The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 09, 1962, Page Page 3, Image 3
Friday, November 9, 1952 The Daily Nebraskan Pcge 3 Student Health to Sponsor Diabetes Tests T Campus Calendar Neta-askan Staff Writer Sfcadent Health w-ffl hcM a Arive in orijunctios with Na tional Bia'betes Wek xt week, to (find University ta dents Who may lhave this dis ease -and re toot ware of &. 5r, K. !D. Rose, chief laTsoratory and medical re search, aid that according to national iperoentages bont I7S students trat of the ipopn Hatifflft of 10,400 !hav tiiaWtes. Of se, !he stiihated Kihat 100 students low and 73 do not know 4t. j He explained that since th test is held "eac year, stu dents aa eatclt the disease: before any 'serious effects oc-j vat. riabetes, yMcti ranks seventh 4n (the list 5 tatises of death by disease, ean "be fatal unless property treated.! The wsoal signs f ffia'betes -are increase in thirst, "con stant hunger, (frequent urina tion, loss of weight, intense tfteWng, easy tiring, pain for fingers and toes, changes to vision, nd slow healing of cuts and tonuses. However,! fiiabetes may e "present without .any signs at aiE. The most likely targets .are; teocs, ar overweigril, w are past 40 years of age. How- ever, St a strike at any e. Weight control is as imjvav tant prevention of the is- ease. It can be controlled by diet, everdse and, Sf neces sary, fey tejfolis. Recently de veloped ot&I tablets also help to control the disease. Failure to detect the dis ease r neglect t It may eaiise such serinus complica tions as bean disease, failing eyesight, hardening ef the ar teries, kidney disorders, gan grene, cerefcral Hemorr hage, and diabetic coma. There are twe purposes to the testing drive, explained. Dr. Rose. They are w help instruct the Students 4a what is available to them 3n terms of early detection ef one dis ease and to (further pubhc health education. New Technie He sa4 4 that Sour years ago, Student Health devised its wn diabetic test and did a public paper en 5t. Howev er, they now use the National Diabetes Association tech nique which as (fundamentally the same. Weekend Social Calendai As Nebraska fan follow tfhe (football team and Huslae to fhe Jayhawks home-! coming at !Lawrence, Kansas,! pledge functions and h'Otuse parties will keen those 3eft beliind busy. Ton.w .VLTHA WTLTA Tl Tran ce, hour dance, 4-5 p.m. autha omatox n -dinner dance, ILincoln Hotel, 7 11:30 p.m. KATTA DELTA 35 -e 1 a Sigma IPhi, pledge bowling (function, 4-5:30 p.m. i NEBRASKA CENTER A Mens Oub, bour dance, 6:30- 'i .u p.m. i 1LOVE MEMORIAL HALL Alpha iGamma Sigma, bour danoe, 7-8 p.m. I FARM HOUSE Fall Party, Lincoln Hotel, ;B:30-I2 p.m. TOMORROW ! 5)ELTA DELTA DELTA !Phi Gamma Delta, pledge pic nic, 2-5 p.m. GAMMA Vm BETA DeT ta IGpsflon, pledge dance and bridge party, 2-S p.m. TOWNE CUU8 Fall Party, Town and Country (restaurant, 6:3042 p.m. ACACIA Jttte m ffhe Nile House Party, p.m. PHI KAPPA PSf bus trip to Lawrence, Kansas, aU day. PERSHING HTFLES dinner dance, (6-12 p.m. SUNDAY ALPHA OMICRON PI ; Phi Delta Theta, pledge coke' hour, 4-5 p.m. ; CHI OMEGA date dinner, 6:30-8 p.m. DELTA "GAMMA Phi Kappa Psi, pledge bridge par ty, 4-6 p.m. PI BETA PHI Delta Tau Delta, pizza party, -5 :15-7 p.m. Health has S,000 test packets this year. All staff members and employees will teceive about 1500-1700 eJ them. Di rections (for taking the test are en the test packets. Organised living niss can contact Student Health tr farther Information and t re ceive the test packets. Pre dispensers wfil be placed in the Student Union, Adminis tration building, SeSeck, Ban- Han, Fedde Hall, Love LM try aad the Womens Resi dciio Halls. All doctors'' loffkes, ia liTi cols will also be tree clinics daring the week tor diabetes tests. Last Year SwessM Dr. Rose said that last year they had a (fairly suc-i eessfaUy drive when they te ceived $50 tests back, ea ot tbe 5,000 distebntfted. He hopes that they wil be able to get wp to 50 letsrn en Political Contrast continued from page i. irtgbts? that 'government's duty as enly to protect and safeguard those rights? that government is a political, (not. and economic institution? that tfts jjob is to teswe political (freedom, mot economic security; that man be-. comes a (responsible being wily when be its sallowed to make his cwn decisions, (face bis ewn trials, attempt en Ms ewn, fail en bis ewn, and succeeds em his mm; that ft us the capitalist system which brought (forth the strong es, wealthiest, most educated, (finest mation im the his tory f mankind; and that igiven the chance 4t can do it again. Secondly, we must develop a public relations sys tem. W must see that Uabor ceases to picture Re publicans as plusb, fat, wide-toed Babbitts; that Ameri ca again comes to know Kiepublicans, mot as propon ents of an eld worn-eut belieS, but as (fighters for a philosophy which emerged during the enlightenment centuries after welfarism and socialism had been tried and failed. We are mow ready for the 1980s. Our very deifeat, limited though iit was, has brought (forth an tocreased awareness ef the problem at hand. We mow (know that the fight is mo longer rfust between (two political partaen, Ibut between two political philosophies preaching moom patable doctrines. We mow bwe the men to do the ob. With men such as William Huckley we have gamed an articulate rhetoric and a sense of 'thitory wliich mas long been meeded and cam erily help tus. We are mow ibeginning. Hy 1964 we will be ready to win. Political Debale On KFBIQ Radio Debating '"Democrat ver sus Republican Whats the Difference?" Sunday evening HALLOWEEN IS OVERS HV MISSED WW H VP ALL NIGWY 4JAITIN5 1 FOR TME'BEATMrVlN;", ANO HE MCVES CAME? ! OUT FOR "TRICES aft TREAT?" j 1 W I f H 1 1 Enginfiering Groups r Meet WednettflsQ' A con-vocation of all engi meering societies will be held 7 p.m. Wednesday in the Low Library Auditorium. Featured speaker will be Commander .Jacques irom the Ninth Naval District ivil Engineering (Corporation. Following the convocation each ?society will bold a sep arate meeting. The public lis Invited to attend this meeting. will be Donald !R. Gramt, chairman (Of the Democratic County Committee, and Arlan Beam, vice-chairman of the Republican County Commit tee. The debate will be broad cast en KFMQ beginning -at 18 p.m. The Public Affairs committee of the YWCA, co-, sponsors ei the program with the radio station, mvite all 'Interested persons to attend the Hive broadcasts at the Lincoln CA. Listeners may alls tele phone -questions to the partici pants during the program thy calling the WCA. . , . iM WANT ADS PERSONAL -If there an- any -Chi Phi on the -Uni-yersity Campus er hi the Lincoln vlvin lty rteanc call the Inter-Fraternity -Council Office, HE 2-7631. .LOST ND FOUND Whlte-KoM Whittnauer Watch. Judy Maddra. 436-2961. Heward. 'FOR "SALE Ue the Rat-'e Want Ads they're iiwx enslw and efeetlve. ... MB Average The Mortar Board aver age for H9G2-C3 Js 6.1, ac cording :to (Cynthia fflolm quiflt, IVlortar Board Hin-toriun. 52 'lord -coup. V, utandard hift, -m-cellent nn-chanlcal -condition. 4SS-1W46, 1957 Plymmitti Vam. 'White, -dnor. auto matic, Va. 3n,onu miles. U45U. -Call tNe-1309 6:00-7:00 a.m. AIR TRAVEL TMow is the time to make your reserva tions tor Thankagivlns or Christmas air travel. -Contact Kd -Cotmerly 477-1911. ROOMMATE DEEDED four room apartment. 1113 II St. Call Mm. Evelyn Hall, -caretaker, 435-Mai. HELP WANTED 'Waitress wanted for coffee houne. Niht. Pull, wart-time. -Call UI4-W3D ovenlniw. Teat, reliable -student to work part time auditor ami relief -cannier. This ts .excellent employment for student -who nualifiej. Apply bi person, Holiday Inn, 522U Comhusker Hwy. 'DANCE -BANDS Tor the finest In danchw, "N. U.s own nationally -known rollMiah; band, JIM HKKBBBT -OKCHESTHA featurinK the "Varsity 5" choosen m I960 at "Notre Imnw as one ol the top 3u ni the nation: Phone -435-2331. S3D5"0"$T. II idOK Fr tim no io en -nrcnw , 'Pure Beef Hamburger. .T 5c Tasty Cheeseburger . . . .T9c Triple-Thick Shake. . . .20c -Golden Trench Fries. . . .12c Thirst-Quenching Coke . .1 0c Delightful Root Seer . . .T0c Steaming Hat -Coffee . . .10c Delicious Crange .Drink 10c Tlefreshing Cold Milk . 12r CFIN AIL TEAR Head Nebraskan .ant Ads Nebraska Football SEE THE TW OF TDMORROHfS mil NEBRASKA vs. KANSAS SUNDAY AFTER 1PR0 .T0DTEK1 m CHATTEL HO A-.::--:--"- ': "i WS!i.vv I - !' L ' 1 -5 -i J WMmiv i l """MAV.'-l'il,"J The c-ne Ibtbn tthat's cool, exciting brisk as & n X)ce a n Ibre eie !! .J The one-and-wly-Crd Spice wxliilarates. . .gives you thai great. to-bp-alive feeling.,. refreshes alter every shave, ..arjris fs your assurance... and wins feminine approval every time. -Old Spice After .Shave .Lotion, the shave lotion men recommend to other men I -StoSfe tifci&i !iiulii WvnS over ie lutkmaJ aierAge kdJ U, "I .pst want tJie stedenits U 4i it siDce it is sacJi a ipfe furocediaire,'"' said Dr,: Riose. K-e xMei tSuat tlhey fmni sevwal teases last Mg wmmittfr, that students mi liA week ftr fhey titaik4 the tests It StaAetA RMiltV Tlhee Uidents wil ioc caltei ftn tta fosve blood sugar tess ion jera M testab Ilisli ?h&l "degree of ifiiAbeles1 icy Ihave. Dr, Rase said t'hat:; iorxsioBi Khere ne Mse Square Dancers To Swing Tonight Chix Chasers Saiuiir IDaTice CMS df Iffncotii lhas: Awioanoea tftiat 3t wio-aM 6 nconrAge ny iKterestei llniversity tadertts to jjoin their jgwrctp. There aiw sweri Dnhw sity todents wtt tfJhe irnotrp no . The dhi'h, m'hidh m tfarmed tfor Iboth sni$e ufl inaTii'iefl j'titmg adnlts m'th like to sguare fla7ioe, tmeets tsn !he 2nfl and 4Kh Ftiaaj's cf; adh unottth att T7S2 So. STCh.1 The mexJt -flauoe mill ibe tto-i irifiWt att 4 p.m. I IRaaes emi ibe swangea. F-or more teformatian caH Niri man Ptrigge 4779562, r Lopetta Steujalir C7-4285. JAZZ AND J AVA, 5 15, pum. Student Vfeiow Crik Jima Her beil ami Ms Die!laTKl Band wil play, FILM, "Turn Al Risbt AfflditoriKirm, ? and 9 p.m. Ad wiisswwi 25c and Viniversity ID, rALLVni AV literary Sflcs iety, $ p.m,, Stt Stodteat Ckuoa, IWA Aetixitkis Ctaiiajtiftee, fflrganiaatioa-cwira b e r s h i p (romumatltee, puMjcity commit tee and Uiiiocims civacemsl wil miM. at 4 p.m,, 345 Stm- kmt UftioBi, COKETAIL IlOlli g rmwfli Del, i.X) - S:Sd pia. Sig Cteirnhft wil play. For Those SUMIAT loals Out TRY THE PIZZA HOUSE 1324 0 432-68 &6 Tfcir mI Tisa i TmrnT WHERE DINING 29 Na. Z&tk MONrr Guarantee money n MONEY BSCX Permanent S1 AMTLPRPP7P Re. Prefer Ut. CREST SERVICE STATION 1545 totata KlJnnj ffw L W 1 c ' 1 for Young Tteaveleips op to age 22 1 First class TonnS 4np air tevel 5or youfhs 12 to 22 :at Ihalf tthe irefrular iare. JOtnd, 3'ou can ttake aripnd t(also 1222 with yon t ihe ame low fotre. IReaervations confirmed ia .advance. " . . 4 " io. (401 John oB il i I I 4 I 2, W -worn for J yar (or j;nti( i2nd birfhdayj "' ' - Ub -.Goon for -umimirea use -on rroniiB-r yi ior Frontier Airlines campus represeji ifativi; Ed CDnnerey, -4770aii. n rV hll If i I f SErvin uTihe Uriltaff Strfet .,.2xltieB,inlDi;tai8Sl Fir s anil PRE-PARENTS DAY TREAT Ffcl., IsJOV, 16th B:15 P.M. FRED WARIKG CRd his Wonderful Wcrfd Of Music