Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1962)
UNIVERSITY OF NCBW LIBRARY ftOV i ARCHtYfcS iS A V hi I. " - MlWlffl ' ' I HTJXG CP Today is the fourth annual Business Careers Conference. Classes in Business Administration have been dismissed so that students rosy attend. Dr. Randall IQemme will discuss Economic Development at a ban quet tonight. NHSPA Annual Meet Will Be Next Weekend The Nebraska High School Press Association OfBSPAi) will hold its 31st annual con ventian on the UMversity; campus next weekend. j During the two-day event, ! Mgh school journalists will' meet with professional journ alists and college Journalism students. Career workshops in journ alism will begin at 10 a.m. with top journalists leading the groups: weekly newspap er, Alton Wllhelms of the Stronsburg Headlight; daily newspapers., William Oobler,1 editor tof the Lincoln Star; community newspapers., Paul Williams,, Sun Publications in Omaha; magazines, Marvin ftUEBeU, editor iof the Nebras ka Farmer; industrial publi-' cations. itenneth COine-Felter, editor, rf the Telephone News tram Gubernatorial Candidates Edltm Hot: Vm iaff aiMnihnrc nf Mm 0nllr ibnMkan. Wsudy 0Unra. miutt mrittiT, imtt iflhinllon day with Kutmnka' we culnrnaiaflul Kamdi 4tUa veirtmttay.. in mar ito olmrvc itne (DwtfUdate' immiiloiiii ik tatitton MtunM and 4ieaSiiiiHd.v fltvitiK, Laow pant ttbe d with lUovarnor f rinik . 10 trer won mnd MImi Uucimi Armvnia6 tte iHaaliuint m u,bcr lu lr ltB Mmniaan'a idbaltaiUKir, Ibaalim. 310RR1SON By GARY IACEY Gov.. MorriBon spent election day iguietly. IHe anrw.ered Hat ters to businessmen in the toutstate area thanking them for their add iin the campaign. One utEtaie phone call rame iin lor Morrison. He thanked the man for Ms belp and said, ''Things are going real slow bere this morning.'' Gov- Morrison's secretary, Vonda Olson, carrying ob a conv trsatioB witb a Morrison supporter early Is the morn ing said, '"The Governor's speech last night was ex.cep tionaflv good ... be was! very sincere and covered a few things wMcfc hadnl come tip in the ejection. Things are quiet, but I know we will win." A! the people in the Gov-, mor"s ffioe standi to lose their jobs itf MorriBon is de-! Seated. , Dissappointed Another secretary,, Mrs. Jo Fisher, said later, "'If be loses . be is going to be a disap-j planted man. He has dedi-1 cated bis life to the state (of Webrak'ka.'''' ! At 3) a.m. the Governor cast bit wote at the Capitol. Tw demciatic suppiwlers, Jim EsbB and EiU Davidson,' r " 7 '1552 " j , I F . J ,1. j" . . fj I i yi Lmcoln; radioielevision, Bob Van Neste, department public relations at the Uni versity; pnbJic relations, Jo3'ce Ayres, Ayres Advertis ing Agency tf Lincoln. An awards banquet wil be held at (6:30 p..m. Pridav in the Union ballroom. Awards (being given wil be the Ridle Memorial Pin, 1KMTV Year hook Trophy, Hastings Tri bune Yearbook Trophy, Scotts bluff Star-Herald Yearbook Trophy, Omaha World-Herald Newspaper Plagues and the Psychiatric Institute News paper Awards. The Award Luncheon Satur day noun wiD end the conven tion. Joe R. Seaanest of the Lin- -eoln Journal wiQ make ft be Sweepstakes Awards for the JKaurnal-Star Printing Co. talked to Morrison late in the morning concerning election figures they bad been tabu lating the past few weeks. They told bim be should carry the Lincoln-Omaha area, but with fewer votes than in the last flection. Exon said, "Too bave sha ken ten times as many bands in western KetoraEka as Sea- ton bas.'" Lincoln Pleased Exan said be !knew that. hp rank and file Republicans iin Lincoln baa been pleased with the Governor and have: no reason to cbanEe. ! "'Yeah, but because they are Eepiibiicans they wil vuote for Seaton,," Morrison replied., j The Gwvernur was glum about the polls n the tw! Linwila campuses wiucn favor Seaton. j 'l would never shed a tear' if 1 got defeated. I donl par-! ticularly relish the thought iof the daily routine (of the Gov ernor's (Office,' Morrison said. ! "'Eut I am amazed that mriU lege students follow the polit- acaa guner w aeaion. IHdnt Finish "'.Seaton difinl think enough (of (college to tinish bimself and be didn't send any iof bis cMdrfin to the University (Off Nebraska,' MorriBon said. Gov. MorriBon left bis (office at the Capitol at 11:30 aan. to attend a Eotary luncbeon. AUt the Eotarv luncheon, Morrison retnrned tit lus f fii. lie repeatedly eriweEfied iconaern (over bis loss 'in Jbe mack elections at the IMver-l 1 '? ri Another By TOM McGINXIS NebraskaB Staff Writer One more University stu dent has admitted his af filiation with Pi Xi and has been suspended from school for an indefinite period of time, according to G. Robert Ross, dean of Student Af fairs. The name of the most re 76, No. 31 Intervieivs For Beauty Queens Set Interviews for Cornhusker Beauty Queens will be held Sunday afternoon in 241 Stu-J dent Union. The Cornhusker i staff asks that candidates be tbere promptly; the north doors of the Union will be open. The following are the times that candidates mill be inter viewed; AarMm, Jen , j.53 AjTrtHLrune - fiuEumie .... . 1 JJK Badper. J.udy .."."."1"' a-5 batrO. 1TrsMHi 11 -wi wtL Siwir " jig Bertal. Ciurt Brehm. CtoMtie " " j'-sd Brown, Sm ti UmBKfsaaoKxm. Juan .............. 2M Buokiui. Judr .............. 2-05 KuriK-. Deloref " v mi Sturonoad. Jlaniae . 2 unc, fiuie - ' i n OinfOemittiL. MaiumiB ............... 2J5 Clai. Charml l.Zl i m (DaMenwmt, SaBy j;35 imtiuimn. (uuim Itnutl JluUy 2:M Ewf. Mm v-m iEa-ardii, Jpflir 2;55 Enimt. Mariaelle 3-110 KUiott. Sue I, os Brim, BUM a-M iCunratt. Poera' 3:1$ liunra, Mahew ............... .... 3:21) Bmm. BaUi j: Siihlund. Bunna ...... 3:bo HouHtun, Dtiane 2:.H5 .JflDflen. ILineta $-.m .ittnmn, Miuv ILe ....... ..... 3:86 Kcm. -Mr 3:80 Kramer. Card 3:5f iluuMufc., tCamtira 4iWi ILamuacjh. .Jaiia 4:U: Lhuiiu, MariJyn 4:10 MuftLtu Mariteu 4:15 Matnu Pain ... . mlm, Kite 4:25 (tarn, Joan 4-Mi JRwl, iLmOa ... 4:B5 JitiehrtkaiHie., Claise ................ 4:4i JUMtW, Xtncr 4:46 Ruttw 'fihurim 4:50 ftiML, fllmiunil ................. 4:55 Salter., feueie &uh, Kaneti &ctxrader., Hjom ftinjjHr. Ami iimith, lUmita . finubenser, Stetb Vafc. Seals' Spie&, SUlbe Aiirhwier. fiarm ......... Cttepnens, alty SwaiHniu. ICatw ............. 7'tiiimiMx. Juan ......... .. Thomamm, .Jane ............... Ttiompiiun, Carol . , .. eruaw., !Dee lVuUmer. Kathiyn Wafiner, !Ka.we Warden tGherjtt ..................... Werner. Karen Wififiina, .Ann . . .. ... ......... Wellmun, Judeen .... KartluiE, Pan .. S1U6 Sill S:M 5:20 S:26 :IW :U6 M :15 :20 J5 C:90 :35 :W 16:61) lfi:55 Ti-M nm 17:10 7:15 iorenHuu, $4ancv "7:20 iCnmnenutm. burnt H J2 Applications Due For Coast Guard Applications for the Feb ruary class eff the US. Coast Guard Officer Candidate SdhooL Yjsrktown, Va., must be processed by Dec. L Applicants must be 21 to 26 years Id and possess a bac calaureate degree or expect to meoeive one before the be-! ginning of the OCS classes. Interested persons should contact the Second Coast: Guard District, 1520 Market: St.. St. Louis 3. Mo. sitv iof NetbraEka and Nfthrss. ka Wesleyan University. Coffee Break At ;8 p.m., Morrison went to the Statehouse cafe to bave coffee with a Lincoln Star reporter and several cf Ms (office assistants. Capitol workers expressed (optinaism. Many stopped to wish Mm good luck. Morrison told a nnrversity student wbe works in the Statehouse In the afternoons, "I was Bce assistant librar ian at the University while I w as n law schooL" The governor left Ms oSc ? the SlatebauBe at 4:30 p.jta.1 and took a ride with one off Ms aides or balf an bour be fore retarmng to the mansion. Tension Mounts . At 5 :39 p.m. the tension be gan to mount in the State-' bouse. Biff Morrison, Ms lder son .and campaign manager in Western Nebraska, and bis wife, Marine, and fanxflyj were there. I Biff said that the state's TS largest cities are registered as il Bepabluaau Biif said this w as good, because It revealed a decreasing Republican trend in Nebraska. j The governor then ate a light dinner, with the family toying to keep bim in an (Op timistic mood. Pessimistic However, Morrison was pes simistic. He cited Seaton's former cabined position, the two mock declions at the University, cently questioned Pi Xi will be released after authoriza tion is given by a reliable source. Three other University men were suspended last week end after an investigation following their capture while stenciling the Pi Xi snake symbols around the cam pus Halloween night The Daily Nebraskon Student Ski Spree Union Plans Trip By SUSAN SAurmsERGflR ebraskaa Staff Writer ' If you enjoyed your migra tion trip to Colorado in Octo ber, you may want to go lack and see what Colorado's like in February. The Union is sponsoring a ski trip to the Colorado moun tains over semester break. Two hundred students are expected to participate in a trip to Winter Park, Colo. The trip, sponsored by Union trips and tours committee, has .grown from 30 in 1960 to 100 in 195L "Students are urged to sign up as soon as possible,' said chairman Susie Pierce. The first 200 to come will be the ones to go. Signing op should be done in the mam Union oEQce. A down payment of $35 is neces sary at this time. The bal ance, an additional $35 is due Jan. 9. The .$70 total cost is divided as follows: Insurance, $6.00, Lodging, $32.00; Transporta tion, $19 J9; Equipment, $730; Cbaperones, $5.00. A raise of $10 ever last year s cost us due to in creased insurance and trans portation costs and the in stallation of new ski Ifrfts. Besides free lessons for be ginners and access to the ski slopes, students wil also be able to go swimming, ice J-Studenls Print Election Edition A special two page election edition cf the 'llinooln Free Press" was printed early this morning by the School of Jojirnalism's advanced report ing, editing and photography classes. Performing in an integrated news operation .imiiflr to that ,of a daily newspaper, two crews including 28 journalism students worked day and night shifts. Twenty mews pages were also prepared but nut published. Nebraska newspapers, jour nalism students and students attending the Nebraska High School Press Association con vention this weekend will re ceive conies ct the election edition. Mr.. Keith Blackledfie served as (facility adviser to the mens (operation. Spend Tense Hours on Election Day the Lincoln Journal's (opposi tion, and the defecting state Democratic leaders. "I don't see how I can wis with aS these dds against me," commented Morrison. ""The same way ((Senator Estesj) Kefativer wins e a e h election in Tennessee,' B a ff said. He didnl elaborate. i SEATON By WENDY ROGERS A teur of your mewspaper, a visit to your ranch and a snort look at your (quarter burses, a water leak in your basement, mounting piles ef telegrams and a lengthwiing list iof cals and the tension, (Omnipotent, making you the loneliest man in the state this is what if s like to be a gubernatorial candidate on election dav. The candidate lusuaDy be-! gins election day by caslsagj ms vole, the stoe vote be can be sure ff securing. Fred A. Seaton, Nebraska's iiepubli can candidate Sior governor was no different. He cast Ms wote at the adJEmnistratiPn building at Hactingt State Hospital (on Ms way is the Hastings Tribune plant UTawi be arrived at the jsa per be memsi U d!ix& the doable flight f stairs leading to bis (offke a little slower cbaa ttsaaL "I'ds just a little tared," he explained. 5"e were getting calls fr friends and sews people ej Student Two of the suspended Pi Xi members, Ixniis Burke! and John Nelson are mem bers of Alpha Tau Omega fraternity. The third, James Yates, is a member of Delta Upsilon. Neither house has of yet taken action on the status of the members, but both intend to have meet ings in the near future to skating, tobogganing, moonlight sleigh riding. and Participants do not have to know bow to ski in order to go. Beginners, intermediate and advanced skiers may take lessons. Due to the increased num ber of students anticipated for this year, the skiers will be staying in four lodges in stead of just the Yodel Inn as in the past The four lodges are Yodel Inn, IdtewHd Inn, Idle wild Lodge and Skitel MoteL Full-time doctors will be available in case of emer gency. The train, leaving Lincoln at midnight Jrn. 30, will nave an empty lounge car used for dancing. There will also be four regular passenger cars for tie Union-sponsored group. A film of last year's trip mil be shown Nov. 14. A short orientation meeting wil be held at this time. A mass or ientation and film showing basic skiing techniques will be held Dec B. NU Student Is Fined $25 A University student was fined $25 and casts yesterday tor pointing a gun out cf a car window at a police offi cer. Charged with assaulting of ficer Frank VaDentine in a tltoatening manner, Kenneth A. Hilton first pleaded inno cent He changed Ms plea to guilty after talking with the bailiff about the time and cost involved. Officer VaDentine said that Hilton was in the back seat f a car driven by Lynn E. Eonge wiudfa was going the wrong way down J'P" Street about imidnigbt Monday. Hil ton pointed the rifle at Vallen- tine as their cars were pass- mg each (Other, according to Vallentine. Judge Bichard O. Johnson pointed out that, though the rifle was deactivated, "Offi cer Vallentine bad no way of knowing that bis life waWt! in danger..'" The gun was described by Officer Vallentine as ""an Eng- j Uish made, deactivated, fully j automatic rifle.. ffELtcxn said; the weapon bad "no trigger,! no action, do nothing. I until t a m. this morning. But I feel Cine. Calls, Letters, Telegrams He bad a long list of cals waiting for Mm when be got to the ffioe, and Ms dark baired secretary, Mrs. LaVion Stuart, was busy answering telegrams and letters 1 r m supportars.. Seaton placed several calls to thank campaign helpers be fore be went back do wnstairs for a tour of the newspaper plant. He had a first-txanae greet ing for everyone and for the Hi, Governor, called by a linotype (operator, a qniek grin and a cautious, I hope thaTs rigbl Wait until to morrow. Moitng (upstairs to tbe news room, Seaton paused to glance cover wiire stories and ask an editor about Ms sick son. Wesley an Vote He saw the story reporting Nebraska Wesleyan Univer sity's straw vjate that went 251419 an Ms fav.ur and was .obviously pleased. T i a tt belps,"" be said. He spent an bour an Ms (of fice, working, then walked two blocks to a small restau rant for lunch, stopping to shake bands and exduuage greetings with many along the way. A juick slop at eaorpalgn fceaiJg carters after loach found liira fielding aa unex S uspen decide the status of their fraternity membership. According to Dean Ross, investigations are continuing and will continue for some time because of the number of students involved. He mentioned that several stu dents have been called in for questioning and that many more will be qnes- Wednesday, November 7, 1962 5 Finalists Chosen For AUF Queen Five finalists were chosen for the All University Fund (AUF) Activities Queen. Bonnie Knudsen, Pi Beta Phi; Lynette Loescher, Chi Omega; Joan Skinner, Alpha Chi Omega; JoAnn Strate man; Kappa Alpha Tbeta and Suzy Walburn, Alpha Chi Omega, will be interviewed to morrow evening. Bonnie Knudsen, represent ing Union, wiD be interviewed at 7:40 p.m. A journalism major, she is a union chair man, a representative en AWS Board, YWCA member, and a 1962 Cornhusker Beaitf Queen Finalist and a 1962 Ivy Day page. Lynette Loescher. who wil be interviewed at 7 p.m., is an AUF assistant. Alpha Lamda Delta, Red Cross as sistant, Student Council as- ciate, AWS Coed Counselor, and a member of Lincoln pro ject, French Qub, and the University cf Nebraska Sec ondary Education Association. She represents Bed Cross. Jeaa Skinner, representuig AWS, is ia Ag Union, Alpha Lambda Delia, University 4-B. Club, University Heme Econ omics Club, AWS representa tive, pledge trainer f Alpha Chi Omega and a I! Ivy Day Page. She is majoring ia Home Economics and win be interviewed at 7:30. Representing Builders,- Jo Ana Strateman is an AUF as sistant. Builders chairman, and a member of the Lutheran Student Association, A 1 p to a Lambda Delta, Nebraska Con ference of Youth and Ameri can Field Service Returnees committee and is Kappa Al pha Theta bead marshal and culture cliairman. She will be interviewed at 7: IS p.m. Sane w alburn, representing Union, will be intert iewed at 7:20 p.m. She is a Crnhnsker seetioB editor, a Union assist ant and Alpha Chi Omega PanbeUeBie delegate. The Que em will be an nounced at AUFM night Sat urday, 7.:30 pjua. As Saas been announced ear lier, ther activities of AUFral Mgtot will include the crown ing of Mr. AUFM Ugly, a repiesentative of some organ ized bvang tuaoit who wH be chosen on the basis of audi ence reaction to Ms AUFM. costume. ! pected request. A white haired tnaa asked Seaton if he stm had a copy iof a speech he had made in I V3C in Alfred M. Landon's politi cal campaign. 'That w as (one iof the snst tremendous speeches Pe ever beard, he said. Seaton said he doubted he still had a copy. but promised to look. Later in the afternoon Ms secretary, Mrs. Stuart, nv amemtefl thai this is the loneli est day iof the year for a can didate.. After .getting a hair cut, Seaton returned to the newspaper ffice and started placing more calls to thank supporters for help. GoBtersations A one-ided cwnversaftion went, ""Hello . . . Wei, I'm feeling pretty good . . . what ever the mesial I'm grateftffl for what you did, and that's been plenty..' WMe Seaton was placing calls a .janitor burst tup iirwn downstairs with news that a water leak bad sprung in the basemen! In rder to fix the leak be shut toff al the water. Soon after a Western Union telegram hoy broke in the room with a jubilant, Tele- grains right and leu. aid diucped then ta the desk top. At one ptant an the after opb SeateH reffli-arked, "I bave a lot f faith an the in- teffigence of Ntbuaskans. 1 don't know ciacfly way, but the more people we get to wte the better state wTJ bave. Voting is a wonderM ded tioned before investigations sre rfwnplete. He added that two or three important leads have been uncovered and that these are being looked into. In 1961, 18 fraternities on campus issued public state ments from their national officers on non-affiliation by the members of their chap ters with any activity by a sub-rosa organization. Alpha Tau Omega was included. In the current by-laws and rules of the University's Board of Regents it states (Chp. 3, sec. 7): "Students found to be as sociated with organizations not approved by the Dean of the Division" of Student Affairs to be associated with or a members of an organi zation which encourages or requires as a condition for membership the drinking of intoxicating Uqoor or the practice of immorality in any form may be dismissed from the University." A local newspaper stated y e s t e r d a y that the card shuffling which resulted in the cancellation of a balftime show at the Homecoming game was the result of a sub-rosa's work. Dean Ross stated that Ms office and Corn Cobs were investigating the matter. Actions Supported Be mdtwi tlhat we, te wndwrv f fflbe Mortar Rtwri and Ixmaoems San cton f the tfcunvreitr f MeawukJu wuam imwmlw unppart Oht atmna tavern br tn memtesn off mt wfe-rwta. minmw r xamzauwi. Pit Sj tratennttr tsnm tt campus. ft fed ttac Eta craw M wars tflae it i-. Ttefta V Ep&m Rn Dvfflaft cammihufae rattanc ft the campus amtf da ma stand as a srwv itf &ui) S rieoufmin tiher EBasrafl MtaFstani tm tttheir tum$teriat9'a isaenaly tm ttaean- itbtwe muiniichiudc wiwtol a miasm autib 1 rfibeir rTtfemBtr, mM feaHnvn and am wenmlto' fiappru4 iiietiifintdtfiiafl ypgwtatawn aund ibtie fltau ml wur state antf nat&am. t.uufc fwegsiie cm m wm wvf be (tBterawdl srad htmiU he OKwditr pemewwj fennm the wanKrnw. We wtic:jfi Hrnttft xaA ur acntait isrvm nr cinpDi; cfrmmurtity. 2jt it e amowFtWH!! trtrart aztus mHHtntani Bpeik nrt wtur antentjoc w be titmnmCt) n vur ms)jtkun f jhrnor Jfiartar Bkcoupds 2bud HimiKims an tChai we aaaatt fte cim odor tnt De win yff-Utjfpff vita such iur ctrvEKuicttiiuDft. Commandant Selections Announced Xine girls bave been selected as Enalists for Hon orary Commandant for this year's animal Military Ball Dec. L The cirls. selected last Sunday by a conamittel made up 1 the three branches of the University R0TC services. wil represent the Army. Navy and Air Force. Representing the Air Force in the election win be: Judy Barney, an Alpha FM jmmior: Judy Kevs. a Junior and a member cf Gamma Phi Beta sorority; and Sally Larson, a Delta Gamma junior. The Army's Sbree canflB dates are: Marilyn Hand scbuh, a Kappa Alplia Theta senior; JIancy Jaeobson, Al pha micron Pi senior; and Kaye Sdhmirr, Pi Beta PM Junior. Navy commandant finalists include: Jeanette Broz, Burr East Hal j on for. Judy Pearce, Kappa Gamma jun ior; and Nancy Foreman, CM Omega senior. IMng for this state. Bastings Tours In the late afternoon the gubernatorial candidate took KMs reporter m a tour of Hastings College and to Ms ranch to watch Ms quarter horses nomp. He bad a quiet dinner wia Ms family and was back at the (Office by 7 p jd. Earlier in the day Ms son, Don, 21, commented, '"He's pretty con fident. He should walk all m& Morrison, but at will really be close Sealoa that night remarked n the campaign, "If ya dvnt tike peopk, j have no Iwsiness in atespaperisg and certainly not ia politics. Win, lose w draw I tune gained a lot front the cxmp-igi and fmm the people I've met .Tbe caiDmaiga was as ef fective as we knew how to make it If not, well soon know, be added. Dou.lM Support Concerning Douglas Canary .Seaton said he was '"hcipeM ia carrying if and that he'd bad a lot of support from people ""newer bediore cob cerned. I expect to wia," be said, "yuia Ami go to a ball game to lose.' Be Jokingly likened it to getting (married, "After yeaa say "I do, that's it! Then as the agomzmj. re turns started to creep ia be calmly got out some maps and statistics and began to chart the slow decisive trend.