The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 03, 1962, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    Dnna 7
Monday, December 3, 1962
Budget Faces First Test
Later this week the University will
go before Governor Frank Morrison to
present its budget to Trim and explain its
needs for the next two years. This will
be the first test for the University's pro
posed budget Tequest from the state's
general fund of $36,991,987. This com
pares to an inadequate $28,096,000 which
the University was given by the 1961 leg
islature. When trying to speculate on the pros
pects of this year's budget process, it is
hard not to draw on the events two
years ago. In 1960, the University went
before the same governor with a request
of $30,701,893. At that time, Governor
Morrison gave the University budget re
quest complete support and backing. Af
ter the legislature was in session, he
went before them in an unprecedented
appearance to ask the legislators to give
the University its total budget requests.
They didn't, but what was important is
that for the first time in the University's
history a governor backed the budget
completely without doing any paring and
tried as hard as he could to see that the
legislature did the same.
In a discussion with several repre
sentatives of the University's student
body this fall, Governor Morrison ex
plained his reasoning for bis actions in
1960. He told us that he felt that the
governor of the state does not know
what the University's real needs are.
The ones who know are the University's
officials and chancellor, he said, so why
should a governor dispute their opinion?
Thursday Chancellor Hardin and oth
ers will appear before the governor. It
is hard to predict what his reactions
will be to their explanations of the Uni
versity's budget. Things most certainly
have changed since the governor acted
two years ago and even since he spoke
to us concerning the budget. All state
agencies have also turned in their budget
requests totaling more than the state
could possibly supply from their approp
riate general fund. The governor has
said that all budgets will have to be re
duced. We are sure that this will include
the University's. However, we are suf
fering from malnutrition of funds from
the last two years and it is hoped that
the Governor's fine support and interest
in the affairs of the University will con
tinue. Good luck to all concerned this
includes the state (officials and people)
and the University (administration, fac
ultv and students).
China Sheds Crocodile Tears
Peking's Aim Is Domination and Expropriation
Final Victory Will Be Ours!
(Editor's Note: Hajin
dar Kumar Maniktala is
a graduate student at the
University in civil engi
neering working on h i s
master's degree. He
came from New Delhi,
India, in Sept., 1960. He
is presently working for
the Nebraska State High
way Department and
plans to return to his na
tive country after he re
ceives his master's de
gree in February.)
By Rajlndar
Kumar Maniktala
Since the unabashed
Chinese agression on our
(India's) frontiers, the
communist propaganda
machinery has been wast
ing no time in shedding
crocodile tears. Mao Tse
Tung once wrote: "The
Chinese have experienced
endless difficulties in their
search for truth." If one
. listens to Peking propa
ganda or tried to pursue
official Chinese words,
one would think that
"truth" still eludes Mao
and his followers; or per
haps in Chinese jargon,
words have lost all mean
ing another blessing of
communism which itself
is built on falsehood.
What is a frontier?
China would say that a
frontier is where we want
to be.
What is a traditional bor
der? China claims it is
where It is shown on their
"official" maps which
change as their armies
move forward.
What is aggression?
China would say that In
dia's defense of their own
country was aggression.
What is defense? China
would say that her in
vasion of India was done
in self-defense.
What is peaceful settle,
meat? Submitting to Chi
na's aggression on terms
offered by the expansion
ist imperialist government
of Bed China.
Nehru has said once
gain in the Indian
Parliament that one of
the greatest difficulties in
dealing with the Chinese
government is that their
word change meaning
with morbid consistency
and tliat China's frontier
army is so mobile that
nobody can keep pace
with them.
For six years China's
so-called People's Govern
ment gave the Indian gov
ernment to understand
that there was no frontier
problem; that there were
only some minor differ
ences. Then in 1956 China
came out with a new "of
ficial" map which showed
more than 20,000 square
miles of Indian soil as
Chinese territory. After
China's armies crossed
their own frontier line set
up on the 1356 map, they
came out with another
map In 1330 showing a
new frontier. The new
line claimed some 50,000
square miles of Indian
Now, not only have the
Chinese crossed this
frontier, called the Mac
Mahon Line; but have
pushed forward into areas
which have not been un
der control of China any
time in the past ten thou
sand years and they
still claim to be on their
own territory.
The meaning of all this
is clear to everyone ex
cept the Chinese govern
ment. Aggressive China
respects no international
frontier. Her frontier
agreements with countries
like Burma and Nepal are
a mere "eye wash." She
has thrown her vast
armies (about 16 divi
sions) into bloody combat
with India on the Indian's
soil because China hopes
to be able to cow-down the
biggest democratic coun
try in Asia. If China
succeeds, the rest of Asia
will be an easy victim.
This is a new communist
menace which threatens
not only India, but the
whole of Asia. It is a
menace of nineteenth
century imperalism
armed with twentieth cen
tury weapons of war. For
such an arrogant, devil
ish and imperalistic am
bition, peace is a decep
tive word co-existence,
a cunning lullaby.
Co-existence means re
spect for the territorial
integrity of another coun
try. You cannot co-exist
with expansionist imperi
alism of the worst kind
communism. If China
cared for co-existence,
she would not have gob
bled up other people's
land and mounted an in
vasion on a peaceful and
friendly neighbor. What
ever China may say, her
aim today is clear to the
whole world domina
tion and expropriation.
Chinas dream of only one
world "The Chinese
World" means they
want to co-exist with vas
sals and subordinates.
China has repaid all the
good the Indian people
and leaders have done
them with gross betrayal.
The Red Chinese leaders
in Peking have betrayed
a friendship "between the
two countries which has
been built up and has ex
isted for more than 2,000
Some might wonder
why these two giants in
Asia are fighting for an
area of barren rocks three
miles high. The answer to
this would be that the
fight is between two ideologies-and
not a fight for
some land on the border.
Our fight is with com
munism which the invad
er wants to impose on
What Chinese aggres
sors fear is freedom,
dignity, decency, and the
people's love for freedom
and their patriotism
which will cause them to
defend their independ
ence. This we have seen
in India and her people
over the past four or five
In the words of our
Prime Minister, "India
will never agree to sur
render to invasion and
aggression, but would
strengthen herself and
prepare for final victory
no matter how many re
verses we have. The mas
sive invasion of our fron
tier by the Chinese ag
gressor under the cover
of propaganda of false
hood has left India with
no alternative but to face
the crisis with all h e r
The spontaneous re
sponse to India's appeal
for arms and this week's
joint communique issued
from New Delhi and Ra
walpindi (capital of Pak
istan) is a welcomed sign
in our favor for final vic
tory over China's aggres
sion and communism.
The war that India
fights today is Asia's
war. It is a war to defend
integrity of not only India
but the whole of Asia and
perhaps the whole free
The final victory will
be ours!
Writer Compares
Sub Rosas, Masons
To the Editor:
I Sub rosas equal Ma-
Play the dandy new
game and discover
I strange parallels. Just
substitute "University of
Nebraska" for "Western
s New York" and "sub ro-
i sa" for "mason" in the
following excerpt from
I "The American Republic,"
a history 091 text book.
I '. . . and anti-masonry
1 took its place among the
strange enthusiasms for
I which Western New York
was noted."
I "M a s o n r y had been
1 widely condemned for its
secrecy (a 'horrid oath-
binding system") and for
its allegedly anti - demo-
cratic character and for
many simple and innocent
I folk it now began to take
on the color of a gigantic
I conspiracy against the
common man. The fact
that such a large propor-
tion of established politi-
cal leaders and judges
ii were masons suggested
that masonry constituted
a kind of office-holding
clique. Moreover, mason
ry was associated jwith lib-
is era! thought, and many
i found in it a threat to
Christianity; others, ex-
1 cited by the rumor that
alcohol was used with
abandon in masonic cere-
1 monies, embraced anti-
1 masonry almost as a tem-
perance crusade."
I Sincerely yours,
I James K. Taylor
- ..if WJ, X
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I I About Letters J
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B ;
Daily Ncbraskan
Telephone' 423-7C31 exL 4225. 4227
Blcmfser Associated Collegiate Press, International
Press representative National Advertising Service, In
corporated. Published at: Room 51, Student Union, Lin
coln 8, Nebraska.
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