Monday, December 17, 1962 The Daily Nebraskan , Page 3 Council Members Attend Conference Delegates Endorse Concert Series And Peace Corps Committees Don Burt, president of the Student Coundl, led the Uni versity delegation to the Big Eight Student Government Association (BESGA) conven tion which was held at the University of Missouri over the weekend. With Burt, Dennie Christie, Ann Wahl and Chip Kuklin attended the two-day confer ence of Big Eight student leaders. In addition, Wendy Rogers, representing the Dai ly Nebraskan editorial staff, and staff writers Sue Hovik and Jim Moore, covering the convention for the newspaper, attended the session. In Burt's statement con cerning the accomplishments of the BESGA meeting, he points out that the conven tion endorsed the Big Eight Concert Series, Quiz Bowl program, and Peace Corps committees on each Big Eight campus. The concert series will at tempt to "contract bigtime entertainment on a coopera tive basis" for each member school of the Big Eight. Quiz Bowl The Quiz Bowl endorsement reflects an attempt to pro mote academic competition on each campus using the idea of the television pro gram, "College Bowl." Each university would se lect "varsity scholars" to compete within the Big Eight for academic honors. The "Quiz Bowl" would use the method of quick recall of facts and would not be an essay contest. The establishment of a Peace Corps committee under BESGA structure to stimulate interest in the Corps on each goal of an active program on each Big Eight campus. In addition, the meeting al so raised the annual dues of member schools in the BESGA to $100 per school year to enable the new of ficers to be more active dur ing the coming year. Poorly Organized In general comment part of his report, Burt states, "The conference was poorly organ ized and was hardly worth the time of the delegates who came hundreds of milps to seek solutions for mutual problems." Continuing, he comments, "We feel, in eeneral. that th conference offered us prac tically no help m solving the problems that we, as a Stud ent Council, face at the Uni versity." "No discussion time was al lowed or planned for concern ing the basic goals of stud ent government," the report continues. "Such programs as the Quiz Bowl and the Con cert Series are certainly worthwhile, but they are not the ultimate in student eov- ernment endeavors," Burt comments. "Since no time was devoted to discussing basic goals, these programs seem some what meaningless," the re port concludes. No Conclusions Dennie Christie, member of the delegation and now vice president of the BESGA, com mented, "There were no prob lems presented to us to dis cuss before we went; natur ally, no conclusions resulted." Concerning migration, a top ic brought forward at t h e convention by the Nebraska delegates, Christie com mented, "None of the Big Eight schools have an official migration but they all go, anyway.". . Christie felt the delegates had no common ground upon wmcn to discuss mutual prob lems. "In fact," he quipped, "we really didn't have any thing mutual to talk about." Christie noted, as the new vice president of the BESGA, that he hopes to rectify this situation in the coming year by effective, advance plan ning and specific program ming. Campus Calendar TODAY "SQITRK", play try-outs, 7-9:30 p.m., Howell Theatre. BRIDGE, 7:30 p.m., Stu dent Union Party Rooms. AUF Meets i O r Oie uil Amendments All University Fund mem bers will vote Thursday on whether or not to accept pro posed amendments to the 1962 All University Fund constitution. Under a special committee headed by Pam Hirschback, vice president in charge of solicitations, the present con stitution has undergong strict appraisal to increase effici ency within the organization. Duties of the secretary, un der the proposed amend ments, will be increased to cover all clerical machanics of all AUF departments. Assistants to the chairman would remain non-voting members in the spring when the new board takes over but would become voting members in the fall. Seven chairman will be un der the direction of a vice Mass Meeting There will be an AUF mass meeting tomorrow in the Union for workers and all persons interested in ap plying for interviews for chairmen and assistantship positions. president in charge of solici tations. They will include: Ag campus Including Burr Hall, Fedde Hall, Love Hall, Ag Men, all ag fratern ities and organizations. Fraternities including all fraternities on city campus. Sororities including all sororities. Independent Men includ ing Selleck Quadrangle, Corn husker Coop, Pioneer House and Brown Palace. Independent Women in cluding women's dorms and Terrace Hall. Organization & Faculry Grads including faculty- grad solicitations in the spring and city organization in the student drive. Lincoln including solici tation of all Lincoln students not belonging to any of the above named divisions. Publicity Board would be composed of the heads of four publicity divisions: Spec ial Events, Mass Meetings-Speakers-Education, Art and Public Relations. These di visions would be under the supervision of a vice presi dent in charge of publicity. fYiTX x LULU tiJlry ii fl J It rK Mlyf Of I V I Ttti iTT MAV 1 . . iM GOING TO M illl I WEM s PUBOC TSoTffl- 1 V To TH AirrruDE TBwo I vii acre imwiu? or the 'mn rut,- TKf VMDI MADNEff (mm T" Founders Emphasize Basic Goals of FTP Tom Wright, chairman of the University People to People program, has just re turned from a Big Eight meeting of PTP chairmen. Wright commented, "In on ly one year the PTP move ment has grown from a single organization at Kansas State University to 450 PTP chapters in 26 states." Bill Dawson and Rick Chi Phis Hold Rush Smoker Members of the Interfra ternity Council rush commit tee and alumni of Chi Phi fra ternity are holding a smoker for any male University stu dents interested in learning about Chi Phi for the purpose of pledging. f It will be held tomorrow night at 7:30 In the Student Union, Chi Phi, a national frater nity, will begin a colony in the old Zeta Beta Tau house beginning next semester. According to Bob Cunning ham, a member of the ' IFC rush committee, they hope to Ret a good core of men to start the fraternity at NU. Barnes, founders of the PTP program, spoke to the chair men explaining the basic purposes of the organization. "PTP is not to be consid ered just another activity, nor is it a group of do-gooders," Dawson said. 'The student of today is an inter national student, and must learn to live in the interna tional community," he con tinued. Dawson said, "The basic goal of PTP is to educate American and foreign stu dents in their responsibili ties to today's world." The PTP national organiza tion has planned an Interna tional conference in Kansas City next August and is cur rently directing the establish ment of a work-camp where American and foreign stu dents can learn to under stand and comprehend dif ferent cultures. In other business at the convention, the PTP chair men discussed effective means of communication be tween national and local organizations, and established the Big Eight PTP newslet ter to facilitate direct" com munication within the Big Eight conference. , WOODS BUILDING Cornerstone cere monies for the Nelle Cochrane Woods building were held Friday. The $500,000 building will house faculty, classrooms New Woods Building To Hold Art Classes and studios of the art provide classrooms for departments. department and other university Scholar dollars travel farther with SHERATON HOTELS STUDENT FACULTY ' DISCOUNTS Save on the going priest of going plaws at Sheraton Hotel. Special save-money rate on mng!e and greater tarings per person when you -hare a room with one, two or three friend. Generous group rate arranged for athletic team-, club and colleec clan- on-the-go. For rate, reservation- or further information, get in touch with: MR. PAT CftEEN ColUf Rcl-tlMS Dept. Sharate-i Co-paraUm 470 Atlantic AawniM Bottom 19, MaM v. ...-. J Frank Woods, son of Nelle Cochrane Woods and trustee of the Woods Charitable Fund, participated Friday in the cornerstone laying cere monies for the University art department build ing which will bear h i s mother's name. The $500,000 classroom building was made possible by a $250,000 grant from the Woods Fund. Woods noted that the trustees " are now carrying out for her a bene faction which circumstances did not permit during her lifetime." Mrs. Woods, an 18 grad uate of the University, served as a trustee of the Nebraska Art Association. Mie died in i 1950 at the age of 80. The building, adjacent to the Sheldon Art Gallery, will house faculty, classrooms and studios of the art depart ment, and provide classrooms for other university depart ments. Frank Woods told the dedi cation audience that "in spke of Mr. Khrushchev's predic tion, I don't believe any of us here today expect that this or any other building here will be 'buried' . and provide a dig for future archeolo- gists." "The lamp of learning will continue here to burn bright ly for centuries," he added, "and with this new teaching' facility, we hope to encour age a larger enrollment of students." Professor Duard Laging, chairman of the art depart ment, praised the Woods j family for its interest in the : human aspects of art, and; noted that "we may all be! sure that the spirit of human ism is not dead." University Regent B. N. Greenberg of York stated that the building "will pro vide a sensitive balance be tween the disciplines of learn ing, living and the arts." The Nelle Cochrane Woods building harmonizes with the new Sheldon Gallery with its exterior of aggregate panels containing travertine marble chips. The art department hopes to begin moving into the structure as early as February. Holland Selected Rhodes Scholar William Holland, an Engi neering student at the Univer sity, was named one of four Rhodes Scholars Saturday. Holland plans to study Eng lish literature at Oxford Uni versity in England. He is on the University rifle team and has had several writings pub lished. The four were chosen from 12 candid es representing Missouri, Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota, Minnesota, and Kansas. A!! University Carol Sing Wed. at 7 Union Regents Abandon Nigeria Project The University Board of Re gents has abandoned a pro posal to help establish a new university in Western Nigeria it was disclosed Friday. The University had been sounded out on interest in the project by the Agency for In ternational Development. The subject was discussed at a regents meeting in Au gust. The project involved the es tablishment of a university pattern rather closely to the University of Mexico at IFE. Madrigals Will Present Annual Sing "Amahal and the Night Vis itors' and a selection of Christmas carols will be pre sented by the Madrigal Sing ers tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. in the Union ballroom. The public is invited and there is no admission charge. Under the direction of Prof. John P. Moran, the 32 fresh man singers will perform these carols: "Joy to the World' 'and "God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen," both English; "Carol of the Shep herds" and "Patapan," both French; "Carol of the Drum," Czechoslovakian; "Christ Was Born on Christmas Day" and "Away in a Manger," both German; "Ya Viene La Vie- ja," Spanish; "Carol of t h e Bells," Ukranian; "It Came Upon a Midnight Gar" and "White Christmas," both American "Deck the Hall," Welsh; and "Jingle Bells," traditional. Assisting the Madrigal Sing ers with the performance of Menotti's "Amahal and the Night Visitors" as solo voices are these upperclass and graduate students: Claire Roehrkasse, Kenneth Schef fel, Susan Stehl Stohs, Wil lard Marquardt, Eugene Dyb dahl and Roderick Gibb. The accompanists will be Lila Haisch and Mary Haight. Read Nebraskan Want Ads. TIP Erik the Red had no choice-bat Vitalis with V-7 will keep your hair neat all day without grease. Naturally. V-7 is the greaseless grooming discovery. 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