The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 20, 1963, Image 1
LIBRARY e&i'Gshan To Sponsor Contest- n nrrsan D r Cd S u VW I mmnnil A well-dressed campus beauty is being sought to compete for one of Glamour Magazine's "Ten Best Dressed College Girls in America." The Daily Nebraskan is sponsoring the contest on the University campus. The girl chosen as Nebraska's best dressed coed will have photographs of herself sent into file national competi tion. Applications -are being cent to each living unit and their entry is to be returned to the Daily Nebraskan of fice by next Wednesday. Vol. 76, No. 69 Jr. Panhel Evaluates Pledgeship Panel Emphasizes Scholarship Goals Sorority pledges asked for stricter scholastic programs and better explanations of what is expected of them in an evaluation of pledge pro grams at Monday's Panhell- enic meeting. The evaluation was a part of the Junior Panhelletiic pro gram. Questionnaires were sent to all pledge classes, and the report was compiled and given by three pledges. Vicki Dowiing, Lynn Baumann and Pat Teel. "The feeling of most pledge classes on scholarship was that the requirements were set about right or too low," said Miss Baumann. "They preferred proctored study halls and all felt that week end study halls were needed." The girls indicated that sev eral choices of times for study hall on weekends should be offered, but that a certain number of hours should be required, she continued. "The pledges would like to have a gripe session at the beginning of the year during which they could air their grips, and actives would then indicate what they expect from them," said Miss Bau mann. Conferences with the pledges, pledge trainers and several other actives would also give the pledges some idea of what is expected of them, she noted. The pledges expressed con cern at the current custom of pairing off at functions. "They feel it defeats the pur pose of the function, which is to meet new people," she said. "They felt that if we could just explain to the fra ternity in advance that we don't wish to pair off, the whole function would be bet ter." Individuality should be emphasized where participa tion in activities is concerned, said Miss Teel. The activities chairman should be carefully backgrounded in the function and operation of campus ac tivities so pledges will know beforehand what they are joining, she told the group. The pledges rebelled at reg ulation of hours when they could go into the Student Un ion. "If a pledge doesn't feel like studying, she won't and perhaps later she will study harder if she can take a break," said Miss Baumann. "Then if a pledge takes ex cessive advantage of the priv ilege, action could be taken against her." Teacher's Widow Editing Speeches Mrs. Allen Marshall, widow of Allen Marshall, professor of journalism at the Univer sity last year, now is work ing at Dartmouth College, ac cording to a report received by the Daily Nebraskan. She is editing a manuscript of Ona and Yukgad speeches and songs. The Ona and Yuk gad are two extinct tribes that once lived in the Tierra del Fuego in South America. The manuscript is part of the explorers Valjamar and Stefansson's. collection ' of poles' artifacts. Marshall died at the begin ning of this school year. Candidates will be chosen on the following qualifica tions: (1.) Good figure and beautiful posture. (2.) Clean shining, well-kept hair. (3.) Good grooming not just neat but impeccable. (4.) A deft hand with makeup (enough to look pretty but not overdone). (5.) A clear understanding of her fashion type. (6.) Imagination in managing a clothes budget. (7.) A workable wardrobe plan. (8.) A suitable campus look in line with local cus tom. (9.) Individuality in her use of colors and accessor ies. (10.) Appropriate not SAM Udoltoir Dave Scholz, president of the Residence Association for Men, announced Sunday the editor of the Ram Newsgram, Ron Rogowski, had been fired for "irresponsibility and slanted news reporting". According to a statement released by Scholz, the action came as a result of conver sations with Rogowski. "T h e editor has no insight as to the type of responsibility neces sary for this job," Scholz said . Continuing, RAM president Scholz said, "Without difficul Conference To Examine Nursing Field A conference directed to ward bettering the curriculum of schools of nursing in the Midwest began today ton the University campus. Emily Holmquist, dean of the Indiana University School of Nursing, addressed an as sembly of educators this morning at the Nebraska Cen ter. Miss Holmquist is specially trained in the care method of teaching and has directed and served as consultant on curriculum development throughout the U.S. Tomorrow at 10:15 a.m. she will address the same group on the application of princi ples. Other speakers for the con ference include: Dr. Warren Bailer, professor of educa tional psychology; Dr. Don Clifton, associate professor oi history and principles of ed ucation; Dr. E. H. Gold- enstein, professor of history and principles of education; and Dr. O. W. Kopp, profes sor of elementary education, all from the University. The conference is being sponsored by the University School of Nursing, the Ne braska State League for Nurs ing and the Nebraska Nurs ing Association. Greenburg To Be In 'Who's Who' Dr. B. N. Greenberg, Uni versity regent from York, has been selected by the editorial board of "Who's Who in Amer ica" for inclusion in its new 33rd edition which Is now be ing compiled. Dr. Greenberg was selected because of his professional status and many contribu tions in the field of educa tion, according to the edito rial board. Dr. Greenberg is presently serving his second term as president of the Board of Regents and is the immediate past president of the National Association of Governing Boards of State Universities. The national group presented Dr. Greenberg with a Dis tinguished Service Award at the last annual meeting. 1WA Applications Due Applications for Independ ent Woman's Association are due today. They are to be placed in the folder outside 345 Student Union. rah rah look for off camp us occasions. These are the same qualifications being used for the national con test. Interviews for the best dressed girl will be March 2 from 9 a.m. to noon. Living units will be assigned inter view times. Photographs of the Ne braska winner in a campus outfit, a daytime off cam pus outfit and a party dress will be sent to Glam our for national judging. The magazine will select a group of semi-finalists and from these the "Top Ten" will be chosen. The rest of The Daily Nebraskan ty, examples of irresponsibili ty and slanted news reporting can be found in the first sem ester issues of the RAM Newsgram. "These have resulted in one censorship of the editor and two caustic editorials in the Daily Nebraskan." Referring to his discussions with the former editor, Scholz states, "He apparently has not come to recognize the na ture of the dissatisfaction the RAM Council expressed in the last censorship of him, so it seemed best he be relieved of his position." Scholz also pointed out five specific examples to justify his action. The first con cerned a -referrence to a fac ulty member which was "un fair and false." The report says of the sec ond incident, "On the front of the Oct. 30 issue appeared, in large letters superimposed over the news stories, the words, 'Vote for Volmer To day.' "Neither the editor nor any member of his staff had li cense to express his personal preference for homecoming queen in this manner." "In the same issue ap peared this irresponsible and totally unfounded statement, 'three each of the largest fra ternities and sororities on Dr. Bailer Elected President Dr. Warren Bailer, chair man of the department of educational psychology and measurements, was elected to the office of president elect of the National Society of College Teachers of Educa tion (NSCTE) at their meet ing in Chicago last week. He will serve in this office until January, 1964, when he will automatically become president for the succeeding year. "The function of the NSCTE is to serve as an agency through which the ideas of education professors can be made to converge upon the In a special report to the Omaha World-Herald, Chan cellor Clifford Hardin ex plained the University's re quest for state funds to sup port the institution for the next two years. The University request for $37,000,000 would cover all state-supported Univer sity expenditures for the bi ennium except new con struction. This compares with the current operating appropriation of $28,100,000. This represents a $9 mil lion increase, or 32.2 per cent. This money would come from the Nebraska general fund, which gets about 55 per cent of its Income from taxes on real property. The rest comes from taxes on liquor and ciga rettes, on intangibles, occu pation taxes on foreign cor poration and several non the semi-finalists will be named honorable mention winners. The girls who are named Glamour's 1963 "Ten Best Dressed College Girls in America" will be photo graphed in the spring for the annual August College Issue. They will be flown to New York in June for a visit as the guests of the magazine. The honorable mention win ners will be featured in a fall issue of Glamour. During the winner's visit in New York they will be introduced to over 1,000 campus . . . have baned to gether to elect for Homecom ing Queen and attendants the three T's Tinan, Tenhul zen, and Thorough." The report also explains that "the viewpoint of the Resident Adviser was mis represented." The fourth charge against Rogowski was the recent edi torial in which the editor wrote, "One or more pledges of Sigma Nu fraternity; were chased into Selleck Quadran gle by a particularly sadistic group of actives and forced to take refuge in the rooms. Sel dom in peacetime will you see anyone so terrified." Scholz charged that no ef fort was made to get the-trae story from Sigma Nu officers. Hearsay was the basis of truth in the editorial, Scholz said. Scholz concluded his report, stating, "A publication such as the RAM Newsgram can not propagate misrepresenta tion of fact, slanted reporting, or untruths in its news stor ies. "The editorial page is the place for opinion, and even there the material must be responsible and in good taste." In reply to Scholz' charges, Rogowski issued a statement in a recent Newsgram. problems of teacher educa tion," said Dr. Bailer. This Integration of ideas is for different areas. Some of the principle sections are educational psychology, so cial foundations of education, philosophy of education, com parative education, and ad ministration, supervision and instruction. The purpose of the society is to promote and improve the teaching of education in the universities and colleges which admit graduates irom accredited high schools and in which education courses are taught, explained Dr. tax revenue sources. The money from the state makes up about 75 per cent of the University's Gener al Current Funds which are used to help finance its op erations. The remaining 25 per cent comes from tui tion, special service charges, endowment and federal funds. The first area which the increase will be used for is staff costs. The regional salary levels have been forced higher than the Uni versity can pay under its present budget because of the competition for pro- foe ? Nebraska faculty salaries now rank below the aver ages paid by other mem bers of the Big Eight Con ference. Salaries for the academic year (nine months) professors rank below, four other universi ties in the Big Eight which set their salaries this way Explains members of the fashion in dustry at a fashion show previewing Glamour's Au gust issue. At least two days of the visit will be spent touring cultural centers in the city art museums, United Na tions, theaters and concerts. Kay Pierce was named as the University's candidate in 1962. Miss Pierce is a sophomore in fashion mer chandising. Runners-up were Susan Vandecar and Maggie McCracken. Glamour magazine has also invited students to send information about the Uni- Wednesday, February 20, 1963 3 rOT "From my session with the executive council and my con versations with President Scholz, I remain convinced . . . that the Sigma Nu incident never entered into their de cision," Rogowski stated. The former editor, "In a fi nal attempt to pacify the president," conceded to him the establishment of an inde pendent authority which would prevent the "news slanting". "I conceded to him, in short, all that I honestly could, reserving only the right to free expression of ed itorial and resident opinion," Rogowski said. The offer was refused, ac cording to Rogowski's state ment. "He demanded that even editorial opinion be responsi ble, that its writer hold the same philosophy as the RAM Council," the statement said. As a result, a once flourish ing department of RAM is gone . . . nearly all the staff has informed me (Ragowski) that they, too, cannot work under such conditions, the re port concludes. The RAM Newsgram is presently being published "al most exclusively" by RAM Executive Council members and counselors, Rogow ski concluded. 01 Teachers Bailer. He has been a member of the Univeristy faculty for more than 25 years. He has also taught as a visiting pro fessor at Northwestern Uni versity, University of Cali fornia at Los Angeles, and the University of Texas. MB's Extend Hours Friday night will be a Mor tar Board late date night, ac cording to Mortar Board Cyn Holmquist. Hours for girls will be ex tended to 2 a.m. by as much as an average of $371 for assistant pro fessors. Three other Big Eight Universities have salaries for 12 months which aver age $750 above Nebraska for assistant professors. More than 40 per cent of the total budget increase would go for staff salary adjustments averaging about 12 per cent during the first year of the bien nium and about 3 per cent during the second. This in crease is necessary to avoid a damaging Increase in staff turnover and low - A second area to be ful filled by the Increase is the increased enrollment. Uni versity enrollment has in creased faster In the past two years than any other Big Eight university ex cept Missouri. The budget is planned to verslty for their monthly editorial column, "College. Corner." The offer says, "We are interested in unusual guests and speakers who visit your campus, outstanding students and faculty mem bers, new courses, news about fads fashions and un usual campus activities." All items will be considered for publication and $10 will be paid for each article used. To protect the winners of best dressed contest, the college they attend and the magazine from undesirable publicity and commercial ism, Glamour has issued the following statement of policy to be in effect from April 15, 1963 to April 15, 1964. 1. ) Before a young woman is named a winner of the contest she will be named a semi-finalist and shall be re quired to sign a release. 2. ) As a winner, no young woman may associate her name for advertising pur High Enrollment Surpasses Record A record high second-semester registration has been re corded by the University, according to Registrar Floyd Hoover. This semester's enrollment, 9,981 students, is only two per cent off that predicted by Hoover last Feb. 6, and is 894 more than registered at this time last year. The previous high was in 1947 when 9,951 students en rolled at second semester. Despite mid-year graduation, total enrollment of four colleges increased over the first semester count, which was a record 10,401 students. The colleges that increased enrollment are: Business Administration, up 2 over last semester; Pharmacy, up 32; Teachers, up 34; and Graduate, up 9. "In all probability, this is the last time well have fewer than 10,000 students," said Hoover, "barring, of course, completely unpredictable political, social or economic upsets." Chancellor To Lead Ag Discussion Group Chancellor Clifford Hardin will be a discussion leader at the fifth annual conference of the Council on Higher Educa tion in the American Repub lics (CHEAR). The conference, to be held in Mexico from Febr. 24, to Mar. 2, 1963, will be attended by leading representatives of North American and Latin American universities and ori- vaie organizations wiacn are members of the council. Chancellor Hardin was con tacted last fall, and at that time he agreed to be one of the United States representa tives to the conference. On Febr. 26 he will lead a discus sion on Agricultural Educa tion. Award Committee To Include Weber James H. Weber, chairman of the department of Chemi cal Engineering, is a mem ber of the Committee of Award which will select the winner of the 1963 Kirk patrick Award for Chemical Engineering Achievement. The award is presented ev ery other year by "Chemical Engineering," a McGraw-Hill publication, to the company making the most meritorious contribution to the advance of the chemical process in dustries and the chemical en gineering profession. accommodate further en rollment increases compar able to those of the past two years. The number of Nebraska high school graduates in 1965 will be 50 per cent greater than it was in 1962, according to estimated re ports. The proportion going on to college also continues to increase. The increases in enroll ment have been larger than predicted by the forecasts in the Glenny Study of Ne braska Higher Education. The Glenny Report fore casts and actual enrollment since i960 are as toiiows: 1830 forecast, 8,358; ac tual enrollment, 8,703 1961 forecast, 8,725; ac tual enrollment, 9,436. 1962 forecast, 9,188; ac tual enrollment, 10,104.' The Glenny forecasts pre- poses with a retail store, magazine or product without the approval of Glamour editorial board. 3. ) The young women are free to appear on television to grant radio and news paper interviews if the re sulting publicity has direct contact with the "Ten Best Dressed College Girls" con test or with the editorial content of Glamour. 4. ) No young woman can endorse any product, includ ing those of Glamour ad vertisers. 5. ) During their visit to New York the young women will be chaperoned by an editor of the magazine and all activity and entertain ment of the girls will be ar ranged by the magazine. 6. ) The young women are free to accept gifts from, and or be entertained by manufacturers as arranged by Glamous. Any formal presentation of these gifts and the publicity resulting therefrom must be approved by the editorial board. Chapingo, Mexico's national school of Agriculture. CHEAR, founded in 1958 with assistance from the Car negie Corporation, seeks to improve educational relations and mutual understanding among American educators. It assists in the development of higher education throughout the western hemisphere. The council is now jointly financed by the Carnegie Corporation and the Ford Foundation. Debaters Capture Winner's Trophy The University debate team of Bud Kimball and Bill Harding won a first place , trophy at the Wisconsin State College debate tournament last week. The two are coached by Dr. John Petelle of the Speech Department. They were un defeated in five rounds. Another junior division de bate team in the tournament George Duranske and Bob Cherny, had a record of three wins and two losses. Susie Segrist and Bill Wood won one match and lost four. The only senior division team, Tom Chandler and Mike Sulwell, won two and lost three. Kimball took second in the discussion and Harding was a finalist in after dinner speaking. diet an enrollment of 11,244 by 1965. If things continue at the present rate the en rollment in 1965 could ex ceed 14,000. ' The University physical plant is bigger now than it was two years ago with more area to be heated, lighted, cooled and cared for. Costs of providing these services have also in creased. Deferment of mainte nance results in an added cost, not a saving. It will cost a total of al most one million dollars more to operate the total physical piaai i the Uni versity during the next two years than it cost during the past two. This accounts for about ten per cent of the increase requested. The areas of growth and medicine will be explained in the Thursday edition of the Daily Nebraskan.