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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1962)
'VERS1TY OF NEBR. LIBRARY A HI fTh -nm -r$L&l XJtUVU coo WltllW (LUBE III kJlUlQ3 Ad 11-13X1 NU iii Locker Room MIL After Landslide Triumph Over KU By DAVE WOHLFARTH Managic Editor There were war-whoops of victory. The tired and sweaty white-jerseyed players downed soft drinks and quickly stripped their togs and headed for the showers. It wTs a relaxed atmosphere. Writers vere busily talking to the players and coaches and the dressing room was crowded with scribes and rooters. There was lots of chatter. A television dramatic writer would caQ it the anit -climax that sweet enjoy ment of the fruits of victory after the hero has socked the villain and won the hero ine, bat hasn't yet kissed her. This was the kiss the part of a foot ball game television cannot show in a place a television camera cannot go. This was the locker room after Bob Devaney's wandering minstrels of the plains laid claim to every oscar or emmy in the Big Eight. Sweet Reasons While the reasons for Nebraska's 40-16 win over Kansas Saturday were sweet, the Hosier players were looking ahead in stead of back. Many of the NU grkklers commented about the upcoming Husker game with Oklahoma State this Saturday in Lincoln. Comments such as "Did you hear abaci Oklahoma State beating Army were frequent on the NU bench in the last quarter and in the Hosier dressing room after the game. Senior Fad Bill Comstock was the first Husker to retain to the dressing room after the game. He was followed by Center Roa Mkrhka. who shouted, "Okla homa State. Baby!" Then came Gene Tons, Co-Captaia Dwaia Cartsoa and the rest of Coach Bob Devaaer's troops. After a few brief stoats, Devaney quieted the players and there was a min ute's s2enee. The new Hosier head man talked with) the players then went around shaking their hands, before some moce sheets brute loose and Deveny walked over to visit with the throng of newsmen. SIng It Out Devaney said, "We decided to slag it oaf witfti them." "We didn't do anything new. we Just ram the ball. We had a better pattern this week especially traps np the middle," he commented. Whew asked abort a comparison he twee Misswari aad Kansas. Devaaey aa twered, "MiMsri heat as. We heat Kaa- Further Devaney comments instated: "Our basic strategy was that we wereml going to be fancy this week. "The squad was definitely up for the .. game- They wanted to show that they were a good baffl team." Player CoauBeats - Some eff the Hosier pfayers were ex cited about the win but most off therm were eaten and taking ahead to next week. CWJaptaisD Bill ((Thmder)) Thorntora came out off the shower singing a merry ditty and walled over to chat with Big Bob Brawn, the Musters ZsSpmssd tackle. "We re g a M off depth that we Wt se last week." TTmratoa said. "It was pretty taghi to stop us. (iGaleX Sayers is a gawd back he has a quick start, The Tteufer Mam addled. ErawB exclaimed. "This was a good one to wm" I wisfc we could have had Missouri today. Team Effort "TKt was a good team effort. We beat them physically in the Ene."' Brawra said. For KoeJJ Martini,, ex-Kansas high school AHrJtoerkaB and joaHiElaw of Bui JenniE'gs. (isx-MJ coach; now at KITH the Banker victory was ""al right!"" ""1 wh we roaid have m aa the settee a Ettle nre,n the stocky Hasker tuil&aek remarked as ke sipped dowa a lode of ppi "We're am our way now,"" Martini said. Guard Caxtaoui reported,, "This was ; f I - . t -mm j l4 f . t '-" r ' i mtvr - Tin i m in irl mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ." ' ': FOLK SISGEES Joe aad Peony Aroasow will areseat a program at the Siadest XMem Tlarsday at 7:39 a.m. Co-spoasored by the Stadest Vvham aad ICM, campus Jewetft orgaxiiat'ja, t!se tea& will siag the soags of Biaay cowries, wit!a the occaaioaaJ finterjectba s( a par ody or satare. definitely our best offense of the year. " Coach just let the players play. We ran over them . . . Nothing fancy." "Back in Picture' Larry Donovan, tough defensive Scar let flankman, was happy to win. "This gave us new life it put us back in the picture in the Big Eight race." Opposite End Jim Huge felt that MJ "relaxed and played football" "We just relaxed and did it We're still in the race." An unsung hero was Dennis Oaridge, the Husker quarterback who, despite a sore leg, guided all five Husker touch down drives. Oaridge commented, "Nobody can say we're not in there now." Stick oa Ground When questioned about Nebraska stay ing on the ground, Claridge replied, "We were best on the ground. We had decided not to pass unless we really needed it" The junior signal-caller said that Ne braska's best ground-gaining play of the afternoon was Willie Ross running a fake fullback trap play. Ross (who had a field day with three teocbdowas) scored oa a trap, an option right and a left half sweep. "We were ready. The line was block ing real well and the backs were running real well," said GaRopin' Willie. "We had to win this one. I think well win the next two." Five Yards a Crack "The coaches had us driving five yards a crack." Warren Powers, another Husker back who ran well, reported that the plays up the middle traps, smashes and isola tionistswent weHL Assistant Coach Mile Corgaa bypassed Powers and jokingly remarked, Tell him how many blocks yoa missed." Powers, a speedy combination fullback-halfback firm Kansas City, Mo., replied, "I think I got "em alL" Not First Meeting For Kent McOottghan, the Hosiers sGpfa halfback from Broken Bow, this wasmt Ms first clash with Savers. "He's improved Ms reaming and is a loC more explosive." McCTooghan said in reference to the 1959 Shrine Game in which he faced the Omaha Cash. Thin's just went right this week. We had blocks all over we really had big hafrs." McCloaghaa added. Rosier Tackle Monte Ktffim, bosSy catting tape efff his knee, may have snimmed up some eff the Hosiers feelings toward Sayers. Poor Blocker "Sayers has good speed bet I don't respect his Mocking as ranch as cur backs." Further Kiffia comments were: This wiO gfre as a big Eft. We proved we caa come back. "We're shooting for Oklahoma, bat we cant overlook Oklahoma State." Uibefierabie The game itself was almost as snbe Bevahte to the 7JTO Nebraska fans wfco made the trip to Lawrence as it was to the KB rooters. The Jayhawk loyal had Ettte to cheer aJhoot in the first half as Nebraska scored the first four times it got its hsasdx o the boll. Ridker fans, meanwhile, were gtee fMDy shouting and comments aimed at Sayers and Jennings caold be heard. At haJftiate, a growa of spirited Hash er aUras formed a chais for the NX" grid ders I come throagh- Oae of the older Bas&er fans ta (he sMrt-sStered crowd was heard t exclaim after Nebraska had scored its 4ftta point early ia the third sartor: "They've gat to get seven tLTOchdbwns to beat m now." Rut Devaney's battlers kept o going and the end result was one off NUs proud est days im football NU Win h Siceet One Nebraska's 4M6 football victory over Kaasas was a sweet one for the Hosiers for several reasoos. EatahTMed the fact that the Crnhixskers could bounce back after losing a key contest to Muscori a week earlier. Left NTJ still ia coot eo tioo for Big Eight and post seadots tcral berth with a 7-1 recordL Because off tw former Nebraska personalities oa KU team-Aiautant Coach Bill Jennings and Halfback Gale Sayers, an Omaha na tive. A special task win ning the game for J eh a Faimanv senior qtiartrback who wsji slated for heavy dory Saturday tmtil he broke his leg in practice. Faunas was awarded the game ball ) f , . ., j ill C rK'!h. :-! i 1 iaait mtmm' mmi'iimm-mm wu,t iam - -r -r--f -T rl rill -f J GOOD GAME, RUDY Coach Bob Devaney (right) slaps Rsdy JohnsoB oa the hack following Nebraska's 40-16 tri umph over Kansas Satarday. Husker tackle John Den in (63) looks oa. The victory marked the seventh win against a lone defeat for Devaney's gridders. (Game stories on page 1 and 4). Vol. 76, No. 34 The Daily Nebraskan Monday, November 12, 1962 Phillips Orchestra Selected 50th Annual Military Ball To Be Held in Coliseum The fiftieth anniversary Military Ball win feature mu sic by Teddy Phiffips and his orchestra Dec. 1, in the Uni- :versity Coliseum. The Teddy Phillips orches tra is new m the big name band circles. Having made its name mainly in the Chi cago area playing in the famous Aragoo-Trianon ball rooms, the band is now re portedly in demand from coast-toccast Phillips started his nasical career while otteadiar high scnool ra caicago. tie was protege of the late Bea Bera te aad was gjhrea a key spot ia his band apoa lis gradua tion He has played with the Ted Weems orchestra aad also with the Lawrence Welk hand. PhilEps orchestra plays old and new favorites featur ing his saxophone. Some off PMEips we! known record ings are "A Night at the Ara gotB," -Variety Show," Saxo pftone Dance Parade" and -Concert ia the Sky." vocalist with) the band is CoOeem Lovett, wu began Model UN Formulate; '63 Plans Students are urged to sub mit snggestions for the coun try they would Eke the Uni versity delegates to represent at the Midwest Model United Nations, to be held March 27 30, D6X Denny CThristw. Student Ctaieil public issues coro- nuttee member, said that the deadline for sobraittmg coras try preferences to the Mid west Model United Nations ef face is Nov. 13. He asked for all student saggeatas to be turned into the Student Coun- cil office by tomorrow. Some off the countries that are presently being consid ered are India, France. West Germany, Algeria and I&raeL Christie said that they would Eke to pick a country which is somewhat controversial or one that is a member of the Security Council. A first choice and tare al-i ternate chokes mast be sent m for each delegation. Christie expressed hopes that Nebraska cotdd send two detegations this year. If one delegation is sent, two stu dents can go; bat if twa dele gations are sent, a total of five students and one faculty member may go to the ses sion. The 1363 Midwest Mode! United Nations will be hetd in St. Loois, Missouri Wash- t soring miversity. i singing at the age of three 'with her father's orchestra in Dallas, Tex. A highlight &f each performance is her ren dition of the Charleston. The goidea anniversary Military Ball will be held ia the Coliseum. It originated ia the Coliseum and was held there for over forty years. Military tradition of the ball will be continued with the presentation of the seniors and their ladies. I A feature of the evening win be the annocmcement of Honorary Commandant and her cart Miss Army, Miss I Navy and Miss Air Force, j Candidates for Honorary Commandant and her court are: Miss Air Force; Judy Btrney, Judy Keys and Sally Larson, Miss Navy; Jeanette Broz. Judy Pearce and Nan cy Foreman!, Miss Army; Mariym Handscimh, Nancy Jacobsao and Kaye Schnarr. The candidates will he voted m Moodav. Nov. 13 in a campas-wMe elecfeo. Tickets are on sale at the Mihtarv and Naval Scrace bailding and in Student Un ion for $2L5 per comp-Ie. This price includes a reserved table. I . ' " j I In j. j ' ,x X f - i J , , i BAND LE.IDERS Teddy Phillips and his orchestra, fea tornig vocalist CoDeea Lovett who is Phillips' wife, will furnish music for the goidea anniversary Military BalL Administration Issues Statement By GARY" LACEf Nebrasfcaa Staff Writer Dr. G. Robert Ross, dean of Student Affairs, released Saturday an official adminis trative statement of concern and poEcy era sub-rosa organ izations at the University. The two page report began: "Any grocp or society which refuses to stand the Eght of mcpiry and denies permission for responsible evaluation of its jwtrpoaes and actions 1$ not compatible with the academic miisioa and will not be sanc tioned by the University of Nebraska." Deaa Ross cited sevea ma jor areas where snh-rosa organizations (PI Xi, Theta Epsiloa, RIi Delta) had brokea state laws and the University code. Creatjoo of snspicivB among students and faculty members. Division of student groups precipitating the loss of Stu dent Government. Acts of dishonesty. Acts of vandalism. Unlawful comumptiofi of Try outs Are Planned For Lab Productions Students, non-students and faculty members may try out for the University Theater laboratory production today through Thursday from 3-5 p.m. and 7-10 p.m. in 201 Temp'e braiding.. The nine one-act plays win be produced within two weeks after Christmas vacation by the beginning directing class. alcoholic beverages. Failure to assume respon sibility for acts or statements. Libelous act s fdef amatory statements made in sub-rasa publications)). "The opposition of the Uni versity to suc h groups is based upora their violation of the fundamental American con cept of democracy, their in compatibility with the meth ods the University employs ia its search for truth and know ledge and ia its efforts to sup- See Page 2 port the maximum develop ment of personal integrity.," Dean Ross continued. Ross said that Americans are endowed with certain rights, including the right to know and inquire, and that any organization which seeks to hide its leadership, its iden tity, and its purposes will not be tolerated by the Univer sity. "The permanent ehmination of these groups, he said, de pends upon the Ml coopera tion and active support of stu dents, faculty, alumni and friends of the University. The recent sab-rosa scan dal hegaa with a Pi Xi paint ing escapade oa Halloween. On Nov. 1 came the saspen sioa of three members of Pi Xi wh were connected with the painting spree. In the next several days, Student Council, the Intertra temity Council, Innocents and Mortar Boards issued state ments condeming sub-rosa and supporting Dean Ross's immediate action. Then on Nov. 7 came the most recent student suspen sion, Bob Hedgecock, a mem ber of Phi Gamma Delta. The names of the other three stu dents have been previously published by the Dally Ne braskaa. Dean Ross said Friday that the investigation is stul being continued in all areas of sub rosa activity. Anlliropologist Will Address NU Convocation Dr. Margaret Mead, lead ing anthropologist and associ ate curator of ethnology at the American Museum of Natural History in Washing ton, D.C., wfll speak at aa All-University convocation in the Coliseum at 11 a.m. Wednesday. She will speak on the problems of maintaining com munication across ideological barriers. Classes will be dismissed to attend the address, accord ing to Torn Schwetike, Union talks and topics committee chairman. The public is in vited to attend, he continued. Dr. Mead has been attract ing national attention since 1328, when she first published "Coming of Age in Samoa," a detailed study of the ado lescence of a Samoan girL ijj 0- 0: nam i;