The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 16, 1963, Image 1
f O me By WENoY ROGERS News Editor The first two faculty nomin ations have been received by the Daily Nebraskan for its Outstanding Nebraskan awards. unVEVsIit VJI" xney are Dr. HeiuMMtz claw Jr., a member of the Chemistry Department, and lenes. Nominations for the awards I Vol. 76, No. 58 NU Ag Students In Honors Plan Switch Courses By BOB RAY Ag News Editor ' Chances are, if you ask Bill Alschwede what his major is, he'll reply, "pre-grad," or "pudology." But don't you believe it! His major is Animal Hus bandry, but he's in the Ag Honprs program, so he is able to take almost enough math for a major. Alschwede says, "The pro gram is supposed to let you deviate from the prescribed catalog." He deviates by tak ing some courses out of se quence for instance, he received permission to take Shakespeare before he'd fin ished with Beardsley. According to Dean Eldridge, who serves with the honors students' advisors on the Hon ors Council, the honors pro gram differs in three partic ulars from the regular aca demic program. Advanced Courses 1) Students may get per mission to take some ad vanced Ag courses without Undergrads 'Enriched' In Home Ec By SUE SMITHBERGER Nebraskan Staff Writer Outstanding studentsin home economics are given the opportunity to enrich their college experience through the Home Economics honors program. The purposes of the pro gram are to give recogni tion to students with high scholarship, to allow a varia tion in the program and to build interest in graduate work. Students in the program take an honor curriculum they plan themselves. The class is now conducting a study on the kind of girl that majors in home economics and whether she is satisfied with what she is receiving. The girls may then partici pate in a series of seminars that will prepare them for research problems. "The students then may work with any of the home economics instructors on re search problems relating to their area of concern," said Dr. Hazel Fox, Acting Direc tor of the School of Home Economics. Sharon Crispin, one of the honors students, has com pleted the first two courses and is now planning research on the food purchasing habits of families with pre-school children. The Honors Council selects the girls and advises them. The girls are usually chosen on the basis of their scholar ship earned the first semes ter of the freshman year. Participants must maintain a 6.7 average and carry 17 hours every semester. Stu dents not fulfilling these qual ifications will be dropped, said Dr. Fox. The program is purely voluntary. Eligible stu dents needn't participate if they don't wish and they may drop out at any time. Another advantage of the program is " that students need not take courses in the order prescribed. The honors council serves as counselors for these girls and authorizes any deviation from the regu lar schedule. 11 Are which are presented to a fac ulty member and a student who have distinguished them selves on the campus will be accepted in the Nebraskan e until 5 p.m. today. fy student or faculty member may nominate a candidate in the form of a letter addressed to the Ne braskan. Letters should be signed by the person making the nomination. The winners will be an The prerequisites. However, only in Ag College non-ag de partments require prerequis ites for their advanced courses.) 2) Undergraduates may take some post-graduate class es and seminars. 3) Most of the honors stu dents undertake a project (much like a post-graduate project) which is approved by the honors council (much as the grad school approves post grad thesies.). Some honorees take enough advanced courses to get deep into several departments at once. One might take at the same time, Advanced Tree Culture, Plant Genetics, Tur key Production, Animal Nu trition, and Bio - Chemistry without having had the ele mentary courses. Any Difference? In practice, it hasn't worked out this way, say those near the program. "As a matter of fact," says one, "I don't have a much different record than anyone else in Animal Hus bandry, except that I have more math." Honors projects vary. Al schweed's project involves us ing oscelloscopes, transduc ers, ultrasonics, and other lab oratory hardware in real re search not just a laboratory exercise which every Zoology II student has done before. Alschwede and his advisor are trying to find a way of field-testing, before slaughter ing, the leanness of beef. To check their results they kill the animal and look at a T bone. Dr. Foster Owen, associate professor of dairy husbandry, is -cautious about a boom in honors courses. "This is an experimental program," he says. He continued, "we have to adjust our thinking on this program as we go along. We try to develop research op portunities in areas of student interest. It'll be years before we know whether we were successful." Appointment Cards All studen. must pick up their regi tration appoint ment cards in the main lounge of the Student Union by Friday, said Dr. Floyd Hoover, registrar. Student council members will hand out cards from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. all week. Students must have an appointment card to reg ister on Jan. 28, 29 or 30. '.V BUSY TRAVELER Ne braska football coach Bob Devaney returned yester day to the campus from a coaches convention. He announced that spring football practice will start April 5 and end May 11. The final workout, an in trasquad game, will be on All-Sports Day. J V' , , , -'m-t'-' ''-iii'v; ; J S V V . K V . .. . y PIOtlGILfL" .Nominated For Aw nounced Friday. Certificate awards will be presented to the Outstanding Nebraskans at a luncheon the same day. Faculty members nomin ated mu'si have been on the University staff for at least two years. Student candidates may not be paid staff mem bers of the Nebraskan, but columnists are eligible. Seven new students nomin ations have been received. They are: Vicky Cullen, Don Daily Nebraskan tDUCATIQMftl Regents' Action Adds Ag College The name of the depart' ment of vocational education in the College of Agriculture was changed to department of agricultural education Mon day at a meeting of the Board of Regents. The new department will assume the agricultural teaching work in the present departments of vocational ed ucation and agricultural and home economics extension. The present home economics work in these two depart ments will be transferred to the School of Home Econ omics. The change will not involve any additional expense, ac cording to Dean E. F. Frolik of the College of Agriculture. The Regents accepted res ignations from four staff members. Those resigning were: Dr. Aubry Forrest, di rector of scholarships and fi nancial aids and assistant to the Dean of Student Affairs, who accepted the position of vice president of development at Kansas Wesleyan Univer sity; Rhea Keeler Hen iger, associate professor of vocational education, whose Scrip Sales Total Over 450 Copies The 450 copies of "Scrip" available have been sold out in the first two days on the stands, according to editor Joel Lundak. The pale blue-covered mag azine is 28 pages long and contains work by undergrad uates, graduate students and one faculty member. Illustra tions are by Mary Ann Gude, Dan Rosenthal, John Finn man and John Rogers. And special "color me" cartoons were by: Julie Haug, Nina Haug, Mary Ann Volberding and Noni Spink. Lundak expects two more is sues of "Scrip" to be published this year, and he issued a re minder to students interested in contributing to Scrip to submit their material to Dr. Robert Hough in 205 AndrewB. Senator Forms Due All Senators' Program invi-. tation forms from fraternities and sororities are due in the Interfraternity Council (IFC) office by 5 p.m .today. If they cannot be ready by that time, they may be brought to the IFC meeting, according to Tom Kotouc, chairman of the program. f i?yoaiG.JanaaE?y rergusuii, Jay vmu, j-m ur land, Nancy Jacobson, Susie Moffitt Merwick, John Roger Myers. Dr. Holtzclaw The letter nominating Dr. Holtzclaw cites him as "one who impresses students and faculty alike, as one who is interested in doing his job well . . . he goes far beyond what is usually expected . . . TELEUISION - A Department husband's business is taking them away from Lincoln; Don Avila, instructor in educational psychology and measurements, who accepted a teaching position at the University of Florida; Robert L. Horn, assistant extension agriculturist in Banner and Kimball counties, who accept ed a position as farm service representative for the Cozad State Bank. The Board also accepted the appointment of Jerry Medley, a U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) employ ee, as instructor in entomol ogy at the Experiment Sta t i o n. A Nebraska graduate, he was stationed with the USDA at Kerrville, Tex., for the past two years. Leaves of Absence were granted to H. F. Rhoades, professor of agronomy and Frank Smith, geologist in Conservation & Survey Divi sion. In other action, the Board approved the leasing of a video-tape machine at the Ne braska Psychiatric Institute for use with its closed-circuit television system. The leasing cost will be $40,000 a year, fi nanced from outside grants. Fifty shares of stock, val ued at $900 were accepted from Harold E. Edgerton, professor of electrical meas urements at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Discussion Tomorrow Features Book Review Lincoln Attorney Richard Hansen will discuss his book "The Year We had No Presi dent" tomorrow at a Stu dent Union convocation at 11 a.m. Hansen's book deals with presidential disability. At the present time, there is no writ ten law in the United States which states when a Presi dent is disabled or what de termines disability. He proposes an amendment to the Constitution which grants Congress the power to determine when the president or vice president is disabled, but corresponds wi th the checks and balance system. Published in December 1962, the title for the book was adopted after Hansen and his assistants calculated how many days the presidents of the United States actually i Kis office - door is aiwavs open, and he makes it a point to be available to dis cuss problems with stu dents." - Dr. Holtzclaw, continues the letter, "is an outstanding chemist and is recognized for his research, especially in the field of inorganic complex ions. He also serves on the board of trustees for the Unit ed Campus Christian Fellowship." Wednesday January 16, 1963 OF KNOWLEDGE" NU Interested In Art Theft -Suspect in LA Arrest of a man in Los An geles in connection with the theft of a University of Kansas painting has interested Uni versity officials. The Federal Bureau of In vestigation reported the ar rest of William Bashan, plus the recovery of a $40,- 000 Edouard Manet work, "Portrait of Line Compin eau." In recent years thieves have made substantial hauls from works on display at NU's Mor rill Hall. To date, none of the arti facts 4 paintings and a piece of sculpture have been re covered. In August, theft of two early-American artists' paintings triggered the removal of all art treasurers from public viewing at Morrill Hall. Not until the new Sheldon Art Gallery is completed this spring will the works be on display again. Students Will Rend Selections As Final Readings from the works of Nobel and Pulitzer Liter ary Prize winners will be pre sented by the students of the Speech 206 class in the Stu dent Union tonight. 'The Elections range from poetry to short story cuttings which will be given as part of the students' final. have not been able to work. This number exceeded one year. Hansen started writing the book in September 1960 with the hem of two assistants. It began with an article in the Nebraska Law Review, l9bi. Since 1962 he has corre Rnnnded with several n a s t presidents, evaluating then- ideas and composing tne dook. Hansen stated, "It is very sntisfvlnff to meet people like Truman and Eisenhower, but to play a part in improving government operations is even more thrilline." Receiving his B.S. in law in 1953, he completed nis L.L.B. in 1956, both from the University. From 1958 to 1962, Hansen was assistant law li brarian at the University, practicing part-time law at the same time. In 1962, he went into full-time law. 7g UO HQ... DR. GESKE Dr. Geske, according to the letter of nomination, Is one of the "unsung heroes of Nebraska." "Since coming to Nebraska in 1950, Dr. Geske has served on many boards and committees interested for one reason or another in culture. Most recently he served for two years on the Nebraska Union Board of Managers . . . Perhaps more important to the campus, he has al ways stood ready to offer not only advice but personal influence with his widespread friends to obtain the finest available in exhibitions for the Gallery and for the Union Art Lounge, as well as the best in foreign films and cultural entertainment for the campus." From a broader viewpoint, the letter continues, Dr. Geske "has furthered the cultural development of the Nebraska State Capitol Murals Commission, as adviser to the Nebraska Art Association, and is always ready to serve as art consultant to any institution . . . During his administration the already fine collections of the Uni versity and the Nebraska Art Association have grown to be one of the most important groups of twentieth century American art." VICKY CULLEN Miss Cullen's letter of nomination reads: "Having been acquainted with Vicky since my first year at the University, I have been most impressed by the scope and consistent high quality of her service to the University and the groups with which she is asso ciated." The letter stated, "Her suggestions and efforts con tributed in a major way to the success of the first Ne braska Conference of Youth. As conference reporter, Vicky was responsible for directing the assembly of a 120 page booklet concerned with ways youth can help Nebraska grow." "As chairman and vice-president of Builders in the public relations area, Vicky has been instrumental in. securing the cooperation of her Noon Luncheon program.' In this capacity, too, she devoted much of her Christmas vacation to visiting high schools in the western portion of our state." DON FERGUSON The letter of nomination for Ferguson reads: More important than his many achievements at the University is his dedication in all the projects he under takes, and even more important, his unending interest in the University, both as an educational institution and as a personal environment. "While at the University, "Ferg" has been president of the Interfraternity Council, Phi Gamma Delta, Sigma Delta Chi, and Young Democrats, editor and business manager of the Daily Nebraskan, and twice co-editor of the Interfraternity Council Rush Book." "Ferg's record speaks for itself. Uner his leadership, each of the above organizations has expanded its activi ty, grown in respect in the eyes of the University, and stands today as a continuing example of his ability. Don's brilliant extra-curricular record is but a part of his unparalleled contribution to the University and its students. His continuing dedication and sincere interest in the "people" with whom he works surpasses the ordinary qualities usually attributed to student leadership." JAY GRAF The letter nominating Jay Graf, senior in the College of Agriculture, rates very high his contributions on Ag Campus. . "As president of Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity, he has guided this group through a difficult year and has helped them remain a fine fraternity. Jay is also presi dent of the Ag College Student Union Board. His quiet manner and organizational ability have combined to help him do a most commendable job in this position. The letter notes that Jay's extensive activities "touch every area of college life. A member of Innocents Soci ety, Jay heads the ag honorary, Alpha Zeta, and holds the Corn Cobs' gavel . . .. (he is) completely unassuming and a very natural person. These are probably two of his greatest assets. No job or favor is too small or too great for Jay to perform." BILL HOLLAND "The academic community of today requires that a top student must be an outstanding scholar as well as a campus leader. This is Bill Holland," cited the nomina tion' letter for Holland. The letter continued that "Holland has maintained an 8.614 average throughout eight semesters in Civil Engi neering. His average places him as the top ranking stu dent in the College of Engineering and as the holder of the top fraternity average at the University. He will be studying English literature next year as a result of being awarded the Rhodes Scholarship to Oxford University. NANCY JACOBSON Nancy Jacobson is nominated for the Outstanding Ne braskan Award "on the basis of her outstanding con tributions to the campus through her various campus ac tivities, but even more important, on the basis of her ability to elicit the best responses from and to build the characters of those with whom she works." "We feel that one of the ways Nancy builds personal ity and character of people with whom she works is by giving others recognition when she herself is the one to be commended . . . Stressing the importance of expres sion of opinions on matters at hand is another way in which Nancy builds character . . (she) builds strong character by showing strong character. SUSIE MERWICK Placing Susie Moffitt Merwick in nomination for Out standing Nebraskan is a letter which points to her "nu merous contributions to the campus community." "As a member of Student Council, Susie consistently offers to the Council campus representatives her ability to work tirelessly for the good of the Council as it re flects to the good of the campus as a whole. As a senior member of Student CouncU she has offered leadership and guidance to our future campus leaders. "Susie is a senior board member of the Associated Women Students. Here she has been in charge of the Freshman Program for AWS. As a hoard member, Susie is definitely a thinking, responsible person. She is un failingly eager to do her part in any part of AWS work." ROGER MEYERS The letter nominating Roger Myers says that his qualificiations include Commander of the Naval Reserve Officers Training Corp, a member of Pi Sigma Alpha, political ' science honorary, president of the All Univer sity fund, and vice-president of the Inter-fraternity Coun cil. "He has dedicated himself to every program which has come under his authority Under his direction, AUF has collected $1,000 more from the student drive than in any other preceding year. The letter closes saying, "To close friends, Roger appears to thrive on the responsibilities his many inter ests demand. The last to take credit for his own hard work, Roger's main interest appears as the desire to see the operations and workings in which he has had a part perpetuated and bettered by his association with them. Without exception, such has been the case." n am ROOMS 232 & 332 NEBRASKA UNION