The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 07, 1963, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    m JF WF JT I 2 F9 1 i.!-. F g w r t .r x r
Page 2
You've Heard It . . .
WITH THE opening day of second
aemester classes Monday came enthusi
astic promises from those students who
always plunge into a new semester with
a conquering attitude and the confronting
statement, "This is the semester I'm go
ing to get an 8.0 average!"
And with that positive statement
which was made when walking to Mon
day's first class, each student at this Uni
versity, consciously or unconsciously, ac
cepted a grave responsibility. That re
sponsibility comes from opportunity the
opportunity of education.
EVERY STUDENT in this University
has received the opportunity through par
ents or determined hard work, of a high
er education.
However, in having the opportunity
of going to college for whatever reason
The Bitter Brew of
public taste should perhaps sample a bit
of hemlock.
Not that anyone doubts your wisdom,
but even old Socrates with his bald head
and snub nose wound up downing the
bitter brew for corrupting the youth.
AS OUR Chancellor once said, "Any
university that is not moving forward, is
progressing readily backward."
And like a brakeless bus we race
down Pike's Peak, ever gathering mo
mentum. OF COURSE our chancellor helped
things considerably by pouting ex post
facto that: "Governor Morrison has made
a good statement of the problems and
needs of higher education. However, I am
keenly disappointed with the dollar
amounts recommended.
"They are," he commented in a Jan.
22, newspaper, "less than requested to
continue present programs. The budget
provides nothing for new staff to meet
rising enrollments, nothing for relief of
the very special problems at the Col
lege of Medicine, and nothing for expand
ing the very important program of agri
cnlture research."
TRUE, MORRISON'S proposed $366,
222,216 state budget is an increase of
about 124 per cent over current expendi
tures. But while the budget Gov. Morrison
recommended is the largest in the state's
history, Jack Hart of the Lincoln Journal
: is right in pointing out that "Nebraska
has a lot of catching up to do before it
can (even) keep up with the advances
being made bv other states."
FOLLOWING THE governor's budget
recommendation, many legislators gulped
audibly as one report said, "they liked
many of the items the Governor included,
but flinched at the cost"
WelL representatives of the people,
what the governor asked for YOUR uni
versity isn't even enough to continue
present programs.
WOULDN'T IT be a shame if your
son were admitted to the College of Medi
cine only to see the present threat of loss
of accreditation come true?
And fellow students, isn't it nice t
know that your University gets less mon
ey than either Kansas University or Kan
sas State?
BY NOW, an 50 legislatures have con
vened or are in the process of conven
ing. Every state but two New York and
California are faced with the universal
problem of providing enough money to
meet their expenditures.
It is worth noting that Nebraska and
A hot depressing sun set
Wednesday night on a
"Street Scene" in New
Kurt Weill wrote the
music, Elmer Rice the
book, Langston Hughes
the lyrics, and the depart
ments of music and speech
sealed its local fate.
In spite of several
things, "Street Scene"
hangs together rather
For the most part, the
music is excellently per
formed. In one corner, we
had the orchestra, and in
the other, the singers. The
orchestra won the f i r s t
act, while the second was
a draw.
"Street Scene" depicts
life in a New York apart
ment house.
The plot is rather loose,
focusing on one fam
ily, the Maurrants. Papa
MatuTant is a lush, Mam
ma is unfaithful, and Baby
is just wide-eyed and sure
that "life was not meant
to be all torn and frayed."
As Mrs. Maarrant,
Gwen Waldo displays a
lovely soprano voice, par
ticularly in the upper reg
isters. She was able to
portray convincingly the
unhappy woman who has
become disillusioned in
her husband.
As Frank Maurrant,
Gene Dybdahl seemed a
little too much bluff to be
convincing; his repentence
Next Semester!
New Jersey are the only two states left
which do not have a direct sales tax or
a state income tax. Also, under our pres
ent system of state taxation, around 20
per cent of the people of the state pay
slightlv more than half of the taxes. Fair,
isn't it?
GOV. MORRISON suggests we really
be fair and increase the state property
tax .79 of a mill or 79 cents for each
thousand dollars of assessed valuation. He
also thinks it would be good to hike the
cigarette tax from four to six cents a
pack, liquor taxes 50 per cent, the pari
mutuel betting tax from two per cent to
four per cent, and the driver license fee
from two dollars to four dollars.
How nice.
BUT TO throw a slight kink in the
works, one of the legislative troops wants
to label the first two products "harmful
to human health."
The wheels of progress are really
spinning in the Nebraska mud of good in
tentions. THE APATHY of students themselves
toward the financing of their university is
mightily bewailed by many yet, when
the Board of Regents presented the Uni
versity's budget to Gov. Morrison, six,
not one, members of the Nebraskan staff
were on hand.
When legislative committee hearings
on the NU budget were being conducted,
Gary Miller, sophomore in pre-medicine
from St. Joseph, Mo., made a detailed
presentation on the problems of Univer
sity financing.
WE CARE, legislators.
In his presentation to the committee,
Miller said that "the reason Nebraska has
no money for schools is because of the
backward trend of self-denial."
HE QUOTED Chet Huntley in an
NBC Monitor broadcast as saying: "Ne
braska people will have to lower their
pride, inducing a sales tax, consequently
bringing in new revenue."
Miller suggested that legislators get
at the roots of the problem instead of
the stem. "They can't appropriate money
if there isn't any available."
As Jack Hart noted, "In the coming
weeks, Nebraskans wiU hear much poor
mouthing about the poverty-stricken con
dition of their state and about how they
cannot afford to pay for government
"Let it be recognized here and now
that this is hogwash," he continued.
Perhaps, legislators, you might spend a
little more time on the really important
problems I understand you spent a
whole afternoon arguing about whether or
not the word "beer should go on Ne
braska license plates.
jaundiced eye
in the end s o me how
doesn't ring true, because
he never did seem too
Christy Johnson, as
Rose, the M a u r r a n t's
daughter, was too, too
good. Her voice is lovely,
and she physically fit the
part well, but her acting
was on two levels only
happy or sad. In portray
ing the character as all
sweetness and light, she
made it incredible that
she would consider taking
up her boss on a proposi
tion. High point of the show
was a dance by Jean
Scherer and David Levine.
Through their both funny
and touching dance, this
team (of a high schooler
and a psychology prof!)
was able to convey more
feeling than did most of
the other actors. "
Sharon Binfield was ex
cellent, both in voice and
in acting, in her interpre
tation of Emma Jones,
leader of the apartment
gossip-mongers. .
Kenneth Scheffel, as
Sam Kaplan, Rose's beau,
showed a nice sincerity
and a better voice.
As Lippo Fiorentino,
George Mechiing earned
his place as an audience
favorite. He does a song
about ice cream cones, a
spoof of grand opera stag
ing and delivery, which is
something to behold. As
his wife, Gail Galloway
Thursday, February 7, 19631
one may have we all have a responsi
bility to the rest of the world.
IN LEARNING more about each
subject taught at the University, each
student is given a wider view of the
world. Each student, through his college
years and from each course, should be
c o m e wiser, more understanding and
more thoughtful. And, to the problems of
the world, the knowledge must be ap
plied. To the problems of everyday living,
to the misfortunes of the entire world,
our education must be made applicable.
And to those persons unable to attend
college or undesirous of such education,
we have a responsibility of humility and
Lest we forget, our education must
have a purpose. It must never have been
in vain.
by wendy rogersj
by susan Stanley
sings very well, and I
wished that she had had
more of a chance to dis
play her talents.
The single set, designed
by Clifford Ashby, was
extremely well done, and
Altogether, this play
goer wished that there had
been as much effort put
forth for the acting as for
the singing.
"Street Scene" seems to
miss the mark, but only
by a little.
Telephone 477-8711,
ext. 2588, 2589, 2590
Member Associated Col
legiate Press, internation
al Press Representative,
National Advertising
Service, Incorporated.
Published at: Room 51,
Student Union, Lincoln g,
Eatera a mini Dni matter.
maw . la to mlhem to
Ltliraln. Hi III awh.
Tke !!! Nebraska t rbltafcr4
Maada? aveaaeftdar, TPiaralB? mni
Frtaar etartnf tkr srsmat rear, n
eat vacation aai etaas aertaaH,
mri ear 4arlat Anew Hiii
af tar (latverstty af sJrbraska tinder
autnerlxattoa af Ike Oemastttee
aa Student affairs a aa exareaalaa
at etuaenl eBinisa. FakHnallea aa
r tkr JortMllctim, af tkr subreai
snlttee a gluteal raMleatlea akaD
fe free fram eillarial eeaserakla
a tke part tkr nubemntnttt- or
aa the awrt at am aeraa eaftMe
tkr Intventtt Tke member af tkr
Dally Nekraekaa staff are aeraea
allr respemdblle tar srfcat the aa
er as. er aaaaa re a artaitatf.
by !ynn Corcoran
Now that finals are
over, student anxiety will
probably s u b s i d e for a
time at least until the
end of this semester.
As is usually the case,
much studying, some
cramming, and even less
sleep marked this two
week period. Some p e o
ple wonder what this loss
of sleep will do to them
if anything.
How much sleep do we
Most adults recuperate
as much in six hours as
they do in eight; so seven
or eight hours is a safe
emount. Additional sleep
after that is a waste of
time unless a person is ill
or unusually fatigued.
Can any permanent
harm come from lack of
Individuals have been
kept awake for as much as
100 hours at a time (Phy
sics 103 Final) in o r d e r
to determine the answer
to this question. When
these people were finally
allowed to sleep they slept
for prolonged periods, as
much as two whole days,
but emerged without
Does coffee really keep
you awake?
Coffee contains caffeine,
a stimulant to the nervous
system and other parts of
the body, and definitely
can keep you awake.
Is lying down without
sleeping beneficial?
Lying down without
sleeping does help repair
body tissues that are worn
by the day's exertions, but
it does not usually have a
direct effect on the psy
chological effects as sleep
does. Dreaming, which is
a very intricate part of
sleep, does not take place
when you are merely ly
ing down.
If you feel encouraged
by these remarks, you
will probably be losing a
little sleep in the future.
Of the Week
Bv Pi Mu Epsilon
QUESTION: 12 squares
are laid out in a circular
pattern (as on the circum
ference of a circle). Four
different colored chips,
red. yellow, green, blue,
are placed on four conseo .
utive squares. A chip may
be moved in either a
clockwise or a counter
clockwise direction over
four other squares to a
fifth square, provided that
the fifth square is not oc
cupied by a chip. After a
certain number of moves
the same four squares wiU
again be occupied by
chips. How many permu
tations of the four chips
are possible as a result of
this process?
Bring or send answers
to this week's problem to
210 Burnett. The solution
win be printed next week
along with another prob
lem. SOLUTION: Paul
La Greek and Vernon
Wiese solved the last
problem with the answer,
all integral multiples of
i c m mym m euro wwwmr'7
KAUFMANs Jewelers
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scofiyir .
Roll the credits to
Helen and Rennle for the
name of this ill-fated
venture. And you can
thank our Miss Editor for
calling the old goat out
of retirement.
The purpose of this
column (everyone's got a
purpose for a column
these days) is to regale
you with the wit and
homespun wisdom of my
Aunt Maud.
Like the other day, she
said to me, "I see in the
Eaper today that the leg
ilature is going to pass a
bill against these young
people who think its smart
to drink. High time they
started putting those
young hoodlums in jail.
And the people who get
it for them are just as
bad, if not worse."
Now I should point out
that I spare my aunt a
good deal of suffering by
not telling her of the pri
vate life of her grand
nephew. Silence is usually
the only cushion lean
find to put under Aunt
Maud's back when she
turns it on reality. But
I can see that she has a
head of righteous indigna
tion up today and I'm in
for a thirty minute ha
rangue. "I knew it would come
to this parents entrust
ing their children to baby
sitters letting them
roam the streets in cars
with loud mufflers, I de
clare that was the death
of your great-grandfather
and all this drinking
the children are exposed
to on the television. It's
as plain as the nose on
your face that something
had to be done. And the
place to hit them is right
in their father's pocket
book. If they have to
spend some time in a cold,
An widergrooWe
jreor in Aix-eit-Prorence
In Vnrllch anrl French
satisfying American curriculum
Institute students enrolled at
the Nniversity of Aix-Marseille,
founded in 1409.
Students live in French homes.
Tsition, TiMM-ArimHc forts
room md hoard, oboot $1450
21, na-Gatm-a-Sapw
. .
it Welcome
dirty jail they'll think
twice the next time about
their vile habits."
I couldn't help thinking
that giving them a crimi
nal record complete with
fingerprints to the FBI
and a mug shot would
stick in their mind too.
And booting them out of
the University is a cinch
to leave an impression
that they won't forget.
But like I said, silence is
sometimes the only policy'
when she gets wound up.
"Why the increase from
the fines alone will build
fine parks and recreation
areas for the rest of the
law-abiding folks. It might
even be enough to take
those Senators' minds off
a sales tax. Mercy knows
I pay more than my share
on my little house and
personal things without
paying more every time
I go to the grocer."
By this time I had sort
of drifted off and was
thinking about what ole
Ferg (Ferguson of the
Old Guard, that is) had
said about the future of
Nebraska and its tremend
ous potential if the young
would only stay and turn
their talents toward its
betterment. Heck of an
optimist, that guy. But I
snapped back when this
one floated in at me . . .
"lacks a sense of respon
sibility and have no moral
fortitude whatsoever." I
was ready to jump to my
feet to deliver a stirring
defense of myself when it
came to me that the gen
eration as a body was
still bearing the brunt of
the attack.
(Author of "I Wom Ttt-agt Dwarf,
Lores of DobU GiUi$",Mc)
N2w, as the college year approaches its mid-point, one fool
emerges clearly: you are all going to flunk everything.
There are two things you can do about it- First, yon can
marry money. (I don't mean you marry the money itteif; I
mean you marry a pertm who has money. Weddings butwpgfa
people and currency have not been legal anywhere in the United
States since the Smoot-Hwiey Act. Marlboro Cigarettes, oa
the other hand, are legal everywhere and are, indeed, smoked
with great pleasure and enthusiasm in all fifty states of tba
Union. I bring up Marlboro Cigarettes because this eohtmn ia
sponsored by the makers of Marlboro, and they are inclined to
brood if I omit to mention their product.)
But I digress. I was saying you can marry money but, of
course, you will not because you are a tech-minded, cleanr
living, pure-hearted, freckle-faced American bd. Therefore, to
keep from flunking, you must try the second method: you must
learn how to take lecture notes.
According to a recent survey, 123.6 of American under
graduates do not know the proper way to take lecture notes. To
illustrate this shocking statistic, let us suppose you are taking
a course in history. Let us further suppose the lecturer is lec
turing on the ruling houses of England. You listen intently. You
write diligently in your notebook, making topic outline as you
have been taught. Like this:
I. House of Plantagenet.
II. House of Lancaster.
III. Jiouse of York.
Then you stop. You put aside your pen. You blink back a
tear, for you cannot go on. Oh, yes, you know very well that the
next ruling bouse is the House of Tudor. The trouble is yon
don't know the Roman numeral that comes after II L
(It may, incidentally, be of some historical interest to point
out that Americans are not the tr ly people who don't know
Roman numerals. The Romans dian't know them themselves.
I suppose they could tell you bow much V or X were or like
that, but when it came to real cuties like LXI or MMC, ther
just flang away their styluses and went downtown to haw a
bath and take in a circus and maybe stab Caesar a few times.
(You may wonder why Rome stack with these ridiculous
numerals when the Aral had such a nice, simple system. Well
sir, the fatt is that the Empwor Vespasian tried like crazy to
buy tlie Arabic numerals from Suleiman the Magnificent, but
Suleiman wouldn't do business not even when Vespasian
raised his bid to HKt.OOO gold piastres, plus he offered to throw
m the Colosseum, the Appian Way, and Charlton Heston.
(So Rome stuck with Roman numerals to its sorrow, as it
turned out One day in the Forum, Cicero and Pliny got to
arguing about how much is CDL times MVDL Well sir, pretty
soon everyone in town came around to join the hassle. In aU
the excitement, nobody remembered to lock the north gate and
wham ! before you could say pecoa fortUer, in rushed the
Goths, the V lsigoths, and the Green Bay Packers!)
Well sir, that's the way the empire crumbles, and I digress.
Lets get back to lecture notes. Let's also say a word about
Marlboro Cigarettes. The makers would be so pleased! And is
it not fitting that we should please these honest tobacconists
these fine men, fond of square dancing, water sports, protein,
and tattoos these tireless perfectionists who spend all ot their "
days trying to please us-searehing everywhere for the best of
ail possible tobaccos, aging them with patience, blending tbem
with tender, loving care? Marlboros are available in soft nck
and flip top box. You will find XX cigarettes ir each jpackage.
., m in M as stuns
Marlborum amo, Tom Marlborum emat, Dick Marlborum
mat, Harry Marlborum emat, June Marlborum emat.
Joan Marlborum am at, Jenn Marlborum amat, Jen Marl
borum a mot, auique Marlborum mmantet Marlborum
quoqut umabitu.
by dick masters
"They only respect
high-handed methods and
this law is a good begin
ning to bring them into
line. Stop a lot of their
tomfoolery, I say. You
remember the little bald
usher in my church, don't
you? Well, that poor man
was closed for two weeks
and was fined some huge
amount for selling to a
minor. Maybe they won't
be so likely to try that
poor man's if
they know what is In store
for them."
"I suppose you should be
running now. Take some
more cookies on your way
out and don't stay up so
late studying. I'm going
to take my pills before I
feel one of my spells com
ing on. Right this very
afternoon while I'm think
ing of it I'll write my
senator a note about . . .
let's see where I put it
. . . oh, yes . . . LB109.
On my way home I got
to thinking that a letter
. to my senator about LB 109
might be the order of the
day. Sometimes I wonder
just how many letters it
would take to nullify all
the Aunt Mauds in my
home district.
I About Letters 1
fka OaU Nebraska
reader to aa H far examateaa
s af eaialea aa earrral lease retard-
a In af rlewaelBt. Letter mart aa sz
s lint, reatala verifiable aV
3 dresa, and ke free af libelous ma- 5
trrlal Pea aame mm ke la-
5 eluded and will k ralea! aaaa
s armea reaaeat
S Bret-IM aa leHMttt
tke ekaace af aabUrattaa. Laectky
letters ma ke edltee at aasRtas)
tkanrntels wear will ke utalrieal
Dwarf, "Th Many