." "Well now, that's mighty friendly," I said and offered him a 8 ,,JPm,mr Pge. "Now you must have one of mine." Tjutnk you," he said. "What is this called?" Marlboro Cigarettes," I said and held a match for him. He puffed. "Wow !" he said. "This sure beats chicken feathers !" Marlboro yU C0U'd name'" 1 8aid' li8htinK my own And as we sat together and enjoyed that fine flavorful Marlboro tobacco, that pure white Marlboro filter, a glow of good fellowship came over us-a srene conviction that no quarrels exist between men that wili not yield to the warmtb if honest good will I am proud to sav that Ringadif. and ! -e-main friends to this day, and we exchange cards eac&TChristmas and eatm t ourth of July, firecrackers.' ib m bu f orever you or hour roommate may be-on any camput mm b f i T" r hamlet in an "tale f the Vnion-Vou rfiiV a-, ;r""!ro at Vur favorite tobacco counter tot' pack or flip top box. with Wat a Tem-agt Dwarf", "The Many Loves of Dobie Giltit", etc.) womu