The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 08, 1963, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Friday, February 8, 1963
During Hell Week
Pledges Can Rule
Charge to Council . . .
It's Time for Action
IN WEDNESDAY'S Student Council
meeting, President Don Burt told Coun
cil members that they could not allow
themselves the luxury of putting forth
an effort that is less than maximum.
Fine. Believe it or not, Council
members, there are many students on
campus who are interested in Council
activities and the results of the projects
you each promised to propose when you
presented your platforms last spring.
TRUE. So far this semester you've
improved the bus transportation between
city and ag campus. You've put into ef
fect a one-way route around the mall.
You organized and were highly success
ful in presenting the Morrison - Seaton
debate. In addition, the number of pro
posals, resolutions and policy statements
brought before the Council have, no
doubt, reached a record high.
Later in his charge to the Council,
Burt commented that, thus far, two as
pects of Student Council work have been
emphasized orientation and planning.
In other words, during the spring, sum
mer and fall, the Council officers tried
to give Council members an adequate
opportunity to become familiar with the
work of the group. This, they call orien
tation. Later, the group put their heads
together and tried to, first, set their
goals for the year and, then, to plan the
means by which they could reach these
goals! This, they call the planning
BURT THEN issued the final and
most important step, the step which the
Council is now getting ready to take. He
labeled the final goal as one of fruition,
actualization, or accomplishment.
Great, Council members. It seems
that the orientation is over. No longer
will each of you be led by the hand.'
With an entire semester of orientation
and planning behind you, you no longer
have a reason to be a group which con
centrates your efforts on the duplication
of the same projects which were included
in the year-end report of last year's com
mittee chairmen or officers. By now, if
those of you who are serving in key posi
tions don't know what you want and need
to accomplish, then it's time that you
step down and let someone else work for
the good of the organization which is to
serve as the official student governing
YOU ALL are, no doubt, ready to
start working for results. We're all be
hind you. We're anxious to see the Sen
ators Program put into effect. We're
interested in knowing if you're going to
conduct an evaluation of student activi
ties. The possibility of an official migra
tion is still important to all of us. The
representation system for Student Coun
cil members is still being discussed, as
is the possibility of an Honors Code.
We're all interested in the decisions you
will make, as you have been elected by
us to represent our interests.
As your president told you, this
year's Council has the best potential of
any of the groups in recent years. How
ever, he added that potential isn't good
enough anymore. You must now demon
strate this potential through the respon
sibility you'ye been given.
We will measure your success by the
important steps you have yet to take.
Some of you will be go
ing through Help Weeks,
which actually do little
more than help you get
all run down and degrad
TIPS. Maybe you can
FORCE your chapter to
adopt a pledge program
of a constructive nature.
During Hell Week, when
' -you are asked to drop
eggs into your pledge
brother's mouth, toss
them at the actives; when
you are asked to grab a
mouth of mixed garbage
and spit it on a fire, just
toss the pan in the face
of the nearest active, or
spit tit on him.
And those burlap bags,
when you are asked to
wear them, be polite get
together and burn them
up. So what if you do
have to make another,
burn it up too.
Oh yes, when asked to "
t a k e a bite out of an
onion or 'happy apple,' do
so, then spit that at him.
Don't worry about the
petty threat of being
kicked out of your fraternity-to-be.
What success
would your chapter be
without a pledge class?
What type of an impres
sion would they make on
rushees next fall?
If ever the fraternity
system is to bring about
the revolution required in
pledge training, maybe
the pledges are the ones
who will have to start it.
They should ask them
selves if Hell Week serves
any purpose at all a n d
'tradition is not a purpose
if it could mean the de
gradation of an individual
or a possible death.
When your chapter be
gins a constructive week
of fraternity ideals, you
can look back with pride
at your accomplishment.
And what's more, you
will be able to help in
sure your chapter's exist
ence. Freshmen, make Hell
Week work in reverse.
Make Help Weeks more
than lip-service public re
lations. Fraternities develop
men, not boys.
1 1
You look at the handy
dandy little syllabus. It
says, "Discussion of the
psychological implications
of the fact that Mary Had
a Little Lamb was writ
ten when the writer was
suffering from severe hal
lucinations and a post
nasal drip." Discussion
ensues, and then every
one knows who the post
nasal drip is, the guy
who made the syllabus.
For some reason or
another, which is never
explained to the student,
properly roll-called, al-
Ehabetically seated, note-ook-oriented
and back
broken by the new desks
over there in those love
. ly piles of brick and mor
; tar, psychological impli
cations are very impor
tant. Primarily because
, the students psychological
response to the psycholog
4 ical implications has a
Familiar Sounds?
direct bearing on the
trauma that the student
receives out of the course,
which is an extremely
retroactive way to say,
"Smile when the teacher
says that, because he
loves talking about the
wounded psyche of some
hack novelist."
While we are on the
subject of wounded
psyche, it would not do
to bypass discussion of the
t narcissus complex of the
local paperback purvey
ors. What the deal is,
they are cool because
they have got the corner
on the market while the
rest of us are hot and
bothered because they do.
Ponder a moment,
friends, the destructive
force to the personality
of a bank account that
takes place approximate
ly fifteen minutes after
you register. With shak
ing hand, you go to the
bookstore, and with shak
ing head you leave.
Completely obliterated,
your bank account is
ready for the psycho
ward at Student Health,
but because it is unable
to present the proper
identification and does not
know its Student Health
number, salvation will
not be its.
This, however, does not
remove one far from the
fundamental problem sug
gested at the beginning
of this treatise. Just for
the sake of argument,
who cares whether or not
the writer of "Mary Had
a Little Lamb" was writ
ten by a delerium tre
matic author. The impor
tant consideration is, if
the lamb followed Mary
everywhere how could its
fleece be white as snow?
I Hough Thanks
Student Body
I To the Daily Nebraskan: I would like to express my
gratitude to everyone concerned in the selection of the
I Outstanding Nebraskan.
I I am sorry that I was not here to receive the award,
but I wish to say now that it was one of the highest com-
pliments ever given me. All the Houghs are basking in a
m i a. j mi t
warm giow inese uays. mams you.
Robert L. Hough
Thud, Splash, Shs-s-s
During the period of
Hell Weeks on the Univer
sity of Illinois campus
last year, the campus
daily newspaper printed
the following article
which describes the
"Sounds of Hell Week."
"We were greatly
... heartened to learn that
. the Interfraternity Coun
cil intends to 'keep the
. noise down during Hell
"We are sure that this
is a sincere, ambitious ef
fort to enforce the high-
" minded ideals of the IFC
"''Pledge Training Creed.
"And while s o m e cyn-
ics have suggested that
the IFC program this
year is a mockery of the
noble just a few months
ago, we do not take this
, position.
. "Instead, since we are
.confident that the Coun
cil's investigators will
have their ears perked up
all week for 'excessive
: noises,' we wish to make
a few suggestions to aid
the enforcement program.
"Of course, we hardly
have to remind IFC that
such noises as screams,
sadistic laughter and the
whack of paddles are tip
offs that a fraternity is up
to something. We think
perhaps the IFC commit
tee can figure this out for
itself even from a dis
tance of several blocks.
"But there are a few
other noises, more subtle,
which IFC may not real
ize the significance of.
Since the announced goal
of IFC's program this
year is to 'keep the noise
down,' we offer a short
list of these noises to help
them along:
1. "THUD." Usually
caused by a pledge faint
ing and falling to the
floor after being forced to
stand erect and motion
less for several hours.
2. "PLOP." Sound
made by an egg dropped
four floors into the open
mouth of a pledge.
CHA." This noise, almost
inaudible, is caused by a
burlap bag scratching
against the human skin.
4. "CREA K." Sound
made by a door when a
pledge sits on it.
5. "THUDDDD." Slight
ly different than sound
No. 1. Caused when the
pledge in sound No. 4 hits
his head against the ceil
ing. 6. "COCK-A - DOODLE
DOO." Usually heard
about daybreak when
plegdes are herded up to
the roof to greet the
7. "WHIRR." Sound of
toothbrushes against lino
leum. 8. "S L U S H." Sound
made by moving a cake
of ice after it has been
sat upon for six hours.
9. "SHS-S-S." Sound
made by look-out when
IFC investigators ap
proach chapter house."
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