The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 29, 1962, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Monday, October 29, 1962 Jt
Exercise in Citizenship
University students will have the very
distinct pleasure today to hear and see Ne
braska's two gubernatorial candidates de
bate political and state campaign issues.
This will probably be the last time
the two candidates will be seen or heard
in public before the national election Nov.
For the last several weeks the Nebras
kan has been presenting the two candi
dates and their ideas to the students and
faculty of the University through columns
and editorials, climaxing today with two
front page profiles. Now the students and
faculty will be able to confront the can
didates with questions that the entire
state is wondering about.
The results of today's debate will un
doubtedly have a great effect upon the
election of governor of this state. It has
and will receive wide press coverage
throughout the state. Many people will
come onto campus today at 3 p.m. to hear
the debate. To these people, as well as to
the students that will be voting, the de
bate will clarify the doubt and confusion
of this election's issues and the stands
that Governor Morrison and Fred Seaton
have taken on these issues.
Wednesday the student body will vote
for these candidates, as well as others,
and the constitutional amendment dealing
with reapportionment of the state. Again
the results of this mock election will be
highly publicized and examined by the
state because it will be the first real indi
cation of how the Nov. 6 general election
will go.
In November, 1960, the University
student body voted in a mock Presidential
election in which the students expressed
a large ballot preference for Nixon. Dur
ing the actual election Nebraskans ex
pressed the same preference. In this 1960
mock election, students overwhelmingly
forcast that Morrison would be the next
state governor ... so did Nebraskans in
election. Students had a perfect record in
the other campaigns, too, by indicating
that Burney, Curtis. Weaver, Cunningham,
Beermann and McGinley would hold state
offices for the next two years.
Because this mock election is an im
portant indication read and studied care
fully by the candidates and people of the
state, every student at the University
should make a special effort to go to the
polls Wednesday and vote in the mock
election. It is not a game or something to
be taken lightly. The mock election is a
practical exercise in citizenship; and those
of us who take the opportunity Wednesday
should case our vojes in the same serious
ness and with the same responsibility as
those who will be voting Nov. 8.
.. ?
' 1 mm Mm -&BMm Ma afrnw .mm mm
to Befall
It appears to this per
son, that, if something is
not done to remedy a sit
uation which is gaining in
momentum on this cam
pus, we will, on some
Monday morning in the fu
ture, see the following
story in the paper.
Telephone 432-7631
ext. 4225, 4228, 4227
Member Associated Col
legiate Press, Internation
al Press Representative,
National Advertising
Service, Incorporated.
Published at: Room SI,
Student Union, Lincoln 8,
Eatorel aa wen! class mailer,
aslaae MM. at la Beat rfflcc la
Uaoela, Nebraska.
Basla. Maaaaer . Jeha ZelUafar
Assistant Basloess Managers:
BIM Gealleke, Baa CaairfatBam,
Tarn Flteaett
Clreolatloa Manager .. .Jim Trectar
The Dallr Nebraska Is eaalisace'
Meadar, Weftaeeaar, Tbsrsdsr aa4
FrMar earlac the scfceel rear,
cent eaeatieaa ana' exam aerleaa.
ana aaee earin Aafast kr staaleals
ef the Ualversltr ef Nebraska anter
the aalkerliatiea el Ike Cemmltlee
ea Btaaeat Affairs as aa eseresslea
ef ataeeat cataiea. PakHcatlea aa
Or the Juris! etisa ef the saheem.
mIMee ea States PabllcaUsaa shall
be free freaa eOlerlal eeasersale
ea the Bart ef the sBbcemmlliee er
ea the art ef ear aersea eatsMe
Ike Uatrsrsltr. The members ef the
Dallr Nebraskaa staff are aersea
aUr resBsasibtle far asfest Iher aar
, cease le be ariats.
Pebraarr d US.
A terrible tragedy be
fell the U of N last Sat
urday afternoon, as Husk
ie the Husker was rav
aged by a group of about
1000 loyal Cornhusker
After tearing off his size
80 coveralls, they broke
his four foot arms into
pieces. They then hung
Huskie on the north
goal post.
Unfortunately, the Husk
er team, which was start
ing to leave the field, be
gan to use Husker (or
rather the remains of
Huskie) as a dummy for
' their offensive tackling
The president of Corn
Cobs said that Huskie
was a total loss. (We think
that he has known this for
some time.)
The Com Cobs have
now settled down to the
1 About Letters I
s The Dallr
5 reaeers ta ase It far
ef ealalea ea earreal leafee reare S
les ef rlewBelat. Utters mast be
H sltaed, ceatala a verifiable a4-
aress. ans be tree ef libelees me-
fc atrial Pea earnee mar be la- g
g eleeea sad trill be telsMei Bees S
as errlttea reajeeat.
Brers aaa) lerlbtHIr baereaae 5
S tbe easeee ef ablicallea. Leagthr X
g inters mar be eillei ar em II 14 5
g Abselalelr sjesw arlS be retarae 5
task of devising a new
symbol for the Huskers.
They are giving serious
consideration to a big red
python snake. (Creep
Huskers, creep!)
Another Vote
Against Huskie
To the Editor:
How much nicer our girl
cheerleaders looked this
Saturday at the Kansas
Nebraska game, in their
neat red sweaters and
white skirts.
I am quite sure there is
a great percentage of Corn
husker fans that feel the
same as I do. The day
they introduced the
change-over, there was
not any applause in the
west stadium for this
"new look" of the cheer
1 e a d e r s and the ear of
I am sorry they
"husked" the ear of corn
and took him away. Many
Cornhuskers feel that Hus
kie the Husker is a
degrading symbol of our
fine state of Nebraska and
of our farmers and
ranchers. He looks like
a scare-crow.
A Loyal Cornhusker
Before yen fa discover this B
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The traditional shirt for the style-minded
man has a button-down collar and Gant
label. It's made of Oxford cloth, in white,
linen, and blue, and in grey, olive, or blue
stripes. It costs 5.95 In plain colors, 6.50
In stripes. You buy it at Mages's.
Msb'i urnMilnai Meeee's First Fleer
Two or three years ago the country
was subjected to a major discussion on
the merits and demerits of television pro
graming. The major networks were se
verly criticized for many of their presenta
tions. More emphasis was placed on the
educational and cultural types of shows.
In all the controversy, one segment
of "tube" or "eye" watchers was over
looked. Of course, I'm referring to as
again. There are three general classifica
tions most collegians fall Into as far as
television viewing is concerned. There
are .those who don't watch at all, those
who watch everything, and those who
watch occasionally.
For a long time the largest of the
three groups was the group that didn't
watch at all. Their main excuse was that
they didn't have the time. This could
only mean one of two things. They were
either members of the upper intellectual
level or members of the lower party level.
Th group that watches all the time
has always been the smallest in numeri
cal size, and probably always will be un
less the schools of optometry come up
by robert Williams
with something better than contact lens.
These people definitely have a problem
they're some kind of nuts.
The group that is swelling its ranks
is the one that doesn't watch much, but
when it watches it really watches. Their
usual method of operation is to pick out
a couple of favorites over which they be
come really fanatic. I personally know of
one fraternity at which attendance is
practically mandatory when the Sunday
night movie or The Untouchables comes
across the screen. The Sunday night movie
has some of the more recent hits such as
"Moby Dick," "Timbuktu," "Big Coun
try," etc. Just three weeks ago The Un
touchables started a new series that is
really pretty sharp. Other favorites with
the occasional fanatic group include Al
fred Hitchcock, Twilight Zone, Perry Ma
son, and Have Gun Will Travel.
Who at Nebraska knows Verne Thorn
ton? I sure would like to know. Silver
stars for good conduct go to Wake Forest,
Texas A&M, Utah, Rice, Minnesota, Kan
sas State at Fittsburg, John Carroll, and
Sex Issue
In Hot
Sex lost at San Fran
cisco State in a recent
A combination of ap
athy on the part of the
college's 14,000 students
and misinformation de
feated birth control cham
pion Jefferson Poland at
the polls.
Poland was running for
student body representa-tive-at-large
on a plat
form advocating the sale
of contraceptives at a dis
count in the student book
He also wanted the stu
dent health service to of
fer information and coun
sel on contraception to
San Francisco State stu
dents. But he lost.
The vote was 178 for
and 319 against.
At a rally preceeding
the election Poland spoke
on "Does S. F. State Ig
nore Sex?" The meeting
exploded into an argu
ment on birth control.
" know some of you
do not believe in birth
control but college does
not comply with every
body's beliefs," Poland
said. "If it did, pork
wouldn't be sold in t h e
cafeteria and there would
not be any ROTC."
Then Poland was in
formed that the student
health service did give
contraceptive information
and counsel to students
and that the sale of con
traceptives in California
requires a pharmacist's li
cense. President Folberg said
he supported Poland un
officially: "I know Poland was
naive about the contra
ceptive information at the
health service and you
cannot expect to change
California law on the sale
of contraceptives," he
"Besides that, the only
student who would be af
fected by on-campus sale
of contraceptives are the
dormies. If the apartment
dwellers are using contra
ceptives they already
know where to get them,"
he said.
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