The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 15, 1962, Image 1

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    UNIVERSITY OF NEBfc ft - .77 -
LWHicil Joacks
Diversity Policy
Nolon,Tells IFC
To Begin Work
Nebraskan Staff Writer
John Nolon, president of the Interfraternity Council
(IFC), told IFC committee chairman that the organization
has a "lead in the seat of the pants problem."
He said that only two committees rush and fraternity
management have been doing their jobs the way they
should be done.
The special meeting was called as Nolon put it "to re
evaluate, and inspire the committees and their chairmen to
begin working."
"Beginning last year, No
lon said, we had a competent
and 'Gung Ho' group, but you
have fallen down this year.
Everything the IFC does is
done in committees, and if
they don't function then the
organization as a whole
doesn't function."
Done Nothing
He said that the IFC com
mittees have done nothing in
the areas of communications,
leadership, and projects. It's
gotten so bad, he said that
we only need a meeting about
once every three weeks to
take care of business.
"Organizationally we a r e
OK, now all we need are the
projects to work on," Nolon
He asked each committee
chairman to tell what they
had been doing.
Jim Hix, chairman of the
rush committee said that his
committee was looking into
the possibility of using anj
IBM machine to take some
of the immense amount of
paper work, and to alleviate
the all night sessions during
rush week. Rush committee
members are going to give
talks on fraternities in the
main high schools throughout
the state. They also have
been studying the advantages
of a "deferred rush week."
Quartile System
The scholarship committee
headed by Dennis Christy is
following up the "quartile"
system which was used during
fraternity rush week this year.
The committee placed each
rushee in on. of four quar
tiles according to bis scholas
Block and Bridle
Choose Finalists
Five finalists have been
chosen for the Miss Block
and Bridle contest.
They are Suzanne Plum,
Chi Omega; Sandy McDow
ell, Alpha XI Delta; Lola
Linneman, Kappa Delta;
Susan Cook, Kappa Alpha
Theta, and Carolyn John
son, Nebraska Center, ac
cording to Bill Ahlschwede,
Block and Bridle spokes
man. The annual ham sale will
determine the queen. The
buyer of each ham will
give the name of the girl
of his choice to the seller.
The girl with the most
votes will be queen.
Hams will be for sale by
Block and Bridle members
and queen candidates start
ing Thursday.
County Extension
Ag News Editor
There are 180 University
acuity members who spend
most of their time miles away
from the campuses of Lincoln
and Omaha.
According to William D.
Lutes, University Extension
educator, these "outstate fac
ulty members" are also part
of the administrative branch
of the federal government.
"This dual appointment keeps
Nebraska's 180 county and
home extension agents
abreast of the latest develop
ments in their fields by keep
ing them in touch with U. S.
Department of Agriculture re
searchers as well as research
done by the University's wide
spread faculty, Lutes said.
"These County Agents are
very popular with people in
their areas,
W. Janike,
head of Univ
ersity Exten
sion. This is
s o, "partly
because they
travel the
county each
day to visit
people, and
partly be- Lutes
cause they can get answers to
almost every question they
are asked," continued Janike.
Perform Service
"We perform the service of
letting the outstate residents
know what's new at the Univ-
tic record during high school.
Don Burt, chairman of the
public relations committee,
said that his committee is in
the process of compiling an
IFC history. They are also in
vestigating the possibility of
publishing an IFC newsletter
which would be distributed to
all greek men, and sent to
state newspapers to inform
them of what fraternities are
Only 25 of the 60 men
called to the meeting were
Vol. 76, No. 36
Ag Library Bids Let
Lower Than Expected
The new $1.2 million Ag Li
brary might cost only $983,
095 if it's built according
to alternative specifications
which were accepted in yes
terday's bid opening.
The low base bids totaled
George Cook Co. of Lincoln
submitted the apparent low
out of four general contract
ing bids. Cook's bid was $634,
456 for general construction
Olson Contraction Co. of
Lincoln submitted a bid of
$968,784 for combined general,
electrical, and mechanical
Low Bidders
Other apparant low bidders
were: mechanical, out of six
Students Receive
7 Week Downs
Over 3,000 students re
ceived at least one down for
the first seven weeks, said
Robert Ross, Dean of Student
Tallies on the subject area
and who received the downs
will be made later, comment
ed Ross.
Downs were issued after
the first seven weeks this
year under the new system
initiated last spring.
ersity, what new development
will make money in their
businesses, what new idea will
help make a better home,"
said Janike. County agents
are experts, or know people
who are experts, on almost
any question. "If someone
comes into a county office
with a problem," said
Janike, "the agent knows
where to go for the answer."
For instance, Extension Ad
ministrator Walter E. Spiker,
pointed to Clark Jenson, Oma
ha area horticulture spec
ialist. "Jenson gets more
calls from yard and garden
owners man irom orcnara
and truck farmers," said Spil-
ker. "There ar probably
more people with yard and
garden problems than any
other even if the garden
is one geranium," Spilker
Home Agents answer ques
tions in their offices for about
half a work
ing day, then
spend the rest
of the day
driving to
homes in the
area, meeting
problems o f
diet, child
rearing, and
home man
agement. Once almost
exclusively for farm women,
this type of adult education is
now sought by all home
makers. The women who serve as
)l lit MhllMillillHIfc i"""' ""' "
NEW ANGEL! Colonel Chuck Yeager, officer in charge
of the test pilots for the X-20, was made an honorary
member of the Arnold Air Society and Angel Flight
Tuesday night. Gary Thrasher, (above), commander of
Arnold Air Society, and Ruthanne Read, commander of
Angel Flight, made the presentations at a joint meeting
where Colonel Yeager explained the routine life of an
Air Force crewman. Yeager accompanied the Air Force
Briefing Team from Edwards Air Force Base, Maxwell,
Alabama, to the campus to point out to students, espe
cially those in physics, math and science of their impor
tance in the exploration and development in space.
bidders, Newburg and Book
strom of Lincoln, $142,152;
electrical, out of six bdiders,
-Modern Electric of Lincoln,
$152,400; and elevator, of
two bidders, O'Keefe Elevator
Co. of Omaha, $10,950.
Financing will come from
the College of Agriculture's
share of the state institutional
building levy.
The plans call for a shell of
walls and floors partitions
will be moved about inside as
need dictates. The only
weight-bearing walls will be
on the outside.
The building is encircled by
a 23-foot overhang, with six
columns on each side. This
type of construction is said
to be the most flexible known.
Less Waste
"We should have built Love
Library that way," said Vice
Chancellor Adam Brecken
ridge. "There will be much
less wasted space in the Ag
Library than in the Love Li
brary," he added.
The Board of Regents con
vene Saturday to award the
contract in the formal letting
of the Ag Library.
In their first meeting since
last week's election, the Re
gents will also discuss build
ing a one-story metal field
laboratory building at the Box
Butte Station at Alliance.
The apparant low bidder
was Lumir Peltz Construc
tion Co. of Alliance with
Agents Boost University Public Relations
home agents usually quit to
get married after five years
of extension service, Janike
said. "Perhaps we're training
them to become wives, like
the airlines do with their
stewardesses," he added.
Nebraska's Extension service
boasts many experts in spec
ialized fields of farming. For
instance, Bob Mullenier, at
Hastings, serves a six county
area as specialist in irriga
tion. (Hastings is the home
of five manufacturers of ir
rigation pipe and several
pump and power plants as
vw -Jr. - ., -
Small Grains, Big Gains Cyril Bish Improvement Association, display the
(left), Lancaster County Extension Agent, number of leaves per. wheat plant to a
and Dean Lancaster, (right) of the Crop farmer who is interested in new varieties.
The Daily Nebraskan
Coeds Model
Ball Fashions
Next Mondav
Military Ball gowns and
dresses will be modeled Mon
day at 7 p.m. in the Student
Union ballroom by the Hon
orary Commandant finalists,
members of Angel Flight and
college representatives from a
local department store.
The finalists will be escorted
by cadets from the services
which they represent. The
Arnold Air Society will pre
sent the Angel Flight mem
bers to the University at that
"Full length gowns and
short dresses will be shown,"
said Karen Benting, coor
dinator of the show, "but em
phasis will be on the long
ones." Door prizes will be
given, she continued.
Coeds are especially invited,
but anyone may attend, Miss
Benting commented.
Angel Flight and a local
store are sponsoring the show.
Scrip Announces
3Iagazine Staff
The new staff for Scrip, the
campus literary magazine,
has been chosen.
Members of the staff are:
editor, Joel Lundak; art edi
tor, Terry Anderson; art co
ordinator, Barbara Pandzik;
layout editor, Nancy Nelson;
copy editors Linda Lueking
and Pegge Speice; and pub
licity, Rick Spellman. ,
well as other related service
Corn Competition
John Brewer, county
agent at McCook, reports
that "snap beans have re
turned maximums of $145 per
acre above seed and harvest
ing costs." It appears that
beans, tomatoes and potatoes
could compete with corn in
some areas, Brewer says.
"Two potato varieties, Haig
and Pioneer, developed by the
university, accounted for 75
of Nebraska's 1962 crop,"
says university plant breeder
R. B. O'Keefe. "That's enough
; ' -
Student Council overwhelm
ingly defeated a motion yes
terday against the Univer
sity's policy of having proof
of membership in any sub
rosa organization as sufficient
grounds for suspension from
The vote was 17 against, 4
for and 6 abstaining.
Steve Christensen, Law Col
lege representative, said that
he hoped the resolution would
not be misconstrued but that
it was intended to show that
if the University wanted to
kick someone out of school,
it should require more than
membership in a sub rosa to
do it.
Chip Kuklin retorted by
saying that by definition
membership in a sub rosa is
worthy of expulsion. He clar
ified what sub rosas are by
saying that they preached de
ceit and dishonesty.
-m m "1
Redman Introduces Plan
To Raise Parking Fees
Nebraskan Staff Writer
A resolution to increase the
parking permit fee for student
and faculty cars from one to
five dollars, effective next
year, passed in Student Coun
cil meeting yesterday.
The motion. - introduced by
Dale Redman, chairman of
the parking committee, comes
as a result of allocation of
state funds concerning park
ing lots.
"The state will provide no
funds for the purchase of
lands solely for student park
ing lots," Redman explained.
"This motion would provide
funds solely for parking lots."
The land which the Univer
sity could buy for parking lots
extends north of the E 1 g i n
building to the State Fair
Most of the land would be
leased, as values in the area
range to $43,000 an acre.
Redman pointed out that the
subsequent increase in park
ing revenue would approach
$45,000 yearly. "This would
permit an estimated 75-100
more parkings stalls per
year," he continued.
An eventual outcome of the
program might be assigned
parking stalls to specific in
dividuals. "In later years,
parking fees for stickers
might increase according to
the lot in which an individual
wishes to park," Redman
potatoes to fill a freight
train a half mile long."
County agents in southwest
Nebraska and parts of Color
ado and Kansas are co-operating
with the Universities of
Nebraska and Kansas State
to find out where residents
of their respective areas buy
their food, clothing, appli
ances, machinery, tractor
fuel, and feed as well as
where they sell their live
stock and grain.
"There are approximately 40
home extension agents work
ing out of offices in county
seats over the state," noted
1 ' V
Membership Is
For Suspension
He explained that in the
past, the purpose of sub
rosas has been to control the
campus politically. He point
ed out that in 1955 Student
Council was reorganized be
cause it had been abolished
in 1952 because most of the
members were members of
sub rosas and the Council
had become stagnant.
Kuklin said that other or
ganizations were purged in
the same way. "No good
comes by people obtaining of
fices through sub rosa mem
bership," Kuklin commented.
Yousef Meshiea, NIA rep
resentative, pointed out that
some students probably
joined the organization to
find out what it was like and
didn't realize what they were
actually getting into and that
these students should not be
expelled from school for this
Thursday, November 15, 1962
said. "The lots further away
would require a less expen
sive parking sticker," he ex
plained. In other business, Chip Kuk
lin, chairman of the public
issues committee, announced
that the University would rep
resent France, Algeria or In
dia in the Midwest Model
United Nations to be held next
spring in St. Louis.
Dan Rosenthal, newly-selected
representative from the
f ouncil on Religion, was
sworn in and will serve as a
regular Council member for
the coming year.
The committee to study a
possible "official" migration
for next year was set up and
will be chaired by Dennie
Christie. Assistants Cindy Ti
nan and Patty Knapp will also
work on the committee. A
second new committee, the
honor code committee, will be
composed of chairman Syl
Golka, and members Sandy
McDowell, Ann Wahl, and
Jerry Schaaf.
Elections committee chair
man Steve Cass announced
that the voting times for
Prince Kosmet and Nebraska
Sweetheart at the Kosmet
Klub Fall Show will be from
7:00 to 8:15 p.m. and during
To prevent voting irregu
larities, Student Council and
Kosmet Klub members will
check to see that no student
votes more than once.
Clyde Noyes, University ex
tension specialist.
"Dr. John Vallentine, from
North Platte, is the range
management specialist for the
whole sand hills area," Spil
ker said. (North Platte's ex
periment station has con
tributed much of the informa
tion available on the effect
of grazing on short-g r a s s
Spilker pointed out that the
forestry experts at Lincoln,
Grand Island, Pierce, and
Chadron help farmers in half
uie siaie ap-
praise stand
ing timber for
market value
and short
courses and
workshops for
sawmill o p
erators." C. W. Nib
ier, U n i v
ersity Exten
s i o n dairy
man has been traveling all
over the state in recent
months to arrange meetings
of dairymen in Beatrice, Fre
mont, Norfolk, Grand Island,
Superior, and North Platte.
The dairymen have dis
cussed ways of curing masti
tis in cows.
Mastitis causes milk to look
like poor quality cottage
cheese. Such milk is branded
by all health authorities as
unfit for human consump
tion, and it cannot be sold
to milk processors.
Kuklin replied that any sub
rosa member can get out by
signing an affidavit in the
Administration ' office that
says he is no longer a mem
ber. Mike Barton said that he
did not like the idea that stu
dents do not have the right
to free association. He ad
mitted that there are wrongs
in sub rosas and that they
should be off campus, but he
also questioned the right of
the University to expel them.
Christensen said that
the University is punishing
somebody for their beliefs
rather than action. He agrees
that it is right to kick some
one out if they are caught
drinking or painting.
Barton replied to Christen
sen's argument that belief
necessary implies that mem
bers do break laws ana ad
ded that he does not believe
you legislate morality. "Only
social pressure will take sub
rosas off the campus," he
Bill Gunlicks advocated
passing the resolution, but
pointed out that he does not
support sub rosas. He said
that the motion deals with
whether Administration has
the right to expel members
who are inactive.
Kuklin said that in the
charter of the University, the
students have no rights be
cause they sign them away
when they register. They
have the right to attend
classes, and the rest of the
activities are just privileges,
he continued.
Barton asked the Council
to remember that last week
they passed a resolution stat
ing approval of the Adminis
tration's actions in this affair.
Whereas, II is deemed manifestly un
just and contrary to the principles of
a democratic society that the mere fact
of association with or membership in
any given group be the only basis of
official obloquy, sanctions, punishments,
and ostentatious publicity i and
Whereas, the students of any univer
sity community should be accorded
reasonable standard of fairness i
Now therefore be it resolved thai the
Student Council of the University of
Nebraska go an record as favoring the
following provisions and respectfully
requesting their implementation:
1.) Membership In ' any sub rosa or
ganiiatlon shall not be sufficient in and
of itself to subject any individual to
expulsion or suspension from the Uni.
versity of Nebraska.
!.) Further, that in no hearing or
trial, whether auasi-Judtcial. adminis
trative, inquisitorial, accusatorial, or
whatever, which has its purpose the
probable or possible suspension or ex
pulsion of any University student, shall
the admission of any testimony or
other evidence as to the student's
membership in any sub rosa organisa
tion be allowed.
3.) Further, that in no event should
this resolution be construed to depre
cate lust punishment for acts of van
dalism, but as request that such
punishment be uniformly applied to
all. Irrespective of organisational mem
bership. Whereas parking an the University
of Nebraska campuses Is an ever in
creasing problem and
Whereas there Is as provision la the
University budget for the purchase of
land specifically for parking facilities
Whereas it Is the desire of the stu
dents of the University of Nebraska I
have adequate parkins facilities
Therefore be It resolved that the
Student Council of the University of
Nebraska go on record as recommend
ing a raise la the parking penult lew
from one dollar to five dollars.
Shice farmers can't sell
milk from cows with masti
tis, but must keep milk
ing such cows, they are
greatly concerned with finding
a control for the disease.
This problem is more grave
than it may seem, for the
farmer has no use for a cow
which he may milk with no
good reason for doing so. A
cow cannot be butchered as
may a bull.
Through such producer-educator
discussions came pro
grams for co-ordinated con
trol of turberculosis and un
dulent fever both trans
mitable to man.
agents have
aided in
p hotograph
ing every foot
of soil in
Kimball, Hall
and Nance
counties for
a study of
soil depth,
slope, suit
able uses,
erosion, and
drainage prob
lems, and location of alkali
and salt areas.
According to some univer
sity experts, truck fanning
may someday bring as much
revenue to the state as corn
does now.
This is a good thing for the
state as it will undoubtedly
do a great deal in establish
ing Nebraska as a leader in
this field.