The Daily Nebraskan Page 3 " m mm mM .-. mm mm in urutfrr c 9 far (LJf JT" f) A A A ureeics miusi uO Wednesday, February 6, 1963 ra; TBr ;rf ! m L F H w ! Hr At in - i - X I fLMT V ? lv fill d? j; I r . , 1rm namt ISTllBTfjlllllil H BrWui. f STREET SCENE Gene Dybdahl, portraying an escap ing murderer, menaces the crowd in a ."Street Scene" rehearsal. The play runs tonight through Saturday in Howell Theater. Curtain rises at 8 p.m. Other members of Romeos, Juliets Get Early Start As Well-Known Plot Thickens The Romeo and Juliet set have begun writing early in the semester the first act of Shakespeare'6 well-k n o w n circular plot. Witness: PINNINGS Jan Zajic, Alpha Xi Delta senior in Teachers College from Dorchester to Larry Schneiderwind, Phi Gamma Delta senior in Electrical En gineering from Omaha. Patty Mapes, freshman in Teachers College from Has tings to Don Anderson, Phi Kappa Psi junior in Bus. Ad. from Hastings. Sandy Van Tassel, senior 'in' elementary education at Colorado State College from Scottsbluff to Jim Pointer. Sigma Chi senior in Bus. Ad. from Gering. Pat Griffin, sophomore in: pre-med from Bellevue to Bernie Childerston, Delta Up silon sophomore in Bus. Ad. from North Platte. ENGAGEMENTS Diane Ranke, Alpha Phi junior in English at Cornell-1 Ice Show Seeks Talented Skaters Auditions for ballet and star positions with the Ice Capades will be held at Pershing Municipal Auditorium Friday, Feb. 15, at 4 and 11:15 p.m. Boys must be 18 to 24 years old and fivet feet 10 inches to NEBRASKAN WANT ADS HELP WANTED Part time help wantAd. 10-15 hour per week. For appointment call Mi. Ogden, 1 p.m. -5 p.m., Mon.-Kri. 42:1-7140. PERSONAL Gypsy VerhlaKe With French Dreeing .Served At "Saturday Afternoon At The Movtew," Get Your Shares. TYPING WANTED Typinir, electric typewriter. Mrs Swanda, 434-4743. TIRED OF GIVING? Mow you can receive Kifts. money, food, nympathy. etc. For 25 our four nern lookine and lieriff-like men will pre tend to evict you from your home and pile all your furniture on the from lawn. Find out who your friends are! BUT FJ0THIK8 IS RjGMga andcpfcfcr than... UNIVERSITY FEBR. 6, 7, University from Cleveland, Ohio, to Jan Buhl, Cornhusk er Coop junior in Pre-med from Cleveland, Ohio. Carol Deupree, freshman in Teachers College from Ly ons to Denny Blankenbecker, FarmHouse freshman in Bus. Ad. from Lyons. Dorothy Horak, freshman in Arts and Sciences from Clarkson to Dan Luma, sen ior in chemistry at Creighton University from Howells. Carol Sue Hall, freshman in Arts and Sciences from Falls City to Clarke Witt, sophomore in pre-med from Falls City. Pat Rink, sophomore in Arts and Sciences from Scrib ner to Joe Lange, senior in Electrical Engineering from Wood River. Mary Ann English, fresh- j man in Teachers College j from Lincoln to Russell Thompson, freshman in! Teachers College from Lin-; coin. j Susan Nestle, freshman in six feet two inches tall for positions with the Cadets. Girls interested in joining the Capets are required to be 16 to 21 years old and five feet to five feet six inches tall in stocking feet. Persons trying out for prin cipal positions or as speciality skaters will be auditioned at the same time. Skaters who are not yet up to the standards of the Ice Capades but who show prom ise, may be selected to attend the new Ice Capades Holly wood skating school. Ice Capades hold auditions in order to add at least one ballet member to its cast from each city it plays. Aja Zanova, star of the ice and former world's champion figure skater, and Nate Walley, figure skating train er will conduct the auditions. NOT SINCE "CARRY ON NURSE" HAS THE SCREEN BEEN SO fUNNYf THEATRE 8, 9, the cast are Gail Galloway, Judy Tenhulzen, Gwen Waldo, Roger Quadhamer, Christy Johnson, Claire Roehrkasse, Ken Scheffel, and Rod Gibb. Teachers College from Oma ha to Lynn France, Alpha Tau Omega senior in Teach ers College from Omaha. Mary Ann Nesladek, junior in Teachers College from Morse Bluff to Dick DeNea yer from Brownlee. Nancy Meyers, senior in Teachers College from Beat rice to Everett Weilage from Hallam. Doris Stasser, freshman in Arts and Sciences from Haig ler to Lyndell Whipps, fresh man in Arts and Sciences from Stratton. Ousted Students Can Re-Enter NU The indefinite suspension of several students during the first semester for their sup posed connections with sub rosa groups has been termin ated in some cases, accord ing to G. Hobert Ross, dean of the Division of Student Af fairs. The students were allowed to re-enter the University be cause of the cooperation given to administration by the sub rosas, in their disbanding. Read JNebraskan Want Ads J1A t X a 1 -C7 v7 V' Erik the Red had no choice-but Vitalis with V-7 will keep your hair neat all day without grease. Naturally. V-7 is the greaseless grooming discovery. Vitalis with V-7e fights embarrassing dandruff, prevents dryness, keeps your hair neat all day without grease.Try Vitalis today ! e) W Lals ls l L.r LJ LJ - L ,Ij 1 1 1 L. March I Is Loan Deadline The application deadline for both the upperclass scholar ships and National Defense Education Act (NDEA) loans is March 1, according to Dan Pop, assistant director of scholarships and financial aids at the University. In the new application sys tem the upperclass scholar ships and NDEA loan forms have been combined, making both due at the same time. Applicants for the NDEA loans must also take the ex amination given for the up perclass scholarships "B e c a u s .B of increasing competition for the loans, we must also take into considera tion the scores attained on the scholarship test," Pop ex plained. All applicants, for ei ther the NDEA loans or up perclass scholarships, except graduate students and stu dents in professional colleges, must take general upperclass comprehensive exams, March 9 and 23. Additional financial data may be required of parents of students under 25 applying for NDEA loans and scholar ships other than the Regents Those eligible are full time students who have completed 24 academic hours at the Uni versity. Applicants for the up perclass scholarships must have a 6.0 overall average, while NDEA loan applicants must have a 5.0 overall grade average. fVltalia- OPERA -TONIGHT (Continued from Page 1) campuses. In addition, IFC's have legislated re quirements on pledging. At the University the IFC re cently voted that no man may be pledged or partici pate in rush the first semes ter unless he was graduated in the upper half of his high school class. Many campuses, such as Syracuse, have also gone to a program of "Deferred Rush". Under this type of system, no fraternity may take a pledge class of new members until after the firs semester. There are still the ''gim mick" approaches to raise scholarship in individual chapters and national fra ternities national t r o phies, bean and steak din ners, recognition certifi c a t e s. reduced initiation Tates, and many others all in an effort to give more than lip service to the need for good scholarship. But the term "Scholar ship", in the original sense, is much more than good grades, as noted by our knowledge of the early fra ternity meetings. On many campuses, ac cording to Alpha Tau Ome ga national executive sec retary Stewart Daniels, it already appears that "our chapter houses are becom ing more of a forum for an exchange of ideas." "Libraries are being up graded, grants are being made from national frater nity foundations to increase library facilities all (with the purpose of) looking to ward making the fraternity a more vital adjunct of te institution." he added. Many chapters are start ing to adopt parts of the Shop Monday and Thursday 9:30 a.m. Others Days to 5:30 p.m. DAY AFTER DAY OF NEBRASKA HAS MORE OF EVERYTHING V dentine . . for Hearts! GIVE HIM JOCKEY HEARTS IN A GAY Golds VALENTINE PATTERN Jockey- Briefs .. .. Tailored from 13 pieces for perfect fit Hnd comfort. Sturdy Celanee acetate with long-lasting waiat hand. 30-40. JuvAipy T.K.O. Boxers .. . -Crisp A ideiUiiie puttems on fine cotton lirnudcloth in a box with a clever "licuting heart" surprise! 30-40. GOLD'S Men's Store .... . Street Floor Listen lo Guld' Study to JVIutiic Hour 9 to 10 "Weeknigkls on KNUS Tour UniverBity Radio .. - Dial 880 Syracuse plan and are in corporating the idea of mak ing the fraternity a second dassroom. "In addition to an astute awareness to the purpose for being in college edu cation the fraternity should never lose track of its other obligations to the individual member," said John Nolon, former IFC president at the University. According to one national fraternity's pledge manual, the fraternity should aid in the development of good manners ; teach the d e m o cratic process, instilling an understanding of the major ity rule concept. A fraternity, the manual explained, is a busines which is operated by the members. One chapter cited in the manual handles more than $75,000 yearly, operates $200,000 worth of property, huys food, supplies and fur niture, has a housemother and a staff. Many fraternity leaders, administrators, and under graduate IFC officers indi cated at the NIC meeting that the college fraternity can do these things for the individual. They also seemed to be of the general opinion that the fraternity is not a dying institution. "If fraternities are dying, they are the healthiest curpses you e v e r saw," stated Joel Reynolds, a lead er in the NIC" To back up his statement, he referred to the t e c e n t For Fast Dependable Service Call CLEANERS & LAUNDRY SAVE 10 CASH & CARRY MODEL 239 North 14 A Day jfockBM underwear 477-8711 '-"-Mf f ra CURTAIN TIME LJ N NIC expansion c&mmittee report which indicated tb . there is an Immediate need for 500 more chapters m campuses across the coun try. The report also Indicates that undergraduate mem bership in fraternities ver the past five years has in creased from 1,578,870 to over 2,500 ,000. Richard Fletcher, execu tive secretary of Sigma No Fraternity, commented that f paternities will survive, the same as any human institu tion, if it is "useful, pur poseful and alert.' Fletcher continued, fWe started as fraternities, took on hotel and cafe functions, went into the club business in a big way, and are still in the club business primar ily .. .. with only casual concern for hotel and cafe and little or no emphasis upon fraternity, our original business." "Now the institutions are doing the hotel, cafe and club business for the mass es better than we can, leav ing us only the fraternity business, a field in which happily we have no competition." '"We'll survive," he con cluded, "if we're useful; we'll flourish if we're pur poseful; and will insure our future if we're alert. Our future in the sixties, as at any other time, will depend on whether or not we are in f a ct what we s ay we are." HE 2-5262 to 9:00 p.m. Cindy Tenhulzen of Gold's College Board, suggest a .clever gift of heart fur your guy. EXT. 20721 8:00 P.M. iHh a. O