r. ,v ShouldJM)TC Basic Training Be Eliminated? By JIM MOORE Nebraskan Staff Writer Most of the University's advanced Air Force and Ar ever, felt that basic train ing was the major reason they continued ftfTne pro vious training were nearly unanimous in their reason for doing so. Program 'Satisfactory' "From past experiences and acquantance with the programs offered, I feel that the advanced program is the most satisfactory way for me to comply with the service regulations," said Gary Thrasher, Cadet Com mander of Arnold Air Soci ety. The number of cadets planning to make the serv ice a career was only sev enteen, or 's2"c oi inose in terviewed. Those that are not going into the services as a life-time career were nearly unanimous in their reason for not doing so. According to one cadet, "I'm not that gung-ho I j n s t want to satisfy the service regulations. Going as an officer is a helluva lot better than being a non com," this cadet quipped. One student also pointed out, "The money I'll earn while in the service will put me through law school when I get out." Family Influence Cadets planning to make the service their career were heavily influenced by their families. More than 50 had a parent or a close relative in the service. When asked whether bas ic training contributed sig nificantly to their advanced program, most cadets agreed that the advantages of the basic program could be concentrated in a rela tively short period of time with no loss of training re sults. "Essentially the basic training taught us how to march, march, march, and how to wear the uniform," one advanced cadet said. "Although the class periods kept us informed of current events and basic policies and strategies, most all of this could be condensed in to a three or four week course," he said. There was some disagree ment on this last point how ever. "A hurried-up pro gram might not make us aware of the problems in volved, however," one stu dent commented. "Outside of this consideration, the program could be dispensed with entirely as far as I'm concerned," he concluded. Thus the average ROTC cadet feels that basic train ing could be junked with no s e r i o u s consequences and that he will stay in the service only until he com pletes his military obliga tion. my -cadets would have gwie f-gram. This group also said advanced even though they had had no previous basic ROTC training. In a poll taken by the Daily Nebraskan, 54 ad vanced cadets were inter viewed and 87 agreed that their decision to go ad vanced was not heavSy in fluenced by their previous basic training. The remaining 13, how that the financial pressures of University life also con tributed to the decision. In addition, many had had no previous experience with the armed forces and as a result of basic training de cided that "the service is for me." The 87 who replied they would have gone advanced even though having no pre Hough Selected As Tops Ferguson Is Student Winner . . . See Page 4 Vol. 76, No. 60 The Daily Nebrcskon Friday, January 18, 1963 ... See Page 5 Hough, 1111 u ' " '"HT ,""u" lmm" """ ' """ v v if V i .Ferguson Lafoele Out standing OUTSTANDING STUDENT Selected as the student who best exemplifies the characteristics of an Outstanding Ne braskan was Dob Ferguson, a senior majoring in journal ism and education. (Photo by Doug McCartney) By JIM LOHSE Daily Nebraskan Reporter Dr. Robert L. Hough, associate pro-, fessor of English, and Don Ferguson, fifth year education and journalism stu dent, are the first semester's faculty and student Outstanding Nebraskans. They were chosen by the Daily Ne braskan staff and will be honored today at a noon luncheon in the Nebraska Un ion. The letter of nomination praised Dr. Hough for his ability to insprie further independent learning. "What could become a dull, completely uninspired three-times-, a-week survival course, becomes, under his guidance, one of those rare "looked-foreward-to" class periods," the letter continued. Dr. Hough is presently serving as the faculty sponsor to the Student Council and also as a faculty member of the Publi cations Board. In the English Department Dr. Hough is not only recognized as a writer but also for his part in develop ing the English Honors Program. Since Dr. Hough is presently in Mis-, soula, Mont., his wife June will receive his award. In nominating Don Ferguson the let ter commented, "We are not only for recognition of an outstanding extra-curricular record, but also for recognition of unending devotion to an ideal an ideal which has dedicated Don Ferguson to work not for personal recognition but for the continuing development and wel fare of the student, the organizaton, and the University." While at the University, Ferg has been president of Inter-fraternity Coun cil, Phi Gamma Delta, Sigma Delta Chi, and Young Democrats; Editor and Busi ness Manager of The Daily Nebraskan; and twice co-editor of the Inter-Fraternity Council Rush Book. "Ferg's record speaks for itself. Un der his leadership, each of the above organizations has expanded its activity, grown in respect in the eyes of the Uni versity, and stands today as a continuing example of his ability," added the nom inating letter. Others nominated for the Outstanding Nebraskan faculty members were Dr. Henry Holtsclaw and Dr. Norman Geske, and students, John Nolon, Vicky Cullen, Jay Graf, George Peterson, Ivan Grupe, Bill Holland. Nancy Jacobson. Chip Kuk lin, Susie Merwick, Nancy Miller, Roger Myers, Patty Spilker, Charles WabL and Clayton Yeutter. V WW. Lmmm Jt. OUTSTANDING INSTRUCTOR Dr. Robert L. Hough, as sociate professor of English, was chosen the Outstanding Nebraskan in the instructor division. More People Needed Kosmet Klub Sets 'Fiorello'' Tryouts By TOM McGINNIS Nebraskan Staff Writer Many more people are needed to try out for the Kos met Klub Spring Show, "Fio rello," announced Sally Hove, show director yesterday. She said that "Fiorello" is a very large cast show; there are lour major female and live major male parts plus many character acting parts. She "added that il will be an opportunity for many fresh man and fsophomores to do chorus work. Cast try-outs will take place today from 7:30 to 11 p.m., and tomorrow from 10 a.m. to five p.m. in the Stu dent I'tiion Ballroom. Miss Hove said that Sunday at 2:30 p.m. there will be try outs lor people who are called back, and that they will read through the play. She empha sized that no previous experi ence is necessary. Directors Mrs. Hove has been select ed over-all show director by Kosmet Klub. Newly selected technical show director is Lu ther "Jack" Frost. Al Epstein will serve as music .director. Sally Hove has worked with Kosmet Klub since 195, when she was in charge U.S. Department Citei College The U.S. Department of Agriculture has cited the dis covery of genetic tools lor de veloping hybrid wheat by USD A and the University scientists as one of the '"signi ficant advances in farm sci ence .during 19G2." This advance grew fhl of isolation of a gene or genes that will restore fertility in male-sterile wheat. The "missing link" was found in plants growing at the Uni versity by Dr. Virgil John son. USD A wheat breeder and Dr. S. S. Maan and Dr. John Schmidt, wheat breed ers. Farmers may not be plant ing hybrid wheat for several Wars, but this new develop ment has provided research tools to get the job done tumes for the "Annie Get Your Gun" la 10 and 1961 she was choreographer for "P a j a m a Game" and "Damn Yankees." She served as over-all show director for the 11 and 19C2 Fall Re vues. Mrs. Hove has been studying dancing for 18 years under Hanya Holm. She grad uated from the University with a Speech major. Shows Improve Mrs. Hove commented that during the past lew years Kosmet Klub has become more important to the Uni mersity. She said that this has drawn more interest to the shows and consequently the quality of the shows has improved. New music director, Al Ep stein. pLaved the part of "Rocky" in "Damn Yankees" and the part f "Nicely-nice-Iv Johnson" in "Guvs nd Dolls". He has also been active in University dramatics, having performed in "Three Pen ny Opera". "Costi Fan Tut tie," and the current "Street Scene." Tech Director Technical Director, Luther Frost, earned his masters de gree at the University in The ater, and got his Ph. D at Louisiana State University in I960. This will be his first year with Kosmet Klub. He has been active in Lincoln Com munity Playhouse during his four years at Nebraska. He commented that stage wise. "Fiorello" is a very dif ficult show to produce. According to John Zeil inger, publicity chairman for the show, attendance for the Spring Show has been stead ily increasing over the past four vears from approximate ly 2,700 to over 3,000 for last year's show. He said that such increases coupled with a record break ing turnout for the 19G2 FaU Revue of over 4,000 have al lowed the K 1 a b to plan on substantially increased allot ments for sets and scenery as well as more eleaborate cos tuming for "Fiorello." Counties Conduct Economic Survey The University, the S t a t e Division of Resources, Coun ty agents and citizens throughout the state have been "rolling up sleeves" in two Nebraska counties, pre paratory to administering an economic shot in the arm. Valley and Sherman coilh ties are planning inventories of human, economic and cul tural resources; adjustments of social and economic prob lems; projections of economic growth rates; and ascention to the goal of full resource employment. Tbe report may some day become an overall economic development program far Greeley, Howard and other central Nebraska counties. In discussing community de velopment, one official called for rezoning to combat the physical deterioration of small towns. Emiel Christensen, co ordinator of community serv ices for the University Exten sion Division, said, "Some towns haven't touched their ordinances since the 1920's. As a result their physical fa cilities deteriorate because there are no enforceable build ing codes." Other economists talked of the stale's population exodus. A. V. Nordquist, a statistician stationed al tbe University, said that comparatively low risk irrigated farming and in creased livestock might slow down tbe exodus, but wouldn't st'jp it. Hardin Has No Comment Morrison Feels Budget Rumors Are Dis-Service to University' By JIM MOORE Nebraskan Staff Writer Reports circulated Wednes day iat Gov. Frank Morri son in his budget message to the Legislature Monday will recommend giving the Uni versity four million dollars less than it asked, but give five million more than the 1361 legislature approved for the last biennium. Sources Wednesday indicat ed the Governor mill recom mend about 33 million dol lars instead of the University request of 37 million. When asked w hether the re ports of a recommended budget cut from the Gover nor's office were true, Mor rison replied, "As far as I'm concerned, there is no news here. Where anyone could get an idea of such a thing is be yond me," tbe Governor said. "Although I may not rec ommend as much of an in crease as has been asked, I will suggest a sufficient in crease to allow the Universi ty to progress at a substan tial rate," Morrison said. Continuing, the Governor feels that "Talking about a 'cut' in the University budget Activity Formt Student organizations are required to file their new activity forms within ten dgy of election of new of ficers. Tbe forms may be obtained from Dean Hall gren's office. Union Ski Train Leaves Promptly Union Ski Trip participants should remember that the train leaves Lincoln at 2 a.m., Jan, 31, according to Susie Pierce, Union Trips and Tours Chairman. The train will leave prompt ly and anyone not on it will have to forfeit the reserva tion, according to Miss Pierce. Students may start boarding the train at mid night and they should check in at the north gate of the Burlington station. Hansen Discusses Book, 'Year Without President' P,y KAREN GUNLICKS Nebraskan Saff Writer Dr. Richard H. Hansen, Lincoln attorney, discussed his recent book, "The Year We Had No President" with 27 students and faculty members yesterday. Dr. Hansen explained that the year' referred to in his book is an accumulation of the days that various presidents have been disabled while in office. He said that tbe man-vn-the-street, when confronted with this fact, would just reply, "So what we have a vice president." But the attorney pointed out, by ex ample, that it has been proven that tbe vice president avoids any act of taking over or usurping presidential powers. He also cited that previous presidents have been re luctant to release their powers to the vice president. Both tbe Eisenhower-Nixon team and the Kennedy Johnson team have made memorandums for stop-gap ping this situation, be said, but the strength of these de pend upon the good will between tbe president and vice president, which is not always tbe best. "The vile of secrecy surrounding tbe President's ill nesses must be removed," be said. He admitted that the vice president sometimes has not known when the presi dent lias been ill. He said that the Constitution does not make clear whether Congress has the power to adopt a provision on tbe disability of the President at alL "Also," the Nebraska graduate said, "we must have a safety clause that will be in keeping with the checks and balance system" so that a hostile Congress cannot ase it as a substitute for the impeachment Jaw. Tbe attorney cited examples from various states where different systems have been tried. He said that the subject intimately lies with the citi zens. "They must make their representatives realize that they are concerned." Dr. Hansen emphasized that the President has the only power to release the secrets that would set our top emergency forces into action. He concluded that "A few minutes without a President may lead to disaster." is doing a great dis-service to all concerned. Even the most idiotic reaction area would not cut the budget for the coming biennium over tbe preceding biennium," he said. "We are hurting Nebraska University by talking about a budget cut so much. We have a fine University one that can compete well with other universities of its size and all this budget talk religates tbe University into a second class position which il does not deserve," be pointed out. Morrison also feels that no legislature in the nation would give any state university tbe full amount of its budget re quest. "I will fight for more mon eybut I feel the projected increase of more than 30 per cent would result in a great deal of reaction which would inevitably hurt the Universi ty," Morrison explained. Morrison prefer a system atic increase rather than "irration a 1 jumps" in tbe Universi ty budget grant. "As far as I'm c o n -cerned. a five million dollar increase each year is bet-Gov. Morrison ter than a ten million jump one year and none the next," the Governor related. Two years ago Morrison supported a five-million dol lar increase in the University appropriation, but the legis lature cut it back to three million dollars. Morrison also said, "As an alum of tbe University, I'm very proud of ber and will continue figbiing to make ber more than competitive in comparison with other Big Eight schools." "Although I'm proud of the school, the students evidently are not proud of my efforts witness tbe results of the stu dent mock election last fall but 1 will keep on fighting regardless of opinion," the Governor said. Dr. Clifford Hardin, chan- cellar of tbe University, had ino comment to make as "no official information has been received from the Governor's office." As is evident, nothing final on the Governor's attitude to ward his budget recommen dation for the University will be known until he makes his address to the legislature Monday. f f Activities' Interviews Scheduled Many campus activity posi tions are now open and dead lines for applications and in terviews are fast approach ing. Daily Nebraskan interviews are tomorrow starting at 9 a.m. in the Union. AH University Fond AUF) interviews for chairman and assistants are also tomorrow beginning at 9 a.m. All ALT workers and anyone inter ested may apply. Applications are due today at S p.m. Those applying should sign up on the sheet outside 345 Student Union. Builders applications for chairmen and assistant chair men are due Feb. 8. Inter views will be Feb. 9, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Associated Women Students (AWS) applications for beard positions are dne Feb. at noon. Any girl with a $.7 ac cumulative average that is a bonified member of tbe class for which she is applying is i eligible. Sign-up sheets for interview times are outside 333 Student Union. Interviews will be on Feb. 8, from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. for seniors and Feb. 9, from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. for sopho mores and juniors. .vplications for Student Union positions may w picked up in the Union Program of fice after Feb. 7. 11 P!nBLlL" fB,yoDfG-Jaooai,y 1157, 10, 19. ROOMS 232 tx 332 NEBRASKA UNION ,;- ... - fx -