The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 25, 1962, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Page 2
a jaundiced
by Susan Stanley
"The Threepenny Opera." the first of
fering of the University Theater's 1962
1963 season, opened Wednesday night,
casting a bitter negative vote to the ques
tion "Is It worth it to be top dog?"
Bertold Breehfs play involves the
liciousness of men, even toward the peo
ple whom they are, by convention, sup
posed to love. One of the characters Sums
the philosophy in Brecht's world with
"First feed the face, and then tali about
right and wrong."
Polly Peachum, daughter of the pro
prietors of a begging syndicate an Lon
don of the late 1830's, thwarts her par
ents' hopes of her becoming a prostitute
and supporting them an their old age by
manying Macheath (TMack the Knife",
a powerful thief.
The Peachums in revenge arrange for
Hacbeath to be charged with all Ms
crimes and brought to the gallows. As
the rope is put around bis neck with
vicious efficiency, a Victorious messen
ger" swoops down the aisle to the stage,
with a full pardon from the queen.
Being so out of touch with the reality
Brecht bad created, the '"happy ending,
nice and tidy" stands nullified, the ori
ginal point unscathed.
Don Sobolik, as Macheath is excel
lent His deftness and subtle variations
gave a character Which is incredible
Cristy Johnson" Polly Peachum had
a believable naivete which was comple
'Omar Harold'
Coiled Petty
To the Editor:
How petty are we going
to get in detennining
Greek - Independent rela
tions? It is very commendable
that Greeks and independ
ents have been working
bard for closer coopera
tion between these t w o
It may be noted, bow
ever, that freedom of
choice is one of the priv
ileges that we Americans
enjoy, whether it be in
doing the family market
ing or inviting guests to
a party.
men the Delta Tau Del
ta pledge class planned
their street dance, t b e y
did not intend to offend
Greek - Independent rela
tions. The Delts bad a
very successful party.; it
may have been even more
successful if independents
had been invited also. But
the important point
involved here is that we
as Americans have the
right to ask who we want
when we want where
we want. If Omar Harold
ioct. 19) were to give a
party, be would exercise
this same privilege,
jt is people like he who
who magnify the prob
lem of Greek - Independ
ent relations on campus.
31 is people like you who
destroy Greek - Independ
ent relations by blowing
Ctaseified ct must be entered
two day In advunce and must
be paid for in advance at the
Daily Nebraskan Office, Sax.
41, Nebraska Union. .Correc
tions will be made if -errors are
brought to our attention within
48 hours.
Jf tact r anr
CM Phl'a en tba Ulo
arr Camvw ar i to Lincoln wcav
fe,, ptotuM call tor talarrateriir
Cean-U Ofliot, HE&-W31.
Vm the fUW Went Alto tiier"! mex-
r. i. harn. -wim
-O" At. tua :
SOT Phmxmtn 9N. Cll tMRker
477-W'AI. 4.K-7:WI ML wekUMI.
-torn nwiMMtall. mumttmL taiv.
wenut, wan, trnmorr ur. wikh.
1087 OMmMOtM:. wllent iu, unwer
tonn. c . toounT w. 4HM487.
rteaM iuni to thf PI Beta Mtt Home
w ktaok tan tbat iwlaaw n toe
tam Ml.
pert Mew Pd WM mxltor. Curt
at nee nd at weiie mat WW, an
KmI vMtm tab. xr mMWT. Call
I'art Urn nelv rantetl. riexlble noon.
Car awo arr. CII Mr. Ofoan anna
m, l y.m. 4ia-7i48.
f rao-laoHia iomtr will aubnitute tor
marvm, aaarLtiuc anywhere. Twv yeara
xperumce. Tow KlinM, Pa.
far tne ftoeat 4n Gtrnvrnt, V. V turn
ntitmlly kunwv i'ii-turte teml, JIM
tne "Varalty enoaoi an twill at
fMtt )Janr aa ar the tw Ml to
a Bauau: Paooe 4 11831.
Air traiwportaaor annrhera via 'airplane
af ywui fnmw- YuuUi fare (naliiirHiei
o rvand tfiva tu all yinnta aerveO
f nmtler urluna. tor whirmatioii
r eeaervationa contact d aoaerlir,
477-Wil. iMa J Mi.
mented by a
times, particularly during serious scenes,
ber acting seemed to lack a variation in
Mr. J. J. Peachum. '"The Begger's
Big Brother," was well acted by Gene
PybdahL who alternated bluster with de
cadence. Sharon Binfield, as Mrs. Peachum,
was. energetically slovenly, which is
something to see!
Sharon Purbaugh's Jenny da "fancy
woman."' formerly Macheaths favorite i),
didn't always achieve the pathos it might
have. Particularly fine, however, was ber
singing of "Solomon Song" in the third
Leta Powell Drake showed still an
other facet f ber considerable dramatic
versatility in her portrayal of Lucy
Brown who, because of her inability to
""stay perpendicular" around Macheath,
became pregnant She is great.
Macheath' gang of thieves was a
Runyanesque collection, notable for the
performance of Allen Epstein as Walt
The sets were very effective; the use
of a scrim at the opening of the scenes
served to remove the action and the
characters from the reality of 18G2. John
Morahs musical direction was notable in
that it didn't distract from the action
and song IjTics, which were of a narra
tive nature.
Dallas Williams' production of "The
Threepenny Opera'" runs through Satur
day night. Go see it it's well worth it!
vp petty trivialities, and
finally, it is people like
be who are slighting or
misunderstanding the in
dependents. Sincerely,
Stand Clarified
On Migration
To the Editor;
1 would like to further
clarify my statement as
printed in the Kebraskarj
.(Oct. 18) concerning the
motion on an official mir
First I would like to
say that I am not against
migration, official or un
tofficial. I feel that it
would be fine for students
to attend every away
game, were it possible.
I do not think classes
should be cancelled this
year for migration. Scho
lastic reports are due
Nov. 3, which is the Sat
urday immediately follow
ing the Colorado game.
This is also Homecoming.
1 can see no advantage
in moving examinations
back one week to Home
corning waek. Plans could
nave been made to ac
commodate this situation
had it been on the school
calendar. 1 bope that fu
ture migrations will be in
corporated into the school
calendar so that problems
will not exist for either
Administration or s 1 in
dents. 1 observed something
last Saturday after the
Kansas State game which
I bope will not happen at
Colorado next week end.
Walking back from the
game 1 was confronted
with the scene of a Kernel
and his date being both
ered by an obnoxiously
drunken Kansas State stu
dent. 1 hope next week
end Colorado students will
be favorably impressed
by the conduct of Nebras
ka students.
Steve Honey
Teachers College
Student Council
A Yet Vote Voet
Aot Mean 'Yes ...
To the editor;
In the Oct. 17 JMCbras
kan, John Reiser (Politi
cal Contrasts) states that
Congressman Reer
marm voted "yes" twenty
four limes.
This does NOT mean,
however, that be voted
FOR twenty-four bills.
Reermann votes "YES"
just like Sen. Carl Curtis.
Here is an example of this
In the last session of
Congress, J?vits of New
York introduced a bill to
prohibit the use of federal
lunds in the construction
of segregated hospitals.
Sen. Curtis voted "yes"
to a motion to table the
bill. He -voted "yes" but
to a motion to KILL the
Reiser goes on to state
that the principle reason
Congressman Beer-
Thursday, October 25, 1962
lovely singing voice. At
mann voted against aboli- I
tion .of the poll tax was f
that be .didnl like the
"ramrod tactics"" used to
pass it "hat relationship j
is there between the tac-
tics used to pass a bill
and the bill itself? 1
From this intelligent
statement we then infer f
that bad proponents of the I
bill approached Beermann
in a friendly fashion, s
smiling broadly, that aft- f
er a few pats on the f
back, Beermann might
have seriously considered
the W3
Reiser concludes by
saying that Congressman
Beermann '$ record has
been one of conscience
not of negativism. I heart- g
ily agree. Beermann s high
integrity compels me to 1
believe that every time be 1
has voted '"no" he bas i
sincerely believed that I
this was the proper vote. 1
The reason I am for
Callan, and the issue here, I
is that Callan 's basic be-
befs, those bis conscience
will hold him to, are
more in accord with my
own than are Beermann s. I
Jim Steinman
I About Letters
S The ttaUr inaramaa tnvMaa g
at aatnteo aa earreal Mo eecaiaV g
E lea' a lewtat. iMUert swat e - E
(icnad, eanuuu a erlliaMr mt- :
area, and ae free f UImmmhi ana-
anal fa am anar ae la- E
s etaaeit mat erUI aa aaleaaat aam
the eaanue f auvhcalMNi. hmxthy - E:
tetter nar a tmltmi m aaitMaaV -
E AaaolaWlr ana UJ aw aatai aaa.
ext. 4225, 4226, 4227 1
Member Associated Col- 1
lfgiate Press, Inlet-nation- 1
a! Press Representative,
National Advertising
Service, Incorporated.
Published at: Rom SL,
Student Union, Lincoln ,
Kntervt m aecaa IM anatter.
mi am !. at ta aval lie Is s
Jilawaai. Inaaraaaa.
AsXalant Baalaew Manaaei
BUI nuainiu, Rob
la t'Uoaett
OnaUaUaa tfaauaar .. . Jim greater g
M"r J mi ferraat
Manaciax H41tor . . .Ir ftaMlarlk s
Mltor Heatfy ataaera
aart J-xlltar aUefc Akia
Ac fciar IMa fear E
mum- ttutter, Jda taroaraa
tan wrtten .
Ary Laoer. Kaeaa 4aolika s
Amlar Mali Writer Al aaara, s
tim Moore, tnuati eaHMttta, s
Toaa MMataaai 1
liateraaar . Itmemarr naH aad
itartera Wtaaa t urn , aa cUeaer
Ta lallr kraakaa to naUibea'
eaaax, WaaaeMUrr. Toaraaar aad
'near ajanac tar aoaaal ar, x.
-aaoaUaaa a4 anaao artoaa.
and arae anoa Aaitaat ay aiaaeoa
a! aar I nivrMty at jaraaka anarr
aae aataarteatHn f lae jtaaamiltae
an tlMMteat Allaira aw as exareeMea
ataaaat uilea. faaUealiaa aa
aW lae larladieUaa f lae auaeaat
nlUee aa aiiiiai faaUeallaaa auall
ae trae Irowi aaitaruil mmmaaia
a lae art f tar aaooanmuUee ar
aa lae aart T aar aera
lae liaireraltr. Tae auanOer el
jiir mearaakaa atair arr
aU reapaaalaur tar aai kaer ar
ar w. ar eaaae to a
taaraair , IP.
Constitutional Amendment No.
Dowti at Grand Island Sept. 25, State Senator Fern
Hubbard Orme of Lincoln delivered an address that
all Nebraskans should read and ponder. She spoke spe
cifically in favor of the area-population plan for re
districting the Unicameral and before supporters of
this Constitutional Amendment No. 7 which will be on
the Nebraska ballot.
It is my concept that legislators are required by
the State Constitution to assume fuH legislative respon
sibility. The responsibilities of a legislator cannot be
discharged if the interests of the entire state are ever
put in second place.
To define legislative responsibility is simply recog
nizing this position of trust and obligation to represent
aD people in all .districts regardless of population.
Representation should be given to the interests of
all people in all parts of the state. The interests of
the legislative district should be analyzed carefully and
pursued with vigor when the position does not jeopard
ize or barm the state of Nebraska.
In adopting the Constitution the founders were fair.
The founders did not forget the vast unchartered wild
erness of a future nation and provided for new states
to have a voice in national government even though
most of the states did not even exist Had our fore
fathers been selfish in their concept of government this
nation would never have flourished and developed.
The Nebraska representation must in the interests
of our future growth and .development be "based upon
future ground rules that are fair to the smallest popu
lated counties as well as to the largest metropolitan
areas. "We cannot permit the buflding of a '"psychologi
cal Berlin wall" around metropolitan Omaha and met
ropolitan Lineoln.
Counties such as Douglas and Lancaster have a
built-in legislative advantage that gives these counties
an advantage over other counties of the state, This
"'legislative advantage" is in existence because the rec
ord shows that the 7 senators of Omaha normally work
together to the benefit of Omaha and Douglas Cuunties,
The same observation can be made of representatives
in Lancaster County.
A study of present legislative districts will show
that 7 legislators in the western portion of the state
represent SI counties. Seven legislators representing 31
counties cannot coordinate and agree on issues as easily
as the 7 senators who represent Omaha. Block voting
is the natural result of politics and of common inter
ests. It is a fail that 7 senators from Douglas County
have more common interests on vital issues than 7 sena
tors representing 21 counties. The area involved and tlie
variance in viewpoint in 21 counties make analysis of
.common 'interests most difficult. Would you not agree
that Omaha senators can more readily agree on ob
jectives and define mutual interests concerning any
issue than can senators who represent many counties
with .diversified interests and where conflicts on vital
issues are usually apparent?
In my opinion this built-in legislative advantage of
several senators from one county goes a long way to
offset the lack of representation in the Legislature on
a 100 per cent population basis.
Let us examine the record established over the
years whereby representation is on the basis .of area
and population. The Interstate Highway construction
program was started in Douglas and Lancaster Coun
ties. Did the stalled outstate senator put restric
tions on the program? Did the outstate senator vote
against logic and reason?
1 propose that Nebraska senators vote logically
and reasonably. The Interstate is designed to take
care of traffic in times of national emergency and in
an effort to move a greater number of vehicles and
to reduce mass murder on the highways. Even though
the outstate senators had the votes they did not dis
criminate against eastern Nebraska.
Let us examine state appropriations that go for
existing or new projects of state government. There is
no evidence that outstate senators normally cast their
votes on the basis of "What do I get?"
Highways, state institutions, educational facilities,
resource development, industralization, and tourism
promotion are all items of state-wide concern. These
issues cannot be bottled up or controlled by only a
few of the 3 counties. To restrict .or unreasonably
control legislative representation would retard the
progress of all Nebraska. We would have a state divid
ed against itself. Outstate financial interests could hesi
tate to do business with our large and established
banks in eastern Nebraska. Iianchers and farmers could
readily market their products at points .outside of Ne
braska if resentment were present. Young men and
women could be encouraged by their parents to seek
higher education outside Nebreska.
The whole future program .of planned progress
could be reflected on every vital vote.
Our forefathers established a state government
whereby eastern businessmen have no advantage over
the businessman in Sidney, McCook, Tryon, Falls City,
Antioch, or my former home town of OeilL
Our forefathers did not intend that groups, within
our society, who have quantitative numbers in Lincoln
and Omaha sbould be able to use reapportionment as
a meUiod to increase their voting strength within the
The limited viewpoint of representation based en
tirely on population can only be interpreted as a move
to cram eastern Nebraska dominance down the throats
of all Nebraska.
1 would ratner be defeated on this issue than to
participate in a plan that would create a divided state
on important issues that affect all of Nebraska.
If we are to progress as a state we must also prog
ress in our thinking and permit some reasonable de
gree of representation by all counties in Nebraska
small, medium and large.
We owe this much to our present and future Ne
braska citizens.
r i) up vvukc- , .
' t- (j Kfi V-- I
fL,U iuie JiOiie
i) op H
toe cou9
(Editor's Note): The tallowing is an editorial wfekn
appeared is the Omaha Wrld-HeraU! Monday, Sept.
24, We present it here as ai outstanding example f tbe
faction ia tbe stale against reapptntMinmeat by area
Now that tbe panel of Federal judges has decided
to take no action an tbe Nebraska Legislative reappor
tionment dispute until the people have bad a chance
to vote on November 6, we think it ketone for calm,
thmghtful voters to begia weighing thelssue.
This is the proposed Omslitutional Amendment that
will appear n the November 6 ballot:
'The Legislature may redistrid tbe state from
time to time, not more often than once in 10 years.
In any sack redistricting, county lines shall be fol
lowed whenever practicable, but other established lines
may be followed at the discretioB of the Legislature.
In such redisricting, p-imary emphasis shall be placed
on population and not less than 20 per cent nor more
than 30 per cent weight shall be given to area."
The nub of this plan, of course, is the proposal to
give 20 to 30 per cent representation to acres, and only
the remaining 70 to SO per cent to people.
This newspaper is not among those who believe mat
the adoption of this plan, and its implementation by the
Legislature, would be a disaster.
As a matter of fact, because of shifts in popula
tion, recent Nebraska Legislatures have been strongly
weighted in favor of rural areas and against city popu
lations, and we know of no state that has had better
Legislatures during that time, or better state govern
ment. Thus there exists no governmental crisis which
must be resolved.
This proposed amendment raises an extremely im
portant matter of principle.
Under the accepted theory of representative govern
ment, each qualified voter should have one vote.
We think it would be a gra ve violation of basic
rights if a section were written into the State Con
stitution stating, in eff ect, that certain Nebraska people
should have 12 votes in choosing legislators, whue oth
ers should be entitled to perhaps only nine-tenths or
eight-tenths of a vote.
That is not the way the government by the peole
ought to operate.
Some advocates of the amendment have been say
ing rather vehemently that the Federal Constitution,
which gives two Senators to each state., regardless of
population, provides some sort of precedent for their
plan in Nebraska.
That simply is not true.
The Government in Washington it a Federal union
of sovereign states. Tbe states, being equal are equally
represented in the Senate; the people of tbe states,
also being equal are supposed to be equally represent
ed in the House.
There is no such thing as a sovereign county, or a
sovereign acre, in the State .of Nebraska. Nebraska 'i
counties did not meet together to form the state; on
the contrary, they were created by the state, and to
day remain creatures of the state. Thus the attempt
to draw an analogy between the Nebraska Unicameral
and the Federal Congress is without merit.
We think the Federal judges decided wisely when
they returned this issue to the people of Nebraska at
this time.
wise if they should write into their Constitution a pro
vision which, in legislative matters, would give some
people bigger votes than other people and which in
effect would legalize and perpetuate minority rule,
, Read Daily Nebraskan
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