The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 06, 1963, Page Page 4, Image 4

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    Wednesday, February 6, 1963
The Daily Nebroskan
OT Confers Degrees
Brovjnell Made
The fniversity conferred
baccalaureate and advanced,
degrees upon 345 graduates,
Feb. in mid-year com-!
meneement exercise at1
Pershing Auditorium.
Among those honored was
Dr. Samuel BrowneH, super-!
iatendent cf Detroit Public
schools and former U-S. Com
missioner c Education, who
received the honorary Doctor
cf Law degree.
Three graduating seniors
received their degrees with
honor. They were: Eobert
Nelsen, Lincoln, ''high iis
tmctjon"; and James Hu
waldt of Randolph and Judy
Schneider of Cean Eapids,
La, both "distinction.''
Chancellor Clifford Hardin
mrociriAd snd Dr. Adam
Ereckenridge, vice chancellor
and dean a lacuxues, a
master of ceremonies. Chap
lain was the Rev. Gtor gt
Peek, UEiversity pastor of St
Mark's on the Campus ((Epis
copal). Those receiving degrees at
the mid-year commencement
k cj,iimiw in aariouUure
jerry Saner, .ereenwnutl; Terry R
Carpenver. Hamburg, la.; Keith 0. Cn
jerry arper, wwi.-i .
Carpenter, Hamburg, la.: Keith 0. Cnrip- ,
tenfteo, Buthurland; WUbur Daaenhriiek,
laugh; Richard K. Energpacher, Beaver .
David U. Everwon. Kunilall,
JT08BU1 , ravui ......
A. Grettor, Auwworth; Gary A. Harms,
IteWitt; Allan J. Heine, fit. Helena; Iwain
H. .Heitahuaen, Crii; tLairy D. Heydrnt,
Linaoln; aunmie W. Hoeaemeyer, fcurlb
ner; 11 1.. Johminn, Btromsburg; Kon
uld J. Kmoch, duib.; darry K. .rao
man. Maxwell; uuhn 0. Liiweott. Blue
Springs; Riehard A. MeBride, Minden;
Meivin IL. Kiley, .Genng; .Gerald J.
iene, Prarnie; Jtaymond B. Hman, l,uv
,coui; Marvin h. tUtoriua, -Gothenburg;
Itonaul K. Wadell, Aurora; I" P
Wieed, fit. Xktwanl; Maurioe .Wbb,
Aaehelw T eieB hi name Eootiomlos
nigral Jlendermin Bergman, Lincoln;
.Carol 3. Bemdt, (Lakeside; .Gayle A.
Blank, Franklin ; .Cora M. Brigas, iLincnln;
iCarobm K. .Gosch. Pierce: -Lynn IL.
Heinnchs, Davenport; Betty M. Holeomb.
Broken Bow; Mildred J. Hunaeker. Paw
nee -City.; Janet M. X"Heureux, .Omulia;
Kathteen B. Pehrson. Laurel; Annemarie
Pleffer, iHellbnmn, .Germany; Eluaheth
M. Howe, Nebraska .Cityj Virginia page
horn Schuerman. 'Lincoln; Sharon E. fltev
ns, rullarton; EUen Batie nvobada, Wuod
Jtiver; criaron IL. viu, luncoui.
iBacnelor of arts 1
Irai teimzadeh, Tehran, Iran; Janice
H. Blincow, Loup Ctty.; Hobert D. Brehm,.
Harvard; fludith C. (Crooks. .Columbus;
John F. iDate, Lincoln; perry A. .Dickut-'
sun, Lincoln: Beth E. Douglas, iLincoln;
Jmrrell W. Fast, Henderson; Bodney U.
Hansen, Battle Creek; David Charles Hen
rickson. peaside. Ore.; Paul K. Hensley,
iLoup .City; Honald A. 'Kastanek, Lmiioln;
Irry D. Kimmell, tiew Vork City. t.i ,
Dennis A. King, Bioux 'City, la.; Gordon
'. Kuhn, Luinoln; James L. Mohee, Lin
.coln; Joseph F. MeWilliams, Lincoln;
John SE. Musselman, iLuicoln; Derry iL.
tllson. Lincoln; Ellen L. Bav, .Grand Is
land; IKennath a. Bodaey, Lincohi; War
ren i. Homans, Lincoln; John K. Bchroe
der. Chappeli; Ruymond R. holee, Grand
Forks, ; tlnta 1. Blaklis. Lincoln;
Karma .Contryman Btine, Grand Island;
Jon A. Btrotner, Lincoln; Russell 3. hwan
nn, North Platte; James B. Thomas.
'Omana; Robert J. Thonia2in. Grand ls
laml; Aim Hanna Toliy, .Valentine; Diane
lost. Ion co In.
UMketor Vtor Arts
Arthur K. Howelett, iancom; vVelta H.
JoUUiS, Luinoin.
BaciMlar at tllasir
.Judith (C. Wietten, Alexandria.
IBanBetor ef einoe
Bernard B. Bloom, lOmaha: flohn i.
Buelanvrn, Johnson; iLawrence H. liran
nigan, Hastinn; Richard F. Brouilletie.
Ravenna; Joe K. Clema, Humboldt; Man
sour .Daneshzadeh, lehran. .Iran; Abra
ham GaODay, aeheran, Iran; Charles L.
Slavs, Lincoln: Jack L. ftlundell. Gothen
iHlrg; Danuul L. hwanson. Hastings.
HactMlor f Beienvr
:fci Bnaknas AdmmMlratlan
'Stephen D. Andersen, tttorm Lake, la.;
Xarry If. Aspegren, Clay Center; James
L. Uaokencamn, HolUrafe; lMnnis M.
Barton, Lincoln: .Cecil V. Bator, Jr.,
York; Swinen M Beachler, Grand Is
land; Emli W'. Cattau, Columbus: Hoger L.
'Coakley, txtord; Hobert M. .Coder, .Co
vnm. Calii.: Marsiuill V. Jt'eimstei, Jr.,
Raleigh, fc.C: Richard A. rischer,
Princeton. Minn.: Cliflord X. Fullnart,
North .Platte; Clarence K. Haley, Ji
llartingten; Xadd t. Hubka, Hcntrien;
Thomas A. Johnson, Valley; Brian J.
Kauiman, Elm Creek: Jerry R. Luwcotl,
Falls City; Jon F. Messer, MeCook; Lo.val
E. Miller. Lincoln; Orrin l. Muellet,
Bewani; Richard H. Oehlerking, Ogaliala;
John A. Power. Gibbon: Ronald D. Haov,
houth Sioux City; jMlmar L. .Rasmus
den, .Grand .Island; .Raymond ;V. hciiDll,
mitiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiittiiiiiitt i. .i .'..
Welt Point; Stentaen Smaha, n""'
lit.; Gam D. snuai. i its: :
Smith, ijnwuin siewm smii.ii. jcjh".
Uaryl P. Swansnn. Osckkuii: Ruaar
aim; Eaer E. Tiee. ILinoohi; Marrie
Tranaal, watenown. ; x. ";
eL Jjiitiulii. Jerry iL. B'allmfihim, V al
Batibelor 4rf aju&Wmiluw
ILeonara it. ikeenan. SiiOuw.
aittmlor of nifnm to
ajrtciultural fcocmwrrins"
Carl J. Bern, ahou; Staulw 4(or
aensoiv, Sidney; Stanley .Oehsner, Sai
iroville; tomaW fi. Rumse. Wymoi:
Allen iR. timvder. Kumnoldt .; aarubuw
Santtfior nil taiwanf oi ClrHl CjunantiriiiK
jiii,! vmik" ' ...
land E. Kint. ! . JackBun, Mich.: 4umt
C. Kiiik. lanoiun: Curtis E. Maynard.
Buatings ; lOrn f ifatnej . Lncknow, lndiu ;
Jiuwn L. Taylor, Jr. Itenadiiit; ibuiw
XI. Wauei,. Flainview
Manmilor aT inur
.in l.'lUiia..ii-ul Ciieinnnrinr
Ander Rinhardt Andron. lanculn;
JJanit A. Anderson. aartinBion; Clark
1). Rataell. 1.orth Platte; Roliort J. Beh
m, iioulilali,; Phillip H. Case. 1'ka
mah: tLunii.v L. ilvid, THmatare: flanw
t SuwaUtt, Kaiidnksib (.with 4iMtintiiuii::
Jinuald L. .ionnffon. 'Gordon: iLnune iL. j
Miles. Oeallala; aUI K. Ntt'lwiu. Went
era : Kiuhurd M. 'Noel, Roaeland : Edward
fl. fattermm. .Omana; linvid .0. Peterson.
Doyle F. fcnhroedei . liHim(ild: David L
oremien, f all Cit.v; .Gerald B. Vosel,
fituart: iCharles E. Wahl, lancolii; Jtouert
Al. Werner. Omuha.
Stanhnlnr f nirnnr
tin Meahaninal anjemeerinc
iLoyfl K. Brewer, 'Omaha: iLarry .
Dwtaua, tVenanau: Tlnmm C. Duncan,
Allium; Kenneth Jt. rreae, Omaha; Ho
land iL. Huiwen, inman: Eltnii 1. !Ku
kaid, Hartinaton; Gorman 'G. .Klaflita,
hwsmier; Howard a. KnpeU tlmiiha. Die
ter K. Irfindre, ;Linuoln: Kuymond U
Leaaie. iGrund Jland; William C Mam
mel, Omaha ; lrr J MKidiaton, Bridge
port: Kuiliafci Mlhara, .Omalai; Darrell
L. Millet, !.orth Platte; f'red . Mfflka,
jTemoni; jennein x,. mower, ujkvw
yvilliam J. (Ilmer. Humphrey: Tbtbt V.
,peierti .Gordon: Thomas 0 indm.,
Wliuheej WlK, ; ai m. flnurrier, MitenelL;
ft tewurt. Parnam: ,lohn Walter.
iTemont; Kenneth E. moner. inavn ,uit,'
Bcnttabiufl; Dougal A. M. Whitmer, Lin-
.cuuu Jtruue .a. .wunanis, oancuin.
naohelor -al Boienoe .tp Medical Keehnalary
d&uin X,. UUIIOSUll' 'UniilllU.
VaotMlar .al Boienne m Pharmacy
Corvin G. Puis. Kearney.
Sachelor of Musir in education
.rjintlvn A F.ilerR. Mtnrlnui: dllund W.
flickinger, Lincoln: Robert . tielson.
uLmooui .(With Jitgh .llisttnaliail).; Bars
Ag College Attracts Foreign
The activities tof Ihe College
of Agriculture's ractor4eBt
ing station are icausing inter-
nationaJ antereBt, according so
L. .. Larsen, (engineer in
In .contrast to the .operations
oi icne biauoii t'nen ji 'as
eBtabhEhed an lfHiz .une-iouitii
nf Ihe '54 IrafTtnrt; iteKtefi were
made In ioreign (countries.,
liarBen saia.
The tnf inn m'K trf am hv
the iold Ibicameral Hegislature
In letrt Iratrtnrs an&de Ibv innm-
panies elling lo farmers in
ihe tate.
Last year., Ihe aiine (com
panies 'whose tractors were
iefit.Rd at tr.inririln included vun
from England, one from tGer-
manh and Czechfilovakia and
jiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiii::iiDiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiii;iiaiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiniii! iidiiik
Perky's Pizza Place
249 No. aifh 432-9652
iiMiiiiDiiiiiiiiiiiiai;;iiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiitai iiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiDiiiiiiiiiiiiiami'5
We Have The "CORRECT BOOKS" For All
Official Listed By The Instructors
Grabenatein Orr, lammra: David L. Smib-
atUj -iH'.. MUHsmui. .uhiitw 41. ufMsurami..
cikfw as" a Macatisa
JMftyilC aiHlll -..I.. . . ...... . ... . ...... i-
Jtiitlmll Benson, mllt'rtim, iCatU.; Viima
Hi. daesu. B-anama .wii.. ui u. .
lia C. Bunticlwi, Linmilii: Clariw Sims.
un Bryan. Oil. & full.; iCarmtm
Buuihnr. fm'Hwu. it'anal iunr; Mar
. tCabuia. lOnapmill: am' iFnrwman
Ci.imeR. Album,; nns Wt. lOnuehnnuiu.
W mdniit-'lim. fa : Jwrinw C Uai UL lUn
jiulr . Mark 0) Elltinbni t . Ciilumbiw; 4uhn
V. Etkbi. 1.. Lintiuin: Sara Fin
tresk. aHnungtoitl ; Shbl'on G. Jromal,
Umatia: Ruuerta Uininellji fi-ank. 4mha;
Knna wcaartl &ranata, iLinuuhi: tilHi
Scwi'iinny flulmi Linnulr . Paul i. into
worth. iGlwadn. Wtmt.:: iKari :K 'Keat
ing, wdnw : warian tL iniMitnan. ewai
u ;. ,n.....l ilulonrl Qrturw tr Oftullnn.
rid: ntutv il.. inuiam. ;
CilnneHateT Pa.: Maraaret J ..Mum.
Linwiln: ilane Wuhoiaw Ht. uiHinin.; ;
Mailenr G. Joble. Weepint Water: :arl I
to H.ovuk. Wiltwr: aanet -6. .ovak.
Ttu'ieht: Melhu Pierotti itxiuiirii. ormnctMi. i
I Madetyn Rose Palmar. Lincoln : Raenns
u L. t ... . Ll..lun .r Un.ltu.ll Unln.
-ersoli, ian iliicga. n;ain. ; witfarie euiin
E,vhd. Superior; . Edwart oebold. Mis :
snuri 4 allw . ila. : Ann V. Rnatwk, 'aa I
ingtnn. D.C.: nos i. "hm-ier, Onon
iLapids. ata. i(.'ltt rAistnitinn..: .oel a . .
Bchoenrouk,. 'Grand Island : HuruirJ A.
ThomPBim. .Clsage. la.: Joyitf K. S'rai
niges, .Greshani; Elizabeth 'haley .
bnal. Wahoo: Lotus M. (trVeinsarl. Mea ,
dnw (Grove ; Phyllis S Wertman, .Linuolr;
1eal B. Zimmerman. iLinuulli.
MrtHMir t Arh.
Karl E. linuman. (Tulluiiaosee. iTla :
Itiiiiert !L. Biihlken. tbiasku .City:; iBoyd
lireslow, Lincoln: Juhn E .Carter. iUim :
hs; Low Pane Dam. Lincoln ; Albert Ed
wards. Kingston, .Jamaica, a. : Betty
Kimble Cdwards. Carnu. Ml.: Katnryv
E Bess, Lowvouit, III. : Dennis E. 'Bull,
Waverty. .o-nna G. ilohnsim. Tekamah;
r u M.lhnti .fkmuhn . Mwlnti M AfliR-
ner. uumoolii.; liuoson u. wimn'e., win
River; John B Buhl's, Lincoln; lira ft.
Ross. Forest Hills, K V.; Paul E. Buheele,
Luionln : RiibeJt .C. Btine, Beatrice; Dean
L. BtniHiman, ILinooln; lEvelra Butler
Thonian. iLmeoln.
Master tf Mustr
.rinruia .riniMnniih. (Ltminln:: ILarrv IL.
Mackenstndt. Leigh.
master ai rH .tniuirir
.Uonupational Vherapy
IHelen Feeenku, .Chicago, 111.
Master of eeial Work
Martha Mitchell Prall. .Mniuha.
Master ol Balenoe
Vacaub V Al-tluaidi. IDiwani-ah. arao;
Jlorge ,C. Anderson, Lincoln: JKhugendra
'Baiwrjee, .C alouttn. indiaj Henr' D.
Berns, Blue iHill; John R iBragonier.
(iniaha; Roborl E. Brown, Raylown. Mo.;
Marvin p. .Carlson. Lincoln.; James .
.CariMnter. Ml. .Carmel, iPa : Muhammad
.Chawdhry, L-allnur. VV. Pakmtan;
Rughbu- . .Chhina Raiihir Pura, Patiala,
ione tractor with an English
The University scientiKts
xest inorsepover ax icne scrauun
leBB fthan factory-rated horBe-
; ;
Vaftinaaatw ffsuW UVl ff rif-
hall, and three-quarters tfnrotr
tie im each gear, at the .araw-
;bar Uelt puny, aeeessoin pow
er takeoff, and at teach wheel
.of the mew Sour-wheel (drive
Also tested are fuel and oi
Read Nebraskan
Want Ads
On 345:
Of law
kndia; Jmrns . Cimteua. ore5
wt D. HannerL m;jnaj Joarlm .
Sjnckwm. Oakland : una CMkao, AJiaara.
mv. Ofela.; iactar i.. Soroer. Whuawn.
a . - - iIBnlautanW llmtitiKra !
HLUIU.-t UDHW mi 11 namii"
tra-iUua. inatu; HLH!nau m.. un. w.
Ronald K. ILB ineaiim. iLinnota.
flu: CalMili W Mitntwlt. (Oiwwi
Ajk.: Ht'Ui P vavat. sutopni. Tiai:
Umlwai. omarm. iiut. Maaan C. Oim.
liinuuln; Jimmif IB. 0nrn. Cocao :
rt A. atathiiea. Stwwnnaa Waltw C.
phrm. fcinttk Fall-. Jl.s Oiir .
t - ti inMwd a 4Siii.htBllran.
Glmidoi a, ' i'Mii."- Sarw . flxirn. HtHChw-i
Hi.V. :: Pnilhi S naim. liinuum;
Gvoi'ac C. Suj'dan.. i!hi; VanpyjSpiw
ai HBmparu. ILmouur; Harv: H,
, '
txm-n, ., .uu....... ' 1
J""- a-,n'' '
iMaiiar l rUiiMg
Martin IL. Bnlai . ILinooln ; &unMk C.
(unanaun. mannui. t - uui .
Chen. Bastings: -arry Siaplien Cluytt.
Lincuui; Whom G. Fei'guson. blanr; t
mer IL. THille! .. i-. 'Ha Spruaw.; C-rm-mt
E. 4aka'. lass Anaeles. iCald.:: Calvin
E fcennedf . Ada. Oklu , fmai But .on,
Swans iu. Korea; Hobwm M. Metrione.
in niBinn. J . lti T Pai., Lminiuu
iLawi-enue IF T.ukesaii. iLyons. K.m.;
Kimuld . )hilbr. 'Kansas C!h;.v, MaJ
.Charles K. Bkoi . Riverdale.: Carl F. on
di-a. OmahB . jtoan Ki-neaer adlo. iiin
noln: .R.ibiait K. Winking. .Clartovilie.
D:aiu! Bwrt M. l owell. iLimiuln.
rxi:K TOt43Ge
MtHOnr .Hi bdauaiMai
ff.ku..;A it. ttlexter.. (La. Ma A.
ihates. (Grond island: .Cialen R. iCnowder.
Eaeiei-: Idunna tuihart rinrell. an
burjl" BtlKIgH wmail ress, mmim. n...r.
Barlan M. Beald. Limioln : Patricia oo
ann Beermaim, iLincnln; Wehna Hwrnegei
HuUe. Liniioln: Betty a. (Landon, Lpup
r... . 4iis. !F!hn .Creek; Alloc
Felher iichnstol. Lincoln: Eleanor A. :,
fiklenar. .Cresm: 'Greta
awn. mtwn- miK.t . - - '
M"m' ttontor f eeooatlea
Hrnwn. Balem. wucj Mas
pmile, Jwyard, ila.
ttaiibelur .at
it..u im Unrth. (Mmaha; Wlllram IL,
iGilmure., iLmiHilu : Richard IL. Bviibeda,
Beatrice: names m "'JSUSJ'S'Sy.;.
(Granted .nut mm 'eonteimid at line
.commencement semises
mentllicatr hi Physical itdueattoa
itrum ffeaolwrs :ollee
SRaeona G. Reawk, Lincoln
mrtlli.alr .in Physical fcduoattan
and Athletios rrom Inanaers .oIh)t
nauk D. Braley. Miles Ci. Mont.;;
Don P. iLouoh, Mast; Burdld A. Uhuma
sou. .Osage, .la. ., , .
(rjertifliialr .at eoetarial tXloleaea.
RngisHiied m Iteaohers CaUsa
fiadme J. Turner. iLinouln.
; (economy, stalling propensity,
jand safety features.
j 8 w!,eeks are required tto
test everjT sales poim oi eacn
The flltmterKitv leets idIows.
,,.A wr it n- 7 ivor cmWTi-
'ment in addition to tractors.
the I'tiion
request the demur of ur tympany
4 m Spring
Bridal Fmhiom Shew
Suturdtn. the ninth Ttbt uary
t two tt rlwck
Student LnUt Ballroom
L'nwenity Siebrmk
1 - .....
at Boon, interviews tor sen
iors at 3 pjo., Feb. &, ana
for sochomores and juniors at
f ;30 a.m. on Feb. t.
OPERA, "Street Scene,"
joint Departments of Musk,
Speech and Dramatic Arts
presentation, S p.HL. Howell
Memorial Theater, 12th and
ctv enmr "fif in the;
, Vilp to
Hall, lth and U.
xrr BOARD members m-
tw begin at 3 p.m., Hcppiaes at an iermatonal
S AomMstration. &gn 1 etics.
utside Room 300 Teachers Z and breefling-
...nmi nriTI
meeting and initiation. 4:15
p.HL, 3S uzuon.
COED FOLLIES sldt chair-
men are tv meet with BIDie
Spies at 4 p-DL, at the Ahna
GmieroH Pi sororitT tor a trip
lo Perching Auditorium.
T-tP. tAtsSMt
BUmett irOITlC MOW
Alters For Two Weeks
A new system for regulat-
ing traffic flow in Burnett
weei trial period, according
to BiD Dumaau, siiflem
Council commitxee chairnaan.
Signs now (direct students in
the east door, out the middle
'4oor and a twsnway west
idDorj iup the east stairs and
j down the west stairs.
The maflv Nebraskan id i s-
tributian boxes were also
mosisd from their former lo
cations in the (doorways furth
er into the hallways. In addi
tion tt the three exes ion
first floor, there is me hoi on
second floor at the top cf the
west stairs.
Read Nelra.Lzn
Want Ads
HttepiUditf CvmuiutUm
j Nebraskan
ArnoM Air Societv initiates:
TW.,5. Varl Privi-1
map-na Joseph Eming, Don
aid KeBer, John RasselquisL
Nea Sunderland, Abram
Jack, Tom Moates III, JOse
Morse, Stephen Svendsen,
Phillip Gilbert. KenmeUi
King and Gary IcenogJe.
Xen'lv appaMeJ fficers of
Angel Slight: Karen Giinhcfcs,
Ctommamler: Jody Birney, Es-
ecutire Oflaoer; bally u a i e,
Administrative utnoer; jui
tolormata OSlker
'I ler.
Dr. H. IL foamer, director
j!f &
'! v n Aerate twa
. 7 - : J,, 4W!
vrmQsiiffliL After the nwiler-
enee be -mill comsult with rice
lTtT S
fprljlilT. S5H3 SfflhlUW.
making (quality, and taste
The mominees tmm the IM
versiry College f Meoidne
versny utuege -?ZrJ
iar mempowp- wu
Omesa Alpha, mationa! mmsdi-
::cal honorary sockt-;: Sea5-
fas: Charles D. -.
i raunp n.
j ilmb
lntaifnae the opportimitT lo play a vital
role in the re-rlihiisnl of ike Alplia Tbrta
Chi rhapter of Oil PIH on ibe lrata
Qll PHI is iliere4ad in matnrr men oi
better than avera? aradrmk- performance
who for reaion of their own, tbo lo
nlrApe mod join a f ralernitj. We helie there
are man orh men on the campas and
wonia like to tH voa of Chi Phi and our fu
ture plans.
OH nil witMre f r the I tmertity of Xe
larAa raiaimo i. 1942. Few tratrMe, p t h-
!Ta ro.p of All. Thrta 0 g?
.hoMri jji. Jld forward t the laf Ww
Arm tarl4 S muifM whea a bom for t P-
graduate of the Cw.ertAy of OneSu a4 afad
ie tudd the rmrity of 3-liraAa School
rf r-i.-4 to fora a tie
u rosideB" al 1345 S and woM like to
Ujk t n otaa wteeertotl in aaformittioa
sk&xti the pwje4. tli phone ocwher m
4 inoher Lae he fiaoooJ for TWLry,
Fawarr 7. ia rooaa 34S. Stoleol I IJoawi
liSST eo t aneoi oa4 lear- aht OH POTS
Chi fU FrztOTI
CibBft 1. Sobat, Cnhmiaer
Atpha ThB Chi Cknpu
li l&iJ
L. Fairbanks, Robert F. Ham-
KlOD. Gilbert J. KlOStCf.
Rodney Larson, James Mc-
Farland, Dean L. Parts, Aeai
S. Ratdafi, Donald E. WaHe-
math and Robert Waflroub.
Juniors: John H. Ball, Dale
E. Mtze! and Wayne H-'Phil-lips.
Sew effirrrs of PI Tan
Sigma," mwhaiiicaj enfeiDeer
ing bonerarj; Jack Hershberg
cr, presideiit; Dn Chroetta,
aWpresident; B Sleariey,
rerwdiag secretary; D H!-
ler. cWTepoooii!S secreiary.
.iHjfi win M WTJl - M DaU
J 'scbHfler, hitria.
; Xew officers ofSgma Ga
m EPatoVn'
:; horary: Brace TaMQ, pe
'! J: James Sperry. vace-
I P"r XV STr'
SeOTeiiliy, 6 - t
treasurer; and Caartis Mayo
and Edwin Schuett prcigraffli
Sev iEficers rf Delta Sag
ma Phi ifratemitv: Darrel
wi.-in Dlu. m fcn.-
secjrelary: Bill Rhea, ttreasur-
and iiarry iam ser-
iX3i& at arms.
r ... tttf5em
HdJC HJ.V WvJ "t-u'wrs. .m--
ctf the American Society
CfaM Engineers: president.
Rex Smdlh: u-keipresiiJent,
'! fMtn- and treas-
:lirrrT. Milt Smith.
VkMr SmttK
Chi Phi Ch Or OiiOh
" ,.lllimim,llimiiml -
I IfcolV L iii"m1 i
Phone 432-3474
1245 R Sirccl-
tliliiltllUWiiHiiUlUlUillUlitmUitaaaaM .aaiU..ii4ll....a jliUa.ia.all.i.i.HnilHhii
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