The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 05, 1962, Image 1

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am JdowI
Is Foe
Dec, 15
I Vol. 76 No. 43
The Doily Nebrpskan
Wednesday, December 5, 1962
Budget from
The University's proposed
budget, up 3L7 per cent
from the last bietwium. faces
Its first major hurdle Friday
sn the race for legislative ap
proval. University officials will con
vene at 1:38 p.m. in the bear
ing room to present the pro
posed budget to Governor
Frank B. Morrison.
Gov. Morrison has said re
cently that most f tbe bed
gets preseaJed by state-scj-perted
iastifBtieas will be eat.
diaries Smith, an assistant
in the tax cons miss-beer's of
fice, explained the overall
budget situation in this man
WSAT IS IT? It's a wttck doctor Croat Africa bat it
nozzles MtSe Nancy Shaptar. daaghter of Mr. and Mrs.
David SSmftar f Lincfria. Tbe African earring is one of
ray articles frwa toreiga lands mm sale at tbe YWCA
asBnal Oaistaus Bazaar. Tbe bazaar lasts tfcrwegh
Tbarsday, in tbe Party Emms of tbe Stedeat I sat.
(Phto by Pixie Ssu2ad
YWCA Xmas Bazaar
Offers Imported Items
Tie YWCA CSnistmas Ba
zaar bas gswna frmi a snuaHI
rmt caoa3xQg of bxaxe
ma &e j&ems sxkdh as apu,
3iiM9'eil, je.B;ery axti tiii3
f oofij to cine cicmKiErjrf of feo
partted Baenctiaoafiie :icsrS3a
pOTltei foams $ol3 at tie
Bazaar is (onier to e2$ meet
ciHnnenit expeaes..
Tie smmst i ssasis w
ntoi ffiOTO impiirt osnEipa
siks ire tie OaJlei SUAet baa
p$m to flijffiWL Ceriag afl
ffDOtt tkai cwo&riec, ttbese
Meiss ase inayKtJy ftamdmade,
HatuScaowi camel toaiia e
tfe'e wood, i"sTe wawi axti
aasilier off peari EMes acai
apneas ami ttont E.a5e
A7U Debaters
Attginfi MpPljt
Timee Ontwenaly debate
taaas partacapattei aa tsw
tsBOTUBBieiits si tie Aar Piree
Academy ami att tie State
At tie Aar Fiarae Acaflemy
EatfJic liladeta! acui Linda
MSJjwr m ses'tai asd 1 s t
mine tf thair (fidkaSs.. Amiani
sng to Dr- Bm. O. Cttuu, ifle
bafie caadi, ailha:E3a tie igiri
Sii mat goafce at to tie njpnr
IjihJi they were aaaacg tie
top f&j per eat f tfice par
tacgajiifis aBTitei Saatk $ar next
year, Tiisrly-ltws sdlioifls f&ram
aJ3 '!r ttie tiiiic piotio
palf J sn tie toiDTmiatsal.
At tie Stale Iterercity ttf
Icwa Djii Wtsil amfi Gacry
py&miy woo itt'ur ami I s t
one ttf tiieir fiti;at.-et, J(iy
Erimmo ami Surayme MaEill
isra Siree ami last tm sS tosir
IiciW;31 wmsetxttA plate i
ia tie Kxmlvzy ts'jjaS, mS
is ex$TEurxxHxiQs speaiiffig.
Ctoe bmlrssi SMnrj $!taasU
trraa 57 rcaf t ctfleges ami
liii tourtiarrtwa..
"After all the agencies have
made their budget requests,
and they have been worked
over and approved by the
governor and legislature, then
the mill levy is set to pay
for this exact amount"
Mill Levy
Smith said, bewever, that
it is not wise far an admin
istration to raise the mill levy
to any large degree during
the period of any specific bi
enaiam, because it weald
cause tbe taxpayer to become
Since the legislature is not
likely to raise the mil levy
too much, and most of the
agencies have asked for tre
refugees in tie JMv Lands
ate amotber feature off tie
African wood caniEgf, IlaS
iaca pottery, Spamiish jewelry,
LaSliai brass, Scaadmaviaa
ceramics, Oriental baoatjer
ware ami German toys are
just a Sew off tie itemis tor
Tie Bazaar is cpea fasaa f
am. to pm. today and to
mointw itm tie stntfh peaty
irt&tcjsms of tie S&Erfeot IMssl.
Begin Dec 10
A3J Cafirerfity stoiesats re
tcrnjiig next saraexief raaatst
2p$wimibi)ests wih tiear
adTiftsrs MW esraoerimesg Dr, FicyJ Kawwr. reg-
Tie stexxt os fta czecx wsa
to effiffieg er depsiirtaexd: to
see M tbKne it a sd5c time
mteroed Car rf ifitrifliaa.
J amais sM ssssms mast
sMsim srkitae!tc ami class
stl4iilee ami taunt "m tie
iwta2ittt bcsme Dcl. 2L
Tiey siisaM see SStear aljiuss
feKua D. 19-21.
Stjhymw ssH'3 j;tihmea
wi3 pre-?5iJer aflta1 Cisufit
ixiac inucaDua. Tiey s b 9 1 d
t ..Caair ahriissiirs betweea
Jim. 7 soii 13, ami bsai tiesr
Sclielifcxet ami wwlkjiwria;
cam tme te picbeS cp at 2'JS
A.grk3lhnri& Hall.Pmwj
aaelt acr n krt4 is Ce
irg ffaet te aT2liu.e
stKTtBDg Jam. 54. Tiey eqsj te
pdk&i at? tr-icia f am t 5
jm, aa tie &uits4 IMaa
iax ami sa tie Ag Uo-
Jaai. 54 cmSr.
A 2 depexut sr:aS te isaie.
Dtr. I1'jww aoiaS tbat
sKudents rcai pige timee of
ilbe ciaf :iktde cawefiTj,
v s V
mendous increases, the pro-,
posed budgets must be cut,
Smith said.
Tbe University te asking tbe
kgislamre for an S&3 minion
increase. Of this amowrt S3.(
mOhon is reonested for main
taining tbe present academic
programs, and $3-3 million is
being asked for tbe Univer
sity growth and development
At tbe time tbe proposed
budget was released for pub
lication. Chancellor Clifford
Hardin explained that the Uni
versity needed the money for
the following areas:
Faculty Salaries
Increase in faculty sal
aries to meet regional com
petition. Strengthening the pro
grams at the College of Med
icine and the University hospital.
Education Appropriation
Increases Nationally
State legislatures across
the country appropriated SI 8
billion in state tax funds for
higher education in 1962-63,
an increase of 245 per cent
compared with tbe previous
two-year period.
TMs compares with an in
crease of 22.7 per cent in the
previous two-year period. Tbe
University asked a 22 per
cent increase in its budget
from the 1361 legislature. It
received an approximate 12
Angel Flight
Visit Texas
. A tocr of the San te&omo,
Tex., area Ak Force faeffitks
BETOiSved test University rep
resentatives and 13 other Ne
braska educators early tMs
week. The twur was sponsored
by tbe United States Air
Ffisrce Eeam&Mg Service.
Aiawfratrs front the
Unite ly wbo MtSemie4 were
Dr. lUward Eckel, pwwfessor
f School AimjnjstraQwn;
Mrs. IfarSya Eoefea, assist
ant to tbe Deaa of If ones;
Mr. Barry Casta, pfydbtiisgS
ral wxs1m' fur tbe Cwnstri
btg Seniee; Mrs. Sfary Abbc
Hut, Director of Aertspaeej
Imtrm&md Materials Center
aaJ Angel Fight adviser. j
Uaversity stuiesAs,
members eff Asgdl FigM,
who vast were Alee Meara,
RiSh Asm Reai. Say Dale,
GiiBW "m Bora, Pal barney
ami Rsfterta Kite.
Tie priis were dbauea to g
by tie ExaraSve Cosacal t
Asgei rTEftl
Tbc trip is designed to
sale fibe edarators in this
area umn swan of aero
space 4efvjraBM and fcw
it relates to fbrir areas, sadJ
Casftaia Xanaaa Leas, Ak
Sdaee frefesser.
He fswap, Cew Ss
day to Raiadd!ph Ak Force
base Bear Saa toZixziG, re
ceived a ctfficsaai brisSzig at
Eeadtjfoarters Air TraikaBg
Cmsmaaid at Raaisph Air
Fmt Base, and tomred the
KaQDOwpB Aar rwee se.jeOTiOTamiiiiies aaad try vx as
traMEg ad3taes Air Foree
AesmiMsacm Lwaosaiies at
E&sxJks Air Frce Ease, tbe
Air Force Military Trmmg
Schools at Ladkls&i Air
Fiwe Base and taittickal
sites la Saai Astocaao.
Board cf Regents
THU llett Friday
Tie XMversity Bsrd of Re
gsats a Eoset Fiiiay at f :M
a.EL m cssssomsts txzxx v
cw&act LMrercty TwaKiess.
Amm$ tie teas d tbe
afiia is Cte cssotaaSSsas;
6)4 tuis fior etesctriJdtaEffl tf tie;
TL2 Bi&ffl i23rary cat tie Ag
CiZa-gt csrrpit asd f bids,
far a EsetaB teiaimg at tie.
Bscs B2e EaperiJEjeal Stan
ttasaiL AcUsa (a b'jth projects'
was dderred at tie Eeg tds
Halt cte&iz. i
Funds for University
growth and development in
tbe area of public service.
Dean Roy Holly of the
Graduate School said that the
University Hospital is "in ser
ious trouble because of a
lack in the number of beds.
Medical Improvements
He expressed concern over
tbe future accreditation of
the hospital, as well as the
College of Medicine, if im
provements weren't made
According to tbe Chancel
lor's secretary, Hardin has
not decided who will aueiwl
the budget meeting Friday,
but Ed Ilirsh, assistant direc
tor of public relations at the
University, said tbat the group
which will present the budget
will probably include tbe chan
cellor, the vke-chanceDors
and the Board of Regents.
per cent increase. The Uni
versity is asking a 3L7 per
cent increase from the 1953
legislature funds.
The national figures were
prepared by Professor XL M
Chambers of the University
of Michigan.
State-by - state gains
throughout the country ranged
from New York's 73 per cent
increase to Louisiana's S per
cent gain. Appropriations de
clined m nly two states a
L5 per cent decrease in Ala
bama and an 03 per cent de
crease in Montana.
The report stated that the
29 states which operate local
community junior colleges
had appropriated an addi
tional SSI mSIica to these
schawls in 1&2-63, an increase
of about 12 par cent over the
previous two year period.
IWA Cancels
Charm Course
The Kancy CMIkis C&anffl
Cfwe, whkh was to be spon
sored by tie Independent
Women's Asssdatkao oIWAK
was pcsSjJffliaed became bere
were tar easwsfh pwple bo
signed op for it, accorisg to
Mrs. Chide.
Mrs. CMMs said that the
IWA had bonsght tie mtrse
from ter for a fist rate asd
needed 153 girls to take it in
order to pay tar ft. Omly $
signed nap, she saad.
The iSMiieev w3 be re&iaded
ailto fibe gMs who toad regis-
lered, accirardiimg to Marian
Cast. ISA pcUic reSatroos
Panel Discusses
A pazel at the UMiveritys
fwrth annual Ommmsisij
Beasiification Cwftresac
Mboday decided that it's s
kg to take a wd deal f in
teraial cmssmmsSf ecwperataoa
to dev-efep Interstate wayside
parks sa NebraUuL
The paze! included A.
James FleL rfrao&retor),
R'Jbest jMx&i&aK Ja Sradn,
and Emkl J. CtmAamm.
Clsmensea advised the
rmn to m had to their
omh CKo)pBra&i at pMif&Sle
tetveeo prafesgaal ami so
cial jgmaps.
Dr. Breckenrhlge
Heeled President
Dr. Atem C. J&ectoariige,
Um'trsfty rke cha3aod3or,
was ejected psnesi&at J t&e
Nebraska Asctodatifa tf Col
leges aai U'erfiSics, whkh
mt tMs pact wedtexd at the
Tts mkziziZx? eedei as
race pmadssl the Very Ber.
H. W, lam, S. wbs is pres
iSaot csf Cresgtltoa LoverEty.
Dr. LeKti Patrki, pres&st
(ttf FaMwy Cdfe. a-as re
dected secreta-treasKier.
Tbe grarap voted to boid its
13S3 eoeefcg text DecesEber
at QrerLisat Usrreir.
' v O
vaaey wiD lead bis Nebraska Conibnsker gridders into a
Dee. 13 meeting with Miami in tbe Gotham Bowl in New
York City. Devaney, in his first year as Hosker bead
coach, piloted NU to an 8-2 record, best in 22 years.
Husher Gridders Vote
Unanimously for Bowl
Nebraska Staff Writer
It was quiet in the television room of SeHeck Quad
rangle at the University yesterday noon ... the football
team was given the initial decision as to whether Ne
braska would accept the bid to the Gotham Bowl.
i Coach Bob Devaney came out of the room, and told
j sportswriters: "Wei let them Ithe players hash it over."
with cheers.
Tbe players decision Nebraska will make tbe trip
to New York City for tbe Gotham Bowl m December 13.
Bill "Thunder" Thornton, Husker fullback, said . a
hand vote was taken, and there were no dissenting rotes.
"The team is gsiag to take this opportunity to show
Nehraskans, and the cation that we are really a good
team. We all want a chance to get the bad taste out of
cur mouths, Thornton said.
NU Goard Dwain Carlsea agreed with Tboratoa and
said tbat tbe trip woold give the team a chance to see
New Yorka vacatMML"
Devaney, Nebraska's head coach, saiid that "in view
of the teams einthnsiasiii, we are happy to go."
He said that tbe team will start practice today, bat
expressed some eaueeni over tbe weather. Tbe layoff
siace tbe Oklahoma game, be said, sbosldat present any
Devaney said thai be would call Miami University,
Nebraska's opponest in the bowl, to get scouting films.
Miami has a 7-3 record for the past season and George
Mara was named an AIl-Asnerican quarterback.
The team will leave for New York Friday mornhig,
Dec. It, and will return Saasday r Monday, Devaney
said. The fawn wi!H be broadcast over the ABC television
network at 11 am. EST.
Segregation Problem
Strilces At Qenison
as a cmnvtiiiiunni flri tin mam. nwidnt
eimnw (uimuRnmnr wtiMag Cur
eulneitw arwtil. fean Cumilms lit ge-1QJ-
tbMUmc itttt vtnut wsaab touts hm
uuninc -iviui fceMitimc vatmt tone &6
wasstzmat xt imam JtwwflKE M saw
i;u9Bniitr M KnauMUHNu
CsMilliiiaa is holdaisi
st bmeaffln Shis naoanth while
tie federal coot deliberates
on a csxart decree which codld
retire airaisfinan of a Ne
gro to land-grast Ctaffli
' Harvey Gamtt, a Negro fmm
Chaurkstoa, S C.. has stmght
tor nearly two years to trans
fer from Iwa State Univer
sity to state supportei C3ai
sm, Itacated tear GreexiviijQe.
Last k ia a Uaitod
States District Ctwrt, Gactt's
lawyers smgM to sbw tbat
Cleaisoa has cwatineaJly "IM be sand, "if segre
btocked bis adaJttaace be-" gsativa mwA cocae, the dignity
eaase A bis race. The C4- ssA good name of Oemsm
lege argaed tbat Gaatt did at! CeSege atd the stace will be
ewssfteie bis apfAiesiiva tor protected and preserved.''
tratr front the Hcsmi m
Arcbectore at towa State.
A dedskas wall be haxdad
dywn era Jan. L This vim eo
ab3e Gactt to exmM in Oata
sfia at the cpexmg of the
seosmd sesesier, shwSd be
win the case.
Tbe sxgaiOeaxt pvoat ia the
ease, aeeordixg to tbe eart.
Graduate Seminar
Hack Masfse e2pier d
Msrtor Btard at tbe Usi
Tenary is spoasriag a
Gradxate S&mtitxr today
tent fm&ar mi sexair wa
ea f&tmssf m stteM grwt
eate sehL
Mary Weal berspooa,
eaainaua of the seminar,
saJd tts4- Dr. Ey Ki2y,
deaa l tbe gradzate scbL
wd rpesk, ad (be ro!
lege ail hoSd discasswa
is abetber Gaatt's apylkatioa
for transfer was baadkd dif
ferently from those of other
transfer stadests becacce of
bis race.
Aimissiffli f James Mere
:! dith to the University of Mis-
'j sissippi has left Snwah Caroli-
ma tie offlly state that has no
school fegregataon. Thwuigh Al
abama has txme at the pres
ent, Be Negro, AMiherime
Lucy, briefly affiJended the Uni
versty of AMaaa m W&.
Last prior to tbe
trial. Cleawva's eresideat,
fL C Edvardc. stated that
eiry legaJ retaedy avaSabte
to tbe eoQege, ia aJ federatl
cwerts bantog toritdictia, a 13
j vtHiuAr
NU Med SludenU
Will Be Honored
HotOT stakEto f the Uni-s-erfity
College of Medicine
amd the School of Nursing wd
receive special recegnStkre for
outstanding sckasSc
aK'hkvemest at the seeosi
arsnial Hoosrs Ccevocatkm
Some te awards efckzg aca
d.a3c aoi reseasch actieve
fjoenSs w3 te given to ffTty
seves stzie&s. Dr. Tbenas
FassSey, vrofesscr sjpL chair
tsan tk the depaiteest of In
ternal Medicine at toe Medi
cal C&Eege of Georgia, wi3 be
the s&esker for the ccaswa.
FacsiSy isetsbers and sta
I dfixts are crgsd to alteod tie
l&smrs Cam'&csikm which
il be held at 1:00 pjn.
Nebraskan Sports Editor
A sight that hasnt been
seen for seven years will be
in the offing this afternoon
the Buskers will be practic
ing football
They will be practicing for
the Gotham BowL
Nil's opponent will be Mi
ami. It became official last night
as Athletic Director Tippy
Dye annonnced that t b a
Buskers would be going to
the bowl played in New York
CKy, Dec. 15, to Yaikea
Officials received word of
the invitation Monday when
Gotham Bowl officials con
tacted Dye inviting the Husk
ers to the bowl.
After going through the
proper channels which neces
sitated approval by the Board
of Regents and the Big Eight
Conference, the invitation was
Decision to Players
Coach Bob Devaney left
the decision to play in the
bowl game up to the players.
It took the Husker gridders
about 13 seconds to decide
that they wanted to make tbe
Gov. Morrison is backing tbe
team's deciskw to go to tbe
Gotham BowL "I feel that if
Nebraska played hi tbe bowl
game it would bring a lot of
favorable publicity for t.he
state in tbe metrepoKtaa
press," Morrison eommeBted.
On the decision Devaney
said, "The boys want to go,
so, of course, we are very in
terested in it."
Practice Short
Practice sessions, which
will be limited, win be short
due to the decreased daylight
and the intensity of studies,
according to Devaney.
This puts three teams from
tbe Big Eight hi pectseasaa
beat games. Oklahoma, the
conference champiaa will
play Alabama ia tbe Orange
Cowl, and Missocri wM face
Georgia Tech ia tbe Bin e
beBnet Bowl ia Hoastoa, Tex
Dec ZL
The Big Eight now approves
of teams other than the con
ference champions playing in
bowl games and the bowl is
sanctioned by the NCAA. Oma
ha University faces the pos
sibility of losing the Collegiate
BasebaM World Series for ac
cepting a bowl bid not sanc
tioned by tbe NCAA.
New Bowl
The Gotham Bowl is a
new boat which started last
year and is jointly sponsored
by the March of Dimes.
Laeldly for Nebraska fans
tbe game will be oa national
television. (ABC, C. 7).
Mianni, coached by Andy
Gustafson, had a 7-3 record
and had a great passer in
George Mira. The Hurricanes
turned down a bid to play ia
the Gator BowL
The game wi3 also be a
kind of vacation for the play
ers. The team am leave the
Friday morcing before the
game and not return until
Monday morning.
Nebraska hasnt played in
a bowl game since 1355 when
Duke p&inded the Hosiers,
34-7, in the Orange BowL
Financially, theHnskers
cant lose on the endeavor as
boai officials have guaranteed
at least traveling expenses,
according to Dye.
Reader's Digest
Renews Grant
The Reader's Digest Foun
datkua has renewed its tUXXi
grant to the University of Ne
braska School of Journalism
for 13CZ43, according to Dr.
WiTIiam E. HaTL director of
the scbooL
Purpose of the grant is to
assist student writers by pro
ridicg the necessary fasds for
transportation, phece calls
and other expenses involved
in gathering story material.
Dr. Ha3 said.
Stories imderwritten by the
Reader's Digest Fotmdatka
huisg the past three years
have appeared in uewjpepers
and magazines throcghect
America, be added Several
of thsa stories wre prize
win-.-s in last ars Wil
liam Rasd&Iph Besrst cunrpe-
The fmids are csed to aid
&3dent$ in the School's depth
reportsg and isagazioe-arfi-cle
courses, both of which
are tasght ty Prof. R. Neale
.Copple. -