J I 4 5 1 ! i Thursday, December 20, 1962 The Daily Nebraskcn Pog 4 . I.I ;- S3 - ft r fV i f ' r ITS .'at I I I 3 i t t 4 I 1 , 1 .t it . i t f i 4 J. 'I ' 4 ' i ""-"J "' . i f 'i j, f "Ttianl S stuaents To the Students: , "The coaching staff. footbaE players, and myself want to thank the students of the University of Ne braska for the splendid support tbey bare given us throagboct this year. . After the games, we received many telegrams the fraternities aad sororities, wane l tare not i able to thank eaeJi of these iBdmdaaOy, I d want to kw that their isterest has act gone an- nvticed. We feel that the success of any football team is dependent to a large degree oa tie attitude and support of tie University stodert body, aad in 13m respect the Nebraska s&adents bare been the besL" Bob Devaaey Head Football Coach Wrestlers Lose Dual Bv MICK ROOD Sports Staff Writer 3tEke Niiwesi and Steve Wal eatz of Nebraska njajMained their lm&SeiiBs&ed dual rec ords, bast the Hassker wrest lers dbepped a 29-11 match to powerful Iowa State, Wednesday might at the Cal iseusL WaHemL wmestfeg at 115, boosted HHiisxer hopes wan a $&P-g3 pia veir State's Roam KjE&ftta. fbe strong ligM- pencw! and eveaBSaalUy ponied Ms adversary in 2:39. Xxnea bad a seenaly ea sy tiaoe witb kixyy regarded Kgr SeberL. bekatg fcba. 9-2. Mens failed to pa tbe iavader tat gaiaed pats a a aear-fall aad a prtdieaaBeat. At Ism WcM meairly ptfled g a last miiimajte vaav ttury ever AM S&aitfy. Weist cane to Effe in tte tftnard per iiaid wisJs a tte-ds'WTn ami an escape tonal osnsSdnt verrorae ffibe earlly de&it and -X In j&e n&MfSL fTtiriiiiigg ma&JE I of t&te ewrniang. Don MtEter jnxsca batrltkd E2H AMbsj to a 3 draw. Tte toss left tse Balm wita gae via and tw Imses. Ibe artt Emkr wres&iag ae Im SI be at the A-AX. toar- axneat Tfeanday tbrwl Sat- crday afebi at Pers&seg Aa ds&vrteau f tibe EtT autiBKB wiSI be ia emacprti tava iixa frntem ia Cbe pen I H I i - - i . :v y- ;yv,;,iv . It V - J v V ' " - V'V'.sl ' ? I ! I f "A " i I t. ? - f - ; i m : 1. , mvel w22 be la Wmw? vises Saa&en Cai iavad t&e CriSafMH to Ha a twif series FrMzy. ttmuniuuRO Bwv wvni .'atdi,. 4hE TIHIt-IUKwcill wwffl BjaiVii itimiiitnmirtl OUnMs am SnJHtv (CW, .int. IlSt-lm SKMInr (OBID) itHli8imnt (Chunk ICiram .. IMS. MP-nmnm Bufmnwi riH)t"v iOIRUi idwuilninirfl KlMr lilUnMir -a. Fiiw ' tn. .Ml. Qnw Kus "IHB.1i munntl Attfi ffiluninr l3ku ur X44t ffiMl. 2tlm tfav (fmnnm At anifi Ullll Mamm tWSOt Jw Ml. All-Opponent Team Tabbed Canal EukMw. Miiaiaari eni, ami Tra Brti Miiosno gsaBti, dmsims&szl tSne taiHllifir aEff as ffibe Ktaibtjr foiCaJ scikstei fits aD3 45153110 teaan) tbe iwpiLar stantai. Tas ipsrs wsflb vwiles ra- rirrtTeaa usiura; Varal W Cfliiihuata. Goainis: lierltr Mbbub-: kc Grass GT CttHnitMEai. Caster: Lee MUj CHlii&iaaL. sits: BSs&fl WD JiKnauril I la2aMmaa. $twi Teaai Rate Rffiwgie fiftla- ItoEiaa Ktsate; Filjsn tt CSJa BuMiiiiiL. TattftHet: WiMsr (T25)) Bharfib Caraiixoi SJute ;; Eituttsaa 26)) CiuainSf: Walte Isroa SUte; "Essr ('!$)) Eatsaat. SHtBU. CtblUiiiMEiiaL Eiiaattft:: lUiuwy (()) Li.n tttty (iffii) Gtkllaiisiwa; SKarpurti (CT KiwlSi Csmffinaa Wwwsi. 3- X1 BJUBI& WILLIE ROSS-Haster fcalfbaefc if star after Grtaaa Bwi berates. Ross Selected 'Star of Week9 For Outstanding Bowl Showing By AL SPORE Staff Sparfs Writer Wtas (Sue fSmal wfcMJIe Mew to emJ Efiie Gottera Bomi1 garaie last Satesfay amid tlae jpars craw J swavmstl cioHt ton t be SeM mat al eff tie acatoigrapfti jasfeg jmmxptorx bad Iter eye cm lEarM's semalkmM MMimeirksm Gmrge S&a, JWmgh Ifcra fa&i tamed im mSacSXaiEy 0e fiunsst per (mmmm suff tliae aStteratsura yanfls, mnaacy ef fflae yonnf fax$ SaQiljcaJ aracucd K&snmt- R,ws iuatl ptrauliiitS fee wi iiCTig margin far ti&e Hdjtirs utSiliii a teo2 fifflentfiive cffilioct ffijff I$7 yarrfif amS twro twl (flromtL Far tfciis peirflfflraitaijaQe WMe Earns mtttrowdl tlx (Mr stmimg Player Award fr tflae ScarM ami t&e Jktot fcsoB "Star sf Ifflw We&". canne iin tbie sfflcsstsd cpairlter wtSfti tie HasJcers tracEim.gr12-fii. WiEiie fafJseffl M tine StOanra kidb-ffiffl' ca Ms own eig&i ami wMn tttoe aiid of Muse well placet Mocts sM Cavacm De- ts tikwsg seme. Ems bad set. wp tbe era iiKfial tsre earfcr in cneiittest wtem Bus 5S y-arfs to ps& Keferaalta in WaHLe caame ttewb w i t b atasCftiHr tey play m tie flaasniar wibsm tie otlte a 1"S yard mm tmm CfoisMge mi smZam a Bmker 2nw 6nr fiSaear ftHrartto scare. Kilts capped tfinf atarwoi wiiSa a rae yaml $toe ios tftit Mtw ttffie wuEBaraig TP star t2w Scatrtet. K;.if wfbffl was Ei'4 avajl!aye im csmmenL was ItWitumiiis' Tonight's IM Games P- EL OL 1 $:: DKtSCa Tam Mia-A v. KagifJi Siijsnia-A IJ52 05 feBf Prs-Scason BaskeihaH Tournament Bracket wtmmu HK.aiMik f aawasawai i IMMf IMMiASaWIt mmmt fl9 Cam V73 C TelcryfiiS InJ Sm far $m wM t taSm4 t&m Hmmmmr ft. to torn in Ms fne ssxwsMg wbm othez Hastes were cp fior tbe post-sea!in fralms. Tbe team effort pntdmced tSse vkrtory best t&e fee ranos of Rflws sparted fee team and iept ttoe spMed Hmstos in tfce game al aftenson. By RICK AKIN SporU Editor Christinas time offers little relief for the college teams around the country. Basketball teams have their holiday tournaments and football teams have the bowl games. Tbe Esskers got-tteir Christmas presents early wits, taeir fine effort in New York at tee Gotfcam BewL In answer to Coach Devaney'c letter fat tanns two, Thaak yod, tae eoaeldag staff, aad the foUIl players tor ghing the sfadent. a beltava season. Cagers fat Action Nebraska's cagers have the Big Eight Preseason Tour nament to tackle during their Christmas vacation. The first game of the tournament looks Eke it should be aboat the best game of tbe toarney. Ia flas e CMerad takes oa Ifauft Nebraska gets Iowa State in its opening game and if the Haskers can keep playing poised basketball as they did against Miami the other night, and Coach Bush finds a consistent fifth man, the Buskers may have some surprises for the Kansas Ci&ans as well as the Big Eight. Colorado Tops Colorado should grab the trophy meeting Kansas State in the finals. Kansas State shooJdnt be too pressed as it plays Missouri, which has tost two of its top men via the injury, in the opening. The two Oklahoma teams are the only ones toft in the Wildcats' bracket, which shouldn't be too great a hurdle for Tex Winter's crew. The bowl games sboabl be the best in many years with the best teams fat the aattoa facing each other. The Rose Bowl should be the top one of the New Year's Day activities. Southern CaL the nation's No. one team, meets Wisconsin, the No. two team and Big Ten champ. Toss Up This one is practically a toss up but the Stick wCl have to go along with Wisconsin since the Badgers have seen the tougher competition this season. WISCONSIN. The Oraage Bowl Is of partkalar farterest to Big Eight fans trace Oklahoma, the Big Eight ckamp, will face Bear Bryant's Alabama efciV. This also should be a real kaock-dc d-1i ag-'tia-ost fight as both teams are rated highly. Alabama is al wav rmwwl tart tta Soontfrs have eot too much mo- imemtum going' and the layover wont hurt them that Cotton Bowl The Cotton Bowl, a Dallas, Tex. classic, finds Texas and Lootisiana State in the naming. Texas has been strong this season even though their preseason hopes have not become a reaMy, the Locghorns should come out on top. Lnmuu State started to move at the end of the teas tat dost hare the bones. TEXAS. The Btneboimet Bowl is also of interest to Big Eight fans since Sliissouri is petted against Georgia Tech. Last Kansas made the Big Eight shine with an impressive victory. Mizum Again Aad Wxsmii wf3 probably do tie same tiling. MS--S0URL, If MIsaearf and OUatana take home wins, tt wM nuke tierce E?g Eight teaau to grab bowl victories after the Carataskers acroaiplfshcd the task. Stkh Sidelight College foo(hal attracted 21 million pesple la.it season even though tfce number of coOeges parSaopatiKg declined. Clfl teams drew the crowds as fee attendence in creased tor the ssMh oooseastsve year. Iff ttuaitd a a x$e teaam,, U wwM take 1X22 Jraifeft cairx, $titeML tZ-t m&t, to hmH l&t ISJjWJjSW 1. f VS. teem a&m&ifflEe CAES) diT ts'tm Aur m fiiijeal year tiftO. CiOTtriilwuiMKt to the CAfiOE Tmd Crmsade, New Yrlk lit, 3S.Y-, fcftJp sent! Eiif.aiJ to Itejjry The- Vkmmem S2ap;3s fcf its xmm$ 2tV iiMointok wSuuce peopfe are htattl hy ?iwt,ji3!Mi'riis(i to tte CASX fod Cmad, YwHt S, NX I Read t!te Dailj TiebrauLxa OLajulfied Ads A rif-iktal $1 CAES Vs4 Cnwad padba$ fr tvimsK OMttasstts stwt3 flaw to hake s&& teds Did, Niemano's . Where diadmg tt m putmtmr' 620 Ho. 43 fHati rap take raei 4f fttrt rtttttrtrf ftfiifiti f .J?X fit fhattk trntt fnr i IJUUi UUli 1J11UUI i LW'rf Hi 7AI 1 Yt4 7 txvl t7ttttr?hin fur n USA r.iu 9 TCHISIiTS TH MIGHT THE BIG MOVE IS TO THE 1036 FD nfl"R IDP R OPEN 7:00 P.M. TOHIGHT Di'xlcfasi SaxxJim Itttbtrt