y Page 2 EDITORIAL Monday, October 15, 1 962 S L -w 1 ... it ; - 1 n. i it s V V 5 t ' i 5 f ! S i r ; . in 4 I S old guard Everything seems to be going quite well, and then wham. We've talked about interfraternity spirit. We have advocated that pledge classes be brought up with a cooperative spirit as their guide. Junior Interfraternity Council (JIFC) is coming of age. Last year it woke up to the reality that it could do something and be a valuable part of the campus. BUT, the lates has it that the new pledge presidents and JIFC reps are play ing politics at the urging of their upper class IFC reps and activity jocks and pushers in their houses. JIFC elections are slated for Tuesday. Sunday, a fraction of the houses that "aren't too big" and a few that are met in a session to "get better acquainted" and "get our men in". - The campus, over the past few years has shunned such political shinanigans. Everyone even thought that the days of honest elections had arrived. Elections which would allow the people who de served the offices to be chosen on the basis of their merits, not their political affiliation or their fraternal association. And, while we have the knife in, let's turn it around a couple of times. Rush week is over, kiddies. Most of the leader ship in the various fraternities and, yes AND sororities realize (or should) that we have to work together as a system. Dirty rush should not have played even in rush week. But more, why should it continue? What is to be gained? So maybe you have petty gripes against a house. Maybe you feel that they cheated you last year so get even this year. Maybe you fail to realize that house is as important to a total frater nity picture as yours. So I say it again we have big houses, we have little houses, we have inbetween ers. Go ahead. JIFCers, get off to a bad start after starting good. Vote with a closed mind with your only purpose being to "get your man in" and chop the big 'ens. Put aside the basis of your group operation. Be manipulated. Or, think for .yourselves. Forget about the votes you promised or swapped away on Sunday. Maybe the man you planned by don ferguson to railroad can really meet the challenges and tests. If so, elect him fairly. You know, the campus hasn't beet so full of spirit in years. We can't even recall a time when the team members received standing ovations. We can't recall such bedlam in the stadium (since Oklahoma). And now the troops across campus start talking about migration. Nearly every stu dent would like to make the trip. So, the cry once again goes out WE WANT A LEGAL, OFFICIAL MIGRATION. And the reply comes back BECAUSE ADMINI WON'T LET US HAVE ONE. So, Student Council, maybe you could latch your hooks into this one again. It will only be the umpteenth time. The ru mer mill reason that Admini gives is that they would have to be responsible for the students that go. Well, why not have them call off classes on Friday, release a public statement that they will not take any responsibility and that all parents must assume direct responsibility if Johnny goes. Let's face it, there will be hundreds, maybe thousands go anyway. Official or unofficial. Anyway, with the spirit as high as it is now, the team deserves this sup port at migration time. Even the band s going. Changing thought again, Congratula tions definately are in order to the mem bers of Delta Tau Delta for sponsoring the very successful street dance on Friday night. This is the type of interfra ternity spirit that we should have on campus. House parties are generally so blah anyway, that this was a refreshing change. We feel that the Delt party was an indication of changing and progressive attitudes not only towards social, but to wards the general role of the greek system on the campus and its obligations to its membership. Congrats again. i ' . AS 5 ' ! I'i'''' ' J . 'If, X' i" 'W'"''" 3 ' I ' '"'Ii' " mammmm 5 .& I Y0U AT GAMNk- MUCH ALTITUDE H0UM& M DUM I From 'Ole Miss' Editor Daily Nebraskan WWVPV.WPnNTJ YFAR OF from editorial censorship on he urt af the Subcommittee SC. V 11 JiVV . or on the twrt f any person rattlae the University. The PUBLICATION mrmliert af the Dally Nrbraskaa staff re persoaallr responc1 e for what the? say. or oe, or cause to Da printed. Telephone 432-7631 ext. 4225, 4226, 4227 t. im. Member Associated Collegiate Press, 14t" & K International Press Representative, Na- editokui staff tional Advertising Service, Incorporate?!. Mnatin Editor 7..;:;"iaW wowfarth Published at: Room 51, Student Union, R wSL ." J??MlB I Innnln S Vohrnclrn Copy Editors . . Linda Jensen, Susie Rutler, Lynn Corcoran tjU"-"IU CuruMHt. BU(f Writers Sue Hoylk, Gary tacey, Karen Ganllcks Entered as second class matter, postage paid, at the Junior Staff Writers Ai Spore. Jim Moore, Susie est office la Lincoln, Nebraska. Smlthberfer, Tom McGinnls The Daily Nebraskan Is published Monday, Wednesday. tSi"' mm T.JLTilI Ttareds? and Fridey durinc the school year, except dunnc Reporters Diana Copsey, John Rieser vacation and exam periods, and onea during itorust, by BUSINESS STAFF students f the University of Nebraska ander the suiborlza- Business Manarer John ZeUtnffer tlon of tbe Committee on Studeat Affairs as an expression Assistant Business Manarers . . . Bill Gunlirks, Bob Cnnnlnc- t student opinion. Pablicatioo under the Jurisdiction of ham, Tom Fltrbett the subcommittee on undent Puoiicatlons shall be frea Circulation Manarer Jim Trestar (Editor's Note: The fol lowing editorial is f r q m the Daily Mississippian, the official newspaper of the University of Missi ssippi by its editor, Sidna Brower. ) This is an appeal to the entire student body and to anyone concerned with the present situation: Not only do the stu dents chance forfeit ing their education by participating in riots, but they are bringing dis honor and shame to the university and to the State of Mississippi. When students hurled rocks, bottles and eggs the federal marshals were forced to resort to tear gas to back off the crowds. When outsiders show their objections in the form of violence, they are seriously injuring the stu dents in an attempt to continue their education. As a student, I beg you to return to your homes. This is a battle between the State of Mississippi and the United States government; the univers ity is caught in the middle. The Civil War was fought one hundred years ago over almost the same issues and the United States of America pre vailed. The Federal gov ernment is once again showing its strength and power to uphold the laws of our country. A Proposal Restated To the Editor: I would like to restate a proposal that was, made by me two years ago in the Daily Nebraskan. What has hap,ened to the suggestion that stu dents on this campus be given a chance to give a formal evaluation of their instructors at the end of the semester? For those who do not remember the purpose of this proposal, they were as follows: 1) To let the instructors (those who care at least) know or be given an idea of how well the subject is being grasped through their instruction. 2) To aid the various department head to make fairer judgments on ad vancement of personnel. This would give them an idea of how well the in structors are working to make their subject pres entation clearer. One must realize that there will be a few who would use this chance for evaluation for their own petty grudges, but I be lieve the large majority of University students would be able to give an honest opinion and fair evaluation of how well the instructor has done. This proposal is not new since many cam puses across the nation do include this evaluation in their scholastic pro grams (University of Southern California for one). I now appeal again to students and faculty to get this type of program rolling. I think it has been long overdue. Sincerely yours, d. o. THE BELL TELEPHONE SALUTE: CAL CRIMP Michigan Bell makes few moves in Southfield without consulting Engineer Cal Crimp (B.S.E.E., 1957). Cal makes studies on where to put new central offices, how to expand old ones, what switching equipment to order. To make these decisions, Cal must interpret forecasts of customer growth. He must also know his equipment and operating costs closely. Such responsibility is not new to COMPANIES him. On an earlier assignment, for instance, he skillfully directed a drafting section of 32 people. Cal Crimp of Michigan Bell Telephone Company and the other young engineers like him in Bell Telephone Companies throughout the country help bring the finest communications service in the world to the homes and businesses of a growing America. BELL TELEPHONE COMPANIES WMIMIMMIMMillllWI ': ffitflyAwX' .'-::::'.:v:: . -."'')" :V mm piii. &P&$i0ZtMffiyf-' ' '00y0'0!'y0!-X . ,! .iO-1'!? .'V' v:-:.-:- sT-fl:':-:-'--'': U 'kWiM0iA0 -W- ' iw&siMSSS v:tf$:;:-::;: -;.:----:-.::-:v.v::-.-.:;. :y - yyyyyyXyMX-X9y:..y w !m' :-';i:S5i--s'i.:Si;;::;.:SS:s::;-::;5 i.-;.V:;.:..:;;::v:--:":V::S 1.0.:. f-,iyyr y:,,::km:9.. ., ,?f ::'V.:, a, . , : s, r : . ;i: . , fy : : vy ; ; . J t l - , r irfV. -Sat"-' f :,- ) .-v-:v, . 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