The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 10, 1962, Image 1
UNIVERSITY OP NCBRl x LIBRARY ARCrUsfS OCT 10 1362 Liberal flyHAXA . COPSE W . Daily Nebraskan Reporter Thirty faculty members met Monday night for this year's first Faculty Round Table discussion and heard Dr. Royce Knapp. professor of secondary education, read and comment on his paper, "Liberal Education: Is It Pos sible?" Dr. Knapp told the group that a Lincoln businessman, present at a meeting last spring when Dr. Knapp read iis paper, reacted to it with the following comment: "Un iess you people in higher edu cation realize that the only Theme Is 'Reel Riots" Kosmet Kliib Show Slated for Nov. 17 The annual Kosmet Klub Fall Show will be held Satur- day, Nov. IT at Pershing Auditorium. The show will consist of be- tween four and five acts put on bv various fraternities on the general theme of "Reel Riots." The theme of each s k 1 1 should portrav some sattre , en a recent Hollywood f i 1 m r some phase of the nwvie- eanitai L-iai life capital's social life. Alpha Tau Omega. Beta; Theta Pi, Kappa Sigma. Phi' :ir;rvU"r"ri Preyed a dedre to partki - I .! T " i From these seven, and aav ; f more who wish to try oat, four or five skits will be Plans Set For Sessioiihvo Contents Seaton, Morrion To Debate Here Fred Seaton and Gov. Frank Morrison. Republican asd Democratic candidates far ffovereor. resoectivelv. are i; s&zted ta amear at t!se T ri- TrsitT cm (V5 2 for a reifatic qsesfcoa-an-assw-er session, f rrArrfi-:i ta Steve Siastnv. ii .w i-t., vnui Pinv-w. 1 cass I Last week Got. Morris part in a gbc debate on e tbe grwajd rdes sboald read tkt !a be tasJ and presented to fef, t asdsdates bv a moderator. secwerg so Mas:r.y. Yccrg DeawK-raSs pwsktett Oaiy iMimps&n saaa cai ec wwM relay Seatoas segges-J; teas to fee govroor fw his "SSns Ketxg tx wises ess It v&e Smaect CmnaL 1 SiasiEv also smmzneei at Sa& mi3 aear at a YR EcCTg cm Oct. Ii at 7:33 Concert Tickets Are Being Sold Seasoa tk.ts ffr t&e Lia--jimale3y at Hast week's cj!2 jTr;pbcCT Orilrfstra rTy. Ke adsd Siat Corn sod are is vfte bsb$c:C3 a-ad atianiaat)B were &ep2tzaez& ffiae. J very pleased wsi the ca3act s ilbe price of seasaa bc-kfsts and spsriL. s SS ami stc0e ataassieffl j He is 3AiEg forward to aa- for adh concert is C o-tsr ttf raly this weti. - Breckenridge Notes Faculty Obligations Semae vei--fiAT tl a fT. ' Tt;., ny;a gJj 4aJtC V X-. reswe-e asigtmeaL "EnKienriflge cmanetSed. "11 is & aocgw etiangto fer CiBTsirjr sjicieEroen to saale tLbal ued exists or t&at there as ' rising xrcIbxiiH3t. These are basic items, of course. toL benve!.&r&. tbe sitoatkra wH regiane thai spaixtTXies fw thss asd 5hr anOTeriataes be arjued wah tkvre aui more snkiruaSkm abend the basic nature off MtHtmr eniottioiL It mess that tbe piih-ic wi3 rensire satire wszgML itnio tiie anaiofsztic eiuasoeajce naa ever ce- .; tcuie.' -Tiat iats2jBa wia 1 t&aUe; tocreasiiiff rtf-w- oas ssppori ana a was tatM for t?7rt ia the years abe-ai. Bmt if ask. rowed that they begin jsJay we ! al ghe. It mast intrae tlat ec f if :Cg fur scoal fsxtcs in the aa wastaaiiEg ia h respectne apjet." ; rear foiure. Em-sesridge &&ia. Ereciitsjrjflge also uMted, beacroe mOTasrng3y arssil est irf rrltis. I Vrg thai tbe impact f the cmspesve la nLbtT bssisess. Use sesitte xppm-ed tae caleiMUr itaoect. s-iricred severe beaa tw tbe sxmiser sessira ami tbe ae-adesak jjcruts and body braises Friday jf-. " es-eoicg, Aa issnenimesA was pasi to inc-23ie Sept. 21 and Sept i Patiser and his p3edf e 28 in tbe days fur repstratiyn iar !a3 seeska aattl year. ;'brebers are ia a has pre liis was Zxe to cEaMe those whs bfld faS-tiiDe jobs ?pirixg to Heave on a pledge to Jii-ve a Saturday in wlikh to regifler fw scght courses. i saeak wtiea be acciiSentjJJy Mi Bercioe Slal was relec5ia as the SeCTeury cf the 5nilfe. Education Discussed at reasaBjfte hire you is to train people, then we aren't going to pay you." The paper brings out that in our society, based on hu ; man rights and freedom, edu- cators are debating on how to glve America's grey flannel j image, the specialist, a more liberal, comprehensive educa i tion. i "I believe a liberal educa tion is possible," said Dr. j Knapp. "but I b e 1 i e v e we jhave to get at the job." Improve Opportunities "We are morally and intel flectually committed to create improved educational oppor ; chosen to appear in the show. j J "Those chosen will be based on q u a 1 i t y. showmanship, jj cleverness and coherence said Bill Gunlicks. Publicity t Chairman of Kosmet Klub. j Gunlicks also commented, I consent of the ad- i ministration, cash prizes may mend. tQ de'rKav S Pfns mvolved m the pro-: , 4 ... . '." ,7;" " Priws-th BSBal trophies will I also be awarded. All skitmasters are urged to come to a Kosmet Klub: meeting concerning the Fall Sbow skits Ttatsda3r mht at 7:30 in the Student Union. The traveler acts will try- out during the first week in . . j; November. The acts can be, no more than five minutes long. All interested persons j t should contact Steve Joynt : at the Delta Tan Delta house as soon as possible To Higlilight Fridav Rallv i Com Cobs and Tassels will oos ana i assess win; a rally Friday at ?ass 0 P-m h a I lion The rally will begin with parade starting at Cari?Ki , Tower and ending on the; - smth stem of the Student f Union. SSLlft tast tkm, vi rnn. aBd Aipba Gamma' F" . is vcxed oi two pledges from tie fratern- itv and a wiri cf t!aeir choice. , treaty be presented to s . jj wjsisiEg team. jfee winner of the news -Cc,n--iker Svjsbol NaiaiEg jj SSi to tbe Homemsag uasace. i Imraediatetv fIkwing tbe raHv then will be as XlLr tAtVERSITY Victory Dare ia the Pa-Araeriraa Rmm I 4 tSee l'B. Mksk will be ie1 i tia r lauiea u siem om w GTgznLzzzwms m-: pni&e4 tbe Wtlsoa (ia- through because of lack ofvitiag tJsern to participate." Itttt. " ;l available taHesst. ansBooiDced jj stated IiaJa Kmrtsel. Activi- a Rger Stori, CBra Co bjjDave Scb&iz. RAM presidessLlties Mart cfcainnaa. ' Rally Oxmas. refo-rted it&i ' "Ortgiaally, tbe proceed "G-men responiei ;r.-iicae there was a crowd of appre.xi- were to go to tie Ortkopedic that man than &k& Use : to mve feaaria3 srp- : ,mtw .mTirf ... . . . . - aa rfl years o has liat e are m the tragi)- we Lave jcsl bef aa to Seel twees iBrfiHrod." 5 tunities for youth to help them come to grips with in creasingly complex current problems and with some of the age-old problems that still plague mankind." Dr. Knapp continued. His paper continued with an analysis of the hstory of nigner education, and of the j effects of 20th century tech-i nology and specialization. ; Following Dr. Knapp's talk there was a discussion fea turing comments made by: the faculty members present, j Comments were directed ati the proposals Knapp present- j ed for liberalizing American i education, the need for Iio-j eraliziation, and the ability of instructors to teach students to think. s S vol. fO, ino. O : i )xrs a mmr ?f -v innocents liisciose .For .Ho t 6 J t w j. - i f TJt . ; jf i j? fV bJto&m&K :. li t ' "T h - 'I i'irSiriii mrrvf - :. - DETOUR! Stodents take a long cut' t class as Ed Mason, photojournalism sfa deat, snaps a picture of men working eo If 4 I ' . 1 1 sxt itfliil lXliUJi Produce Show r . . ; ft an aaiversay,, . varseST stow produced by the." L 1 SeC C!ir and backed by Wedsesday. Resides: Assoaatwa for; "Over I'M klters have been ."M.. 4f.1TT. Hospital," said ScbeJr. "bwt rsixber f organizaSES rep- iw tbe rbir wHl probably resented at fee I'pperclass ; jwt male as appeanacc.)art wria partkipa:e," she' tbtre." said. Osixr business o&sdacled Each orgaaizatwa wO send & ti R AM mev?if Monday ,a repre-setSatJve t, tp!ain ; ciaded tbe oESce cbacge-: swtiviitT as4 is resooasi-'; ; overs. Ef .b3e for decoratisg feeir hooch. s t!!fIif!: AWS P---" ;Pelemffl a etoa to re- m fTd u $ta... ek was eted lra.WraI frraged to pajwe. ;rectisr. ... . by tie eeewtae mbc3 i fm a RAM Cmb. S? t 42 Sdjeck sock hc Sat-'P-m. 3 Snrday Eifit aad thrwuih Has "We hope lie fresco are perfcnnaBC faised the sup- es&miisae alat the Marl " pat of RAM. Darkf fee dis-'jtsct feel that no orae siocld : 9 cassias an objectiaa wasjjip cp jf he is not siacerely 1 raised as to wtsether tbe &3'! feerested in woitaa tor that' iba. wtadi presently ecss&s 't)TgSz2m. FresfcDea nsjjst ''M t Eno, ossJd ajAsqaaie-jgiisu reraeober oot to over-,; t ictcaji i oe C30 was givea iac-Mua- , StaueDt Iniarel . ... , -From Sneak 3Ilhap 3 Ray Pakiser. a Usav-ersity ;!lat the wiadw lelease latch aM fell from the bus. One faculty member, in re sponse to Dr. Knapp's state ment that freshman survey courses, consisting of rote memorization of facts, were not to be considered the basis of a liberal education said: Must Give Facts "When students come here! they don't know any facts. So, we have to give them facts, j Our introduction to modern ' government teaches the: meanings of things; we tell these kids that the bill of j rights are for those who need ' it: that a man is not being j sneaky when he pleads the! fifth amendment, he is cxer-j cising a constitutional right. j It is surprising how this: amazes them." j Another faculty member, ' it mecom It .. 'i, wC... t reSlimeil Mart . l' Sext Week Tie AWS Fresannen Activs- . - - - is Maan wa tw ra ise par- ..T from 2-a p.m. and tS Ag Ac- . w . m ioaa meaasen'es. coauwioaiaa i jjj Kiajre!. MB's Start Anni Sale J"?r Tr J"V,, : fag Mam sales began th week. Mi ii jsr jJA4l ?arnmmi,l.l.rr-iw,,,,-,r -.ii.ii ' M i- They are 11 and may be 5 EHevea seasws in Vocation Hrchased from any Mer- al AfrkTCitaire will attend a tar Board. Tie MB"s are Karas City coat-lave of AS-J president; asd stadect-teacb-sdbedMird to visit all resl- ':pha Taa Alpha, the natiorai ers Bob Abraham, Ron Cool, deaces campus a the "Voc Ag faoniorary. ;PaaI Imm. Alan Jorgensea, tit few weeks. TV L'riveriJy chapter, Fred Krajisnkk, Tom Matt- Tlis ear ZJSM were r- .tofifflded in 1325 was the sec-a son. Lee Reed, Dennis Siek dered Wt mre than last Wit! of its kmd to be organ- man. Marvin Sitoritis. and vear. ned in the United Stales. Ne- Gary Yogi. Faculty defending the theory of in tense specialization, was asked by , another faculty member, "Would you like to have a narrowly specialized man on the Board of Re gents?" In answer the staff mem ber said: "It seems to me that if a man was competent in his f.eld. say as a doctor or scientist, this would spill over and he would necessari ly make competent judg ments in other area." After a barrage of opinions on the quality of American students, and Nebraska Uni versity students in particular, one member of the faculty said: No Selective .Methods It is true that in America I The Daily Nebraskan 2fi mg the steam tnnnel excavation north of the Social Sciences Building. ( Photo bv Roger Wait. Art Gallery J Buildins h G Says Regents Member By TOM Nebraskan fVrTiriflimw f.r tV nlari Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery took place yesterday at 11 am. Speakers m the program were Clarence Swanson of tbe Bard of Resents, Fred Wells of tbe Nebraska Art A5.-x.utxrt. asd Mrs. A. B. Sheldon, a donor, and Chan ce!5or Clifford Hardin. Is his speech Clarence Swanson stated, Tbe btiild iiig is a moaomeat whkh will draw stadenu and adults t tbe t'niversity." br2ska ear1v ati2ns raaaded- She added "that tbe . fjtQ Airs, inewwo peaaea fiKiigM. - Wel'is called t!je re gallery. "Tbe realizations of U.e goals c mary wto glided the art association through the years."" CHrtents of tbe new crfierUBe are evidence of bow far ewraerstftfle lating has progressed in SJMi years. In tbe far past tbe cateu of creeritooes were isoaHy a .... Early Siamese actaaBy eoclosed Inunan skeletons, presainsaKy sacrificial victos to gaard butldingt and gales. Balf arsaas aised to measure a man's shadow with a stneg asd plaice tbe striEg in the cornertoine to StrcEgben the hmZdizg" and to provide a "sotd izrii an" for the e&iixe. The gafflety coroerstoBe inclades: a pbotofraph of yesterday's cerenKwy. crests of the SbeJdon and Bromley lamujes KMUkw, vostes w A. Bromley SheSdon. a letter cootamiBg the name cf i arcltatact Philip Johnson, a history of tise Nebraska art 1 Association, contraction pictures aiid copies of daily I jsewspapers. copses of laying ceremony program, and tbe j Board of Regents formal acceptance of the Sheldon be- " quests. 4 C.,;, 1 4 tt.wl oc Ag SCIHOrs IO AtleiHl -liCCt Round Table we do not have a selective i for secondary and higher ed ucation. If we did, two-thirds j of us would be unemployed." j Other faculty members agreed with Dr. Knapp on the responsibility of the instruc tor and curriculum in stimu lating student thought. Many of the instructors were especially concerned with a lack of student inter est in reading. "We must help students recognize that read ing not only "pleasures the prof but also pleasures the student. If the youngster in thi University 'eels, and is made sure, and is aware that reading will pay off in higher grades, in recognition from his instructor, and by the ef The D ispiays Houses Start Work By SUSIE SMITHBERGER Nebraskan Staff Writer Bustle, bustle! Plans have been formulated and work has started on Homecoming dis plays! This year for the first time living units had the opportun ity to combine in a joint dis play. As a result there will be three divisions instead of two. Combined groups will be in the joint division and individual groups in men's or British Architect To Speak Today Sir Hugh Casson, Eritish architect, will speak today at the regional meeting of t h e Collegiate Schools of Archi tecture, which is hosted by "the university. A TtTTimifwi f.f tv It ft trfiiFa rK vsv-n etna I overseas wiU speak on the r subject of the meeting. 'What I Tan Wp Im from Srhools j I Abroad?" Ceremony r Monument McGINNIS Staff Writer - ff r.f tlhn 4rinrtAin for the mat a is a creoii ia .e- w-ere Cii!tarallv first art association of fee wars were stffl uk ia r imx oaeiuuu aim braska's delegates to Kansas City are: Dale Pohtaan, fect it has on his own writ- It.- 1 III - .4 . , f I f tug, iic nui icuu muic, aiu one of the facility members. The wife of one of the new geology instructors at the University stated that she felt survey courses kill initiative. She cited the art history de partment from which only one course, the introductory general survey, is available to non-majors. "You mean, one crystalized experience in a subject, taken in depth, is preferable to a shotgun bar rage?" summarized another faculty member. Chairman of the Faculty Round TabU, which holds open meetings once a month, is Professor William Wey mouth of the physics department. Wednesday, October 10, 1962 mes women's divisions. Forty-two houses are build ing 26 displays. Houses with out displays on their lawn may have a sign stating where their display is located, but the cost of the sign will be in eluded in the $309 limit, said chairman. The houses and their dis plays are: JOINT DIVISION Sigma Alpha Epsflon-Alpha Chi Omega built on Al pha Chi lawn, "Big 8 Color ing Book;" Alpha Gamma Rho-Kappa Delta en Kappa Delta lawn. -Huskers Hit the Jackpot;'' Sigma No-Alpha Delta Pi on Sigma Nu lawn, "Something fer Cat;" Phi Kappa Psi-Kappa Alpha Theta on Theta lawn, "We Can Swal low Anything But DeFeet;" Tnangle-Sigma Kappa on Sigma Kappa lawn. ' Batter ! CE51G;" gma -P, Mu" i Sg?! nSaaIn "a5KCP 1 "P- im ; Tigers Pop:" Burr Hall East i and West, "Nebraska Football j Observers Demand Holding I Action;" Phi Delta Theta- Gamma Phi Beta on Phi Delt I lawn. "Give 'Em the Brush." Sigma Phi Epsilon-Delta Gamma on Sig Ep lawn, "The Nebraska Side Story:" Alpha Tau Omiga-Kappa Kappa Gamma on ATO lawn, "Tiger Stock Takes a Tumble;" The ta Xi-AIpha Omicron Pi on Theta Xi lawn. "Strike 'Em- Don "t Spare 'Em;" Delta Sig- r -"v - - a Ph:Zta Taa Alpha on Delta Sig lawn, "One Dark Nizht on Husker Hill. Delta Tan Delta-Pi Beta Phi en Delt lawn. "Bull 'Era Over;" Beta Theta Pi-Alpha Phi m Alpha Phi lawn, "N Dice. Tigers Hoskers Will Ron;" Beta Sigma Psi-Delta TVIta Delta m Tri-Delt lawn, "Cnusin' fr a Enrisia';" FarmHse-Cbi Omega Chi Omega lawn, "G Big Red." MEN'S DniSiON Acacia, "Rah;" Alpha Gam ma Sigma, "Melt the Tigers;' Delta l'ps3on. "M on iter Mash Miz2oa;" Kappa Sigma, "New Nebraska Mauls Ti gers;" Pi Kappa Phi, "Hanj tbe T.?en:" Sigma Chi, "De Feet De Tigers:" and Delta Sigma Pi. "The Tiger Twist" WOMEN'S DrVTSIOX A!pha Xi Delta, "Tip tbe Ti gers and Dye Them Red;" Residence HaU, "Wilt the Ti gers." A plaque will be given for first, second and third place winners in the joint division. A traveling trophy will also be aw arded. Is the men's divisfea, plaque iil be Riven for first, second and third place. Un less tbe traveling trophy that was stoles frrai the Kappa Sigma bose is returned, a sew traveling trophy will have to be pnrchased, according to Cass. A plaque and traveling tro phy will be presented to the winner in the women's divi sion. The NU Homecoming wHl be Nov. 3 against Missouri and the displays wHl he in operation tbe night before tbe game. o.