The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 22, 1963, Image 1

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Vol 76, No. 71
The Daily Nebraskan
Friday, February 22, 1563
V&IXf ft II rJ V j
fective Jity 1. The Husker
basketball coach announced
his decision Wednesday after
a meeting with MJ Atheltic
Director Tippy Dye, Bush said
his resignation ""at tthis time
is good for everybody con
FIRED by Residence Associa-
ttion (for Men ((RAM) Bresi-!
-dent Dave Scholz. Editor Ron ;
Hogowski was charged with
"irresponsibility and slanted
news reporting' n five spe-j
cific articles.
SET as a total f S,ftKl stu
dents registered for Univeiv
sity courses during the second
semester. The previous nigh
f 8,051 enrolled students oc-:
curred in 3917. Registrar
Floyd Hoover said, 1n all
probability, this is the last
time weTl lhave (fewer than
10,000 students."
Nebraska's (S4th, was cele
brated without tf anf are en ithe
icampus, but across ithe na
tion 52 aUtumna chapters
planned charter-day pro
crams, i
after (their B-47 (bomber
crashed on a farm (hillside in
southern Minnesota Wednes
day afternoon. The crash
marked the third LAFB B-47
(to crash (this year.
fhe proposed Interstate 180 ac
cess route into downtown Lin
coln is being investigated by
Lincoln city planners. Tb
park area would be -on both
sides iof the access route be-1
(tween Interstate 80 and (the
Oak St. interchange.
CHARGED with allowing en
dorsements in Ihis past cam
paign (to influence Ihis role in
an Interstate Highway wage
or more miles (to prove their;
physical (fitness. Hikers lhave
iused it a ear imagination (to
come out with such ideas as
(hiking (on crutches or pulling
coeds in wagons (behind them.
The Amos Alonzo Stagg tfit
cness medal will (be presented
to each perBon who walks aO
mies an (20 hours or Hess.
state and national elections
held in Nebraska are being
considered by the Legislature.)
iOIL "WELLS five of (them
will he (drilled in extreme
snorthweBtern Kebraska. Two
toil fields are also (being (de
veloped an Scottsbluff a n d
Kimball (Counties. IPreHent
weekly Nebraska 'eil produc
ttion (is running more than 60,
alOO barrels.
NATION . . .
tcallfid for (by Sen. Earry (Gold
water i(R-Arizona).. This came
iin (the face (of a proBpective
(United Nations grant (to Cuba
(to set up an agricultural (ex
periment station. Members tof
the Senate (F oreign llelations
(Committee demanded that the
State Department (take (every
possible fltqp (to prevent the
But Kk'hard W. (Gardiner,
(deputy assifltant sweretary of
state for international (organ
ization uffuifi, iuts (doiints (the
(United States can command
(enough votes iin (the IB mation
s p e c a a (1 fund committee to
stop (the grant.
TIONS iin a snudlear (tent (ban
(treaty (between the United
States and RusHia was iindi-
cated (by UJB. action WedneB
day in (Geneva. Previously
eight sudh anfipections .were
(called for, (but U.S. Delegate
William foster suggeflted that
the (United States might ac
cept (k'HB than eight inspec
tions in order tto arrive at un
accqrtable compromiHe.
Hours Extended
For Coed Follies
The ABBociated "Women ffitu-;
.dents Hoard has granted Mor
ttar aboard ijiormiHBion to hold
a Hate (date inight follDWing
the Coed Fullies Show tonight. J
The closing hours will 'he;
(extendiid tto 2 a.m., 'with a
(one cent charge for e very
sminute pant 1 a.m. The iriiles
for (overnights and (oul-of-!
ttowiiB wlll (be (the sume as f or
a iregiilur weukond, 'but an
wutomutic campus wlU (be
ivun for any (lute jninuteK. !
Burt Cites PmifVtc
. -
in Louncil Keporr
In (the Student CounciTs
leased, president Don (Burt lhas cited (thirty specific projects
undertaken by (the Council an (the first semester of (the
1962-63 school year..
According to Ithe report, (the judiciary committee, un
der (the chairmanship of Dave Scholz, has considered tune-
teen constitutions. Seventeen
The (organizations whose constitutions were rejected are in
tne process w correcting (them.
Dale Redman reported the
by Council and the parking
Putting (the ne way tmaH Mo (operation:;
Raising (the parking permit fee (to five 'dollars per year;
Expanding faculty areas ""IT and C to include that
area idirectly east f Stout Hall;
Expanding faculty area TJ" (to include (that area for
merly (occupied by temporary "'J;'
And expanding Area 2 east of 17th Street.
The parking committee 5s currently working te change
the two hour parking zones ion Kfith from Tine tte E, on
34th from Tine to R, ion R from HOth and 17th, and S
from a 4th to 3fith to lour liour zones.
A parking survey as (being undertaken and work 5s
under way en several lots west iof 10th Street. The commit-!
tee is studying (the possibility of a scatter-light at 14th and
S and it is also studying a plan for assigning parking'
stalls (to imdMduals ion (the basis 'Of .grades, reported Red-!
Susie Moffitt Merwick reported (that She associates are
now meeting (to evaluate (the program, committees and;
chairmen. The associates mall also (be evaluated (by the I
(chairmen. j
The registration committee omder Susie fierce success
fully initiated several new methods for simplifying regis
These methods were (distributing !fl00 appointment cards'
on Ag campus for ione &gy;
available for the first (three
students m'ho registered late,
trations and .who (di'opped anfl
ing (the (distribution of appointment cards an tone central
location and at specific (times. j
Miss Pierce also reported (that fhe average (time spent
registering was found to (be (ten minutes. (Council also sug-j
gested (to (the Registrar (that registration Ibe a day or (two
earlier iin crder that students who tfinish with finals are mot
forced (to stay at school an
Jim King reported (that
evaluated and rewritten fhe
anents. This (has been done iin a comparison with Colorado,
Iowa State, Oklahoma State, Oklahoma, Kansas State and
Grrnnell College. j
The main changes proposed iin the aiew requirement ih
A statement listing fhe required cveTvaH cligJbility aver
age tD (be 5.000. !
Freshmen wiD be declared ineligible for (offices and
major roles aintll fhe
been established in tortier (to
time. This does mot include
The claBBification rf activities which are 4o be governed
hy these requirements lhave
major roles an aXKimiversiry productions, cneerieaaers,
University representatives attending regional and aiational
meetings, and residence (Officers. f
The p'opoHBd changes lhave been accepted by (the Sub
(Committee and will go to the Senate Committee. If ac-,
icepted there, (they anuBt got final approval from the (Faculty:
(Other (Council committee
Monday's IDaiJy ISebraiikan.
Dr. Kramer Refyrns
Dr. Herbert Uramer, Direc
tor (of the UniverBity's Ag
Experiment (Stations (has re
cently returnfl from tne
Philippines Where ihe moder
ated a sympoBium an race
How did a Wheatlands ag
ronomist get involved an fhe
Kice lieHuarch institute?
"Weu7' uifl Krumer, a
weufhered autive nf Culoruda,
"tthe JForfl and aiouketeUnr
Foundations asked me to miifl-
erute fhoir symposium Sbe-
cuuHe n aiot a aiee texjeri
so mobiidy would pay any irt
tontion to any rice 5bius I
might Huive.
"The (directors (of (the In
stitute wanted to 'bring to
gether scientints from almost
every rnution an taie tcmpics
bo they could cxcliange ideas
and literature, and igut away;
from anilities for awhile,"
said OSramer.
'1 (had mever participated
in an (oriontui symposium 'be-;
fore," Kramer said, '"so 2
had :ome ttrouule (Orawang
opinions out of some jj! itiiom.
My job was to antruuuee
Hjieukers, bruigtuUt (queBtions,!
cot toe (Exclianne (df iidoas,
and .jjuat 'breuk tlie ace." j
The Eice liimeurch InHti-:
lute as a coniiitex ml (lUaiib-
rimmK, UiitiorutoriuK, :utntor-
iitK. (lorniK, and "tHt plots
built (by (two piiUuntliropii'
iouudutiuns on the University;
., 1
imiarterlv report recenflv re
were mot approved, (two were.
foUowinff nroiects cmnnVtad
imaking appointment cards
days tof late registration for
(did mot claim (their pre-ragis-
- ur added courses:; and (keep
(order tto register..
fhe social committee Juts re-!
Unh,ersity''s eligiblity reunire-J
above-mentioned garde average Ihasi
provitle inem wnn more siuuyi
such positions as helpers and
been changed (to include the
action will ibe reported iin
lilt. JJtAKIEIi
iitf (the I'liOippiuL's Ag Cam
pus at liits iiuuiiK.
IH rice is not tlie w(nild'El)aBic
crop, it's probably (one atf (the
most .fltudiBd, said SKramer.
GflnfltiBiBts are studying (over!
iJLD 'ilifisJ'fiHt '!tiTtic ffiharao-!
tors an rk;e. JMoie (than a:
dozen species (of rice grow
thi'oughuut ithe tti'o)ics,, mab-
mg ill (one (Uf (tlie moat (hetar
ogeiuous nf all jilant genara,
said aXrumer.
After fhe conference was
Dvor Kramer wiaited an
esjiorimontal (banana cdl
lection (brought to Maaiilla
bj Uiiitud J'xuil (Compa
iTrask, Tate
Will Debate
At yr Meet
Government's JJofe
To Have Emphasis
Government's Role in So
ciety" is the (topic which wiH
(be debated by Dr. David
Trask f (the CEniversity Ihls-
tory department, and Jain
Tate, executive vice-president
olf ithe Midwest Employers"
Council Omaha, at meif i
week's meeting of Klhe Young
Dr, Trask its in Ms first year
at (the Oniversiry. An -Assis-ii
(tant Professor f History, be i
regards foreign relations and
domestic policy (Of (the United
States cm (the 2Dth century as
(his specialties.
He received bis PhD, from
Harvard rniversity u 195
and taught for three years
at Boston University and fur
(four years at Wesleyan Uni
versity an Middletowa, Con
necticut, before coming here.
He regards himself as a
political imdependfiflt ntf "lib
eral persuasion.'"
John Tate has served as in-
sttrmcttfflr in the Freedom
School at Colorado Springs,,
Colo- for tfhe past few. sitm-
mers. He lhas lectured tm eco
nomics and labor relations,
Ihis particulaT specialties, at
Harvard University.
Tate as (originally from Win
ston-Salem, Xorth Carolina;
he received 3ns Haw degree
from Wake Forest, and lias
lived an Omaha since the nud
iorties. The debate wIQ cover tfhe;
(outline (Of current domestic iis- j
sues including Medicare, (Fed
leral Aid (to Education, Pub
lic Power, Labor and Subsidy
Both partticlpamfs will
have tfhe (opportunity to eross
eKamme (the (other following
(the iimening presentation cf ar-
The meeting will begin at
1 p;m ThurBday, an the South
Partj Eooms cf (the Union,
o 0 o o o o
o o o o o o
Nebraskans wM (experience
a warming (trend over fhe
week end as temperatures re
cover rapidly after the codl
ing (experienced the last cou
ple (irf (days.
Variable cloudiness will pre-
'vail (over (fhe jVtibraRka-aowa
area (tonight an d ttmorrow.
High (today will be .'30,35.
ny. Kramer said (he was
interested in tfhe (bananas (be
cause the lhas made tten trips'
rto (Honduras an (tlie last five
years for consultation m (fhe
United Fruit (banana (opera
tion (there.
iiunduy (he went tto a (beach
(bunquut (n an iudund iin (the
buy south uf Manila. "W e
liad crab meat, lobsters, (oys
(tors, and everal (kuitls mf
fiHh," he said.
But iit was iin Japan (that
Ihe got tfhe most exotic food.
"TJr.. Itoriha Klhara, fhe gan-J
(fiticiBt WhD (develojed seed
leBs watermelons, (took me tto
a (typical Tokyo mefitaurant,,"'
Ihe aid.
'"We (had young Sbees Med
iin wet sauce, Inniufltefl
tthruiih a Surd abnut tfhe!
size (uf our wai'bler raw
pheasant an pungent .snuce
a (fcaa fl eff wegetaule soup,
ducib which we ibraiHed (ur
selveB am a ttalueBide fire,,
and dif cDurse .sakl, fl'ejutm-
Misd (cunatanfly Iby igiitts WhOi
knutt at (our (elbows.
iKramflr also Onspncted a;
large swIse srsssrch stHnEl
oa aRnrmnau. Be said fhut Ihe
native 'hogs are iuiferinr tto!
many Hurnpetin Hirwids, !but;
Miat Slie Hrybfid wigur (01 itiuir
.criiBi.'uriuids ogives ibigh gains.
Tormouun acuentiBts ar-e
wurking um a (tiiBeaHetEree pig
program modtiled after ttih
ione tEStabhBimd (here Iby 3Dr..
Cunrfie Youiy;. i
'Miss-Behavin" " misses
wiH perform at 3 m to
night at (the 1963 Coed F.offies
at Pershing Mumcipal Andito-
'f f. T i YV
L .1 I -m.,J S I
I r J I
wu - t-mmm mmnrm
MISSEHAVIV' Coeds wiD (tangle ia a showdown to
night curing Coed Follies at Pershing Aaditurinm, Ches
ter tour (hem, alias Linda Goth, stands ant to ithe liTlain,
Sue Elevens an the Fi f'hi ska, Faith, Dope and Chest-
Tassels Challenge
N Club Hoopers
The Tassels, coed spirit (organization, wiH play tfhe li
Ouh, athletic letter dub, at(tbe Ihalfliime of fhe IKan-sas-NebraBka
Ibariketbal game tomorrow might. Seventeen
'girls wiH suit am far tfhe TasBels team., according tto Cindy
Tinan, the team's captain. Everyone will get a chance tto
play, she said.
The rules, set oro (by a Tassels rules committee, include::
At all times (during the game tfhe right (hand (Of members
iof K-Club tt earn shall (be (behind (their (backs. Their left hand
will Ibe oiBed far (dribbling and .shooting.
The men shall not Ibe allowed tto lhave any personal con
tact with tfhe girls. The Tassels shall be allowed (to tickle
fhe men.
The men shall (have both feet ion (the floor at al times and
mat allowed to jump.
The men shall mdt be allowed within five Seat (Ot (the bas-
The Tassels (team shall consist ml I members. The X-Club
team shall consist uf S memben.
TaBselE shall receive three
2 points for each free throw shot completed. 3M3ub shall re
ceive (2 points fur each field
throw shot completed.
A Eed dross unit wiL be
bers tthat find the TaHBtfls bustlers too much for tmem,'' said
MiBs Tinan. "''Dr." (Karen Weet, Tassels member, will care
for fhe injured N-Club team members mho may mat be iin as
good as condition as tfhe TaBBeis.
Referees will be (Coach Jim Robs and (Coach Carl Selmer,
according lo Jim Huge, M-Oub captain.
Telephone Talk
Slated At Center
For Secretaries-
The ffirfit long-range tele
phone lecture at ttlie WdbraBka
Center has been planned for
fhe "itth annual Institute ffor
Seci-alaries Saturday., March
Maurice MitdheH of Chi-;
caga, preaiaem an iiimcycuo-
pedia Rrittamca, wm addrcBE
more (than 175 local aecre
ttaries at 11:15 am. an a
doBed-durcuit feieplume ad-
(dreBS (known as TifleLadtura.
As Mr.. Mitchell speaks from
(Chicago, sdides will Ibe shown
muBtrating Ihis (talk ion '"Ef-I
fective (RursonoerflonClDm
muIucationE.',' Dr. William MaE, (director
(Of tfhe Uhiversity School iof
Joiffinaiism,, will be tfhe imofi-
(Dflier sjiealiBrs en tfhe pro
gram, (twttifled "Mew Dimen
fiiraiE,'" wiD be tthe Rev.. (Carl
IBui'khardt, paatar ef Rafhany
(nhri.tan(Churtih.lLiincoln;: Dr.
Hoi'ence MdKmney,, HMver
BityproifiHKonoI'lHjme eoonixm-
acs:; Dx. Douglas Sjogren, luni-!
worBlty amonHion Serviiie;;
.and Mrs. mens Roxuman, a
faBhins ucxxallait l"om
Mrs. Regina flrj'e, preBi-!
dent ail (the lanoifln ailnuitor otf
secretaries, will also addi'BSI
fhe convention,
rium. Admission is one dol-
The quality f Che skis is
mmcm better tttoai fit lhas ever
points for each field goal and
goal ana l point (tar each free
available for the BWClUb mem
Dave Smith Outlines
Altered Rush Times
Interfxaternitj Cioaai(C3II
((1EP10) kieTpaieBidHnt Dave
.Smith Wednesday aiighl (out
lined a tentative sdliedule far
fhe IMS ruah week.
Un past years, raahees bave
received ifiiieir first watws afi
tthe fraternity system when
(they attended 28, 2t)nminut
parties en tfhe ffintt (flay uf
rush weiik.
This plan put a great phys
icul strain en buth tfhe fru
terniry mum and fhe ruiihoes,
and ul taxed (the stuff and
facilitate of SeHndk Quadran
gle tto tfhe limit, according &i
The plan presisaittefl Iby
Smith would lmitiate tfiie ffh'fll
parties Ihulf a (flay early al
llowing (SID aniinutes fur (the par
ties. 'IChe extra fan minutes
would suppoiuidly aid buth
the ifrateraity and ttlie ruBhee
iin f iiair indices.
'The enly woiced amputation
to Snuth's proposalB was tthat
the carhar liKiginmng woulfl!
cut (uut preRutih Week ban-
ouflts Ihtilfl Iby many lunuHes-
The plans wiD be prefiontefl
tto tfhe curious ipcuhes ana iuib
cussed again mtsJt wik.
11 Aucorfiiiy; 1b Jim 51a; Rutth !i
been," said Emmie irrmrtgpn.
stage manager. "They've ins
proved even snce dress re
Bearsals Parted Mrmday.1
Ideal Nebraska Coed and
Outstanding Collegiate Msa
wiH also be announced to
night. In between he sks
there w33 be six traveler
The esDmpeEiitg snnnSfie
and ffiheir lEftnty are:
Aiha Fhi Seaireea Sal
3ujotf Several jmenaaad
tuse mail-order soldira-t lb es
cape frora Keptane.
Chi Omega TStarrinj ...
Stere" A Gtfae rod and
roller canlt msSerstani wiry
ins music does not t into
the varied sounds f stem.
IDeKta Gamma "The Joker
Is WM" Card tengiooi
mayhem results when iftiy
oiker goes wild and steals She
Qneen af Hearts,
Gamma Fin. Beta Tfeatet
Farody' In ffimfler tt com
plete (their crew, a grans cf
female pirates fcidnap a yyy
(then set sal far tfhe seven
FS Beta Fin Taiflh, Hope
and Cbestiry" Chester saves
(the day when a treasure chest
its stolen in this talaaS en a
Gmnsm(tMjpe"w TV west
ern. The six Traveler Ads
chosen are:
Mary Lee JepBan, Alpha
SDetta PS, wjl flo tfhe Ettnal
Fine IDanee she msed itn ttbt
Miss JSebraska competitian.
Kafhy Gates, representins
SeHflck, win play ber guitar
and sing folk songs.
The Delta Gamma dance
group, with Linda Reed, Marj
(Quinn, Jeanne Thoramgh and
Terry Rnpe wiH infterpret a
(dance based am tfhe Basn
(Ginle ITiala and Ann lem
(on, (f Kappa Alpha Thata,
wB. present fhe TTturfle Walk.
Gamma Via. Eeta wiH pre
sent a (dance routine, "liva
siun from Mars,"" amder th
(direclaun tof Lj nn Jiradk.
Kappa Ahfba Theta wH
preBant a skit, "tta, Efe"l
Makm- Eyes At MeJ"
(CandidateE far Meal 2Kb.
braBka Coed are Maureea
Fn&Ik, MarHyn Keyes, Mary
Jo Mad&enzie Linda Rsna,
Susie Salter, Jeanne Tharuugii
and Kafhrja olDver.
Candidates for OutBtanding
(Collegiate Man are Robert
Rrightfelt, William Bndfcley,
Dennis CttriBtie, James Mx,
Thomas Kotouc, Robert SfflF
and Ridharl WDL
chairman, colored auidec of
frirterniry and Greek Me wM
be !hown to aittereeUifl bigs
schmfl studentfi nisiiaig tbB
campus fur fhe State bat'ksl
baQ tournament,
In lufher reportK, (Cue pMgi
(training committee sent a let.
tar (to Williams CuUege re
lyut'BUng Murmatiun am tfhs
Ibanning (Uf tfhe fratexnitiei
there. According lo Rob West
mw committee chairman,
(fheir mejUy may "ihslp tus t
iidentify and combat tfhe poii)
lems which we face bare at
tfhe rMverahy.',, Weavfeifs
committtie also msA a letter
to tthe IDiiii'firfiity on Bmuis
to (iihtain iiitfyrmiifiun am tfhe
pledge (training prxsram im
fiifteil fhere sevaral years ago,
Sdholarauup Cmmit
tee (dhainman Dennis ChriBtit
annuunced ihe (gualififatioia
ffBr (fhe IF'C aumhumom
John lionnnuiid. chsiiriEaa
no flie affairs cvmxsMm, pro.
senteB tthe tortafive uue6io
fur fhe UHCS Greelr Wls,
wluch wiH be iuilfl XI.
i o April (ft.
WE wiD brflfl antajuaews ar
its standing ctrmmtftfies n
.fiundaFakaL -