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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1963)
By JIM MOORE Nehraskan Staff Writer Only one fraternity, one co-op, and two sororities can pass the Sept. 1, 1965 deadline to meet the re quirements in the Univer sity Housing Code, accord ing to Mr. Ed Simpson, University Public Health Engineer. "Most of the organized houses are coming along fairly well," especially the girls," Simpson said. "In addition, three fraternities are planning construction this summer to meet the code requirements," he continued. In a report prepared by Simpson for Dr. Samuel Fuenning, University Med ical ' Director, each organ ized house was put in one of four general classifica tions. "The first group includes houses which need major re-construction or a new house to meet the code re uirements by 1965," Simp son said. Twelve houses are presently included in this group. Projects Began Beta Theta Pi, Alpha lau umega and Phi Gam- jor construction projects early this summer to meet ths requirements, s k 1 d Simpson. The second group in cludes those houses with major kitchen and minor house repairs. "The five houses in this group must bring stoves, range hoods, and dishwashing areas up to par," Simpson said. He also pointed out, "These repairs do not nec essarily involve thousands of dollars, but rather the kitchens, a major source of fire hazards and food prep aration, must be cleaned up and brought up to stand-, ard." The six houses in the third group need major house, but only minor kitchen repairs. Money Needed "It is again necessary to emphasize that the correc tion of these problems does not demand a great deal of money, but rather an ef ficient use of existing fa cilities," Simpson said. He also said, "Fire exits are often blocked by fur niture, and in such cases, new construction is not needed, only a re-arrangement of the furniture in volved." Overcrowded sleeping ar eas, over-stuffed furniture, and overcrowded houses are the major elements of code infractions, he point ed out. "Although many houses do not realize it, walk-down fire escapes are -A required on ail . Bouses three or more stories high," Simpson saiti. "in many cases, the co$struc tion expense of such facil ities to satisify thn re quirement could rtrti into many hundreds of dollars," he continued. ? ; In the last group, those 14 houses which need only minor kitchen and minor house improvements to meet the code should be able to do so easily, Simp son said. Work Completed "Most of the houses in eluded in this last group have done a good share of the work necessary to pass the code since my last in spection in May, 1962," the Health Engineer said. "As far as the old argu ment about kitchen and eating areas in 'basements' is concerned, the code spells out these require ments in technical defini tions and has thus caused a great deal of confusion," Simpson said. ' "Simply, the code re quirements are this: a cel lar is a living area of which more than 50 is underground, while a base ment has a living area of less than 50 under ground," Simpson ex plained. The code states that in no new construction will cellar space be permitted to be used as living space. "All this means, is that kitchens and eating areas in any new houses must be above ground," Simp son said. No Ground Available "It would be a shame to force some houses which have lovely eating areas and food preparation cen ters to move these facili ties," he said. "In addi tion, many houses have ab solutely no ground which can be used for new con struction available." Any house with basement rooms currently used as living space will pass the code requirements if the floors and walls are im pervious to leakage, if ad equate artificial light and mechanical ventilation is provided, and if no area in a cellar is used for sleep ing purposes. "My next inspection will be sometime in April and the inspection! ar ver 4 U 1- 9 c: !J uiui uugn, aimpsun bhiq. He explained that copies of old reports are checked against new improvements and that new infractioni are carefully noted. "Although nothing will happen to organized living units which are making satisfactory progress to ward compliance with the code requirements at the deadline date, houses which have made no progress at all will not be approved," Simpson said. According to G. Robert Ross, Dean of Student Af fairs, housing which is not approved by University conceivably could be closed by action of the Board of Regents." ma Delta will begin ma- Vol. 76, No. 66 The Daily Nebroskan Thursday, February 14, 1963 Breckenridge Says Course Drops Will Be Increasingly Difficult After Saturday Deadline Course dropping will become increasingly difficult for students after Saturday noon the final deadline for add ing courses, according to Vice Chancellor Adam Brecken ridge. , The number of students who dropped courses during last semester merely to avoid receiving a poor grade was larger than normal. "This is wasteful of University re sources, staff time and student time," said Breckenridge. In a letter to members of the University" facultv. Breck enridge explained, "In some instances where enrollments have to be restricted because of lack of staff and space it may mean that a student dropping a course late in the semester has in effect denied another student the opportu nity to take and complete the course." Commenting on the selfishness of the student who drops a courseiaier, waiter Wright, assistant dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, said, "a student should take the grade he earns." Drop Plans Thwarted Many students sign up for more courses than they intend to complete. One such student, voicing his intention to drop three hours later in the semester, was informed by Wright of the new program. "111 drop them now," he quickly replied. A student who drops for fear of a poor grade, is the same student who later begs to take an extra heavy sched ule in order to graduate on time, said Wright. "A drop in good standing should mean that the student has completed the work until 4he time of the drop with a grade of 2 or better. It should not mean that, with a passing grade on the first test, he can avoid a flunking grade by not taking the second test, due in a day or two, for which he has not prepared," explained Wright in a letter to the faculty members of the Arts and Sciences college. The dropping of courses late in the semester wastes not only the time of the student, for he has attended many classes and spent time in preparing for classes and exam inations for which he will receive no credit, but also the time of the instructor who has kept grade and attendance records and graded papers, Breckenridge and Wright agreed. Illness Not Justification Minor illness is hardly a sufficient justification for dropping, but "we have no intention of being unfair," said Breckenridge. The new program "is not intended to deny a student the opportunity to drop a course for good and justifiable reasons, particuarly where sustained illness is involved, or in obvious hardship cases," he concluded. Rink Skating, Dance, Meal Mark 'Week' The schedule for the re mainder of International Stu dent Week includes: Dinner with the Profs to night at 5:30 p.m., with Dr. KODert 5akai, history profes sor. Las Tropicales combo will play for International Jazz 'N' Java Friday at 4 p.m., in the Union Crib. A Polynesian theme is planned for the Annual Ag Winter Dance at 8 p.m., Fri day, in the Ag College Union. Foreign talent will pefform during intermission. Roller skating at the Roller Skating Arena, Saturday from 1:30 to 5 p.m. Cars will leave the Union north entrance at 1:30, cost $1. Coffee hour will follow. The Union cafeteria will continue to serve foreign food. There is a European travel display in the Union Lounge. It presents information for dif ferent types of European trips available to students. Free bulletins are distributed. UETDCB Breckenridge: No Probation For Teachers Due to a misunderstanding of an article concerning probation of faculty members which appeared in the Daily Nebraskan last week, Vice- Chancellor Adam Brecken ridge yesterday issued this statement: "I know of no University policy that places a staff member of any kind on probation." According to Walter Wright, assistant dean of the college of Arts ahd Sciences, the ar ticle had misinterpreted his statements on teacher probation. iv r j - 1 y I '' ' r ' ' I e , I Adopts itesolytQOfm Designed To Pull Students Into Service Says Powell Photos by Phcle Smallwood GUNLICKS Picture Library To Close Today Today is the last day stu dents may borrow pictures from the Picture Lending Li brary. Pictures may be bor rowed from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the City Student Union mu sic room. Anyone may borrow a pic ture. A payment of $1 is re quired which is returned at the end of the semester when the picture is returned. Stu dent Identification also is re quired. Ag Union will sponsor a similar lending library next week. By SUE HOVIK Nebraskan Staff Writer Student Council yesterday unanimously adopted an amended resolution to endorse Secretary of Defense McNa mara's proposal to eliminate compulsory ROTC programs in land grant colleges. In the proposed bill before Congress, McNamara advised ending ROTC programs in high schools, and reduction of the four-year ROTC courses in most colleges and univer sities to two years. Col. Elmer Powell, profes sor of military science, U.S. Army and Col. Frank 'Sullivan, Prof, of Military Science, U.S. Air Force believe that the program is aimed at getting the armed services more of ficers which we need. In the new proposal, instead of going through basic ROTC students can qualify for ad vanced courses by going to summer camp after their sophomore year, said Col. Powell. Under the advanced pro gram students will have a chance to go on a scholar ship program. Disadvantages Listed He pointed out that two of the disadvantages are the elimination of the opportun ity for advanced students to exercise leadership on cam pus and the question of wheth er the sophomore can afford to lose a summer so that he can qualify. In a report submitted by Bill Gunlicks and Steve Christensen, the present ROTC program was outlined Yqs Edna, Yon fl A aienvinei if S '""ft V 1 Fife VJILI (OU BE MV VALErSiriNS? Hat no If For Army and Air Force there is a two year basic pro gram which is compulsory and a voluntary two year ad vanced program. Advanced cadets get 90 cents a day. There is a summer camp for advanced cadets between the junior and senior years. The basic program is one hour credit per semester with the advanced program giving three hours credit per semes ter. The Navy has a four year program which is voluntary. It is worth three hours credit per semester and tuition, books, and lab fees are paid for by the Navy. Each cadet also receives $50 per month for 12 months for four years. They also participate in three six-week summer cruises each sum mer until commission. Advantages Listed The report stated eight advantages of the proposed ROTC change: it will broaden the base from which to select people to junior colleges, extensions, transfers. This will widen the base by many thousands. it will return to the col lege freshmen and sophomore classroom time. the ROTC student will have greater incentive pay to help reimburse him for the time he devotes to his mili tary studies and training per iods. Summer Training Added the ROTC student will have the added advantage of more summer training. the advanced course will give the services more offic ers than at the present, but more important, it will give them top quality. the money spent to train and clothe the freshmen and sophomores could be spent to t V IT : r o t " Cj POWELL give higher pay and scholar ships to advanced cadets. better men could be ob tained through the new pro gram because the cadet would have to compete nationally for the scholarships. the Military Department claims a possible saving of several millions of dollars an nually under the new pro gram. The disadvantages of the new program are that it will deprive students of minimum military training, it will lose cadets that go into the advanced program because of the basic program, and ad vanced cadets will no longer have training material (bas ic cadets) with which to work. Capt. William Weber, pro fessor of Military Science, U.S. Navy, said "Navy ROTC will remain basically the same as at present. The new proposed program will not affect Navy ROTC." Members Vote To Support Unofficial Migration Policy In other action, Student Council overwhelmingly voted to support the policy of an unofficial migration for the 1963-64 football season. Dennie Christie, chairman of the migration committee, said that transportation and housing would be under the general supervision of the University if an official migra tion was announced. He 'explained that all students attending the game would be required either te travel by some means under University sponsorship or get approval to travel another way. 1 All students would be required to stay in an official university housing unit under the sanction of the host school, he continued. Christie said that the University cannot justify an offi cial migration as it would contradict its high academic standards and ideals. He also pointed out that no ether Big Eight schools have this type of migration. After much debate, Student Council also postponed in definitely a proposal by Steve Christensen to advocate the defeat by the Legislature of a bill to increase the fines and imprisonment for those violating Nebraska liijuor laws.