The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 21, 1962, Image 1

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    UNlVCRS' -
Vol 76, No. 53
Shool Billiards in Love Library?
It Happened in World War II
KXixtd teMc in tine 1-!
wart'? It happened nHiuirim?
War 111 wton Dow :
Jjws MenimwiaJ liDwan1' ow
tfoe I'rtis-miity camrajHif. srrel .
ai am Amy teairT'aic'k fw
mwr UMM mm m tins Army
Sjpneciiall Tiraiwtai Pr'ftgirainu, j,
Tftw Nsiiiaurisll lU&Jft were linsi
mcwaitwsw riwww cw tlhw sec
milt Umr tere Whw ft:tmnit
te1 w4 ts4 tiiSfii ;:
avtawl, awwdliwg to Frausk A., i
jijuwfy.. Diimtor f yibwair'i)fi, ;
Urn r4'it rwffit tm thtl
trtwmt 4 third timrs 4 the
library H at mM f !
e riijW IWr ir;.
(PAW tike tIL,
Tft fixwmiiiniaifflicJ rwtef inmacte' !
fjifairv aaa!! thw ttWWBniaflwfiMZ
i!kT W few ftinaurfiif'i
jut 1hia4 il bww tSne hwwge 'm
la IH?, fc jsrewsirai strw
tmu'e f UAe liW3wy ftad Iveea
twmsit'fifal tot tftT
cmwfsa oiwwey to fiftisli th
fot-tlrfie.. AS,. LwftJy sWI, be
camew f ttoe war, ttefe were
No in i nations Due
For Kag Honor
NflWfMiww are fciwj
eicepi(!4 fey t&e Dai-Sy fte
lyf aslaa far to Bsrf!t1ly
fiteWafflrfijf Nebraskaw
Awatrrfs" to faknssMy emhef
a sf!S5Wt wfcw ftave rfk
tiwgtwb&KWl ttewsietves wlstSe
al tJie IM'temty..
Amy stsrfet w facwlfy mw
Wr may newts'aJe a eawMate
fi tfc fiww a Jettfit' to t&e
rty N!raka fftc 51
&P.J l"i'Si..
SMWiial!ii(M!t. will he ac
cwpted lURtit Jao, 1$ at 5 j.-s..
Ottifkate award fill be
lreid to lfse CtetelaflKfiwg
P'trasai at Iwsiwfset ws
Jj, M..
Ktt ii m
fy Oh NtbR,
The Dotty
DEC 21 K;
- -RAG 4
Kiglil Ball in Corner!
mo wwrtiiiiew avattabfe to
!'wtpfcte tSue Juvfe,
Am Army nwrtrarl fw tire
e of the hviUtmi mtted
mjM for the I'Mhersity.
Tfe;. rftiiey .ef to poar
cemewt and frwt im rmm
flue lftki fMwr f the litwary,
lawffy saiid, "Tlhie cemtraci
kept tine Cmiversiity allwe"
rfliue to ttoe irowvey anirf tBue -fliiw
rroewi e'ftifileJ iia t!ne
program- lHnroiingftwiuit tte jw
pams.. 13.0 tssett, alt me time
' auMiftier. were etsroJlicd int
tlhw L'fiiefSiTy,
Dr, Wiilliann E, JUaH, lea4
rf (fee JSdhwwJ of JmmaSism
at tJne UwSversiity, a amwin
tJhwie tor a tonne tm
Lwe liiwary a a stwfenit in
t&e Arraiy ptopm..
AH f (fee meM ad feeeM i
the Army !fst4 Reserve
Cwrpsi white im tttrfc, be
sakl, smJ rnest were either n
their seMr year m had j.t
WTnen the Army vacated the
I pen'teed tbe task J rnwiag
boxes of bmk, at the
rate m siix triiiicWwaA a day,
.iroto Ltwe librairy frrn 23
diiffereM places n casniptcs.
He said library smiee eow
tinwiied during Urn nm-iajf pr
cent wilHawt wtrmptiem,
lMnkm$ back to the Army's
tixxttpamey d tbe bbrary,
lty oviitsed, "Tbey still
sJeep here, btrt not in rb
llarre amnmbers-"
lyilllr W IIW ill' $
Friday, December 21, 1962
Applkatiorss tor paid staff
fmitioiss on tbe Daify Nebras
kan lor second semester are
wr available in 3t Bnmett
Hall, or in the Daily Nebras
kan office in tbe basement of
the Union,
Queen Finalists
Arc Announced
Junior Inter-Fraternity
(iIFC) Council Qsieen finaltats
were selected at interviews
la.t nifbt
Tbey are as fotlows: Cfcris
Perrin, Kappa Alpha Tbela
for stgttsa Alpfoa Ma; Marilyn
Masters, Kappa Alpha Theta
for Sigma Alptea Ep;Ios; Bar-
oara uauup, Kappa Mpha
Theta lor Phi Gamma Delta;
Mary Lee Jepen, Alpha Del
ta Pi for Acacia; and Jan
WWtney, Kappa Delta tor Del
ta Sigma Phi,
Ito Ho M
PTP Forms
Due Today
Xcbrsskaa Stiff writer
Applications for the PeoDle
to People i FTP) European
employment program must be
miea out and returned today.
Students from Engineering
College who are interested in
the program, should return
their completed forms to the
secretary of the Department
of Electrical Engineering. Ad-
t plications should be returned
to Dean Charles S. Miller's
office by students in the Col
lege of Business Administra
tion. Interested students must al
-pay SI for national PTP Sheldon Art Gallery. Morrill
membership does in order to , Hall, Richards Hall. Student
qnalify for special low rates Union. Avery Lab. Nebraska
on transportation, said To.! Hall. Pip?r Hall and Nebras
KotoDc. employment chair-: ka cVntpr have lvn mart-pd
for PTP.
Over Christmas vacation,
these students can look for
jobs for their European coun
terpart and report on PTP
forms to their respective of
f i c e when they return to
Trip Schedule
Planes will leave New York
between June 15 and June 20
for Brussels this summer.
These employment groups
wijl go to Berlin for one week
KAiAeit rAMAvlftieT a. Ua.. -L W
.cpviuj.g w ,c,r rw
training opportunities. Stu-
dents will return to New York; He said that this would be -
from Brussels at the end ofdonc ln order that the erouof
European students will be
ready to begin their employ
ment training program about
European students will bej
responsible for their tin 1
Imal l hair K i- L. :
r.- ... .nxf
United States. These interna
Ifonal students will be f r m
Germany, 4 per cent; Aus
tria, 39 per cent; France. 15
per cent; and Spain. IS per
west area
PTP rtrmwlr r p o s
4mirifae ftiinii infrttvt
& psf" the eConiarv h!tpr ui that """ rima.
Julv 1 and will return home! .k n Ya ' -FlCT J Vw
Jk Hrf Jt c 1 thev alS Would receive apprOX- . La. Arrteral Hail. Ma
in the first WeeK Of Septem- , . BirM. Fmm HaB. rarmer -
Kr imately the same amount of mariria Ban. n aaatu,
in going abroad to attempt ! aI an-v me l,me- ym A cam"
to learn the language of the Pus- the numler wo,u:"d totaI
country to which he is going. 400 students and 300 faculty
Also, the organization sag-' numbers..
gests talking to foreign stu-i- RftSS sa'd that PIan lis
dents, the language depart-, committee has drawn up is
merits and the student ambas- , m temporary and could pos
spador committee of the Uni- ihy changed,
versity PTP chapter to help in Th supplies tor the shel
this training. ! he said, which inclode
American students going toi 'w canned water and radia
Eiurope on this exchange pro- detectiag etfoipment. will
gram wit! be bowsed with a
family, in a student hotel or
I apartment house r in a regu
jlar rooming fcotise or apart
ment honise.
These lw-cst (Musing ar-
ransements wili fit into the
student's budget, said Ke
tone, and a contract will
are expected to provide sim-
ilar arTansrememts for their'
Eurorjean counterpart, said
PTP officials.. This should in
clude housing within their sal
ary and budget and a con
tract. Frirm Charge
PTP will charge the enm
pJoyment training partic-!
sparots the regular rate as is
s.ttesw?d to the Student Am-,
basaadbrs who are partieipat
ing in the Berlins Entry City j
program. I
This cost is $XX mi covers !
the following:; New York to
BrwiMels, r o u n d-trip a i r
fltgM, bus from BnnsseJ to?
Berlin three days,, meals,'
lodging, and East Gertnan
visa, buns from flaroitxwg or
Hanover and the administra
tion fee..
The total cost, including
travel trm the student's
kme t New York and other
icidetals will be about
Jobs that wouild be accept
able to find for the European
student include junior ac
countant, bookkeeper, statisti
cians helper, draftsman, sur
veyor and assistant chemist.
Strictly manual labor is not
Plans for Shelters
Receive AiJiiroval
From Committee
Nebraskan Staff Writer
Headed by Dean G. Robert
Ross. the University commit
tee on emergencies and civil
defense has approved a plan
for sheltering all students and
faculty in case of a national
According to Dean Ross,
- i Love Library. Burnett Hall
for student and faculty use.
These buildings have both
primary shelters and second
ary shelters.
Primary shelters are those
which offer maximum protec
tion and are stocked with food
and water.
Secondary shelters are not
stocked with food or water,
but do offer as good protec
tion as the primary shelters.
If an attack should occur,
onv buDdings with both pri-
I '
marv and secondarr shelters
ai be used." said Ross.
of people who are housed in
the pnmary shelter could be
switched with those people in
The primary shelters
CampUf Will W0e .37-
- . .m k;i. !.. . l-
shelters will take care of an
. 1 - -
additional 15.130. The Ag cam -
pus has one primary shelter
which will bouse $24 people
and a secondary shelter which
will house an additional 970
Anproxiimatelv S.80O &ttu -
1 dents and 1 400 employees on
ctt) campus could potential
! v need shelter from fallout
! probably be installed during
the Christmas holidays. Tbe
supplies are being famished
by the ChO Defense, but
sme extra supplies may be
purchased by the University.
IPeace Corps
rf Of Itftt SpaCA116 VVlfillAC
l-VI.VIHJlia tsJCloUllij Tf lollV3
(wimo ywrt.-. Tmw mr rw ,
km., rrmw Cra m:mfr mntmmt i
av lima),- Bift'iwi tw.' fWawwwa aww) pwa) L
r4m ml Paw font?
Dear Friends,
This Christmas letter brings
you greetings from yours tru
ly, now a Peace Corps vol
unteer in the Philippines.
In August I was invited to
tram tor the eighth Peace
Corps project designed to
provide educational aides for
the elementary schools of the
PMliiwvi'nes, i
J After a brief orientation in !' fTssT hosts eonsidered it
San Francisco in September, heir respsi'bnrty to make
m trainees flew to Hilo. Ka-; feel at home. (I might add
jiwaiii, 22f miles south of Hon-' they were successful, as I
I'otota, mow consider them my sec-
Daring the eight weeks we"d family),
were on the go, Honda! To sum up, we in the
tfcrwtgh Saturday, from i , Peace Corps all feel that our
a m, to 1 p.m. with little presence here is an ppor-
fr.e time-
In the afternoon there were
lectures designed to acquaint
m mm the Philippines; the .
country, it people and" its
Following our evening meal 1
of native Filipino dishes pre-!
pared by a Filipino cook, we :
Ross said that each shelter
! would be supervised in case
jof attack y an assigned per-
son. Recreation will be plan
ned by the people in charge.
The shelters will not be seg
regated according to sex.
the following is a tentative
shelter assignment roster for
the city campus:
All nunmrtfr atadenta M facaJiy),
tut Mme A-G.
Kmpitjm wlwit Last aamea vecia
ink A-G.
Eat Library aeraaaael.
Family f Social Science and Tempi
All enfrt miner arodeais aat farftr
ramie fan nam beaia villi H-V
Emalareea waase aaraes btgm witk
' Faralty af Barartt Hid. Beany HaB,
Catofevm and .Aadrews Hall.
sufxdox Aarr callekt
AO commater atodewu fat family)
wita tart mim bectaaiaa nil SO-R.
All larajQr laat aaaan brfrajiml
rjck O-R
AD nianaatl af the art aaUerr aaal
Swat Hall.
. ranmater Madeata ana ama)
beffiaaja aritfe S.
AH wiph villi aamei beaia
itia vita s.
All facoMr m Mil III BaH
All ronumer aiaAeata vuk teat
amn T-W.
Emaflweea. but aame T-W.
Ail tiimtoim af the Uaaaa.
AW najtiw n4e laat farvKtyVy
last names bestavuajr Y Uinwaa Z
x'SSSTt " """"
- 2 c"o..
omen n. Hn pin. xi
j 832' gL2TmiTL?i
veba bali.
Kaaaa Gaimm, Pi Beta Pla, Swma Kaa.
pa. Zefa Taa AM
AH (ratenaiciea earata html Xa
mi CBiaaeraBflye anaaies.
j SZUlT" n" "
!?wr? V? gL'
1 br
AH f ranwael af Wsawa's Kewwjeaga
! - "lrn,r?
an mni
mt tttfrmsm tm h Canaaaa.
A card system for assign
ment of shelter areas has been
suggested, with each shelter
being numbered. The shelter
number would be verlayed
in large shadow print on the
card. The card would carry
the student's name and in
structions to be followed in
case of an emergency. Cards
would have to be issued each
semester, which would neces
sitate a date. Possibly the
card could be integrated with
the student identification card
now issued.
to lectures in first
aid and public health
XX? jl j . t im
We arrived in Manila,
Nav. 1J, where we spent tw
days in rientatfoB with the
embassy staff and tbe Peace
Corps representative.
From Manila, we ffew by
chartered plane 433 kilome
ters north to Laoag, Ifocos
Norte. Two of us were guest
of a stngle school teacher and
her cousins, all of whom live
n a cornrorca&ie two story
tanity, not a sacrifice. Wt
will never be a We to repay
tbe Filipinos for the way they
'nave exienaea we nana oi
friendship and hospitality. We
only hope to contribute
enough to their education to
justify their confidence,
Sincerely, Herb
K '
i .