The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 22, 1963, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    Read Nebraslcan
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Page 2
Friday, February 22, 1963
' i
For Non-Affiliated ...
Entertainment Is
Everyone recognizes
that a University's major
responsibility is providing
tbe best possible educa
tion far its students.
And everyone recognizes
that the student's chief re
spoasMlSty is to mat
tie most of the educa
tional opportunity offered
Brt Use areas of rrp
sihilitT for both mast
reach msch farther if the
goal of cwnpJrt edeca
Uo is to be achiev ed.
For a student to suc
ceed in college, be mixts!
spend many tocwnrs stwSy
iog. He steadies many
long boms damug the
course off a week Session
aaad pressure baali inp so
fhat when the WftiteQi!
arrives., be really mreids
mme reSaxa&m.
Bnt wbal is there to do?
Trie Bitter Teste cf
xtmvmA aind rannd the
IhymWfo herbs tbe nnatiBOB
keys cthased tbe weas
els ...
ALSO BAN" rar feushy
tailed. ewer alert public
ifffivrilall and 21 y ffilanrfty-
accOTfleired reporter,, wiM
y pursHTiiiDg tbat noeam
old federal governniiiKDl
er pardon inae. tbe US.
BeffflrltoifiEJlt off Agninui3
tare ...
H r r r s! A tat
Cto FS. 14. jitagte Hiae cuff
tSss nrnaSba Wioiii-Banalld
c a v r i e d H2ae BBEaffliae
.. T&DA OffiEkials SmgtaJt
7 Ftaas Statifis Jiasfl
IiooEffiHie, Sales liases".'
''CtetteaiSHiHHs sffiEttSiHrnl
Ssoatbnr Carl Curtis ...
Tntast ii$ ffibe moult m&
rafaaBS MjrafiioBii toy It to e
Fntera3 Itaireacaaraty inn
fflie aSfaiirs utf a nwaswiLpD
fitatE Iflast J"V esitsr beard
Tbm &nuw Btnai
Bnta sjmA hlc pttc:
Tbe rnmt3fl tf Agri
caltare it
way HDtt tf its Jfow" tf
auKrity la nstolliaDg
t frtmrfoe m&a&vm t
tUs pra&tams f staifs ...
The mraiiilwTS f tbe
tstnres imvm mmA anune
fte tuff a (Av2Ur (Jus
wt- be EHyisrUafsa ttf
5 wr. McBTriuBtai,"' aafl (BLe
BersiliL, "Nuas iffttaiy dli
tmrtiei.'' Tic paper jmA
ei Mccrit'.m its xa'mg::
DErtaDaeat tf Agra
cm I ton re ftutc pdeoty wf
prtetrts f Sts mm
uh willhotit te'King tt Bd
Ute$ Sbw tt) racn tliirar
CJtSaar BariBiiaJ0yrtfl
HHieE Mne miftwil by (the
luarilJ f r $ ma iSaAf Sma
Istrx IG'tttil P. Eur.iilli)
CaaJ CraX Terry CasifiitaB
ter, amfl &tiiduil t tilt
JUsjisituatiOJB tformlta
Tizpsyr I'oy M. Sucfflt
sand Dsn. A2m P. EiiBlfc-
So se, anA mai he
awfipr. it awao
WfeinnJ In eibwl Kiitt ittte
m1 Ibtfw he jstury w itt
TSafta ITCIL inl. Jil!8 a. 23H
S5m.W AmtwcuislAii CuHejftak- Fim,
ftssrsuHtai Pm ErfwwieaiSe, Xa-
Px&&tiksf a(b Ettiq $1, uftat Usata,
.WMir ,
yiimuafnuf JMltMtr . ...
I.Wm .......
A -rtl kiMiitMMMi Wimutnw ..
AVS Coed Fellies 3 p.m. Friday
Members of fraternities
and sororities are a little
more fortunate tkai
bust Gibers because of
parties and daares whb
ia tbeir groups.
For most students, bow
ever, entertainment and
relaxation opportunities
are very limited- And the
small, private parties that
seem to dominate the so
cial Me at tie University
ofJar Mile opportunity to
meet and get to know
anyone mew.
The University does lit
tle, iff anything, to help
develop this important as
pect off a college educa
tion. Within this Universi
ty community, little ef
fort is made to be!? the
Ddivutoal get to know bis
neighbors, or even
care to.
Since titey hate the
benefit of erfginirMM-.
day If "Ms dpart-
anaeaat's sSmfly."
AtltoaBy, the repeat
piepaiwd fey a committee
yiimtp ifflwm iwet off
Tknn are ecwomiiits
wjtb land grant coEfges
in tibe Iffisttate Great
Plaims region cttwemei fey
tilae sftufiy..
ffiWiMr at the Uah'erHt.
tbe rftudrmaa wf lite
em2l.e Jrca kxfpcmei t
beenplyed wea tibe
USDA $'$3aiflt kixstlff
wfSl advise tSue pn& tf
duurHLiUB ia Afwil.
AarnL f ctaSly jmpjarltaaiL
ttlhe mepourt dows mu faffll
amy state Etiai iti
to ijKtem iit AmbIIS 8aae.
It jprafcsffly stats::
"Tlas ttn4y attescfts aw
(kshftfTTOtf ftw ta systems
i i &a tlf Greal
fUmtc regatoL lis pigtjhh
m tt describe t2be
aatia rt'eitaj re-
local al Ufi r
meats ka 0 CII r e a t
JiLafces wawe fwofille limnit
pmflSj- ndLiaKlMttt.. ateBta'U
Eiut bej'.4a(S ffihe mttatwe
fittpitoy Mf ffliut ejutiwit
Ok aiaawdihw ciMRBiileratJitiBD
toKiE to eswy Dututsttfliuffi
ijff ItegSw wttucataaii.
ttfty k M kat ltiU)?
f a a I i f i e d fnMivrt
aiad mairdburs, W
tit'iii HCrJiaa naarn t
Che jpmt& ami pswjpxm
v ttr slat are ftaraattai
leneiers"" wlna they
try t wattr&ioitoeJ
(tee jptrnfeBBW" aft IDbe
Oaraa:isty nautefl a bit scr
ftaatiai ttoatt atn (MiA
si&ir tt tally lUEtaaii
Itar wijffib ttoe AucaiO nitima
ttausu asaay be taijwttei ttitu
mcairitii uwane amea suweit)
ats tClue Sax ijiftiiudtiima. A!1tr
am iranaHary ptriwil (ttf
SamEEiaririrtatiJtiD tlte
pent"" ffrtt meBultls
ami is praifr11y latuM by
ttlhe d&omry.
8a ere aat ftvi ""tBt
rfHttg" llwre. G Ibt aw n
ftert as FJvrii, nr leiatK.
wr rws Alintl. y acary
ni totvw a Atft aditwft &uit
jm'm sSWttitRg Mfl, hait
Daily Nebraskan
mutt tnuw iiti ftitumthi. 'fctttwiHlfcit
Hl)litrtti Mirtl rtlHlii iHidliii! ihM- tiillmtl) yM:ur.. 1JI1 4tuit
wvDutlnnw anitl 4rHiii optmuta. .ntrtl (Uiiur titillttf Aiihiml. It
wtli(MllH Uf ttlw RMHumtHtV' flit YoHientttut nnrfKir tMh- iilnitliRH
liiiro 111 immiiuw w ttitnB bttum- mi ;hh avivnniiiiuii
dH mulhnii luunmni. riwlx:Htnm Kin- Uimwll.mmv .m
illir ituiiimniiiiMe r iufloi uiili mIiui uilll itnw
ortluirtuJI nimnwAUa nn tf mwli lUir 4iiHniiminliHw
tar tmi ttlK' tfntt ml aw iuniKiiii mHMiUr ilti- Rtuinm4tw.
mumiimiw n rtw ftiiil 'MimMni .unv i)i."w.inil
nmoHniMHltr ttur iWtMU lUr w.. (Mr i w wm llr Brniiwrll
rilMluvw Ik. UWK.
by mehrdad (tony) rassekh
fraterBity tad sorority
members have ai evea
greater responsibility to
work for the improve
meat f this sitaatioa.
If they or any other or
ganized groups would joia
efforts and alternately
sponsor weekend dances
and parties open to every
one, the individual stu
dent would benefit great
ly. The responsibity for
fostering and developing
such a project lies, how
ever, not only with the
students, but with the Uni
versity itself. This is a
vital part of tbe Univer
sity's system off edmca
taom, but so far tbey have
contritated notbiing to its
Perhaps, iff smith a proj
ect were undertaken, the
M)in a-CO!nni0niignit' barriers
off Greek vs. Lmdefemdent
vs. foreign stmuteDt could
be erased.
by wendy rogers
take all the tirae j oa
Xeteasfca doesn't realy
need any ""eggbe,ad" help.
Ctar state oJSkcials kpw
the tome valae sf a doSLar
and that's wfttal's reaEy
iunDporSamt . . .
Have some ISrailock
fejUow taipayeTS it may
cato yswsr nen-es
. . . Which
tit MiiTtnmaro 1 Wtt.
trtttw. i
A riioiniiiiEg atad fetuanitiEg
hmme wllfflre aeaJy tie
moos! distftTEiiE? pamm
fcaow wJiiisse cioxtllaes be
us m
-V52I TRW Samnae,
EiEBag to put cagaoTKtte asb
e io nhtvn the rwoo basm't
s d'jot ttaMe top etpeais
iwe rung..
Of The
By Pi Mm
PROBLEM; Two ttttamtt
daarfl stiufanttj; ao pMji
ttawimfl iian TO into,, ftaiclb
(nwDttaaiBitiBag 251 .ttiuiiMlt..
F r nun tattb ff ffihe 25) mtfl
imw i&ta; Swraatd, fl to e
sSuwteft Utiu&aEft iis ssJto
4, amd tbe tt 1! 1 e $ tt us
ttlke 28 iiAMrtti tutetfij.
its tagged A. TntHShe iiit
(dkml nuww mettuuina t ttitRiir
ijamiJiiatfl place.. 3sat tine
ttaOHtaJl strntluQlt iim eaclti
' d se!lcJlfl,. arcifl fhrmni
ttbt KiUilSli) s&utUtttU
ttbe aritiwirtett a ttaigjanfl E,
TOltsiib si ffihe tt'iw taxsd
!tiiu6nst its ttliie tallw
Effiiag iw utautl amtiai
to ttlto k". tgxxMtm to
1Ui9 EuuraKflt. Tit swltttoMiD
wjflll be priiHtitrfl mesft
aslwEig wjrtJjn aaawtihar pjujlic
ffiiuai His latBt twife"$ prob
Bsto:: Iff fciie m mam..
ttiiuKB ttH faa'.-! fltswbwr &
wmgat ttrialte amtttssaaary lis
ST., wbsw K its ml Hifturaill
touuunaSlyftir ubkIId ttbaft . n
sijiall rasiteir tUmnn m,,
aouJI S K-l iis le tkuii ia.
. Aikirtte Jtmwm
AuiilinlMi. fttiHi iiimmnituiiu twir l.uiw
.' rilHi
Ub U li
iGreeks Discussed
1 We Greeks are indeed
. gratefal to yon indepen-
h jents who have shown
such an interest in oar
s sj'sJein.
1 We remain among the
i last to suggest that our
way of campus living ap-
s proaches perf ection. We
1 also are among the last
5 to demy that there are ad-
E vantages to being indepeu-
1 dent.
In assi.gning you some
I 0f the basic intelligence
you claim, it seems to rea-
p son that yon must realize
s that your system is not
I perfect, that the G r e e k
system has certain advan-
1 tises which the bouses in
1 MJeck do bo have, and
I tiat Greeks and Indepen-
1 dents can. must, and will
s ciortintiie on campus.
f Why then do you per-
jejunal complainers seem
3 soi bent 11 tearing down
1 the Greek system? Sure
s have sfe(OrtcoB.isitgs but
1 iy don't you clean up a
i la3e in yomar wn back
' yard before yoa point so
I tard?
We welcome your help
fcn improviEg orar system,
ai iff property solicited,
s w e would probably lend a
betpiing hand to your prob-
s fenms-
s Hiowevw, jjntil your at-
s titmSes and approaches
1 cfcamge. yoa wil wkten the
s fap bet'een Greeks aid
toSperoaeMs. arad there-
ff.oce, dsstroy amy ntove-
vieA toward better rela-
! Intrcmurafs Discussed
Fior years and yeaars the
i University off Nebraska in-
traimmiral program has
: bags beralikd as a nnnodel
i ficr ffltbers to Soffltow.
Tbe basic stonitttore uff
ar inftraiinraiiral systeim is
sxmfflDd and qnAe adeapaste.
; Msrwewr. tbe basic strmc
ttiije does mot gnsaramtee a
weM - batoated program.
tber eHemeiLto cam. and
ininiHS. iiElto ttbe compo
sfltisHij ff a ftnEBy smiccess
W programL
AmMHBg ttb otber factors
cffiffiiiwted wiifflt a saaDress
fafl iBDitraiHiiiianal pno'gramni is
tbe atoiiUiity off ttbose in
cfeairge to deal wntb van'i
obc$ pmimauiittiie asid pao
plle.. Ttoe ttiiM tsur low jmjtteir
miig and camTpEataniiiEEg aJaouat
ttSnii siitoiaCtkBD toais ciome to
ain emA. Tvww iis ttbe ttiiaEie
ffirar action) "
I iftiiEk tbatt ttbe darattor
toff irtraamnarailLs sboaili be
ffd&ewd miff toiis pJtiwBL
Lett's (fscitt ""bebiiaafl ttbe
back"" graiMiSaag amid
nalbe an eaunmt affltsmmpt
to acooiiiEpOiKb 053Hfttbkix.
Aisy and aim MKiere re
pbi to tlfes llefflier wiffll 1
Bairry J viueCiUi
cf fie
faSk - Sgfr
Gatirsr Jar
LP act ?.t45i.Ed
rCHGrr Vfrr
Vwistuf tniv rrw
& tst- 4 f.Jt WiiftssS
!? fa) Wi4jm
3rHtfiiwr 1 f Mmrfiw
to jsi. JSr J 1.
ftwy, law Saw:i,ifawi'
om. srwr fw. i. b
Li ZXA w Li
-"":-.Ni'.1. .
get Lots MorefiypmE
OlD more taste
through the filler
fr & rwb-Car kaf thai 4 Ut Xwm JSiU tW ttAmxm tfeere nwre
Umf", ctr&w:A Imf bjB ym im mmte ttmititferzd cirtt. And L&f
Clititr w 0te tsm&tzw QltraU uhk mmfc md aws. m mAj pwre wb
Um.hx jmsr Bu 1&T tt fitter fw pwpk uh rmlly tile U trrwke.
?enhin3 Auditorium tickers oyoiloble In Union
4 It
Mems Spray Decxfcwaot it wroedL Had working. Long faubog.
Deiiies 3 fumes the aCT5-perspmrart poser cf any cfter leading
Bent's iSeodatawt. Tfcaf tijW. 3 ftwes frc owS-penjow paw.
lAanmaa Spray .to tfe feam3y sqsweze bottfe. What a bnele!
more body
in the blend
more flavor
the smoke
"KW ,SMr t.i.ii..iit hmmmr tmrJ
" 1 s ll , ,L"S J I I
-f..'0c-:- ii
' ., ... ; vfiA