The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 26, 1963, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Tuesday, February 26, 1 9631
The University Campus
The University campus . . .
Ivy-covered buildings set against a
bell tower ... a sentiment and a state of
mind which result from numerous im
pressions and experiences: from a Jam
session or a beer blast from yelling "Go
Big Red" on a November Saturday after
noon, from memories of the New Student
Week blind date . . . from the fellowship
of dorm living and from showerings in
the fraternity house.
It is jazz and java, poetry readings
by faculty members, philosophy argued
and the passing on of bad jokes ... it is
Ote midnight bull session about life apd
love and the state of the nation.
And . . . twenty years later, it Is the
one aspect of the University which lives
on in the graduate's memory.
It is the threshold of adult life . . .
the path which leads the eager to learn
ing .. . it is the community which brings
together those whose age and goals are
such that they feel a safe contentment
while being ever aware of the widening,
beckoning horizons.
The campus . . . the last rest stop
on the itinary before leaving for the wide,
wide world ... the last stop before as
suming the responsibilities and undertak
ing the opportunities of the inevitable
Comenius Club Revived
There is a new organi
sation on campus the
Comenius (Komensky)
Club. Strictly speaking,
however, it is not some
thing new, but only a var
i a t i o n of an old theme,
r for the original Komensky
Club was founded on this
campus in 1870, just one
year after the University
' itself came into being.
The club's founders
were a group of students
of Czech descent interest
ed in preserving the Czech
culture. Appropriately,
they named their club aft
er Jan Ames Komensky,
the 16th Century Czech ed
ucator whose academic
principles are still fol
lowed today.
Affiliated with a nation
al chain of collegiate Ko
mensky clubs, the group
was prominent in campus
activities during its early
days and, at one time,
even maintained its o w n
chapterhouse where meet
ings and socials were
A number of reasons led
to the club's deactivation
prior to W o r 1 d War II,
and again, just before the
Korean conflict. Then,
last November 26, work
was begun on the reacti
vation of the Komensky
Club, now better known
Comenius Club from the
Latin term for Komensky.
The constitution was re
vised and updated and has
been submitted to the Di
vision of Student Affairs
and he Student Council
for approval.
Vladimir Kucera, Czech
language instructor at the
University, has been in
strumental in the task of
reactivation. Mr. Kucera
is well-known throughout
the state for his efforts
toward reviving Czech
culture and traditions in
Nebraska. Under his gui
dance, the University will
begin offering a full three
year course in the Czech
language next fall.
The purpose of the Co
menius (Komensky) Club
has not changed in the
nearly one hundred years
since its first appearance
on this campus.
It still aims to provide
those of Czech descent and
their friends the opportun
ity to gather together and
perpetuate the language,
customs, and educational
by arm semin
desires of the Czech peo-
pie. (However, the mem-
bers need not know the
Czech language.) Toward I
this end, plans are being
made for a number of ac- f
tivities. The plans include
lectures on Czech folklore,
language, music and art,
films of Czechoslovakia, a
marathon dance, a game I
night, and bi-monthly so-
An orchestra and choral
group are being organ-
i z e d, as is a group to
dance the Beseda, nation- I
al folk dance of Czecho-
Slovakia. These groups
are tentatively scheduled
to take a public appear- s
ance tour to Texas over
spring vacation. Still oth-
er plans include the pub- i
lication of a cookbook fea- I
turing favorite Czech-
American recipes.
Sound interesting? If so,
please remember that, al- 1
though the Comenius Club
is primarily for students
of. Czech, descent, its
membership is not re-
stricted. 1
To evervone. the mem-
bers of the club say "Vi
tam Vas" We welcome
.7, .
Daily Nebraskan
Telephone 477-8711, ext. 2588, 2589, 2590
Member Associated Collegiate Press,
International Press Representative, Na
tional Advertising Service, Incorporated.
Published at: Room 51, Student Union,
Lincoln 8, Nebraska.
14th &R
Entered M second class matter, postal paid, al the
pott office la Lincoln, Nebraska.
The Dally Nebraskan la published Monday. Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday during tha school rear except during
vacations and exam period, and once during August, by
students of the University of Nebraska under the authorise,
tlon of the Committee on Student Affaira as an espreselen
of atudent eplnioa. Publication under the Jurisdiction of
the subcommittee aa Student Publications shall he free
from editorial censorship on the part of the Subcommittee
or on th- part of any person outsid the University. The
numbers of the Daily N'bratkaa staff are personally
responsible for what they say, er do, or eausa to h printed.
February t. IMS.
Basinets Manager John Zerninter
Assist Basinets Managers Bill OunHckt. Boh Cunningham. Peter Late
CfreuJatfo) Manager Jar Orotk
ubaciptioa Maus-or ... Mike MaeLean
Editor Linda Jentep
Mans sine 4! tor Gary Lacey
News Editor , , John Morris
Bassrto Editor Terry Andersen
Copy Editors Lynn Corcoran, Susie Butter, Wendy Borers
Seal or gtafl fi-ters -. Sue Hovtk, Jim Moore. Susaa Rmlthbergrr
Junior Stall Writer , John Lonnqulst
Pkoioriapaer Rosemary Smallwood
Be porters Mick Bond, Jaa Sack
Why Not
So I said to the young
man with the heathen tie,
(whose Daddy was D 2V4),
I said, "You are a very
young man." -
We really need not.,
speak . . . just mostly
gaze with profundity into
each other, and say with
a slight lisp, denoting
years, "cliche!"
For this is our world of
twenty-two blocks or so.
This is our guaranteed-money-back
egg shell world to
live and die in.
Here we can be young
rebels, and journey from
one land to some land,
thinking tired thoughts, as
long as we stay in the
city limits.
This is a world where
we can be younger, and
wish for "State," or old
er, and wish for our in
stant blessedness by way
of blasting neon signs or
ingrown smiles.
This is a world where
we are in awe when
someone goes to Pleasant
Junction for the week
end ... A world where
industry can grow and
prosper because of o u r
constant looking toward
the future ... A world
where we can live with
the confidence that there
are ultimates and univer
sal and rights ... We
always excuse ourselves
for interrupting, while
others are talking.
So I said to the young
man at the club, "Why
not settle down, find
yourself a female regist
rant, a nice gas station."
Dear Editor: Congratu
lations! This is the first
semester in my three
years at the University
that the Editorial page of
the Daily Nebraskan has
really permitted students
(other than staff mem
bers) a voice in campus
affairs. Hats off to Helen
Schmierer, Don Ferguson,
Don Burt, and all the
other columnists for cre
ating interesting reading
-b. b.
entSeirieii's preference
In view of the recent directive from the administration that no student will be al
lowed to drop a course unless he has a heart ailment or is forced to labor, careful
choices in selecting classes is essential.
However, there are certain courses which no student should have to drop Get
that class!
FRESHMAN ENGLISH: Aim for classes at odd hours. There are freshmen Eng.
lish classes at high noon. There are freshman English classes at eight o'clock Saturday
morning. If you struggle over at eight o'clock every Saturday, you'll be assured a
four from the course. Feel blessed if your teacher is more than a first year graduate
student. Feel doubly blessed 4f he had an undergraduate English major.
Beware of reading quizzes. There are a few instructors who expect you to read
Beardsley. Also beware of the hotrodder freshman English instructor. He is notorious
for his detailed discussions of cars. Prerequisite for this particular teacher is Me
chanics 509.
ENGLISH 7 (Now known as Statistics 313) : If you haven't learned to count, take
your abacus to class. You'll learn one thing sure your English teacher hasn't discov
ered he doesn't know how to write either. However, he will crack the whip on you, so
don't turn in false figures.
18TH CENTURY DILEMMA: Know your notes. Reading the material is not es
sential. Mental associations to make while writing an English test:
Alice in Wonderland
Henry Miller
Ingmar Bergman
D. H.. Lawrence
Louis Untermeyer
Emily Dickinson
Herman Melville
T. S. Eliot
Vance Packard
John Ciardi
FRESHMAN HISTORY (Caveman to Kennedy): Girls, be sure your quiz instructor
is single. Find out his favorite color and wear it to quiz section. (A little perfume nev
er hurts.)
Boys, unfortunately you will be at a disadvantage compared to the girls, since the
quiz instructor will expect you to know the material. A lexicon of hand ready-made
expressions for your exams:
"coup d'etat"
"social, economic and political"
"underlying and immediate causes'
"wave of terror"
"the role of the church"
"in the final analysis"
Learn to spell and pronounce "bourgeoisie" correctly.
AMERICAN HISTORY: Prerequisite: Know what happened in 1492.
Let the instructor know you are a Democrat the first day of class. Wear your
ADA badge and wave your pacifist banner. Be prepared for massive retaliation
against the activities, or depending on the point of view and you know the point of
view the inactivities of the Eisenhower administration.
A lexicon of handy terms fop exams:
"Jeffersonian" and "Hamiltonian"
"New Freedom"
"New Deal"
"Square Deal"
"Fair Deal"
"abolitionist sentiment"
"the "peculiar institution"
"We have nothing to fear but fear itself."
Learn how to pronounce "Cuba" and "Asia" with an "er."
Quote the National Review. It never hurts.
EDUCATION 225 (Philosophy of Bulletin Boards): If working on your Master's
degree in education, this can take the place of a foreign language.
If In elementary education, be sure to get this one. The final floats from file to file.
Teacher's College doctoral candidate get his degree. Strong hand muscles are requi
site for filling out the numerous charts they base their statistics on as well as the
fifty-two page multiple guess final. (Brain cells will remain available for applica
tion to other courses.)
With these ideal courses be sure and get an ideal instructor who meets the fol
lowing critera:
Tests from the notes
Holds no class on Friday
Allows smoking and coffee
Has no class discussions
Uses same tests from year to year
Is sympathetic and gullible
Hasn't written the book
Gives no quizzes
Bases grades on interest rather than knowledge
Doesn't take roll
AND, will still allow you to drop the course.
I Is Governor Morrison
going to renege on a
promise he made con-
cerning the University's
1 No later than three
i months after his re-elec-
tion as Governor did Mor-
rison's 1963-65 budget rec-
ommendation ask for a
$5 million increase over
i its present expenditures,
bug had $4 million cut
from its request.
I Governor Morrison said
his recommendation for
the University will allow
it to "continue and im-
prove" In the present
I areas of operation, but not
1 to enter new areas.
1 Why did Governor Mor-
rison cut 84 million from
i the budget in the first
1 place is he too typical
1 of a Nebraskan to fear
I progress? The University
is atypical of the gener-
al community found in
I Nebraska; therefore, it
I should want progress
even if the rest of the
1 state thinks it unneces
The time to ask for
help is now before the
Legislature passes some
absurd budget recommen
dation for the University.
If we are grateful for a
school in which we can
express individual opin
ions and if we are com
patriots of progress, then
why should we not be in
terested in promoting the
University and, through
the University, promoting
I am in agreement with
Regent Val Peterson who
says that institutions
which do not move for
ward slide backward.
Also; I am in agreement
with the man who best
by h. roger dodson
knows our needs Chan
cellor Hardin when he
says he Is keenly disap
pointed in the dollar
amounts which were rec
ommended. By a tangible measure
the University must re
tain its professors and
hire more of a progres
viely finer caliber. How
ever, Chancellor Hardin
explains that the region
al salary levels have been
forced higher than the
University can pay under
its present budget.
Nebraska faculty sala
ries rank below the aver
ages paid by other mem
bers of the Big Eight
A second area to be ful
filled by the increase is
the increased enrollment.
University enrollment
has increased faster in
the past two years than
it' has at any other Big
Eight school except Mis
souri. Also the physical
plant of the University Is
much larger and will re
quire about one million
dollars more to operate
than it has in the last two
The problem of a de
c e n t recommendation
which will provide an ad
equate budget has long
been a question. How
ever, it appears that the
"43 Old Men" of the Leg
islature, as they are often
called, need to be made
aware of their great in-,
justice to a rapidly grow
ing institution.
Governor Morrison is
not entirely to blame, but
he, too, for his lack of
perception in the area of
growth, must be criticized.
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