UNIVERSITY OF NER. LIBRARY Oxford: JuStA Ouiet Southern Town Now (EDITOR'S NOTE: The followtnc Is reprint from the Missouri Uni versity campus newspaper The Man ester. It was written by Editor Larry Fuller, Assolcate Editor Mar tin Frost) and staff member Lew Morrlssey. The three student Jour nalists spent a weekend at the Uni versity of Mississippi. This is their report on the student's view of Ole Hiss today.) Oxford, Miss. About an hour's drive south of Memphis lies a- sleepy little town-called Oxford. It looks just like a hun dred other small commu nities in the South ... a village square with an old stone courthouse in the middle. It's a quiet town . . . now. Last weekend there was an air of quiet apprehen sion in Oxford and on the University of Mississippi campus. The riots are over, but many doubts linger on in the minds of students. What's in store for the University? What will happen when the troops leave? What's the future of higher education in the state of Mississippi? In the midst of uncer tainty, life goes on. at Ole Miss. Without Incident Students attended a concert given by the "Highwaymen" Tuesday: a big pep rally was held Thursday; there was a football game and student government dance near by in Jackson Saturday night all without inci dent. "C 1 a s s e s are getting harder," one student ob served. "They want to keep us busy and out of trouble." Whenever conversation gets slow, someone cracks a "Meredith" joke. One like "Why is Meredith's wife like a spider? Because she's going to be a black wid ow." Students have mixed feelings about the future. One grad student said he thought the whole thing might blow up again when the troops leave. "People in the rural areas are organized and will be back as soon as the troops pull out" he said. Others feel differently. Many students are tired of crisis and are deter mined to make sure that nothing happens to jeo pardize their educations. Another incident will al most surely mean loss of accredation for the uni versity. Disaccrediting Students are nervously awaiting the annual meet ing of the Southern Assn. of Colleges and Schools in Dallas, Nov. 26-29. A com mittee has been set up by that group to study the Mississippi situation with, the possibility of disac-' crediting the university. Some students haven't waited around to find out what will happen in No vember. They've either transferred to other schools or dropped out of school a semester. Any one enrolled In a univer sity at the time it is dis accredited faces the pos sibility of starting over as a freshman if he wishes to attend an accredited school. Most of the students like the University of Mis sissippi. They don't want to leave. But they will if it m e a n s getting an ac cepted college degree or not. Along with these fears are mingled memories of the not so distant riots. There are a lot of little things to keep the memo ries fresh like the bullet holes near the front door of the administration building and the still fre quent mention of Oxford by the press. However, the chief re minder of the tragedy is some 500 troops stationed in and around the cam pus. The first thing we saw upon arrival in Ox ford at 2 a.m. Saturday was a lone Jeep with three soldiers parked in front of the town square. Bayonet Students are used to seeing the troops around now. The squads of bayonet-carrying sol diers constantly guarding Baxter Hall, Meredith's dorm, even when he's gone for the weekend, don't even rate a sec ond glance any more. The troops have always been resented, and are just now gaining accep tance by the student body. "We were afraid of them at first," said one sor ority member. "Bnt then we had the head of the guards over to the house as a guest. We found out they're just like anyone else." Eight hundred of the or iginal troops were stu dents at Mississippi col leges before the riots broke out. Several boys were Ole Miss students one day and guards at their own school the next. Despite the nearness of the tragedy, students went out of their way to be friendly last weekend and didn't seem to re sent outsiders visiting the campus. They didn't mind talking about what had happened. Many of them were quick to volunteer information. Our hosts pointed out landmarks of the struggle and relived some of their anxious moments. Stu ents told of the tremen dous pressure from par ents during the riots to drop out of Ole Miss and enroll elsewhere till it blew over. "I knew if I went home," one freshman told us, "that my par ents would never let me come back." ID's Checked For days the campus had teemed with troops. Ev erywhere students went, ID's were checked. Students tried to go back to their dorm rooms but couldn't stay because of lingering tear gas. All they could do was wan der around campus. They were urged to stay away from trouble spots. The president of ATO warned his members to keep out of the rioting and threatened disciplina ry action against anyone caught at the riots. He was proud to boast later that no ATO got involved in the rioting. "Throughout the whole period, we have nothing but good to say about our student leaders," said Dean Thomas Hines, di rector of Student Activi ties. One of these students leaders, Sidna Brower, editor of the school pa per, gained national pub licity for efforts to calm things down. Student leaders from Alabama and Clemson have called Sidna recent ly to ask advice in han dling similar situations should they arise on their campuses. "We were glad to see the pep rally go so well last week," Dean Hines said. "We were pleased to see that the situation has improved to such a point where normal , ac tivities can take place. Party Planned It hasn't been much of a year for parties at Ole Miss. Things are just now coming back to normal and one fraternity has planned an "insurrection party" this weekend. Ole Miss is a school that's struggling to get back on its feet. It's a proud school, a school full of tradition and spirit and many students seeking a good education. It has a long road to travel. Showhow, after sitting through an Ole Miss foot ball game, going to an Ole Miss student body dance, and spending two days liv ing with the students, we can't help but feel they will make it. We can still hear their yell echoing through Memorial Stadi um last Saturday: Hotty-toddy, gosh al mighty, who in the hell are we? Flim Flam, Bim Bam, Ole Miss, by Damn! Vol. 76, No. 26 The Daily Nebraskan Monday, October 29, 1962 Candidates Discuss State Issues MORRISON By WENDY ROGERS News Editor Students themselves should actively participate as sales men for the University, ac cording to Frank Morrison, in cumbent democratic can didate for governor of Ne braska. Morrison believes that the students might work very ef fectively through personal contact and letters with their legislators and congressmen. In this way the University should be able to increase its services and programs, Mor rison noted. Ever expanding services to the citizens of the state through enlargement of University programs are an integral part of his aims for Nebraska. Services the University pro vides to Nebraskans through agricultural research, pro grams of county and exten sion agencies, contributions toward industrial growth, and help on tourism projects are all part of the portrait of a growing state which Gov. Morrison is sketching. Seeks Opportunity Hammering away at the central theme of his cam paign "the main issue is my record," Morrison seeks the opportunity to fill in the sketch he has already begun to advance the programs he has initiated. Historically, n o governor who has sought a second consecutive term has been denied it since 1930. "I cannot emphasize too strongly the necessity of con tinuing to upgrade the University," said Morrison, pointing again to NU'g ,m' portant role in the over-all growth of the state. The University College of Agriculture is doing some research work with the state agriculture department, but it doesn't have the personnel and equipment to lead re search at the present time, said the Governor. Research Foundation "Eventually we want to have all this done in Nebras ka," he continued. This is why the governor helped in itiate the Nebraska Research Foundation through the legis lature. The Foundation, In which University researchers would play an increasingly active part, now suffers only from a lack of funds from grants, said Gov. Morrison. "Many new processes should be patented so the state gets revenue from them," said Morrison, "This ran snowball and in turn aupport the institute." Morrison pointed to a lack of incentive at the University as the reason why new proc cesses can't be patented. "T h e Nebraska Resources Institute (Foundation) would bridge the gap between the University and private indus try," he "said. Criticizes Seaton Leveling a charge at his GOP gubernatorial opponent, Morrison noted that Fred Seaton was asked and agreed to serve on the board of trustees of the Resources Foundation. "He has served on the board for about a year and a half. If he felt the ' Jr v f y ' v i .. - . i mmmi .Lsnwn Miwj University needed mora money, why didn't he com municate this desire?" stated Morrison. The nuclear research cen ter at Hallam was cited by Gov. Morrison as another area in which the University can and does contribute to industrial development in the state. Morrison said he had con tacted Chancellor Hardin for the possibility of work with the Hallam Project and the Atomic Energy Commission in the field of nuclear re search. Repeats Policy The Governor repeated a statement he has often made in the past stating, "by con tinuing the upgrading of the University, we are attracting grants of money from outside sources that will enable us to rapidly expand our re search programs. We cannot afford, under any circum stances, to curtail our move ment in this direction." Morrison expressed the be lief that the Board of Re gents, elected by the people, should lead the governor and legislature in University Bud get recommendations., "This is their limited spec ific area of responsibility. So, philosophically, I give heavy weight to the recommenda tions of the Board of Re gents." Morrison concluded. Sanford To Talk At 10 Tomorrow In Student Union Dr. Nevitt Sanford, editor of The American College, will speak at 10 a.m. tomorrow in the Student Union ballroom. His visit is being sponsored by the union convocations committee and the research council. According to Dr. Gerken of the University Counseling Service, the book by Dr. San ford may Influence patterns of United States education for several decades. Dr. Sanford, who has stud ied higher education from many angles feels that edu cation in America must be come more liberal and must place a greater stress on the development of the total per sonality of an individual. Dr. Sanford, director of the Institute for Study of Human Problems at Stanford Univer sity, is visiting the University as part of the national meet ing of college and university counselors. Gubernatorial Debate Readies Student Body for Mock Vote Gov. Frank Morrison and Fred Seaton, GOP guberna torial hopeful, will debate in the Student Union ballroom at 3 p.m. today. Both candidates have agreed to the following set of rules: I. Moderators shall be Ex ecutive Vice Chancellor, A. C, Breckinridge and Dean Da vid Dow of the Law College. 2. Each speaker is permit ted 15 minutes for opening statements, which shall be confined to answering written questions submitted by the Student Council. The first speaker shall be decided by the flip of a coin. 3. Written questions will be picked up by monitors from the floor. The questions will be screened by the modera tors and then presented to the candidates. 4. Each speaker is permit ted five minutes for closing statements. The speaker who opened first shall speak last. First closing statement will commence at 4:20 p.m. 5. No light or sound of the proceeding shall be permitted except in the hands of the regular public press. 6. The purpose of the dis cussion is to permit orderly NU Student Dies Saturday After Mishap Donald Ohme, 19-year-old University student from Mitchell, died Saturday morn ing of injuries received when the car in which he was rid ing ran off the highway and smashed i n t o a con- near Greeley, A Colo. Three Uni versity s t u dents travel i n g with Ohme were hospitali zed at Greeley, Colo. Jerry Miller, 20, of Davenport, suffered a broken neck, but was report ed in good spirits and ex pected to be released soon. Fred Sweet, 19, Mitchell, S.D., buffered a ruptured spleen and pelvis injury. He had one of his broken legs set during an operation Sat urday night. John Houtchens, 19, Gree ley, has internal injuries and a possible concussion. The four, all members of Sigma Chi fraternity, intend ed to stay at the Houtchens' home and attend the Nebraska-Colorado game at Boulder. The funeral for Ohme will be held at 2 p.m. today Mitchell, Nebraska. i . ,. ii I Vsr So Ohme in discussion of issues by the two candidates for the edifi cation of interested students. No signs or demonstrations other than reasonable ap plause will be permitted. No person is permiedlo speak unless asked to -do so by the moderator. Neither candidate is permitted to in dulge in personal references to the other which are not in keeping with the purpose of the discussion. The four questions which have been submitted by the student body for the candi d a t e s' opening statements are: Why and how should the tax base of Nebraska be broadened? How can the University be built into the outstanding educational institution of the Midwest? What should be the role and power of the governor of Nebraska? What other issues do you feel are relevant in the cam paign and why? YcT ST ' n)7 " a a Mock Election Wednesday NU Students Will Vote For Nebraska Posts University students are scheduled to go to the polls Wednesday in a mock election to make their choice in the gubernatorial and congressional races and to vote on the reapportionment amendment. Polls will be open in Ag and City Student Unions from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesday, according to Student Council President Don Burt. All students regardless of age, are eligible to Vote. Student IDs must be shown, Burt said. The election is being sponsored by Student Council, Young Republicans and Young Democrats. Students will vote for either Governor Frank Morrison or Fred Seaton, GOP candidate, in the gubernatorial race. In the congressional contest students will vote on the can didates from the district in which their hometown is lo cated . The Congressional candidates and ther districts are: 1st District Ralph Beermann, Republican, Clair Callan, Democrat, and George Menkin, by petition; 2nd District Glenn Cunningham, Republican, and Thomas N. Bonner, Democrat: 3rd DistrictDave Martin, Republican and John A. Hoffman, Democrat. The reapportionment amendment (proposed Amend ment Number 7) reads "Constitutional amendment to pro vide that in redistricting of the state for legislative pur poses established lines other than county lines may be fol lowed and that primary emphasis shall be given to popu lation with prescribed weight being given to area." Burt pointed out that students will only make one choice in mock election voting in contrast to three choices in the homecoming elections taking place simultaneously. SEATON (Editor's Note: The two stories appear Inr in today's paper are a result of special Interviews by the Nebraskan of both candidates. These stories deal pri marily with the candidates' approach to the University and its budget. However, tbe reader should understand that the candidates were interviewed on a broad base of Nebraska subjects. Further stories concerning the policies of the two candi dates will be carried later this week by the Nebraskan. The most effective place for students to work for their University is in their home communities, recommended Fred Seaton, GOP guberna torial candidate. "The basic authority is from the people, therefore, the most effective place to work is with the people. Those of us who really believe in the University must keep fighting for it" Seaton ex plained. ,. "I have never been aware of a situation, he said, "where the people were informed, when they did not act." Nebraska must develop a system of over-all state bud getary priorities with the Uni versity in the top group, said Seaton, commenting on anoth er of his views. Necessary Projects The 52-year-old former Sec retary of the Interior said that a governor needs to re alize what projects are neces sary to the development of the state and should place them in the order of their importance. "It is the governor who makes the state he must be the catalyst in starting pro grams which will benefit the state's development," he not ed. Pointing out that the cost of state government totaled 19 million dollars last year, the quiet-mannered, Seaton said, "I don't equate all pro gress with sheer expenditure of government funds." "We will find the money for things that are necessary to do, if we take the people into our confidence," he re marked. Support Budget Increase Seaton said that if he is elected governor he plans to vigorously support a budget increase for the University which will not only maintain its present standards, but which will make a substantial expansion possible. "When a governor explains with logic and facts his pro gram to the people then he will have public support," he said. "Seaton's view of the bud get problem includes a desire for fast action. "We've got to get at it right away!" he said. The three areas which need "beefing up" at the Univer sity are faculty salaries, classroom space, and the graduate and research facil ities, according to the Repub lican candidate. Fullest Capacity At present, Seaton said, we don't need any extra class rooms, but we need to see that the rooms we have are being used to fullest capacity and advantage.' "I don't buy Gov. Morri son's statment," said Seaton, "that it's not up to the gov ernor to recommend the tax structure, that it's only for him to sit by and wait, then spend wisely as he can the appropriations. "In the last 15 years, only If L ZL.,r ., two governors failed to ob tain legislative approval for the money they requested for the University. In that same time, several got more than they asked for. 'One was Vic tor Anderson, who missed by 1.7 per cent, and the other was Morrison who missed by more than one million dol lars," said his gubernatorial opponent. The influence of the Board of Regents on the governor and the legislature concern ing the University's budget varies with the makeup of the administrative and legis lative bodies, explained Sea ton. "If I am elected, their recommendations will be very important," he added. Queen Elections Set Wednesday Elections for Homecom ing Queen and her two at tendants will be held from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesday at both Ag and City Student Unions. Each voter must vote for three of the ten finalists for Homecoming Queen or the ballots will be declared in valid. The ten finalists will be presented on the Joe Martin show, KOLN-TV (channel 10). Five will appear from 10:25-11:30 tonight and five at the same time tomorrow night. Homecoming elections are sponsored by Tassels. Council Requests Updated Forms Student organization regis tration forms must be submit ted to the Student Counci' of fice by Thursday. The follow ing organizations have not turned in up-to-date student o r g a n i z ation registration forms. Town Club, Alpha Phi Omega, A tocktion of Pre-Med Tacbncloaiats. Phi Chi Theta, Phi Lambda Upstlon, Phi Mu Alpha, Pi Slsms Alpha, Y duns' Re publicans, Alphs Zeta. American Instlluta of Architects, American Instlluta of Chemical ICnsI neera. Block and Pridle Club, Cadenca Countesses. Delta Phi Alpha. Delia Mi ma Delta, Innocents, Jr. American Dental Assoc tation. Koamet Klub. Mu Kpsllon Nu, Om. cron Nu. Orrhasla, Perehlng Rule, Phalanx, Phi Mu Kpallon. RAM. Khn Chi, Kisina Delta Oil. U of N Council on RWki.hi, V of N Stu dent Education AsumlnUon, Vanity Dalir Club, Women's Hrslurnea AhauclaUiiii, XI Pal Phi. Battalion Hacreatum Council. aarssaaasjsa, - . a 4