The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 10, 1962, Page Page 2, Image 2

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The Daily Nebraskan
Wednesday, October 10, 1962
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Page 2
Monday, October 8, 1962
Goldwater Is Meddling
Barry Goldwater, supposed and ex
pressed champion of individual freedoms
and the rights of the American press,
has been accused of meddling, of being
suppressive and expressing un-American
ideas by the University of Colorado
(Boulder) president, Quigg Newton.
Newton's remarks were seconded by
the president of the Student Body.
The remarks came after a letter from
the Arizona Senator arrived at the Uni
versity in which Goldwater questioned the
capabilities and interest of Newton as
president of the University.
(Goldwater's letter was a reply to the
apology Newton sent him after the publi
cation in the Colorado Daily of an arti
cle containing derogatory remarks about
"It is unforgivable meddling in the
affairs of the University in the mist of a
political election," Newton said. He called
the Goldwater letter "an incredible insult
to the University, to the Regents and to
myself personally."
We most definately agree with the
charges that Goldwater is meddling in
affairs that do not concern him and for
being hypocritical in joining the cry "You
must silence those who do not agree with
me!" while at the same time expressing
an unqualified stand for Constitutional
freedoms, in particular, those guaranteed
to the American press.
Goldwater is constantly alarming the
nation about the threat to the Constitu
tion and personal freedoms from Wash
ington and elsewhere. In his letter to Pres
ident Newton he joined the ranks of those
who he has said he is defending the na
tion from. Goldwater has just lit the other
end of his campaign candle.
Goldwater's letter to Newton, received
by the press a day before it was received
by Newton, contained only one specific
complaint: Newton allows free speech
(see Constitution) for all groups on cam
pus, including the Young Socialists. Oth
erwise, the letter was only a slur on New
ton's abilities and intentions as president.
Goldwater might have had some rea
son for demanding the original apology
from the University for the printed arti
cle. It was very derogatory, but a man
like Goldwater should be used to it by
now and we thought that he could show
more toleration and understanding. Espe
cially since he has been such an outstand
ing proponant for our basic freedoms, in
cluding speech.
One thing that has not been brought
out at all is the fact that this article which
angered Goldwater so was not partisan.
It was written by a philosophy student
Its title was "Riding the Whale" and con
tained even more derogatory comments
against President Kennedy (who was ac
cused of pushing the country into W.W.
The only apparent reason for Goldwa
ter's meddling is his dislike for the Uni
versity of Colorado because it allows a
chapter of the Young People's Socialist
League the same freedoms as the Young
Republicans and Young Democrats enjoy.
In our opinion it is now Newton's
(many people at the University of Colo
rado and residents of Colorado have from
time to time expressed dismay over his
refusal to comment on controversial is
sues) turn to demand an apology from
the Senator.
Text of Newton's Letter
Dear Senator Goldwater:
You have made it quite clear that your involvement with the University of Colo
rado goes far beyond the discomfort you feel at being called names by college stu
dents. For this, I must, in all sincerity, thank you. At long last the real issue has been
joined. No longer need we engage in fruitless exchanges about the bad manners of
a handful of students whose violent expressions of opinion only embarrass their friends
and strengthen their enemies.
What remains now is the simple fact that you do not liks the way our University
is being run. My first impulse was to reply, ,as politely as possible, that I did not con
sider it any of your business. But, on reflection, I do not think that would be accurate.
The real issue does involve you, because you have made yourself a symbol of the
suppressive forces which are waging on all-out assult on the University.
And your overt assumption of leadership of the assault can only serve to alert
the people of the state and the nation to the true nature of the attack.
Moreover, by interfering in the affairs of our State University in the midst of an
election campaign, you release me from uncomfortable silence. I cannot speak on
the question of who should be president of the university. But I most certainly can
and will speak out on the question of academic democracy.
We have a genuine democracy of ideas on our campus. We have fought long and
hard to achieve it, and the fight has been against those who like yourself believe
the function of a university is to indoctrinate, rather than educate: to control thought,
rather than stimulate it.
The cry you raise has been very familiar ring ta us: "You must silence those
who do not agree with me!"
We have it from the John Birchers, from the Wolvingtons, from the Rozeks, from
Eakins, from Bromleys (local complainers all), from local Goldwaters. It is always the
same: "Our way is the only American way. All others are un-American and subversive.
You must silence those who no no agree with us!"
Senator, I shall not silence them.
Very truly yours
Quigg Newton
Boy Scouts As Russia Sees Them
How's this for Russian propaganda?
Written by Pravda Russia's leading newspaper.
"A Pravda survey reveals that an organization called the Boy Scouts is turning
American youngsters into hostile war mongering imperialists.
Every boy is forced into joining the Boy Scouts and is trained to be a master of
all forms of espionage, violence and gem warfare.
He quickly becomes a very dangerous tool of the ruthless United States government
At the age of eight or nine, innocent American boys are forcibly herded into an
organization known as the Cub Scouts, which prepares them for future foul deeds.
The Cub Scouts' dictators force the youth to worship the wolf, one of the most vicious
and uncivilized of predatory animals.
After three years of service in the Cub Scouts, the boys, now hooligan adoles
cents, are forced to join the older, more corrupt Boy Scouts.
The most deceitful ritual is the shameful "Court of Honor" where the young war
mongers are decorated with so-called merit badges. It is here they receive awards for
their demolition and sabotage training and call it swimming: "Chemistry" (germ
and poison gas warfare); "pathfinding" (counterespionage); and . "pioneering" (ex
ploitation of underdeveloped nations.)"
Na dripping, na .......
Old Spice Pro-E..,., Ct.
skin areas from razor tecu .
your beard or th9 ce ' '
Oo NX V -9
by gary thompson
One of the most inter
esting and clearly con
trasted camp igns of this
election is taking place in
the First Congressional
District race. The figures
in this contest are the Re
publican incumbent Ralph
Beermann and the Demo
cratic nominee Clair Cal
lan. The primary charges
against the incumbent are
that he has failed to rep
resent the interests of Ne
braska and has blindly '
opposed almost every
piece of legislation that
has come before the
Looking more closely at
the record Ralph Beer
mann has compiled i two
years of Congressional ex
perience, it is seen that
he has not only failed to
represent Nebraska's in
terests but has actually
voted against them.
An outstanding example
of this is the Sugar Act
passed last spring. This
act will provide .for a
" greater market for do
mestically produced su
gar beets, a growing in
dustry in Nebraska agri
culture. Representative Beer
mann voted against both
farm bills, in spite of the
fact that they were sup
Trted by a majority of
the farmers of his dis
trict. '
Other issues which have
come up affecting Nebras
ka include the school
lunch program, extension
of Social Security, and a
$4 billion Water Projects
Beermann's stand on
these are as follows: the
school lunch program is
unconstitutional; an ex
tension of Social Security
to widows with dependent
children is more social
ism; and no one knows
how he stood on the Wa
ter Projects Appropriation
Bill which included some
$17 million of funds for
development of Nebras
ka's water ways as Beer
. mann has refused to tell
the people of the state
t how he voted in the voice
'vote on this bill.
Beermann also has on
his conscience his votes
against increased appro
priations for the Peace
Corps and space explora
tion. In spite of the fact
that an overwhelming ma
jority of the people of this
state and around the na
tion, both Democrats and
Republicans, have voiced
their approval of the
Peace Corps, and in spite
of the fact that we must
take the initiative in space
exploration, he has voted
against both issues. His
reasons for such decisions
are anyone's guess.
Clair Callan, the Demo
cratic nominee is a mod
erate in his political at
titudes. On the issues
which so far have been
presented, Callan is vocif
erous in his support of
them, but he is not in full
support of federal aid to
education (he prefers a
limited form of assist
ance), or on medical care
for the aged under Social
An Odell businessman
who is associated in many
ways with the farmers,
Clair Callan is concerned
with the farm problem.
He realizes that to jerk
away farm supports a
plan which Beermann fa
vorswould indeed imple
ment the program the
CED proposed regarding
moving farmers away
from the farm, and real
izes this would seriously
damage Nebraska's econ
omy since it is so depen
dent upon agriculture.
While Beermann's idea
is to give the farmers the
"right to fail" (as he has
put it), Callan seeks to
give farmers the "oppor
tunity to succeed."
This is the most clearly
defined campaign in
which the issues of blind
obstructionism and pro
gressive legislation open
ly clash.
Beermann has opposed
from ninety to ninety-five
percent of all legislation
coming before the House,
including many items ben
eficial to Nebraska.
On the other hand, Clair
Callan wishes to represent
Nebraska and the people
of the state voting for leg
islation which will help
Nebraska to progress and
which the people favor,
while at the same time
opposing that which he be
lieves is unfavorable to
a majority of the consti
tuents of his district
By john w. reiser
Who really works for
the protection of the
American farmer, small
businessman, and wage
earner? For many years, Dem
ocratic candidates have
claimed to be the real
friend of the groups
named above. And yet, in
increasing percentages,
the American farmer and
those of f a r m communi
ties have voted for Re
publican candidates and
embraced conservatism.
The very nature of
their profession runs
against the grain of long
range orders issued from
central-governmental bu
reaucratic channels.
In his first term in Con
gress, Ralph Beermann
has done an exhaustive
job on the House Agricul
tural Committee to pre
vent such binding con
trols from being imposed
on the operations of Ne
braska farmers and on
the nation's farmers.
Last spring's hard
fought primary gives us a
sterling example of Beer
mann's dedication to this
task and his complete
As the campaign raged
on here in Nebraska,
Beermann stayed in
Washington to do his
share to prevent the so
cialistic administration
farm bill from being re
ported out of committee.
Beermann's stands are
well - known on other is
sues. He is the staunch
ally of limited central
government, individual '
freedom, and personal re
sponsibility. He is the im
placable foe of welfare
state spending schemes,
a timid foreign policy,
creeping socialism and
federal enroachment upon
individual rights.
His opponent, Clair Cal
lan, probably deserves
even less mention than 5
shall give him here. He
has been a perennial can
didate for one thing or
another for several
years, (in 1960, his own
party rejected him on two
separate occasions when
he sought the nomination
to the United States Sen
ate.) This year he could not
decide readily what he
would run for (filing first
for Lieutenant Governor
and then for Congress).
He advocates a farm pol
icy repeatedly renounced
by the farmers them
selves and tries to ally
himself with the Ken
nedys and be a middle-of-the-roader
at the same
time which is an absolute
impossibility by most def
initions of terms.
His record of service or
genuine accomplishment
could probably be written
between the lines of this
column. His qualifications
could be handled between
the letters of the words
which I write.
The choice is between a
young, dynamic Congress
man of sound political
convictions by Nebraska
standards and a young
man in a big hurry who
has seemingly nothing to
offer the voters but a
tired and shop-worn phil
osophy of government
which went out with the
feudal system it characterizes.
W e have Set Aside Rooms at
Winter Rate for Students
for Information CM or Slop Bf
Nobody evei lost an Eagle TabsriapV : (
under the dresser ,
ANY men who would like t4 wear tab collar shirts do not do so because they
object to the tyranny of collar buttons. It is not just that collar buttons are
hard to find when you need then). (Contrary to popular belief collar buttons do
not always roll under furniture. Hie only sure way of finding a collar button is to
walk around barefoot in the dark fintil you step on it. Now there is an experience.)
No, there is something else: some men are simply not built for collar buttons.
Their Adam's apples are in the wrong place. Or their hands are not the right sliape
for wrestling with all those empty collar button holes. So they end up wilty and out
of sorts before they ever hit the street. It is the haberdashery equivalent of cutting
yourself shaving. But that is a thing of the past An Eagle Tabsnap Shirt is
secured by one simple, inaudible click.; As you can see from the illustration, it lies
inconspicuously flat and neat. Thi snap enclosure is covered by the same material
as the shirting itself. Eagle Tabsnaps are Available in a wide range of colors and
patterns!, with short sleeves or, regular. ;!r Yes; it appears that the- collar button
will join the button fly in the museum of clothing antiquities. Say, that is a good
idea. If you can find your collar button please send it to us and we will start one
(The AfTlerbach Collection) 'right j here' jn Quakertown., In returnjwe will tell; you
where lit your-town you can 'find Eagle Shirts. Otherwise how would you know?
Miss Afflerbach, Eagle Shirtmakcrs Quakertown, Pennsylvania
Dear Miss Afflerbach: .
Here fa my collar bulton. I couldn't find il but plea write anyway.
Youri very truly,
Hani ,
Daily Nebraskan
Telephone 432-7631 ext. 4225. 4226, 4227
Member Associated Collegiate Press, International
Press Representative, National Advertising Service, In.
corporated. Published at: Room 51, Student Union, Lin
coln 8, Nebraska.
Enlen4 u ttmt eUar matter, wstaj wli t tt pact fflct la UaMla,