J : Friday January 10, 1963 Page 4 The Dolly Nebraskan Hit i ii - - T . . v r v.; - ri 1 .. Jfcsf -.X A 1 V t V 4 i 4 i,.a i 4 - i 1 . 3 . "1 - GraDplers at Maiikato State After Fine AAU Performance laurals, three placed third, and two finished fourth. Steve Walenz and Mike Nis- ! sen, two team leaders during the season, nabbed second By Mkk Rood j Sports Staff Writer I Nebraska's improving' wrestlers, fresh from a sur AAU meet, will invade Man-jPkces and then the talented kato State College in Maine-1 frosh took over, sota Friday. ! Rick AUgood, wrestling at Three Huskers with unde-1 I pounds, was victorious un feated dual records will at- til the als when he to tpmnt in imnrove the team -win rarKrr, effort of last year when the two teams fought to a draw. Steve Walenz, Mike Xissen, and Don McDermott carry j- O FT I spotless records into the road j f-C J 0" Jj Cl Coach Bob Mancusa was "jr. j especially pleased with the f f I If freshman showing i the AAU I .IltliO meet over the holidays. Husk- j ers placed in the first sis ;Big Ten Champ. G a r v Richards, another freshman, wrestling at 137 pounds, turned in some im pressive victories before los ing to the eventual champion in the semi-finals. Perhaps the most impres sive victory was turned in by freshman Dan Westcott at 157. Westcott won three matches, two by falls, only to lose to Ray Berry, R-l. Berry went on to take third place in the tough Pan American tourna ment over the holidays. divisions and the heavyweight class with at least one qual ifier. Although none of Mancuso"s competitors won a champion ship, four took second place Freshmen To Vie Here Tonight Nebraska freshman mer man wiS see their first in terreQ?giaie action tonight when the yearlings swim mers take oa Pittsburg and Kansas State at 7:3 in the NT coliseun. This wiO be the first of two matches for the year for the frosk reached by Varsity Coach Cal Bentz. Also coming up on the mat schedule is the freshmanar siry clash Friday of next w eek at the Coliseum. Mancuso ex pects a close match and con cedes the freshmen have a slim chance to pull out vio Wayne Duke was named to tory over the older grapplers. succeed Keaves reiers as me . executive director of the Big vJiAi: vici..- i Peters has held the position for the last 16 years and will retire June Si), at which time Duke will take over. ' Duke. 34 (the youngest to (hold the position . was se ll lected by a four-man com-1 ? mittee including XU Athlet- !! it niiMwnr Tiraw Hvi K-fairh 1 looked over 2u" candidates !i P-m-,oda-v Deadline Is Today The sign-up deadline for the Nebraska Union campus championships in bow ling, ta ble tennis, and chess is 5 1 ' " " ' XJ in 1 - y , ' - Cagers on Road Face Potent Wildcats Knsss Mai Nt- Nr W illie Murrrtl M 1 .. . ! " Jim John M t .. CJrl JnM -1 Racer Sauwr M e .. BiU VhweoJ M Nebraska's cagers visit Manhatten for their second conference game of the sea son against Kansas State. The Wildcats after downing Air Force, 5842, (a 43-39 vic tim of the Huskers) last Mon day found two more shooters but may have lost the serv ices of Gary Marriott, 6-5 ju nior forward who injured his knee and did not suit up against the Falcons. But Coach Tex W inter saw Roper Suttner. 7-foot center. and Jerry Johnson, untested guard, pop in 18 and 14 points, respectively. Johnson is a native ot North Platte who received MSSEX in action at Mankata tonight over an 18-month period. Duke has been assistant to : Walter Bvers. head of the j! NCAA, for the last ten years after being sports poblicity director at State College of Iowa and Colorado. MONTERREY CAFE IV 434-3TT3 MEXICAN food ts cm spioAin DfcuKff Kmm Scrrir Atat Tttx Owl Orim Opts ttaSs PJ. to 11 T JL Sit. 4k So. 4 T3L MxUil CLOSED) MOXDATS DI SeoreIoard Wednesdav Results t SigiEia CM 2, Phi Kappa Psi i Forfeit i AJptsa Gamma R2B 46, Delta i Sigma PM-B 17. Ag Mem-B 30, Triaade-B 12 i Farra&nse-B C Coratemsker- B5 i Affi'lrews 44, Smith 30 CaasSeM 61 Hitdtcock 42 Capital-1 39. Avery-I 3S : Beta Tfeeta Pi-C TO. Ttoeta Xi- C49 Bmraett 43. Kjesselbach 35 FairfieM 63. Xlamatl 3o : Goodans 49, Boucher 37 The winners in each event and qualifying team mem bers will travel to the Uni versity of Kansas Unioa, Feb 15 and 16, to com pete in the Regional Associa tion of Collegiate Unions Tournament. The semifinals in men's bawling will be Saturday at 9:30 a.m. Semifinals for wom en will be Sunday at 2:30 p.m. la each division, the semifinals wall consist of nine games. The top twelve will ;then ro!l in the finals Satur day. Feb. 9. The results of "tine finals will determine the two Eve members squads. PalriESS in table tennis and chess will be posted Saturday J imnMiig. The emraiits wiE then arrange tbeir own matches. Farther information is available at the Nebraska Union games desk. ; Tonight's Gaines P E CL 1 5 00 Triangle-B vs. Delta Sigma Phi-B P.E- Ct 1 5 00 Comhusker-B vs. Beta Sigma Psi B Read the Daily Nebraskan Classified Ada Gymnastics Team To Open Home Slate Jake Geier s regional cham pion gymnastic team opens its home schedule tomorrow at the Men's PE Building. They host Colorado State of Ft Collins at 2 p.m. I The Huskers won their first touting, a double dual against Kansas U. and Ft Hays State at Ft Hays, Kansas, Dec. 17th. Junior Dennis Albers paces the Huskers all-around. Fran cis Allen, Gene Hart, Jim Howard. Dick McCoy, Biff Pfeiff and Tom Stizman fol low in special apparatus events. praise from Winter after the game. "Jerry is a fine shooter and we need him in the line-up somewhere. He had trials at forward, but now I think he can do the job at guard," the 'Cat men tor pointed out. Johnson's mate at guard is Al Peithman, a Hebron na tive. Guard has been the trouble spot for the Wildcats John son is the eighth player to per form opposite Peithman. Marriott, who first injured his foot in the Arizona State game, rehurt it against Kan sas and did not suit up for the Falcon contest. The fine lefty shooter is second in team scoring with a 15.3 av erage, and his hustle and fire power will be missed if he cannot answer the call. Top scorer and rebounder for the Wildcats is Willie Murrell, who has an 18.3 av erage and has hauled down 100 rebounds in 11 games. 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It m a itara homm ft pnttaal ntm Wu&oot mat fivihmbmm em arm Tkoc puff wufiif slMmd Hi iiltv nyB. My I wpmt fl CImwIi TSiy an-. II ) Far bs on rat. 2 For f ta iiiwify anJ mUnm. fm Om nb ft Om OrnwA nmM. MiKKiifcaBinlinl Mni brlf aad nd yam BOr AtAy. PATRONIZE DAILY NEBRASKA!! ADVERTISERS SmiKbjr y.ovAi.j Tneftday Wedwsdaj? Tborsdar Psalms ;aiah Rncans I C(rinthins I Corinthians 25:S-15 5:7-ll 15;l- 3:1-9 3:t(M7 Friday Saturday I Thssalonians John 3:6-13 1:5-13 DICK'S WATCH SERVICE Watch & dock Repair 1-2 Day Scrrir Student Price fa Campus Boofcator 1245 R Street li 1 "